

单词 天网灰灰,疏而不漏

External sources (not reviewed)

混合使用才能最可靠地保 证一个区不含地 雷,但即便如此,也会受到诸如高温 灰 尘 、 天 气 和 疲累等环 境和体力条件的限制,使效率随时 而 降 低
Combined, these provide the best assurance that
an area is clear of
[...] mines but even these are subject to environmental and physical conditions such as heat, dust, weather, and tiredness which can reduce their effectiveness over time.
灰濛濛的 天 氣 , 不但影響市民的 心 情 , 破 壞 我們的健康 , 社 會 更 [...]
因此要 付出沉 重 的 代 價 。
A dull and gloomy weather not only affects [...]
the mood of the people, but also jeopardizes our health and will cost a high price to society.
(B) 將閣下推薦予獲推薦實體時,吾等的角色始終是獨立訂約人 而 不 是 閣下的代理人或代表,吾等 對獲推薦實體的行為及/或疏漏概不負 責 ,並且在第 6.14 條下進行的推薦不會產生或隱含有信託 關係。
We shall not
[...] be responsible for a Referred Entity’s actions and/or omissions whatsoever and no fiduciary relationship shall arise or [...]
otherwise be implied as a result
of referrals made under this Clause 6.14.
电子通信’指本《规则》所适用的任何人使用经由电子手段、电磁 手段、光学手段或类似手段——包括 不 限 于 电子数据交换、电子邮件、 传真、短信服务(SMS)网络会 议、在线 天 、 互 联 网 论 坛或微博——生 成、发送、接收或存储的信息进行的任何通信,包括为了用计算机或其他 电子装置直接处而转换 或转变为数字格式的文件对象、图像、文本和声 音等模拟形式的任何信息。
electronic communication’ means any communication made by any person to whom the Rules apply by means of information generated, sent, received or stored by
electronic, magnetic, optical or similar means including, but not limited to, electronic data interchange (EDI), electronic mail, telecopy, short message services (SMS), web-conferences, online chats, Internet forums, or microblogging and includes any information in analogue form such as document objects, images, texts and sounds that are converted or transformed into a digital format so as to be directly processed by a computer or other electronic devices.
9.1 在不抵触5.1 和遵守5.2的情况下,go4constructionjobs不 承 担 任何下述情况引起的责任 网 站 的 内容; 网 站 的 任何错误 疏漏 ; 任何注册用户无法履行责任;任何有关本网站用户的第三方的行为;任何广告或招聘启事的内容。
9.1 Without prejudice to paragraph 5.1 and subject to
paragraph 5.2,
[...] go4constructionjobs accepts no liability for any damages arising from: the contents of this website; any errors or omissions on this website; [...]
the unavailability
of any registered users to take up positions offered to them; the acts of any third party in relation to any user of this website; or the contents of any advertisement or recruitment notice.
倘任何股份已遭沒收,則應向緊接沒收前股份登記於其名下的成員發出宣佈通知而 沒收 事宜及日期應隨即記錄於登記冊。惟發出通知或作出記錄方面有任何形式的 漏 或 疏 忽均 不會令沒收失效。
When any share shall have been forfeited, notice of the declaration shall be given to the Member in whose name it stood immediately prior to the forfeiture, and an entry of the forfeiture,
with the date thereof, shall
[...] forthwith be made in the register, but no forfeiture shall be in any manner invalidated by any omission or neglect to give such notice or make any such entry.
这种技不仅可 为小型区域网络提供无线 网 , 而 且 可 以借 天 线 实 现远距 离无线联系。
The technology does not only provide wireless networking for small local area networks but also can provide long-distance wireless links through antennas.
主席女士,古語有云︰天網恢恢, 疏而不漏 ” , 我們也期望犯罪的人 會被繩之於法。
Madam Chairman, as the old saying goes, "Large though its meshes may be, the net of justice lets no criminal through.
CNNIC 可信网络服务中心控制以外的情况包括但不限于互 网 或 电 信或 其它基础设施系统不可用,或天灾 、 战争、军事行动、国家紧急状态、疫 症、火灾、水灾、地震、罢工或暴乱或其它证书持有者或其它第三者 疏忽 或蓄意不当行为。
The situations
[...] beyond the control of CNNIC Trusted Network Service Center include but not limited to the unavailability of internet, telecommunications and other infrastructures, or natural disaster, war, military action, national emergency, disease, fire, flood, [...]
earthquake, strike,
riot or omission or intentional behavior of other certificate holders or other third parties.
积极采用城 市供水网的检漏和防渗技术不仅 是节约城市水资源的重要技术措施 而 且 对 于提 高城市供水服务水平、保障供水水质安全等也具有重要意义。
Actively adopting leak-hunting and anti-seepage technologies is not only an important technical measure in saving urban [...]
water resources, but will also
play a significant role in improving the service quality of the urban water-supply and ensuring the safety of the supplied waters quality.
疏漏有利 于非法采矿。开始出现土地和产权纠纷,纠 不 仅 在 砂矿行业 而且 在砂矿行业与工业行业之间发生。
Border porosity facilitates illegal mining, and land and title disputes are beginning to arise, not only within the alluvial sector, but also between the alluvial and the industrial sectors.
