单词 | 天池 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 天池 —Lake Tianchi in XinjiangExamples:长白山天池—Changbaishan Tianchi, volcanic lake in Jilin province See also:池 n—pool n • pond n 池—reservoir • moat • surname Chi
對日蓮佛法與SGI的國際發展而言,1960年10月2日是一大里程碑, 那 天池 田 會 長首次踏出日本進行海外訪問,而第一個著陸點即是夏威夷。 sgi.org | On that day in 1960, Mr. Ikeda embarked [...] on his first overseas journey (touching down first in Hawaii), marking a significant [...]milestone in the international development of Nichiren Buddhism and the SGI. sgi.org |
新系列产品具有流畅的高清视频播放、处理最苛刻应用的突破性计算能力(ii)、支持DirectX 11的图形和全天电池续航等特点。 tipschina.gov.cn | The new range of product features include stutter-free HD video playback, breakthroughs in [...] computational horsepower to handle the most demanding applications,(ii) DirectX [...] 11-capable graphics and all-day battery life. tipschina.gov.cn |
湖面在基地北面体育馆外形成一道蜿蜒的柔和边界,而在 露 天 泳 池 的 南 面形成一 段笔直的边缘。 chinese-architects.com | This produces a softly curving shore on the north side round the circular stadiums and a straight edge on [...] the south side for the open-air pool. chinese-architects.com |
这些因素经常导致整个池塘“颠覆”,并且还会引起鱼灾,即使是在浅 的 天 然 池 塘 中。 oase-livingwater.com | These factors regularly cause the entire pond to "overturn" and they cause fish [...] kill, even in shallow natural ponds. oase-livingwater.com |
一个重大进步是,我们可让用户无处不在地体验高清,体验可提供 全 天 电 池 续 航 的笔记本电脑带来的个人超级计算能力。 tipschina.gov.cn | In one major step, we enable users to [...] experience HD everywhere as well as personal supercomputing capabilities in notebooks [...] that can deliver all-day battery life. tipschina.gov.cn |
下村(Dolnja VAS),其中码头周围jugna(露天舞池 ) , 乱堆的房屋包含两个突出的建筑:摩天大楼(neboticnik),站在旁边的道路科佩尔Buje,和巴洛克式的房子,可以追溯到1738。 instantworldbooking.com | The Lower Village (Dolnja vas), where the [...] houses on the pier huddle around the [...] jugna (an open air dancing area), contains [...]two prominent buildings: the skyscraper [...](neboticnik), which stands next to the road Koper-Buje, and the baroque house that dates back to 1738. instantworldbooking.com |
酒店拥有256间新颖豪华客房,另有香港深井海韻烧鹅海鲜酒家、欧陆西餐厅、樱花日式料理、泰式风味餐厅、池畔烧烤吧、凯旋门卡拉OK夜总会、桑拿健康中心、商务会议室、宴会厅、大型 露 天 泳 池 、 健身房、网球场和保龄球室等设施。 dghotel.com | The hotel has 256 rooms, as well the Hong Kong Shenjing Haiyun Roasted Goose and the food Restaurant, the Western Restaurant, the Sakura Ryori (Japanese Restaurant), a Thai food flavor Restaurant, a poolside barbecue court, a karaoke nightclub, a sauna and health [...] centre, business meeting rooms, a banquet [...] hall, an outdoor swimming pool, gymnasium and [...]bowling hall etc. The hotel is an ideal [...]place for business and tourism travelers. dghotel.com |
专属区内有71间套房、酒吧、日光浴、2座水疗按 摩 池 、 1 座 天 顶 泳 池 、 可欣赏海景的透明观景休息大厅。 msccruises.com.cn | MSC Fantasia boasts an exclusive area: privileged passengers can sojourn in the MSC Yacht Club [...] with 71 suites, a bar, [...] solarium, 2 hydro-massage pools, 1 skydome swimming pool, [...]concierge and glass-walled Observation Lounge [...]where guests can enjoy amazing ocean views. msccruises.com.eg |
可选部件 含2.4G接收板,7显示器,天线,电池 , 含USB,SD插口,有4个频率,购买时请注意。 arkmodel.com | Optional Part Including 2.4G [...] receiver,7" monitor,antenna,battery,2G RAM,SD,USB socket.there [...]are four frequencies,please [...]take attention when you order. arkmodel.com |
