

单词 天花乱坠

See also:

天花 v

ceilings v




spend recklessly
waste money

External sources (not reviewed)

不管以色列代表团说得是如 天花乱坠 , 可只 有 25%的非限制类必需品获准进入加沙。
The flowery picture painted by the Israeli delegation notwithstanding, only 25 per cent of the essential non-restricted goods were being allowed into Gaza.
T.V. Padma介绍了当报道临床试验的管理和结果的时候,如何区分真正的进展 天花乱坠 的 广告宣传,并且质疑了不良做法。
T.V. Padma shows you how to separate real progress from hype and challenge poor practice when you're reporting on the conduct and outcomes of a clinical trial.
世界卫生组织条例规定,成员国可采取检疫措施 防范四种疾病,即乱、鼠 疫、黄热病 天花。
The World Health Organization regulations provide for quarantine
action which member nations may take with respect to four
[...] diseases, namely, cholera, the plague, yellow fever, and small pox.
塔拉尔先生(巴基斯坦)(以英语发言):我要首先 感谢摩洛哥王国就巴基斯坦天的不 幸 坠 机 事 件表 示的慰问。
(Pakistan): Let me begin by thanking the Kingdom of Morocco for its condolences on yesterday’s tragic air crash in Pakistan.
位于7层的顶天花板部 分坍塌,在场者拍摄的现场录像被发布到网上,向世界其它地区传递这种瞬间出现的极度 乱。
The top 7th floor ceiling partially collapsed and a video recording ofthat scene taken by a user was released on the Internet, transmitting the intense sense of confusion to the rest [...]
of the world in the blink of an eye.
而颁奖时则换上粉肤雪纺洋装,搭配Limelight 垂坠耳环宛如花园中 的露珠,帮衬着陈意涵蜕变成为小女人的浪漫气息。
She put on a beige chiffon dress
in the awarding ceremony,
[...] the paired necklace and earring from the Limelight Garden collection [...]
clung on her skin like the
morning dew and further granted her a dash of delicate femininity.
该员额的调动有助于更好地规划和提供航空 天 地 面 支助设备,使外地特派团以 更安全和更具成本效益的办法处理飞机地勤、加油、安排乘客、搬运和装卸货物、 遵守机场和航空站安全标准以及使 坠 机 紧 急救援车辆和设备。
The redeployment of the post would improve planning and provide aerospace ground support equipment that would result in a safer and cost-effective approach to handling aircraft on the ground, refuelling, handling passengers, handling cargo, adhering to airfield and air terminal security standards and using emergency crash rescue vehicles and equipment in field missions.
需要紧急修缮的房屋 状况”可能包括:火灾损害,市政机构下发的搬迁指示要求您搬出您的公寓,停水和/或停电,厕
[...] 所无法使用,毁坏或无法使用的公寓前门门锁,已经倒塌或摇摇 坠 的 天花 板 、墙和/或地板,漏 水---喷水和/或电气装置受到浸泡, [...]
Conditions that may qualify as requiring emergency repair include: fire damage; a vacate order issued by municipal agency that caused you to vacate your apartment; no water and/or electricity thoughout apartment; inoperable toilet; broken or
inoperative apartment front door lock;
[...] collapsed or collapsing ceiling, walls and/or floors; [...]
water leaks - cascading water and/or
soaking electrical fixtures; and broken window glass.
另外一个景点是妩媚迷人的郁金香园,亭亭玉立的郁金香遍地开花,紫红色、浅黄色和粉红色的花朵让人 花 缭 乱 、 陶 醉不已。
Another attraction is the stretches of
[...] alluring tulip gardens filled with bright [...]
crimson, yellow and pink tulips in full bloom.
现在市面上有一大堆号称防水透气的面料, 乱花 渐 欲 迷人眼”,那些品牌们一会讲透气度,一会讲透气率,跟我们玩文字游戏,就连圈子里成名的GORE-TEX,都自己弄出来一套计算方法,让偶们要费 天 劲 换 算才能跟其他的做对比,(当然前提是你的数学考试要达到满分级别才行)。
There are a lot known as waterproof and breathable
[...] fabric, "squandering For beautiful eyes, those brands have a thoroughly publicize the bearing, speaking permeability, play word games with us, even the circle of fame GORE- TEX, have to get out of a calculation method, so we crash strength translated to spend half a day in order with [...]
other contrast (of course
only if your math test to reach out level job).
罗克斯区许多令人花缭乱的艺 术画廊和珠宝店则是探索悉尼历史的理想方式。
The many fascinating art galleries and jewellery shops of The Rocks are an ideal way to discover a bit of history.
拥有一个全明星的配音阵容和开创性的视觉风格,推动边界的动画电影制作,机器人是一个令人 花 缭 乱 , 充 满乐趣的盛宴的眼睛和一个不分年龄人人共享的铆好时机! 标题大城市去追寻自己的梦想,帮助机器人处处与 天 才 的 发明,一个小城镇机器人,:罗德尼Copperbottom(伊万·麦格雷戈)开始冒险的一生。
