单词 | 天真 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 天真—naiveinnocentless common: artless 天真adjective—naïveadj ingenuous 天真noun—naivetynExamples:天真烂漫—innocent and unaffected
将 这种信任寄予这个恐怖组织,充其量说是 天真,因为 这个恐怖组织一再显示,它完全蔑视将作为这样一项 [...] 调查的基础的人类的普遍价值观。 daccess-ods.un.org | It isnaive,at best, to put such [...] faith in that terrorist group, which time and again shows only disdain for the universal [...]human values on which such an investigation would be based. daccess-ods.un.org |
必须做出努力来实现该公约的普遍批准和实施, 因为认为历史不会重演的想法是天真的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Efforts must be made to achieve the universal [...] ratification and implementation of the Convention, [...] as it would be naive to imagine that [...]history would not repeat itself. daccess-ods.un.org |
在任何情况下,“德Sacramentis”(无论是由刘汉铨与否)具有新鲜感和 天真这在一定正宗“德Mysteriis”的不足。 mb-soft.com | In any case the "De Sacramentis" (whether by Ambrose or not) has a freshness [...] and naiveté which is wanting in the certainly authentic"DeMysteriis". mb-soft.com |
吉 利说:“要使’和平一天’真正成为全 球性活动,必须得到联合国的支持。 peaceoneday.org | In the film TheDay AfterPeace, Jeremy says, “Fora day ofpeace tobe truly global it would [...] need the backing of the United Nations. peaceoneday.org |
然而,我们似乎是我们自己所处地理位置 的受害者,因为在那里,这两种因素与犯罪结合起来, 构成新的剥削时代,而在这个时代,我们的青年由于天真和狂 热,成为无处不在——而且很可悲地说—— 为富不仁的本地区“商人”——没有更好的词可以形 容这种人——的首要剥削对象。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, we seem to be the victims of our own geographical locations, where these two elements, combined with crime, constitute a new era of exploitation in which our young people, because of theirinnocence and fervour, are the prime targets of exploitation by universal and — sad to say — unscrupulous regional “businessmen”, for want of a better word. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果赫尔辛基的设计是天真率性和时髦,那么图尔库的设计就是民俗而怀旧的。 visitfinland.com | If Helsinki is sassy and modern, Turku is more folklore and retro offering small but most interesting labels. visitfinland.com |
不能在战争中利用一个对战争以外世界一无所知的 儿童的脆弱性;利用儿童的天真烂漫 作为战争策略不 是一种公平游戏;最重要的是,无论是根据《阿富汗 [...] 宪法》的标准还是根据国际法,儿童的身体都不是一 种战争武器。 daccess-ods.un.org | The vulnerability of a child who knows nothing outside of a war-torn [...] existence is not up for exploitation in [...] war; a child’s innocence is not fair game [...]as a fighting strategy; and most importantly, [...]a child’s body is not a weapon of war either under the standards of the Constitution of Afghanistan or under international law. daccess-ods.un.org |
以色列在 2006 年 7 月的侵略中曾大肆使用这类武器;至今,这 类武器还在威胁着南黎巴嫩农田里的平民或空场上 玩耍的天真孩子。 daccess-ods.un.org | To this day, those weapons threaten civilians on their farmlands and innocent children at play in open fields in South Lebanon. daccess-ods.un.org |
该说的都说了;全世界应该给予生活在恐惧和轰炸 之下的加沙百姓的不仅仅是言词、恳求和希望,而这些迄今为止没能阻止以色列 [...] 的任何一枚炸弹打碎一个又一个巴勒斯坦家庭的生活,摧残一个又一个巴勒斯坦 儿童的天真和心智。 daccess-ods.un.org | Enough has been said; Gaza’s terrorized and bombarded population deserves more from the world than words, pleas, and hopes that so far have not stopped a single Israeli bomb from [...] shattering the lives of yet another Palestinian [...] family,and the innocence and the mental [...]health of yet another Palestinian child. daccess-ods.un.org |
翡翠是和谐与诱惑的象徵,让人想起年轻优雅的现代女性, 天真而活泼并不自觉的散发出诱惑魅力。 aster.com.hk | Jade is a symbol of harmony and temptation, is [...] reminiscent of a modern and elegant young women are [...] not consciously naiveand lively and [...]the dissemination of the charm of a temptation. aster.com.hk |
除了沉迷于末世一般再洗礼派的学说霍夫曼,恶人陶醉在同预期的世界末日的暴力事件后,基督的回报,他 天真地吸引到“特殊启示”通过梦和幻觉。 mb-soft.com | In addition to the usual Anabaptist doctrines Hoffman was obsessed with eschatology, reveling in the anticipated apocalyptic [...] violence against the wicked after Christ's [...] return,and hewas naively drawn to "special [...]revelations" through dreams and visions. mb-soft.com |
猫人:泡泡节省了一个看似天真无邪的小小猫从一个邪恶的恶棍的魔掌。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Cat Man Do: Bubbles saves a seemingly innocent little kitty from the clutches of an evil villain. seekcartoon.com |
