单词 | 天赋 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 天赋 noun —gift nless common: flair n • inborn n • sense n 天赋 —innate skillSee also:赋—taxation • endow with • poetic essay • bestow on 天 n—day n • sky n • heaven n
该代表团重申了马耳他的立场,即生命权是每个人,包括从受孕开始的胎儿 的天赋权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | The delegation reiterated Malta’s position that the right to life was an inherent right of every human being, including the unborn child from its conception. daccess-ods.un.org |
这个概念 还包括对女性和男性在性格、天赋和 行 为方面 的期望。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The concept also includes the expectations held about the characteristics, aptitudes and behaviors of both women and men. unesdoc.unesco.org |
塑造长处:为了更好地推进康复的进程,我们应该积极去发掘他们的长处 、 天赋 和 潜 能, 而不是一直盯着病症和问题不放。 hongfook.ca | Building on strengths: To move forward, it’s important to explore and mobilize a person’s strengths, talents and potential rather than focus on symptoms and problems. hongfook.ca |
他在学习方面很困难,但却拥有惊人的足 球 天赋。 specialolympics.org | Learning some things was hard, but [...] football was his amazing talent. specialolympics.org |
出生在哥伦比亚巴兰基亚的夏奇拉从小就表现出了表 演 天赋。 unicef.org | Born in Barranquilla, Colombia, Shakira showed promise as a performer at an early age. unicef.org |
苹果布卢姆在努力寻找自己的天赋和 她自己的商标,要求从她的姐妹苹果白兰地和她的朋友的意见。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Apple Bloom starts striving to find her own talent and get her own mark, asking advice from her sister Applejack and her friends. seekcartoon.com |
为了最大限度地发挥天赋资源具有的发 展潜力,谨慎投资和能力建设战略至关重要;(e) 大多数最不发达国家的市场规 模很小,从而使经济一体化成为确保竞争力和增加私营部门投资的关键,在这方 面,公营和私营部门的伙伴关系又成为制定国家一体化战略的关键工具;(f) 私 营部门现在已成为商业发展战略的重要组成部分,在确保最不发达国家充分纳入 全球价值链方面具有日益重要的利益关系。 daccess-ods.un.org | In order to maximize the development potential that accompany those endowments, careful investment and capacity-building strategies are critical; (e) the small size of most least developed country markets makes economic integration critical to ensuring competitiveness and increased private sector investment and, in that regard, publicprivate partnerships are a key tool in informing country integration strategies; (f) the private sector, which now represents important components of business development strategies, has an increasingly important stake in ensuring that least developed countries are fully integrated into global value chains. daccess-ods.un.org |
想起贝克的音乐天赋,Oris 在其一如既往的传统精致的表款特色之上,添加了看似复杂的音乐乐谱,交相辉映。 oris.ch | Remembering [...] the musical talent of Baker, the watch delivers an aura of sophistication and typical Oris refinement, [...]with a musical twist. oris.ch |
对学生的学习情况应进行全面的评 估,要考虑他在课堂上的表现、兴趣、态 度、掌握实际技能和专业技能的能力、相对 的进步,适当考虑他的天赋、考 试及其它测 验成绩。 unesdoc.unesco.org | assessed on an overall basis that considers class participation, interests and attitude, aptitude for acquiring practical skills and competencies, and relative progress, allowance being made for aptitudes and examinations and other tests. unesdoc.unesco.org |
基金会的目的旨在协助在艺术或体育领域 有 天赋 、 特 殊才华的孩童达成梦想。 clarinsusa.com | The foundation's aim is to help children with a gift or talent in the arts or sports to fulfil their dreams. clarinsusa.com |
印度河两岸的文明生生不息 5 000 多年,它将会 延续下去,而且,如果我们现在齐心协力,我们就能 够应对这个挑战,并确保巴基斯坦未来世代都有机会 实现他们自己的天赋潜力。 daccess-ods.un.org | It will continue, and if we come together now, we can meet this challenge and ensure that future generations in Pakistan have the opportunity to realize their own God-given potential. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,他对于香味的天赋渗透 到每一件Fresh产品中并且不断积累成一个日益增长的Fresh“香氛图书馆”,可以根据客户的品位,打造单独或具有层次感的香味。 lvmh.cn | In addition, his gift for fragrance permeates each Fresh product and has culminated in an ever-growing library of Fresh fragrances that can be worn alone or layered for a customized scent. lvmh.com |
A Very Special Christmas 7”发行,该唱片是 Christmas 唱片系列中的一张,注入了新生代歌星 的 天赋 和 活 力。 specialolympics.org | A Very Special Christmas 7" is released, infusing the Christmas record series with the energy and talent of a new generation of music stars. specialolympics.org |
精 致岛屿体验是 One&Only 瑞提拉岛豪 华度假村酒店夜晚的主题,而原创、 新鲜的美食体现出的是厨师对美食的 追求与天赋。 oneandonlyresorts.com | At One&Only Reethi Rah, island chic is the keynote for evenings, and the innovative and fresh cuisine is prepared with passion and flair. oneandonlyresorts.com |
设立了儿童福利局,为有天赋的学生开办学校,创办了儿童文化之 家;通过设立儿童议会和青年议会,巩固了民主化进程和人权价值 观;通过自由和直接选举方式在学校设立了“人权之友”组织 daccess-ods.un.org | The establishment of a child welfare authority, schools for gifted students and the Children’s Culture Home; the consolidation of democratization processes and human rights values through the creation of the Children’s Parliament and the Youth Parliament; and efforts to establish “Friends of Human Rights” groups in schools through free and direct elections daccess-ods.un.org |