[...] 權公約所保障的秘密通訊權利放在天秤的一邊,然後將罪行,要甚 天 網恢疏而不漏等, 放在另一邊,這樣來秤的話,其實是不對的。
We foresee too early a balance with the right to privacy of communication protected by the Basic Law and international human rights conventions placed on one side and
the crimes and things like the net of justice
[...] has large meshes, but lets no criminal through, placed on [...]
the other side.
吾等將採取合理審慎措施選擇該等人士,以聘請他們 從事我們業務,但吾不會對 該等人士做出的任何行為 疏漏 、 疏 忽 或 違約承擔任何責任 而 閣 下 同意 對該等人士的行為承擔全部風險。
We will exercise such care in the selection of such person as we would employ for our own business, but we shall
have no responsibility
[...] for any action, omission, negligence or default of any such person and you agree to assume full risk in relation to such person’s performance.
天網恢恢,疏而不漏”,甚 至是新聞的不幸,卻是社會的大幸。
While the incident is a "disaster" for the news media, it is a "blessing" for the community.
这种方法的关键是通过文娱活动, 不 是 说 教式的讲座,将公众——甚至是最不愿意和最不感兴趣的居民——聚集起来,为在巴基斯坦乃至世界根除脊 灰 质 炎 而 共 同 努力。
Key to this approach is bringing communities together through enjoyable group activities rather than didactic lectures, involving even the most reluctant and uninterested residents in the task of eradicating polio from Pakistan – and the world.
本月初,美國加州副州長 John GARAMENDI 來港出席午餐會,他的開 場白指香江蒙上了一層烏霧,他這番說話實在令我感到十分慚愧,因為令這 位遠而來的 貴賓對香港印象最深的,竟然 灰 濛 濛 的 天 空。
I really felt ashamed when I heard this honourable guest who travelled from afar say he was most impressed by the gloomy sky of Hong Kong.
显然,即使各国均明确主张预防,尽管现有 体制存在缺陷,但我们还没有找到更好的办法,用以 协助和加强因刚启动而脆弱的和平进程;协助需要帮 助的国家恢复能力,管理本国领土, 而 避 免 冲突灰复燃;保证国际社会保持警惕不 让 最 脆弱者任人 宰割;一句话,动员整个国际社会参与解决我们不能 熟视无睹的危机。
Clearly, even if all of us clearly favour prevention, and despite the system’s imperfections, we have not yet found anything better with which to assist and strengthen nascent and therefore fragile peace processes; to assist States in need to restore their
capacities, administer their
[...] territory and thus avoid a return to conflict; to guarantee the international community’s vigilance and ensure that the most vulnerable are not left all alone [...]
in facing the hangman
— in a word, to involve the entire international community in the settlement of crises from which we do not want to avert our eyes.
第一的巴比伦犹太法典()完整版被印在威尼斯,1520年至1523年,由丹尼尔邦贝里,并已成为基础上,下降到目前的 天 一 版 本非常多,包括巴塞尔,1578年是 - 81,其中的变化和检查员提疏漏, 对后世产生了强大的影响力,直到文本的法兰克福发表了主版,1720年至1722年,其增加,成为后续版本的所有模式塔木德(见下文)。
The first complete edition of the Babylonian Talmud () was printed at Venice, 1520-23, by Daniel Bomberg, and has
become the basis,
[...] down to the present day, of a very large number of editions, including that of Basel, 1578-81, which, with the changes and omissions made by the censor, [...]
exerted a powerful
influence on later texts until the edition of Frankfort-on-the-Main, 1720-22, with its additions, became the model of all subsequent editions of the Talmud (see below).
对于因使用或未使网站所提供信息或因使用错误 不 完 整 信息所引起的直接或间接的金钱或非金钱损失,而向瓦克提出的赔偿要求,瓦克通常都予以拒绝,因为在以上情况下瓦克并无因故意或明 疏 忽 而 导 致 的明确过失。
Liability claims against WACKER regarding direct, indirect or consequential
damages of a pecuniary or
[...] non-pecuniary nature caused through the use or non-use of the information presented or as a result of erroneous and incomplete information, are generally excluded, insofar as there is no demonstrable fault of an intentional or grossly negligent nature on the part of WACKER.
[...] 討,以瞭解實施條例草案是否確能如預期般保障市民的個人資料私 隱,以及在施行時有否出漏洞或灰 色 地 帶, 不 法 的 經營者可以鑽 空子。
Lastly, I hope the Government will conduct a comprehensive review about one year after the passage and implementation of the Bill, so as to understand whether the implementation of the Bill can indeed protect the personal data privacy of
the public as expected, and
[...] whether there is any loophole or grey area during the implementation [...]
which may be exploited by unlawful traders.
u. 旅客须对承运人负责,并且偿还且须全额赔偿承运人,使其不致因旅客或其看顾之未成年人的任何作为、漏、疏忽、违反责任,以及违反不 履 行 或 不 遵 守 或疏忽履行或疏忽遵守航行合约条款与细 而 直 接或间接蒙 受、招致或造成的任何性质的责任、损失、索赔、损害、费用、支出及/或延误而受到伤害。
Guest is liable to the Carrier and shall reimburse and fully indemnify the Carrier and hold the Carrier harmless against all or any liabilities, losses, claims, damages, costs, expenses and/or delay, of whatever nature, sustained or incurred by, or made upon, the Carrier whether directly or indirectly, by reason of, in connection with or attributable to any act, omission, negligence of, or breach of duty or breach of or failure to perform or comply with, or negligent performance or compliance with these terms and conditions of the Passage Contract by the Guest or Minor for whom he is responsible.
