

单词 天篷

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

然 而 ,
[...] 何鍾泰議員表 示 , 由 於建天篷是 唯一一項強制 性 要 求 ,西九龍文娛藝術區發展計劃不但可作輕微修訂,更 [...]
可予以 廣泛檢討。
Ir Dr Raymond HO, however, opined that since the
[...] construction of the Canopy was the only mandatory [...]
requirement, the WKCD project could
be reviewed extensively and not just fine-tuned.
(f) 取消天 篷列為 西九龍文 娛藝術區 發 展 必 須 具備的 [...]
構 成部分 。
(f) remove the Canopy as a mandatory [...]
component of WKCD development.
所 以,興天 篷 和其他設 施 的 費 用 是 沒 有 分 別 的,我們沒 有 就天 篷 部 分 單 獨 進 行 諮 詢。
So the costs for
[...] constructing the canopy and other facilities are not separated and no individual consultation on the canopy alone has been [...]
最 近 , 社 會 上天篷 的 設 計 有 很 大的爭 議,而 且 [...]
反 對 聲音亦 很 強 烈 。
Recently, the canopy design is highly [...]
controversial among members of the community and the voice of objection is also very strong.
As the IFP process would not be pursued
[...] further, the Canopy was no longer [...]
a mandatory requirement in the WKCD.
(b) 關於各入圍倡議者就電腦模擬天篷 散熱 及驅散煙霧模型所提交的報告,當局有否 [...]
徵詢消防處對該等報告的意見;若然,消 防處所提出的意見為何
(b) whether FSD’s comments had been sought on the reports for
computerized modelling of heat and smoke
[...] dissipation for the canopy as submitted [...]
by the screened-in proponents; if so, what were the comments
田北俊議員詢 問政府當局將如何 融 資 建 造 各項 核 心 文化藝術設施,房屋及規劃地政局局長和 房屋及規 劃地政局常任秘書長在 回應時證實,中選倡議 者 須擔當 協 調 整 個 西九龍文娛藝術區發展計劃的角色, 並 負責發 展 所 有 核 心 文化藝術設施天篷及其他公用設施等,以 換 取 西九龍文娛藝術區內住宅和商業發展總樓面面積的 一 半 發展權 。
In response to Mr James TIEN’s enquiry on how construction of CACF would be financed, SHPL and PS for HPL(P&L) confirmed that in return for half of the development rights of the residential and commercial gross floor area at the WKCD site, the Successful Proponent would be required to assume the coordination of the WKCD project and be charged with the obligation of developing all CACF, the Canopy and other communal facilities of WKCD.
劉秀成議員亦詢問政府當局是否已捨棄在 西九龍文娛藝術區興天篷的規定。
Mr Patrick LAU also asked whether the requirement for
[...] provision of the Canopy in WKCD had been [...]
呂議員指出,就擬議建造天篷而 言 ,驅散煙霧將會是一項相當大的難題。
Dr LUI pointed out that
[...] with the proposed canopy, smoke dissipation would be a great problem.
房屋及規劃地政局局長在 回應時解釋,該300億
元信託基金是根據西九龍文娛藝術區各項設施的 管 理及 維 修 費 用 計 算 出來,因為按照政府當局的計劃,該基金 衍 生的回報可足 以 支付管理
[...] 各項公用設施( 例如核心 文 化藝術設施天篷及 穿梭列 車 )為 期 30年的經常開 支 。
In response, SHPL explained that the $30-billion trust fund had been worked out on the basis of estimated management and maintenance cost of the WKCD facilities because it was planned that the fund would generate a recurrent return to cover the
recurrent expenditure of managing communal facilities
[...] like CACF, the Canopy and the automated [...]
people mover (APM) for 30 years.
既然我 們知道 興天 篷 無 可否認 一定會很 昂貴, 這 項開支最終 亦 會 [...]
轉嫁市民身上, 我 想 請問政 府 ,有否 評估將來的 維修費用會 否實際 上須由 使用這些設施 的 人,例如 為 了 聽 音 樂 、 參觀博物館 或 泊
車 而 購票的 那 些 人,負 起龐大的有關 維修費用呢 ?
We are aware that the
[...] construction cost of the canopy will be undeniably [...]
high and ultimately passed onto the public, may
I ask the Government whether it has assessed that the future maintenance costs will have to be borne by the actual users of these facilities, such as those ticket buyers for music entertainment, visiting the museums or car parking, who will bear a great proportion of the relevant maintenance costs?
因此,政府 認天篷 是 西 九龍文 娛藝術 區中不可缺 少 的 元 素 。
So the Government
[...] considers that the canopy is an indispensable [...]
element in the WKCD.
