

单词 天网恢恢,疏而不失

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External sources (not reviewed)

主席女士,古語有云︰天網恢恢, 疏而不 漏 ” ,我們也期望犯罪的人 會被繩之於法。
Madam Chairman, as the old saying goes, "Large though its meshes may be, the net of justice lets no criminal through.
这种技不仅可 为小型区域网络提供无线 网 , 而 且 可 以借 天 线 实 现远距 离无线联系。
The technology does not only provide wireless networking for small local area networks but also can provide long-distance wireless links through antennas.
对于因使用或未使网站所提供信息或因使用错误 不 完 整 信息所引起的直接或间接的金钱或非金钱 失 , 而 向 瓦 克提出的赔偿要求,瓦克通常都予以拒绝,因为在以上情况下瓦克并无因故意或明 疏 忽 而 导 致 的明确过失。
Liability claims against WACKER regarding direct, indirect or consequential
damages of a pecuniary or
[...] non-pecuniary nature caused through the use or non-use of the information presented or as a result of erroneous and incomplete information, are generally excluded, insofar as there is no demonstrable fault of an intentional or grossly negligent nature on the part of WACKER.
天網恢恢,疏而不漏”,甚 至是新聞的不幸,卻是社會的大幸。
While the incident is a "disaster" for the news media, it is a "blessing" for the community.
政府向法案委員會解釋天恢復條 例草案二讀辯論的原 因,就第一點及第二點陳述的理由,是指非法足球賭博的情況日益嚴重,有 迫切需要在今年 8 月球季開鑼前,就足球博彩作出規範和規管 而 規 範 後便 會減少非法賭博不良影響。
The first and second justifications put forward by
the Government to the Bills Committee on resuming the Second Reading debate of the Bill today are that the increasing severity of illegal football betting has brought forth a pressing need to authorize and regulate football betting before the start of the football season in August, and that the adverse impacts of illegal football betting can be reduced after authorization.
大荷兰人国际总公司以下简称BD,不能保证所提供的信息是最新的和完全正确的,齐全的以及信息的质量.由于使用该资料和其观念以及不能正常使用所提供的信息或错误片面地使用了该网站提供的信息而造成的任何 失,不 得 向 BD提出任何索赔.也不得由此认为以上损失是由于BD工作中故意 疏 忽 而 为 .所 有 网 站 上提供的信息是无契约或无约束的.BD有权来改变、补充和删除部分或全部网页的权利,而无需另外通知.也有权暂停或永久停止该网站的使用.
Liability claims against BD which
[...] are related to material or ideal damages and are caused by the use or failure to use the information offered or caused by the use of incorrect and [...]
incomplete information
are absolutely excluded in as much as BD cannot be proven to be deliberately responsible or have committed gross negligence.
在人道主义和冲突后环境中,有关土地 的问题往往而不谈。 在处理这些问题的地方,重点都是按照联合国关于难民和 流离失所者住房和财产归还原则,为流 失 所 者 恢 复 原 状,尽管也有必要保障使 用权和获得住房、土地和财产。
In humanitarian and post-conflict settings, land-related issues have often been avoided and, where engagement exists, efforts are focused on restitution for the displaced in line with the United Nations Principles on Housing and Property Restitution for Refugees and Displaced Persons, although it is also necessary to address tenure security and access to housing, land and property.
CNNIC 可信网络服务中心控制以外的情况包括但不限于互 网 或 电 信或 其它基础设施系统不可用,或天灾 、 战争、军事行动、国家紧急状态、疫 症、火灾、水灾、地震、罢工或暴乱或其它证书持有者或其它第三者 疏忽 或蓄意不当行为。
The situations
[...] beyond the control of CNNIC Trusted Network Service Center include but not limited to the unavailability of internet, telecommunications and other infrastructures, or natural disaster, war, military action, national emergency, disease, fire, flood, [...]
earthquake, strike,
riot or omission or intentional behavior of other certificate holders or other third parties.
天后, 塞族人拥有的电信企业的蜂窝移 网 络 得 以 恢 复。
After several days the cellular network of Serbian-owned telecommunications operators [...]
was re-established.
