单词 | 天然照亮 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 天然照亮—natural lightingSee also:天然adj—naturaladj 照亮—illuminate light up 照亮pl—illuminatespl 照亮v—brightenv brighten upv 天亮—dawn daybreak
其他房间提供了自然,如Girasoles,一个奇妙的日落抓获,蝴蝶和艺妓巴比室,香草的天空明亮的 光辉写照领域 愉快。 instantworldbooking.com | The other rooms offer a delightful portrayal of nature, suchas the brightfield of Girasoles, a wonderfully captured Sunset, the butterfly and [...] geisha Papillon room, and the glowing Vanilla Sky. instantworldbooking.com |
早上的冷-天还未亮,就得出门,然後 开始一天的工作。 4tern.com | Cold mornings-You day start in the early morning. 4tern.com |
贾法里先生(阿拉伯叙利亚共和国)(以阿拉伯语 发言):以色列代表今天显然在大会面前亮出了 底牌。 daccess-ods.un.org | I am encouraged by the dialogue between the Secretary-General and the League of Arab States, which I hope will help to promote decisive action towards a peaceful solution to the Syrian crisis. daccess-ods.un.org |
今天我可以现实而 充满乐观地声明:那新黎明的第一缕阳光正在开始温 暖我们和照亮我们的道路。 daccess-ods.un.org | TodayI can state with realism and well-founded optimism that the first rays of that new dawn are beginning to warmus andlight our way. daccess-ods.un.org |
若要设计良好街道照明,灯泡上方与侧边均应加盖,让光线能向地面集中,减少照明浪费,确保灯光是用来 照亮地面 、而非天际。 thisbigcity.net | Known as ‘cutting off light at the horizontal’, this ensures that light [...] is usedto illuminate theground,not the sky. thisbigcity.net |
这包括:兴建中的若开邦首府实兑附近 的印度洋海域深海港口以及平行公路、高速铁路、 石油管道和天然气管道,这将建起一个缅甸通往中 国西南部内陆省份的能源和贸易走廊;加叻丹多式 运输项目(Kaladan multi-modal project)将在印度 洋和印度东部沿海地区之间、印度洋和印度东北部 内陆地区之间建起一条交通走廊;以及达维发展项 目(Dawei Development Project),按照计划,该项 目将在缅甸南部修建一个大型工业区和一个现代化 深海港,以及连通泰国并进一步通至越南的公路和 铁路,这样可以从陆路将货物运送至泰国和越南, 比起经马六甲海峡的海路运输要少花好几天时间。 crisisgroup.org | These include: a deep-sea port being constructed on the Indian Ocean near the Rakhine State capital of [...] Sittwe, and parallel [...] road, high-speed rail, andoilandnatural gas pipelines that will create an energy and trade corridor to China’s landlocked south west; the Kaladan multi-modal project that will create a transportation corridor between the Indian Ocean and India’s eastern seaboard and its landlocked north east; and the Dawei Development Project which, if completed according toplan, would include a [...]large industrial estate [...]and modern deep-sea port in the south, with road and rail links for transhipment of goods to Thailand and on to Vietnam, cutting several days off the sea route through the Straits of Malacca. crisisgroup.org |
含有独创的极致闪亮Maxi Lip Complex (混合天然缩氨酸),滋润充盈,得到饱满柔润双唇。 clarinsusa.com | Formulated with the [...] innovative extreme shine Maxi Lip Complex to help plumpand hydrate [...]for full, soft and supple lips. clarinsusa.com |
在神的人特别yashts致力於我们发现Ardvi苏拉的女神水域; Tishtrya ,恒星天狼星;米特拉神,神的光与真理的Fravashis ,或灵魂的正义, Verethragna ,天才的胜利和在Kavaya Hvarenah , “王者的荣耀” ,神圣的光照亮了古老的伊朗国王。 mb-soft.com | Among the divinities to whom special yashts are devoted we find Ardvi Sura the goddess of waters; Tishtrya, the star Sirius; Mithra, the divinity of light and [...] truth; the Fravashis, or [...] departed soulsof the righteous, Verethragna, the genius of Victory and the Kavaya Hvarenah, "kingly glory", the divine lightilluminating the ancient [...]kings of Iran. mb-soft.com |
虽然执行局对信函的高级审查肯 定能够简化大会确定选举权的工作,会员国仍然有权在大会第三天之前按照规则83 提交信 函,这实际上意味着,选举权只能在届会第一周接近结束时确定,因此(由于适用选举的规 则确定,一旦提交提名的 [...] 48 小时最后期限到来提名委员会即召开会议),举行第一次选举 的最有可能的日期在届会的第二周内。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Although the advanced examination of communications by the Executive Board certainly simplifies the task of the General Conference in establishing [...] voting rights, Member States [...] still havethe right, under Rule 83, to present communications until the third dayof the Conference, [...]which in practice means [...]that voting rights can only be established towards the end of the first week of the session and thus (owing to the rules governing elections, which establish that the Nominations Committee meets once the 48-hour deadline for the submission of nominations has expired) the best possible date for the first election to take place falls within the second week of the session. unesdoc.unesco.org |