Featuring an all-star voice cast and a groundbreaking visual style that pushes the boundaries of animated filmmaking, Robots is a dazzling, fun-filled feast for the eyes and a riveting good time for all ages!
我们提供的印后加工令您和您的客户 花 缭 乱 及 感 動。
We offer secondary processes which will inspire and dazzle you and your customers.
[...] 是根据维持和平行动部安保联络员进行的比照评估的结果作出的,目的是加强该 科的消防安全力量,并满足该科新出现的优先事项和更多的责任,包括提供每周 7 天每天 24 小时的紧坠机救援。
The proposed redeployment is based on the outcome of the benchmarking exercise conducted by the security focal points of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations and is aimed at strengthening the Section’s capacity for fire safety and at meeting emerging priorities and
additional responsibilities of the Section,
[...] including emergency crash rescue on a 24 hours a day, seven days a week basis.
义乌厂家生产批发水晶吊坠,水晶精油吊坠,水晶精油项链,精油水晶 坠 项 链 , 天 然 石材项链,四叶草水晶吊坠项链,心型水晶吊坠项链等,有透明、粉红色、紫色、蓝色、黄色、绿色水晶吊坠六种颜色,可定做形状及印制LOGO,是饰品店、精品店,专柜,及化妆品,护肤用品,洗涤用品促销用品及各种广告促销礼品之首选,每个月都会推出新款,请直接联系我们取得更多相关资料。
Yiwu manufacturer production wholesale crystal pendant, crystal pendant, crystal necklace essential oil essential oil, essential
oils crystal pendant
[...] necklaces, natural stone material necklace, crystal pendant necklaces, claddaugh rotates inside a traditionally-designed [...]
box heart
type crystal pendant necklaces, transparent, pink, purple, blue, yellow and green crystal pendant six kinds of color, can make to order shape and print LOGO, is the shop, shops, shop, and cosmetics, skin care products, cleaning products promotion articles and various promotional advertising gift, the first choice for every month out new fund, please contact us to get more related material.
[...] 地勤辅助设备的各项要求的规划和提供工作,以支助特派团的飞机运行、加油、 旅客上下、货物装卸、机场和空港安全标准和设备 坠 机 紧 急救援车辆和设备, 包括对工作人员职等、资格和经验的要求,为此向特派团提供指导意见、起草 [...]
作说明,确定设备规格,与其他部门密切联系,以拟定设备和车辆的预算和系 统合同,并就培训要求提供指导。
The incumbent would be responsible for directing the planning and provision of aerospace ground support equipment requirements to support aircraft handling, refuelling, passenger handling, cargo handling, airfield and air terminal
security standards and
[...] equipment, emergency crash rescue vehicles and equipment in missions, [...]
including requirements for staff
levels, qualifications and experience by providing guidance to missions, drafting statements of work, developing requests for proposals for contractors, preparing the statements of work for aircraft support units of troop-contributing countries, determining equipment specifications, liaising closely with other sections to establish budgets and systems contracts for equipment and vehicles, and providing guidance on training requirements.
这方面有些乱。我前天已与 马丁 先生谈过,并告诉他,他和他的团队可以了解一下这 些问题,也可以了解一下利比亚的行政筹备情况。
I spoke with Mr.
[...] Martin the day before yesterday and told him that [...]
it was possible for him and his team to look into those
issues and into administrative preparations in Libya.
如果您是一名系统管理员,正在承受着如下的煎熬:发疯地寻找配置某个服务的JBoss AS配置文件;痛苦地敲着冗长的JBoss管理命令行; 花 缭 乱 地 在n个终端窗口中切换对JBoss服务器实例的监控,那么您应该立即停下来,关注一下JBoss社区新开源的项目Jopr。
If you are a system administrator , are suffering the torment of the following : crazy looking for the configuration a service JBoss AS configuration file ; painfully knocked long JBoss management command line ; dazzling in n a terminal window, switch to the JBoss monitoring server instance , you should immediately stop , look at JBoss new open source community projects Jopr .
将加入定义(第 2 章附件 A)中的“不可抗力”定义:“不可抗力”系 天 灾、 战争、乱或类 似性质或影响力的其他行为。
“Force majeure” means acts of God, war, insurrection or other acts of a similar nature or force.
因此,它将维持本国关坠胎问 题的法律。