但专家警告说,网络通信的太天真了接近主题。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | But experts warn for network communications from being too innocentto approach the topic. en.developmentscout.com |
她因为天真的面容、甜美的笑容和好的工作精神而受人喜爱。 tc.alivenotdead.com | She is known for her innocent look, sweet smile and good work ethnics. alivenotdead.com |
读的东西的文件 - 离开后, 最低限度 晚了一天 - 一些最天真的投资者认为,这可能影响价格的一天。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | After reading something in the paper - that leaves, minimum a day late - some of those investors mostnaive believe that this may influence the prices of theday. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
一种选择可能是今天和值明天50真正值得5美分。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | One option might well be worth 50 [...] cents todayand valuetomorrow 5real. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
以摩登手法诠释经典元素的 [...] Icon系列,共有两款设计供选择︰一款缀有四排光彩夺目的黑色仿水晶珍珠,正面配以精致小巧的金色饰链,别出心裁的设计彰显大方自信的气质﹔另一款则将奶白色仿水晶珍珠与银色饰链结合,巧妙地展现 天真无邪的可爱美态。 brand.swarovski.com | Icon is a modern classic in two styles: one has four rows of glittering jet black pearls with a front detail of small, looped golden chains, [...] suggesting knowing sophistication; the other has creamy white pearls and [...] silver chains, suggesting innocent prettiness. brand.swarovski.com |
阿宝年少天真,父母的赞美对他而言就是世界的全部,不管所做的事情是对还是错;而就读工艺学校的伟杰喜爱用他擅於发明机械的才能,来戏弄老师和同学们;因为母亲的忽视而误入歧途的健仁陷入了庞大的负债中,为了偿还债务,他未寻求母亲的帮助,反而替高利贷集团跑腿做事。 buyoyo.com | To complicate matters, his younger sister Nicole is academically gifted and pamperedby their mother, thus causing frequent quarrels and misunderstanding amongst them. buyoyo.com |
如果赫尔辛基的设计是天真率性和时髦,那么图尔库的设计就是民俗而怀旧的。 visitfinland.com | If Helsinki is sassy and modern, Turku is more folklore and retro. visitfinland.com |
WE.DESIGNS.ORG“团队”的成员组成一个独特的背景+在多方面的设计领域产生了区别对待的做法,在一个项目的整体设计流程,扮演 天真无邪少女设计师的国际基地。 designdirectory.hk | The WE-DESIGNS.ORG 「Team」 members are composed of an [...] international baseof ingénue designersfromdistinctive [...]backgrounds + multifaceted design [...]fields, in producing a differentiated approach to the integral design processes within a project. designdirectory.hk |
读者可追寻他们成长的足迹,从天真无邪的童年时期,经过二十岁前的人格形成期,直至二十出头时遭受现实打击的时期 - 几位男孩的成长模式与披头士的音乐相差无几。 norway.org.cn | From the innocenceof childhood we follow their formative years as teenagers until reality bites them in their early twenties – in a pattern not far from Beatles’ music. norway.cn |
2007年初次见到杜佩诗,便觉得她有一种极为特殊的气质,天平两端的反差,不调合地融洽并存於她的性格中,而此特质,使得杜佩诗的作品总是以 天真浪漫之姿,出现於乌托邦式场景,藉着荒谬的情节发展,点出艺术家所关注之严肃主题:当代生活中的不顾真实,进而寄情美好未来的甜蜜想像;相较於其他批判资本主义的创作者,其作品以一种顺应大众文化且讨好观者的童趣影像,以及极为 天真内向的口吻,探讨全球化以降,後资本主义社会下的泡沫生活。 theartkey.com | Presenting absurd events in utopian settings with a naïve andromantic style, Tu Pei-shih's work explores the serious theme she is concerned with: how people ignore the real and indulge in sweet fantasies about a beautiful new world to escape reality. theartkey.com |
(i) 本公司可按董事会认为合适之有关条款向本公司、其 任何附属公司、本公司任何控股公司或任何有关控股 公 司 之 任 何 附 属 公 司 之 董 事及真诚雇 员 提 供 财 务 援 助,以令彼等可买入或认购或以其他方式收购本公司 或本公司任何控股公司股份(全部或部份缴足),而 有关条款可包括一项提述,倘董事不再担任董事,或 雇员不再受雇於本公司或有关其他公司,则以有关财 务援助买入或认购或以其他方式收购之股份须或可按 董事会认为合适之有关条款售予本公司或有关其他公 司。 asiasat.com | (i) The Company may give financial assistance on such terms as the Board thinks fit to directors and bona fide employees of the Company, any of its subsidiaries, any holding company of the Company or any subsidiary of any such holding company in order that they may purchase or subscribe or otherwise acquire shares (fully or partly paid) in the Company or any holding company of the Company and such terms may include a reference that, when a director ceases to be a director of, or an employee ceases to be employed by, the Company or such other company, shares purchased or subscribed or otherwise acquired with such financial assistance shall or may be sold to the Company or such other company on such terms as the Board thinks fit. asiasat.com |