用于采集主要为 黑色文本和具有小型标志的文档,或包含小量加亮文本和小型彩色照片的文档。 graphics.kodak.com | Used for capturing documents that are primarily black text with small logos, or contain [...] small amounts ofhighlighted text or small colorfulphotos. graphics.kodak.com |
娇韵诗独一无二的极致闪亮Maxi Lip Complex (混合天然缩氨酸) 有效滋润充盈,得到饱满柔润双唇;深度保湿、效果持久的配方中含有香脂和其他护唇成分。 clarinsusa.com | A unique extreme shineMaxi Lip Complex helps plump and hydrate [...] for full, soft and supple lips, while the deeply moisturizing [...]and long-wearing formula provides the benefits of a balm with lip care ingredients. clarinsusa.com |
1643年开始,巴黎的Église St-Roch (由罗浮宫建筑师Jacques [...] [...] Lemercier设计)一直燃点着它,还有大部分的法国教堂;1719年,它的火焰正式在法国皇室燃起;即使大革命的火光再红,它依然照亮LouisXVI及Marie Antoinette的最後时光;然後它成为拿破仑的新宠,甚至是送给新生儿子的唯一礼物。 think-silly.com | It caught the eyes of Napoleon and was the only gift he ever gave to his thennew born son. think-silly.com |
舞动的北极光照亮天际,带来另一个世界的信息。 visitfinland.com | The Northern Lightsilluminate the sky with their [...] dance, bringing messages from a world beyond ours. visitfinland.com |
手电筒-企鹅在傍晚时分(接近天黑)归巢,看完了,恐怕需要手电筒 照亮回归 之路。 4tern.com | Torch light-Penguins return home in the evening, when thesky begin to dark. 4tern.com |
圣托玛斯圣诞集市的打铁火炉,照亮了冬天的阴暗。 visitfinland.com | The glow from a [...] smithy’s furnacelights up the wintergloom inSt Thomas market. visitfinland.com |
明亮的北极光甚至能够照亮冰天雪地 的北国景色,帮助滑雪者找到回家的路。 visitfinland.com | Bright auroraldisplays caneven light up the snowy [...] arctic landscape enough to help skiers find the way home. visitfinland.com |
这些拥有文化和历史价值的漂亮楼房,今天仍然屹立在海边。 visitfinland.com | Today, these beautiful buildings of cultural historic value are still situated by the seaside. visitfinland.com |
选址时要考虑多种因素,包括是否 [...] 有公共交通到达;空置的处所的空间和建筑结构是否均能符合消防安全;无障碍 通道、通风和天然照明系统的法定要求;处所是否有足够空间提供全套服务,例 [...]如在住宿床位配套外的日间训练服务。 daccess-ods.un.org | We need to take into consideration a number of factors, including whether the site is accessible by public transport, whether the space and building structure of the vacant premises can conform to the statutory requirements on fire safety, barrier-free access, ventilation and natural lighting, whether there is sufficient space to provide the full [...] range of services, e.g. [...] space for matching daytrainingservices in [...]addition to bed space, etc. In this regard, SWD will continue to step up efforts [...]in identifying on an ongoing basis suitable sites at the planning stage of development projects and vacant premises and public housing units for conversion into RCHDs and other rehabilitation service units. daccess-ods.un.org |
这里人烟非常稀少,也就是说污染也极少,天空当然也 特别明亮。 4tern.com | As a result, the sky is always clear and bright. 4tern.com |
我还会用黑影照相法,一种始于19世纪法国的照相法(由Louis Daguerre发明,这种手法不用底片,直接投影在像镜子一样发亮的 银膜上然后曝光,来创作影像)这种相片类似于身份照,是一种基本的照片,可是我认为这是我最得意的作品之一。 luxe-immo.com | This is one of my daguerreotypes, a 19th [...] century French technique [invented by [...] Louis Daguerre, it creates an image without a negative on a silver surface, polishedlike a mirror and directly exposed to light ed. luxe-immo.com |
看来在伦敦泰德现代美术馆、纽约惠特尼美术馆回顾展持续效应,以及LV时尚名牌的强力曝光加持,草间弥生的市场行情在2012年必然呈现亮丽的成绩,且拭目以待路易威登今年夏天推出的「草间弥生系列」商品,一同见识她艺术中无限延伸的惊人魔力。 ravenelart.com | We are particularly looking forward to the kick-off in July of the Louis Vuitton collection featuring a range of products with the artist's designs—this will bring the boundless magic of Kusama's art to a bigger and broader audience than ever before! ravenelart.com |