條例草案第464條訂明,公司如要 追認涉及關乎該公司疏忽、失責、 失 職 或 違反信託的董事行 為,必須獲該公司成員藉通過決議批准 而 有 關 董事、任何與 該董事有關連的實體,以及任何以信託方式為該董事或該有關 連實體持有該公司的股份的人對該決議所投的贊成票,一不 予理會。
Clause 464 provides that any ratification by a company of the conduct by a director amounting to negligence, default, breach of duty or breach of trust in relation to the company must be approved by resolution of the members of the company disregarding the votes in favour of the resolution by the director, any entity connected with the director and any person holding shares of the company in trust for the director or for the connected entity.
我们接受没有任何损失的责任不论 是直接或间接的业务,收入或利润,开支浪费,贪污或销毁数据损失或其他任何间接或后果性的 失 都 ) 您对 网 站 的 使用所产生的,我们现排除任何这样的责任,无论是在合同,侵权(包 疏 忽 ) 或其他方式。
We accept no liability for any loss (whether
direct or indirect, for loss
[...] of business, revenue or profits, wasted expenditure, corruption or destruction of data or for any other indirect or consequential loss whatsoever) arising from your use of the site and we hereby exclude any such liability, whether in contract, tort (including for negligence) or otherwise.
目前專門針對要讓資料變不 可讀取而設計 的淘汰方式,在處理上一般必須大量仰賴人為操作,因此容 易出現技術與人疏失。
Current retirement practices
[...] designed to make data unreadable generally rely on significant human involvement in the process, and are thus subject to both technical and human error.
叶柄粗壮,少于长约1厘米;卵形到长椭圆形的叶片, 6-12 * 2-3 厘米,基部近圆形,楔形或渐狭,边 不 清 楚 地全缘的,具细圆齿, 疏 生 大 具圆齿的,先端渐尖或锐尖的,平滑尾状;侧脉5-7 对,在表面似乎皱纹,正面凹陷背面突出,向前弄弯,在到达边缘 网 状 和 消 失。
Petiole sturdy, less than ca. 1 cm; leaf
[...] blade ovate to long elliptic, 6-12 × 2-3 cm, base subrounded, cuneate or attenuate, margin obscurely entire, crenulate, or sparsely large crenate, apex acuminate or acute, even caudate; lateral veins 5-7 pairs, appearing as rugae on surface, impressed adaxially and prominent abaxially, curved forward, netting and disappeared before reaching margin.
恢宏,铺天盖地 ,宏伟的罗马斗兽场,梵蒂冈,圣彼得大教堂和西斯廷教堂(Sistine Chapel)而闻名,因为不能错 过在您的旅行。
Magnificent and overwhelming, famous for the imposing Colosseum, Vatican City, St. Peter's Basilica and the Sistine Chapel, as you can not miss during your trip.
回顾 2003 年 12 月 2 日至 6
[...] 际大会通过的《人道主义行动议程》,特别是总目标 1“尊重恢复因武装冲突或 其他武装暴力事而失踪的 人员及其家属的尊严”,以及 2007 年 11 月 26 日至 30 日在日内瓦举行的第三十届红十字和红新月国际大会通过的题为“重申和执行国 [...] [...]
际人道主义法:在武装冲突中维护人的生命与尊严”的第 3 号决议
Recalling the Agenda for Humanitarian Action, in particular its general objective 1, to “respect and restore the dignity of persons missing as a result of armed conflicts or other situations of armed violence and of their families”, adopted
at the Twenty-eighth
[...] International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, held in Geneva from 2 [...]
to 6 December 2003,
and resolution 3 entitled “Reaffirmation and implementation of international humanitarian law: preserving human life and dignity in armed conflict”, adopted at the Thirtieth International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, held in Geneva from 26 to 30 November 2007
销售公约》第 74 条规 定,损害赔偿额应与包括利润损失在内的损失额相等 而 法 国国内法却规定, 第三方责任旨在尽可恢复由损失打 乱 的平衡,让受害人回到其如 不 遭 遇损 害本可能所处的状态。
The Appeal Court had invoked both article 74 of CISG, according to which damages should consist of a sum equal to the loss, including loss of profit, and French domestic law, under which
the purpose of
[...] third-party liability is to restore as closely as possible the equilibrium upset by the loss and to put the victim back in the position that he or she would have been in if the injurious act had not occurred, as [...]
well as honouring the
general principle of prohibiting unjustified enrichment.