我想 請問政 府 , 由 於 整 個 計 劃 現時顯然是 由 公 帑 的地價 作補貼
[...] ,政府本身是 否 完 全 沒 有 考慮天 篷 的 造 價 , 也完全 沒 有 作出 [...]
估 計 呢 ?
I would like to ask the Government: Since the whole project is apparently subsidized by land premium, which is
public money, has the Government completely failed to consider the
[...] construction cost of the canopy and make any assessment?
[...] 時,就可以享有一定的彈性,但同時,他們建議的發展密度仍會受 天篷 的限制。
This provides proponents with flexibility in the design of
the main revenue-producing parts of the
[...] project, while the canopy limits the intensity [...]
of development that can be proposed.
西九 文化區內的發展項目的建築物高度會依隨Foster設計內 天篷 的高度,最高的為主水平基準上約130米 [...]
( 位於西九文化區西 端 ),最低為主水平基準上約50米 (西九文化區的中部和東部附 近 ) 。
The building heights of the developments in WKCD was to
[...] follow the grand Canopy in the Foster [...]
Scheme, which ranged from about 130 mPD at
the western end to about 50 mPD near the central and eastern portions.
這些項目包括一個 大型商場,兩幢分別坐落於這幅土地兩端的高層的建築物,(其一為一座藝 術文化大樓)和一個可憑現有技術和經驗建造的大 天篷。
The seventh aspect is the viability of the scheme, which is technically straightforward, consisting of a large mall, two taller structures at either end of the site — one associated with the arts and cultural complex — and a large roof that is well within the ambit of known technology and experience.
李永達議員: 主席,政府 發 出 的 西 九龍文 娛藝術區發展建 議 邀 請 書 所訂 的 其 中 一 項
[...] 強制性要求 ,是興建 Foster 設 計所建 議天 篷( 或 稱 天 幕 ),覆 蓋 文 娛藝術區不少於 [...]
55%的 面 積 。
MR LEE WING-TAT (in Cantonese): Madam President, one of the mandatory requirements stipulated in the Invitation For Proposals for the development of the West
Kowloon Cultural District (WKCD) is
[...] the provision of the canopy proposed in the Foster [...]
scheme, covering at least 55% of the development area.
(會後補 註 :政府當局於 2004年 4月 28日 所 發出 的 題 為 “ 西 九龍文娛
[...] 藝 術 區 作單一項目 發展天篷要 求 維 持不變 ”的 新 聞 稿,已於2004年 [...]
4月 29 日 隨 立法會CB(1)1679/03-04 號文件送交委 員。
(Post-meeting note: A press release entitled "No change to single
[...] package approach and canopy requirement in [...]
West Kowloon Cultural District" issued by
the Administration on 28 April 2004 was circulated to members vide LC Paper No. CB(1)1679/03-04 on 29 April 2004.
他 又 指 出,政府當局認為只 分拆西九龍文 娛藝術區用 地內50%的 住宅和商業發展是公平的安排,因 為 中 選倡議 者 須擔當 協 調 整 個 發展計劃的職 能 ,
[...] 並 須負 責 發展西九龍文娛藝術區的所 有 核 心 文化藝術設施天 篷 及其他公用設施。
He also pointed out that the Administration considered it fair to carve out only 50% of the commercial and residential developments in the WKCD site because the Successful Proponent would have to assume the role of co-ordinating the project and be charged with the
obligation of developing all core arts and cultural
[...] facilities (CACF), the Canopy and other communal [...]
facilities of WKCD.
(a) 香港工程師學會支持小組委員會的建議, 採用一套綜合而整體協調的方案規劃西九 龍填海區、把西九龍填海區的文化部分與 非文化部分兩 者分拆以便為西九龍文娛藝 術區發展計劃融資、與私營機構以伙伴形 式合作管理文化藝術設施和檢討康文署的 管理方式,以及取消天篷列為 必須具備 的構成部分; (b) 香港工程師學會認為並非絕對需要成立一 個法定機構,負責推動西九龍文娛藝術區 發展計劃,該會尤其認為不需要在為西九 龍文娛藝術區的設施招標及興建該等設施 前,成立該法定機構。
(a) HKIE supported the Subcommittee's recommendations regarding the adoption of an integrated and coordinated approach in planning West Kowloon Reclamation (WKR), separation of the cultural and non-cultural components in WKR for the financing of the WKCD project, entering into partnership with the private sector in the management of arts and cultural facilities and reviewing management style of LCSD, and removing the canopy as a mandatory component
天 篷 如可緩 和 令 人 難 受的高 溫 (據 一 倡 議 [...]
者 所述,在夏 天可減低5度 ), 並讓市民可 全 年 享 用在其遮蓋下 的 休憩用地,則不論 是 從 公眾文娛設 施的觀 點 , 還 是 就文化區的角度而 言 , 均 有 理據支持興 建。
If the canopy can mitigate temperature [...]
extremes (5 degrees cooler in summer, according to one proponent) and offer year-round
enjoyment and utility of the open spaces under it, then it makes sense from a public amenity point of view, and that makes sense for the cultural district.