It would thus retain existing national legislation on abortion.
然而,当这些本 应成为文化和谐之基础的自由被用来损害文化多样性的尊严和敏感性时,它们也可能引起宗教和社 会间的暴力,成为制造乱的天然催 化因素。
However, when exercised to the detriment of the dignity and sensitivities of the diversity of cultures, these freedoms, which should be the building
blocks of cultural harmony, in turn could
[...] be a natural catalyst to evoke violence among communities, thus creating chaos.
为了使我们的会议富有成果,我们必须能从摇摇 坠 的 经济和金融体系的受 害者的观点来看问题。
For our meeting to be meaningful, we must adopt the point of view of the victims of our faltering economic and financial system.
穆塔哈尔先生(也门)(以阿拉伯语发言):首先, 我谨就天上午发生坠机事 件夺走 152 人的生命之 事,向巴基斯坦政府和人民表达我们由衷的慰问。
(Yemen) ( spoke in Arabic ): At the outset, I would like to express my heartfelt condolences to the Government and people of Pakistan following this morning’s airplane crash, which claimed 152 lives.
后来证实,这架飞机可以飞行,因为 8 月 3 日一架民用飞机在(阿比让附近 的)Attinguié附坠毁时 ,科特迪瓦空军派出直升机前往应对。
The aircraft was later confirmed to be in flying condition when, on 3 August, a civilian aircraft crashed close to Attinguié, near Abidjan, and the Ivorian Air Force sent the helicopter in response.
这包括:兴建中的若开邦首府实兑附近 的印度洋海域深海港口以及平行公路、高速铁路、 石油管道和天然气管道,这将建起一个缅甸通往中 国西南部内陆省份的能源和贸易走廊;加叻丹多式 运输项目(Kaladan multi-modal project)将在印度 洋和印度东部沿海地区之间、印度洋和印度东北部 内陆地区之间建起一条交通走廊;以及达维发展项 目(Dawei
Development Project),按照计划,该项 目将在缅甸南部修建一个大型工业区和一个现代化 深海港,以及连通泰国并进一步通至越南的公路和
[...] 铁路,这样可以从陆路将货物运送至泰国和越南, 比起经马六甲海峡的海路运输要花 好 几 天 时 间
These include: a deep-sea port being constructed on the Indian Ocean near the Rakhine State capital of Sittwe, and parallel road, high-speed rail, and oil and natural gas pipelines that will create an energy and trade corridor to China’s landlocked south west; the Kaladan multi-modal project that will create a transportation corridor between the Indian Ocean and India’s eastern seaboard and its landlocked north east; and the Dawei Development Project which, if completed according to plan, would include a large industrial estate and modern deep-sea port in the south, with road and rail links for
transhipment of goods to Thailand and on to
[...] Vietnam, cutting several days off the sea route [...]
through the Straits of Malacca.
[...] 泳池需要加裝外牆嵌板、空調系統和機電設施,以及加建室 天花 和 供維修 用的行人道,以符合最新的設計及維修保養標準。
Additional wall cladding, external ceiling and maintenance
[...] walkway, additional air conditioning and [...]
E&M provisions are necessary for the new
swimming pool to suit the latest design and maintenance standards.
这个美丽的地球,而我属于我自己,我给大部分的欢迎本国和外国游客谁是纯净的空气,请温暖,他们永恒的雪,教堂和百年公园的大山,用石块铺成的街道,多彩我们的本土市场之一,蒸汽火车和 天花 板 坐着马车之旅,他们的主要食物的气味和接触在街头魅力酒店,收集的特殊性质,我们的小母国,它给我的人它的嘉宾和朋友们的舒适性,安全性和注意力,让他们首选的住宿是他们完成随和。
Of this beautiful earth to which I belong myself I give most warm of the welcomes the national and foreign visitors who please of the pure air, the great mountains with their eternal snows, the churches and centennial parks, the streets paved with stones, the colorful one of our
indigenous markets, a steam train and the trip
[...] seated in the ceiling of wagons, the [...]
smell of their meals and mainly the contact
with my people in the streets GLAMOUR HOTEL, gathers that special nature of our small mother country, and it gives to its guests and friends them the comfort, security and preferred attention so that their stay is of their complete affability.
尽管这些摇摇坠的路 障的象征意义大于其实际作用,但它们的存在本身即构成了摩擦与冲突的源头;它们在神圣与世俗之间划出了一道清晰的分界线。
Although the value of these somewhat rickety barriers may appear above all symbolic, their presence is a source of friction and conflict; they delineate a clear-cut boundary between the sacred and the mundane.




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