经过 20 到 60 天(取决 于沼气池的内 部温度),有机物在无氧的情况下被细菌分解,产生富含甲烷的沼 气。 daccess-ods.un.org | After 20 to 60 days (depending on the internal temperature of the digester), [...] the organic matter is broken down by bacteria [...]in the absence of oxygen to produce a methane-rich biogas. daccess-ods.un.org |
這一天,我們建議在中等大小的方便掛包,當事情變得有點可能 - 例如一天,在海灘,游泳池,或 在湖邊 - 最佳適合的泳衣和毛巾在L從聚黃麻購物。 luxury-heavens.com | For the day we recommend the handy hanging bag in medium size and when things get [...] a bit may be more - for [...] example, for the day at the beach, the swimming pool or at the lake [...]- fit bathing suit and towel [...]optimally in the L-shoppers from poly-jute. luxury-heavens.com |
但是这种制订战略的方法是极其危险的, 今 天 深 深 的收 入 池 完 全 有可能变为明日的枯池。 12manage.com | The idea behind it is: managers need to look beyond revenues [...] to see the shape of their industry's profit pool. 12manage.com |
這裡建造了最天然的游泳池,小海獅最愛在這裡戲水。 4tern.com | Here is the nature made swimming pool. 4tern.com |
新濠天地SPLASH夏日池畔派 對第二浪近日再度駕臨 Hard Rock,讓這個夏天瞬間變得性感又火辣。 macau.com | It was a perfect [...] summer’s day for the second MTV SPLASH pool party at Hard [...]Rock Macau. macau.com |
可搭配 6 芯電池、熱交換電池以及選購的無線媒體插槽座 (即將推出),提供全天候的電池續航力,如此多樣化的特色讓一切變得輕鬆無負擔。 dell.com | Versatile features like all-day battery life with a 6-cell battery, swappable batteries and optional wireless docking make it easy. dell.com |
新的笔记本电脑后,联想创新的新一套适合关键业务需求设计的,如视频和语音呼叫,权力和绩效管理, 全 天 的 电 池 寿 命 ,企业管理和直观,易于使用的计算智能电脑功能经验。 technologeeko.com | The new notebooks are designed upon a set of new Lenovo innovations to fit key business needs like video and [...] voice calling, smart PC [...] features for power and performance management, all-day battery life, enterprise [...]management and an intuitive, [...]easy-to-use computing experience. technologeeko.com |
特設The Private Club唯住戶尊享,設施包括20米特色游泳池、戶外按 摩 池 、 露 天 賞 酒平臺、獨立派對廳、健身專區、池畔雅逸大廳及翠綠戶外園林等。 wingtaiproperties.com | Residents enjoy exclusive access to the Private Club with a 20m swimming pool, outdoor Jacuzzi, bar terrace, party zone, gym area, floating lounge, and lush landscapes etc. wingtaiproperties.com |
这条路径围绕核心的泉池,以一系列分层的墙包围 泉 池 , 而 向 天 空 开 放,让人体验自然。 chinese-architects.com | This movement path traces its course around the [...] water at the heart of the [...] spa, with the pools enclosed by a layered series of walls, yet open to the sky of the experience [...]of nature. chinese-architects.com |
建筑物面积将达460,000平方米,由三座摩天大楼组成,位于中间高达360米的摩天大楼将会是拉美最高建筑物其中之一,包括住房及(或)配有专门五星级酒店的办公场所,酒店内设有俱乐部、健身房、美容店、休闲场所、会议室、 露 天 观 众 席、游 泳 池 、 餐 厅以及一个会展中心。 chapmantaylor.com | The buildings will occupy a total of 460,000m² and consists of three high rise towers; the one in the centre, at 360m, will be one of the tallest buildings in Latin America, housing residential and/or offices, an exclusive five-star hotel with a casino, [...] gymnasium, spa, leisure facilities, meeting [...] rooms, an open-air auditorium, swimming pools, restaurants, and [...]an exhibition centre. chapmantaylor.com |