大荷兰人国际总公司以下简称BD,不能保证所提供的信息是最新的和完全正确的,齐全的以及信息的质量.由于使用该资料和其观念以及不能正常使用所提供的信息或错误片面地使用了该网站提供的信息而造成的任何损 失 , 不 得 向 BD提出任何索赔.也不得由此认为以上损失是由于BD工作中故意 疏 忽 而 为 .所 有 网 站 上提供的信息是无契约或无约束的.BD有权来改变、补充和删除部分或全部网页的权利,而无需另外通知.也有权暂停或永久停止该网站的使用.
Liability claims against BD which are related to material or ideal damages and are caused by the use or failure to use the information offered or caused by the use of incorrect and incomplete information are absolutely excluded in as much as BD cannot be proven to be deliberately responsible or have committed gross negligence.
有网购纠纷、个人信息(姓名、地址、电话号 码、信用卡号、账号等)漏、因 为访 网 站 而 收 到 不 明 账 单等各种各样的麻烦事,请您在进行网 上付款和访问网站等时充分注意。
Due to the widespread of problems
[...] related to online shopping, leakage of personal information (full [...]
name, address, phone number,
credit card number, account number, etc.), fraudulent fee request for website access, and various problems related to internet usage, please exercise caution when you access websites and transact online.
主席,香港每年有20%的時間處於能見度水平較低的日子,現時不多每5天便有1天的天氣是灰濛濛的,有時候真的是會影響我們的心情 的。
President, for 20% of the time each year, Hong Kong experiences days of rather low visibility and at present, in about one in five days, the weather is hazy and sometimes, this would really affect our mood.
本網站中的資訊皆出於善意提供,對於任何人因參照本網站給與的任何聲明、資訊或建議而採取或未採取行動(視實際情 而 定 ) 而 發 生 或可能發生的任何損害或損失,澳洲旅遊局(Tourism Australia)、其代理商或員工不負責 , 不 論 是 由於過失、 漏 、 疏 忽 、 未加小心還是其它原因。
The information on this website is presented in good faith and on the basis that Tourism Australia, nor their agents or employees, are liable (whether by reason of error, omission, negligence, lack of care or otherwise) to any person for any damage or loss whatsoever which has occurred or may occur in relation to that person taking or not taking (as the case may be) action in respect of any statement, information or advice given in this website.
信息和通信技术厅(原信息技术事务司)负责总部维和部/外勤部数据中心 的运作,提供由 5 个专业人员员额支助的以下服务:服务器、存储和后备支助,网络(局域网/城域网)的管 理、流动办公室和虚拟服务器基础设施支助以及的 Lotus Notes 电子邮件和应用程序的管理,包括 天不 间 断 监测、后备、设施管 理和其他相关活动。
The Office of Information and Communications Technology (formerly the Information Technology Services Division) is responsible for the operations of the DPKO/DFS data centre at Headquarters, which provides the following services supported by five Professional posts: server, storage and
backup support,
[...] management of its network (local/metropolitan area network), Mobile Office and virtual server infrastructure support, and Lotus Notes e-mail and applications administration support, including round-the-clock monitoring, [...]
backup, facility
management and other related activities.
[...] 家注意,雖然在談判桌㆖有時雙方言詞尖刻,互相威嚇責罵,而有時則沒有這種情況,但 本港經濟仍能昂首闊步,屢創佳績,令那些預測經濟會因談判受阻或失 而 崩 潰 及帶來災 難的㆟尷不已。
I hope it is also noted that, despite the sometimes vitriolic language of threats and vituperation attending the political talks, or lack of them, our economy, has been thumping along,
creating new records and embarrassing all those who predicted
[...] economic downfall and disaster, should the talks falter or fail.
關於永續的遠見並不新奇,但以設計為導向的遠見卻不常見,理論上,永續與未來性、遺緒、長期思維等概念相當契合 不 過 「 未來論壇」成員梅登(Peter Madden)指出,「對於推動永續之因,主要論述卻多充滿負面意涵,充斥 天 啟 、 灰 暗 、悲觀、反成長精神,阻止人們仔細傾聽,也成為多數人眼前的障礙」,但對於永續生活有何助益,我們卻未提供令人期盼的畫面。
While sustainability theoretically fits neatly with concepts such as futurity, legacy or long-term thinking, one problem that Forum for the Future’s Peter Madden notes is that: “Our main narrative is fundamentally overwhelmingly negative – apocalyptic, doom and gloom.




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