下列人不需事 先就业或从事等于工作的活动:在登记失业之前的十二个 月期间,身为父母或监护人,至少有 180 天抚养 18 岁以下中度、重度和极重度 残疾的孩子,8 岁以下的孩子或 8 岁至在学校读完一年级的孩子的失业人员;在 登记失业之前的十二个月期间至少 180 天接受住院治疗的人,护理病人的人;长 期无法工作的人,老年人,或接受《残疾人社会福利法》或《社会福利法》规定 的照顾者津贴的人,因为宣布长期无法工 而失 业 的 人,在监押的人,在狱中或 拘留所服刑的人。
Previous employment or engagement in an activity
[...] equal to work is not required of an unemployed person who, for at least 180 days during the twelve months prior to registration as unemployed raised, as a parent or a guardian, a child of up to 18 years of age with a moderate, severe or profound disability, a child under 8 years of age or a child of 8 years of age until the child completed year one at school; or of a person who, for at least 180 days during the twelve months prior to registration as unemployed was under in-patient treatment, cared for a sick person, a person who is permanently incapacitated for work or an elderly person, or received a caregiver’s allowance under the Social Benefits for Disabled Persons Act or under the Social Welfare Act, was unemployed due to declaration [...]
as permanently incapacitated
for work, or held in custody or served a sentence in a prison or house of detention.
电子通信’指本《规则》所适用的任何人使用经由电子手段、电磁 手段、光学手段或类似手段——包括 不 限 于 电子数据交换、电子邮件、 传真、短信服务(SMS)网络会 议、在线 天 、 互 联 网 论 坛或微博——生 成、发送、接收或存储的信息进行的任何通信,包括为了用计算机或其他 电子装置直接处而转换 或转变为数字格式的文件对象、图像、文本和声 音等模拟形式的任何信息。
electronic communication’ means any communication made by any person to whom the Rules apply by means of information generated, sent, received or stored by
electronic, magnetic, optical or similar means including, but not limited to, electronic data interchange (EDI), electronic mail, telecopy, short message services (SMS), web-conferences, online chats, Internet forums, or microblogging and includes any information in analogue form such as document objects, images, texts and sounds that are converted or transformed into a digital format so as to be directly processed by a computer or other electronic devices.
数据备份的最终目的在于当原始数据因硬件故障、火灾、失窃或错误的删除某些重要文 而丢 失时恢复备份的数据。
The ultimate purpose of data backup is recovery of the backed up data
[...] when the original is lost due to hardware failure, [...]
fire, theft or just erroneous deletion of some important files.
但是您同意, 即使我们已采取合理措施来保护您的信息,任何互 网 信 息传输都无法保证不会受到非指定收件人的访问, 不 会 就 此等安全问题而要求我们承担任何责任,除非系因我们 疏 忽 过 失而 造 成 的。
However, while we take all reasonable steps to
protect your information,
[...] you accept that no Internet data transmission can be guaranteed to be secure from access by unintended recipients and will not hold us responsible for any breach of security unless this is due to our negligence.
由于经济活力恢复疲失业率直到 2011 年将继续居不下,不会从 目前水平大幅提高。
With such a weak rebound in activity, unemployment is expected to remain elevated through 2011, [...]
though without significantly
increasing from current levels.
通过取代服务器的 IP 地而不是 NETBIOS 计算机名称,您可 以忽略可能会导网络扫描失败的网 络 通 信量限制。
By substituting the IP address of the server instead of the NETBIOS computer name, you can bypass the network traffic restrictions that may cause network scanning to fail.
倘任何股份已遭沒收,則應向緊接沒收前股份登記於其名下的成員發出宣佈通知而 沒收事宜及日期應隨即記錄於登記冊。惟發出通知或作出記錄方面有任何形式的遺漏 疏 忽均 不會令沒收失效。
When any share shall have been forfeited, notice of the declaration shall be given to the Member in whose name it stood immediately prior to the forfeiture, and an entry of the forfeiture,
with the date
[...] thereof, shall forthwith be made in the register, but no forfeiture shall be in any manner invalidated by any omission or neglect to give such notice or make any such entry.