为了检查系统的全部功能是否正常,应该隔离开太阳能 电 池 板 , 就像在 坏 天 气 或 阴 天 时 , 只有很少或没有电流 从太阳能电池板流出那样。 sipos.de | To be able to check the correct and complete functionality of the [...] system, the solar module should be [...] insolated, as in case of bad weather or darkness only a small or [...]no charge current flows. sipos.de |
150座喷水池在白天营造出无边的欢乐,而入夜后踏着音乐的节拍呈现精彩的喷泉表演。 msccruises.com.cn | Its 150 fountains provide [...] endless fun during the day and an astonishing [...]spectacle when lit up to music at night. msccruises.co.uk |
美丽的园景花园7.770sqm设有温水游泳 池 , 夏 天 的 厨 房,桑拿和网球场。 luxe-immo.com | Beautiful landscaped garden of [...] 7,770sqm with heated pool, summer kitchen with [...]sauna and tennis court. luxe-immo.com |
記 得我們剛剛擁有自己的堂,她還是第一批用 West Front St.的教 會裏浸池,受浸後的隔天,教 堂才得以過戶。 mccc.org | She was one of the first to be baptized at the West Front Street sanctuary; the [...] building purchase closed the day after her baptism. mccc.org |
只需添加电池、天线和 传感器即可以创建完整的无线传感器节点。 digikey.cn | Just add a battery, antenna, and sensor to [...] create a complete wireless sensor node. digikey.be |
劉秀成議員認為,政府當局應考慮使用沉 澱池 天台作為足球場,讓公眾享用。 legco.gov.hk | Professor Patrick LAU opined that [...] consideration should be given to [...] using the rooftop of the sedimentation tanks as football [...]fields for the enjoyment of the public. legco.gov.hk |
我簡單將天水圍跟九龍城比較,天水 圍的青年人口是44 000人,九龍城是40 000人;九龍城有3 個草地足球 [...] 場,天水圍只有1個;九龍城有7個籃球場,天水圍只有4個;九龍城有3 個泳池,天水圍 只有1個;九龍城有11個自修室,天水圍只有8個。 legco.gov.hk | Kowloon City has three natural turf soccer pitches while Tin Shui Wai has one only; Kowloon City has seven basketball courts while [...] Tin Shui Wai has four only; Kowloon City [...] has three swimming pools while Tin Shui Wai [...]has one only; and Kowloon City has 11 [...]self-study rooms while Tin Shui Wai has eight only. legco.gov.hk |
它们可确保放松,池塘是天然绿洲,是享受的源泉。 oase-livingwater.com | They ensure [...] relaxation, a pond is a natural oasis, and [...]a source of enjoyment. oase-livingwater.com |
运输技术正在多个方面向着降低空气污染物和温室气体的排放的目标取得 进展,包括以下领域:电动汽车、混合电力引擎和燃料 电 池 、 压 缩 天 然 气驱动的 公共汽车和商用车辆、使用来自不同生物质的替代燃料、继续提高标准汽油和柴 油车辆的燃油效率和排放等。 daccess-ods.un.org | Transportation technologies are progressing on many fronts towards lower emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases, including in the following areas: cars powered by hybrid engines, electricity and fuel cells; buses and commercial vehicles powered by compressed natural gas; the use of alternative fuels derived from various biomass sources; and continued improvements in the fuel efficiency and emissions of standard gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles. daccess-ods.un.org |
现在的趋势是同时在智能手机上做越来越多的事情,但是消费者不能等太长时间,这要求这个几乎比普通的笔记本电脑 电 池小 15 倍的电池支持全天使用。 arm.com | This trend to do more and more things at once on the Smartphone, while ensuring that consumers do [...] not have to wait for the [...] “hourglass” and have all day usage on a battery that is almost 15 [...]times smaller than a typical laptop. arm.com |
特别在汽车、通讯与多媒体、电子、太 阳能、电池、医疗、航空航天国防等这 些专业的领域,我们所提供的解决方案 能符合客户与市场需求,并能造福于人 类的发展。 miyachiunitek.com | These application fields are our areas of expertise to the benefit of our customers’ and our vendors’ future growth in Automotive, IT & Multimedia, Electronics & Solar Cells, Medical, Aerospace and Defence. miyachiunitek.com |