这对精力充沛的夫妻搭档将他们艺术创造力 的 天赋 和 严 密的生产标准结合起来,让 Ebel 手表在奢侈手表市场立于不败之地,并受到世界各地手表鉴赏家的青睐。 hk.ashford.com | This dynamic husband and wife team combined their talents of artistic creativity and rigid production standards and made Ebel Watches a fixture in the luxury watch market and coveted by watch connoisseurs worldwide. ashford.com |
Moser花费了大约18个月就赢得了具有杰 出 天赋 专 家的声誉,并获得了来自意大利及巴黎的工作机会。 hautehorlogerie.org | It only takes Moser about eighteen months to develop a reputation as an outstandingly talented specialist, and he receives offers of work from Italy and Paris. hautehorlogerie.org |
在古典格雷戈里我们有时会发现修辞学家,在金口从来没有,他惊人 的 天赋 阻 止 他的艺术需要援助,虽然培训了之前,它一直在精力充沛的流动和思想的话洪流丢失。 mb-soft.com | In the classical Gregory we may sometimes [...] find the rhetorician; in Chrysostom never; [...] his amazing natural talent prevents his [...]needing the assistance of art, and though [...]training had preceded, it has been lost in the flow of energetic thought and the torrent of words. mb-soft.com |
加大资金投入,引导心理专家从事开发残疾人智力 和 天赋 的 工作,并进行相应 审查。 daccess-ods.un.org | Review and inputs for the psychological profile and guide for gifted and talented education daccess-ods.un.org |
2007 年 2 月 28 日,众议院内提出了第二项法案草案,即《2007 年波多黎各 [...] 自决法案》(H.R.1230),承认波多黎各人民有权召开一个制宪会议,藉此行使其 天赋自决权,并建立一个由国会审议这种决定的机制。 daccess-ods.un.org | A second draft bill, the Puerto Rico Self-Determination Act of 2007 (H.R.1230), was introduced in the House of Representatives on 28 February 2007, recognizing the right of the people of Puerto Rico to call a constitutional [...] convention through which the people would [...] exercise their natural right to self-determination [...]and to establish a mechanism [...]for congressional consideration of such decision. daccess-ods.un.org |
别担心,我没有任何手工艺方面的 天赋 , 也 安全地完成了安装这个QLOCKTWO。 iontime.ch | No worries: I have no talent whatsoever, when it comes to handicrafts, and managed to install the Qlocktwo without major accidents. iontime.ch |
举办了第一届特殊才能儿童大赛,其目的是评估、激发和 培养具有创作才能和戏剧天赋的特 殊儿童和青少年的潜 能,帮助其全面发展,促进包容性教育的发展。 daccess-ods.un.org | The first edition of a contest entitled “Children with Special Talent”, which aims to recognize, encourage and develop the creative and acting potential of children and young people with special needs in order to facilitate their comprehensive development and to promote the dissemination of inclusive education daccess-ods.un.org |
这些举措包括天赋资源举措和欧洲 委员会关于在 Natura 2000 网络方案发展矿业活动的指导方针。 daccess-ods.un.org | These included the Resource Endowment Initiative and the European Commission guidance on development of mining activities in the Natura 2000 Networking Programme. daccess-ods.un.org |
1979年诞生的Piaget Polo系列不仅是一个高级腕表系列,更是一个标志,象征伯爵的创 造 天赋。 piaget.com.cn | The Piaget Polo is not just a luxury timepiece born in 1979. It is an icon; the distillation of the creative genius of the Manufacture Piaget. en.piaget.com |
教育部已经做出特别承诺,帮助在数学和科学领域天资聪颖的小女孩和青 年女性发展这种天赋。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Ministry has made a particular commitment to [...] promoting the talents of young girls and women who display [...]exceptional aptitudes in mathematics and science. daccess-ods.un.org |
为应付这些挑战,欧盟各国政府可能会单独行动:德国有可怕的出口机器,英国说要调整英镑的货币平价,并依靠就业市场的灵活性和城市的吸引力,而法国则寄希望于他们民族的 “ 天赋 ”。 china.blackstone.com | To cope with these challenges, our governments might be tempted to do it alone: the Germans relying on their formidable exporting machine, the British say by adjusting the parity of the pound, and relying on the [...] flexibility of the job market and the attractiveness of the City, and the French [...] falling back on their “natural genius”. blackstone.com |
由于认识到预防暴力的有重要意义,她呼吁稳步投资幼儿教育,以确保充分 发挥儿童的天赋和能 力,让青年人摆脱贫穷和不利处境,促进他们融入社会。 daccess-ods.un.org | Recognizing the importance of violence prevention, she called for steady investment in early childhood education to ensure the development of children’s talents and abilities to their full potential, to break the cycle of poverty and disadvantage for young people and to promote their social inclusion. daccess-ods.un.org |
这包括全面 履行现有的承诺和加强履行承诺的监察工作; ( d) 天赋自然 资源是未来十年最不 发达国家重要的机遇和潜在的收入来源。 daccess-ods.un.org | That included the full implementation of existing commitments and enhanced monitoring of commitment enforcement; (d) natural resource endowments present a significant opportunity and potential source of income for least developed countries in the coming decade. daccess-ods.un.org |