我們過早預見一個天秤,將這些受《基本法》和國際人 權公約所保障的秘密通訊權利放在天秤的一邊,然後將罪行,要甚 天 網恢 恢、疏而不漏等 ,放在另一邊,這樣來秤的話,其實是不對的。
We foresee too early a balance with the right to privacy of communication protected by the Basic Law and international human
rights conventions placed
[...] on one side and the crimes and things like the net of justice has large meshes, but lets no criminal [...]
through, placed on the other side.
2012-2013 两年期间,该办公室工作方案的重点领域将集中在以下方面:增建的办公设施于 2012 年竣工;完成出入控制系统,这是标准化出入控制项目第二阶段下的项目;提升各次区域办事 处的现有信通技术基础设施,以确保复原力和可靠性,包括利用意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基 地和西班牙巴伦西亚联合国支助基地预计将可提供的灾 恢 复 网 址 ;为达到要求的 5%空缺率开 展征聘活动;实施和支持《公共部门会计准则》以及“团结”项目的推出;有效管理非洲经委 会的财务运作;改进对档案和记录管理系统的管理。
Key areas of focus in the programme of work of the Office during the biennium 2012-2013 will be in the following areas: completion of the construction of the additional office facilities by 2012; completion of the access control system under the PACT II project; upgrading of the current ICT infrastructure in the subregional offices to ensure resilience and reliability, including making use of the disaster recovery sites expected to be available at the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy, and the United Nations Support Base at Valencia, Spain; recruitment drive to achieve the required 5 per cent vacancy rate; implementation and support for the International Public Sector Accounting Standards and roll-out of Umoja; effective management of ECA financial operations; and the improved management of the archiving and records management system.
为此,秘 书长特别代表指出,他与斯里兰卡政府研究了一项
[...] 疏导营地的战略,主要是涉及流离失所者的回归、 寻找愿意接纳的家庭和将流离失所者转移至社会收 容中心,并鼓励政府在考虑这些临时性解决方案的 同时加疏导过程和恢复流离失所者 的自由,虽然 这不构成对安全的威胁。
In that regard, he had discussed with the Government a strategy for decongesting the camps based on the return of internally displaced persons to their homes, their release to host families or their transfer to welfare centres, and had urged the Government to
pursue those options in parallel,
[...] speeding up the screening procedures and releasing those not deemed to pose a security threat.
二零一二年上半 年冶煉廠陽極總產量較二零一一年水平低19%,乃由於二零一二年五月按計劃對冶煉廠進行檢 而 停 工 ,該檢修工作早於預定時間完成,使 Mopani較預計提前天恢復生產。
Gross anode production from the smelter for the first half of 2012
was 19% lower than 2011 levels, due to the planned smelter maintenance
[...] shutdown in May 2012, which was completed ahead of schedule and allowed Mopani to restart five days earlier than planned.
[...] 但此事实应为争议法庭及申请修订判决的当事方在判决作出时所不知,且必须以 非疏失而不知者为限。
Either party may apply to the Dispute Tribunal for a revision of a judgement on the basis of the discovery of a decisive fact that was, at the time the judgement was rendered, unknown to the
Dispute Tribunal and to the party applying for revision, always provided that
[...] such ignorance was not due to negligence.
维持和平行动特别委员会在关于其 2010
[...] 年实质性会议的报告(A/64/19)中 强调,它很重视外地维和人员的安全和保障,严重关切由于医务人员 疏 忽 和不 称职所造成的宝贵生命的失。
In its report on its 2010 substantive session (A/64/19), the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations underlined the importance it places on the safety and security of peacekeepers in the field and
expressed grave concern about the loss of precious human
[...] lives as a result of the negligence and incompetence of medical staff.
然而网治论 坛应该按照《突尼斯议程》的规定得 到加强而又不失其轻 巧的结构,确保其能够经济有效而又高效率地满足日益增 长的需要,支持所需而又增长的外联宣传工作,包括对发展中国家、特别是最不 发达国家的外联宣传。
However, it should be strengthened without losing its lightweight structure, as set out in the Tunis Agenda, [...]
to ensure that it
has the ability to meet increasing demands in a cost-effective and efficient way, and to support the desired and increased outreach, including to developing countries and particularly the least developed countries (LDCs).




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