在其中 251 座观察哨所中,固体房舍现已取代 篷 , 使 部队免 天 气之 苦。
Solid shelters
[...] have now replaced tent accommodations in 251 of the observation posts, in order to shield the troops from weather conditions.
根據公眾參與的結果,專責委員會建議為小販 檔位提供適當的電力供應和篷,以 及為 天 市 集設置入口門廊。
Based on the outcome of public engagement, the Special Committee recommended to
provide proper
[...] electricity supply and canopies for the hawkers stalls as well as an entrance gateway for the open-air bazaars.
然后她穿过营地往家走,和数十万海地灾民一样,她们全家挤在一间简陋的 篷 里。
Then she walked back through the camp to her home, where – like hundreds of thousands in Haiti – she lives in a flimsy shelter with her entire family.
除了感谢秘书长、建设和平委员会 主席以及世界银行代表所作的发言之外,我还要特别
[...] 感谢德国、哥伦比亚、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、葡萄 牙和印度各国部长以及篷副部长今 天 出 席 我们的 会议。
In addition to thanking the Secretary-General, the Chair of the Peacebuilding Commission and the representative of the World Bank for their statements, I would particularly like to thank the Ministers of
Germany, Colombia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Portugal and India and the Vice
[...] Minister of Gabon for their presence among us today.
由于很难取得建筑许可证以扩大和改善现有的学校和建新校,以容纳 C 区的学生人数,不适当的建筑结构,包括 篷 、 窝 棚和粗糙的水泥结构都被用作 学校;而在东耶路撒冷,由于欠缺 1 000 个教室以上,每年都有大量巴勒斯坦儿 童被剥夺了在耶路撒冷市和以色列教育部开设的市立学校入学的机会。
Inadequate structures, including tents, shacks and crude cement structures, are being used as schools owing to the difficulties in obtaining building permits needed to expand and upgrade existing schools and build new ones to accommodate the student population in area C, while in East Jerusalem, each year large numbers of Palestinian children are denied admission in the municipal schools run by the Jerusalem municipality and the Israeli Ministry of Education owing to a shortage of over 1,000 classrooms.
我們建議引入一套法定規管制度,類近 於現時在《建築物(小型工程)規例》(第 123 章,附屬法 例
[...] N )中為訂明建築工程(即違例的小型 篷 、 晾 衣架和冷 氣機支架)而設的同類制度,容許某些現存的違例招牌(例 [...]
在經註冊建築專業人士或註冊承建商進行安全檢查後,可繼 續使用。
We propose to introduce a statutory control system, similar to the one for
prescribed building works at present (i.e.
[...] unauthorized small canopies, drying racks [...]
and supporting frames for air-conditioners)
under the Building (Minor Works) Regulation (Cap. 123 sub. leg. N) (B(MW)R), under which the continued use of certain existing unauthorized signboards (e.g. those that are within stipulated dimensional requirements, or not blocking operation of emergency vehicles, etc.) will be allowed after safety checks by registered building professionals or registered contractors.
(c) 樓宇(1)部 —設有 3 個地區分組,負責規管違例建築工程和確
[...] 保現存樓宇安全的職務;另設有 1 個專責事務組( 負責處理篷和樓宇巡查等事宜)、1 個功能組( 斜坡安全組) [...]
及樓宇安全貸 款計劃小組。
(c) Existing Buildings (EB) Division 1 – The division is made up of three district sections responsible for duties related to the control of unauthorised building works (UBW) and safety of
existing buildings; one special task
[...] section (dealing with canopies and building inspections, [...]
etc.) and one functional section
(the Slope Safety Section) and the Building Safety Loan Scheme Unit.
(b) 開展製造及買賣羊毛、棉花、絲、亞麻布、大麻、黃麻及其他紗線,及有關 紗線製造之所有種類纖維、以及所有種類的人造皮革及橡膠裝訂、亦從上述
[...] 所製造的防水貨物及物品、服裝襯料、長統靴襯料、衣箱襯料、雨傘、太陽 傘、旗幟、篷、相 框、人造花及外科器械、擦地布、桌布及彩色防水布業 務。
(b) To carry on the business of manufactures of and dealers in woollen, cotton, silk, linen, hemp, jute and other yarns, and all kinds of fabrics manufactured from such yarns, and all kinds of imitation leathers and rubbers, and also waterproof goods and articles manufactured therefrom, dress linings,
boot linings, trunk linings,
[...] umbrellas, parasols, flags, tents, picture frames, artificial [...]
flowers and surgical appliances,
floor cloths, table cloths, and American cloth.




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