

单词 天文学家

See also:



天文 n

astronomer n
astrometric n

天文 pl

astronomers pl

External sources (not reviewed)

Berlinghieri 是一位意大利学者兼外交家,是首位对托勒密这位 2 世纪希天文学家和地 理学家的作品进行解读、扩充和重新出版的现代欧洲人。
Berlinghieri, an Italian scholar and diplomat, was the first modern European to interpret, expand upon, and republish the works of the second-century Greek astronomer and [...]
天文学家的科学发现不仅对我们了解宇宙具有影响,而且对技术、数学、物理和总的 社会发展也产生了作用。
Scientific discoveries by astronomers have not only [...]
had an influence on our understanding of the universe but also on technology,
mathematics, physics and social development in general.
他在伊斯法罕和巴格达工作过,因将古 天文学家 托 勒 密所著的《至大论》(Almagest) [...]
He worked in Isfahan and in Baghdad, and is known for his translation from Greek into Arabic of the
[...] Almagest by the ancient astronomer Ptolemy.
利用美国宇航局(NASA)的哈勃空间望远镜 天文学家 已 经 发现了一个像用一条金色丝带包裹的玻璃饰品般的“小玩意儿”(如右图)。
Using NASA's Hubble
[...] Space Telescope, astronomers have spied one [...]
notable bauble resembling a blown-glass ornament wrapped with a golden ribbon.
(iv) 该科学院吸引了世界著名的学家、 天文学家 和 思 想家。
(iv) The academy attracted world-renowned
[...] scientists, philosophers, astronomers and thinkers.
对天体的跟踪观测将使用研究院的其他望远镜,并同南美洲空间防卫协会 天文学家 合作 ,使用位于阿根廷、巴西、巴拉圭和乌拉圭的望远镜进行这项工作。
Follow-up observations of the discovered objects would be carried out from
other telescopes of the
[...] Observatory, as well as through collaboration with astronomers of the South [...]
American Spaceguard Association,
with telescopes in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay.
施密特教授是国际著名天文学家, 因其 在 天文 学 领域的贡献获得过许多学术奖项。
Professor Schmidt is a
[...] world-acclaimed astronomer who has been awarded numerous academic awards and prizes for his work in the area of astronomy.
天文学家于巴拉纳山透过巨型望远镜探索数以十亿计光年外的宇宙,一众来自世界各地的记者则云集于近150名欧洲南方天文台科学家工作的地方“Residencia”,了解葡萄牙Sidérale [...]
While the astronomers on Mount Paranal [...]
used their gigantic telescopes to probe billions of light years into the universe,
journalists from all over the world gathered at the Residencia – home to approximately 150 scientists working with ESO – to learn all about the history and development of the Portuguese Sidérale Scafusia.
(b) 不过,应有更多的在天文学、天体物理学 和空间科学活动方面开展得好的国家将基础空间 科学纳入其大学课程并在适当的期间内在其实验 室或观测站对青年空间学家、 天文学家 、 天 体物 理学家、程序员、工程师和技术人员进行培训。
(b) However, more countries, with well developed activities in astronomy, astrophysics and space science, should introduce basic space science courses into their university curricula and should train young space scientists, astronomers, astrophysicists, programmers, engineers and technicians in their laboratories or observatories for appropriate periods of time.
约翰米勒的康尼斯堡(雷格蒙塔努斯),一个Peuerbach的学生,是与希腊熟悉的,但主要是作为一个著名 天文学家 和 数 学家。
Johann Müller of Königsberg (Regiomontanus), a pupil of Peuerbach's, was familiar with Greek, but was chiefly
[...] renowned as an astronomer and mathematician.
早在电影《星际迷航》里的Spock先生(嵌入图所示)出现之前,19世纪到20世纪早期的很 天文学家 都 曾 设想过一颗名叫“祝融星”的行星存在,它在水星的轨道内侧绕太阳运行(其经过太阳时如主图所示),牵引着水星,导致了水星独特的运行轨迹。
Long before Star Trek's Mr. Spock
[...] (inset), many astronomers during the 19th [...]
and early 20th centuries thought a planet named
Vulcan circled the sun inside the orbit of Mercury (shown transiting the sun, main image) and tugged on the latter, accounting for peculiarities in Mercury's motion.
他将这样的成绩归功于精心准备的船只以及他过人的航行技术,加上卓越的计时器 天文学家 H o r ne r博士(顺便说一句,Horner博士出生于瑞士)。
He doubtlessly owed this to extremely well-prepared ships and his outstanding skill as a navigator,
coupled with the excellence of his
[...] chronometers and the astronomer responsible for [...]
these, Dr Horner, who was, incidentally, Swiss by birth.
[...] Arcetri,1642年1月8日)是一位物理学家, 学家 , 天文学家 和 数学家的意大利,现代科学之父。
Galileo Galilei (Pisa, February 15, 1564 -
Arcetri, January 8, 1642) was a
[...] physicist, philosopher, astronomer and mathematician Italian, [...]
father of modern science.
BeppoSAX配有X射线相机,可以观测伽玛射线暴发生后的 X射线余辉,并精确地确定其位置,从而 使 天文学家 第 一 次能够用地面的光学望远镜对伽玛射线暴进行观察,证认出射线暴来自河外星系,也第一次证认出伽玛射线暴来自超新星爆发,证明了其宇宙学起源。
An X-ray camera aboard BeppoSAX measured accurate positions [...]
of the X-ray afterglows of GRBs that enabled observers using
ground-based optical telescopes to make the first identification of a GRB with a distant galaxy and the first identification of a GRB with a supernova explosion, confirming their cosmological origin.
几年后,美天文学家E.P. Hubble观测到银河系中心射手座方向的可见星系的平均值比朝着北斗星系方向的星系数量要少。
Few years later
[...] the American astronomer E.P. Hubble observed [...]
that the median number of visible galaxies in the direction
of the centre of our milky way in the constellation Sagittarius, is clearly less, as when for example viewing towards the direction of the Big Dipper.
或许身天文学专家的您 发现了银河 系诞生新理论,或许您是全世界唯一知道严重急性呼吸道症候 群 (SARS)(即非典)病毒基因序列的人。
Perhaps you have discovered new theories on
[...] galaxy creation in astronomy, or you are the only person in the world [...]
that knows the sequence of
that specific Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) virus gene.
尽管这张图片并非真实照片,它只是一副艺术作品,但它是建立在一个类星体 天文学家 们 对 星系中心的昵称)的3D观测图像这个基础之上的!不过看到立体的宇宙天体可不是一件轻而易举的事儿。
Although this
[...] picture is an artist's impression and not a real photograph, it is based on the first real 3-D observations of a quasar – this is what astronomers call these active [...]
galaxy centres!
巴登一符腾堡州历史上还出现过许多其他名人,其中有发 现了行星运动规律天文学家约翰·开普勒(1571-1630);与马 丁·路德志同道合的宗教改革家和人文主义者菲里普·梅兰 希通(1497-1560);以及雕刻家和画家费特·施托斯(1440-1533)。
Other prominent historical
[...] figures from our state include the astronomer Johannes Kepler (1571–1630), discoverer of the laws of planetary motion, the Church reformer and humanist Philipp Melanchthon [...]
a close friend and companion of Martin Luther, as well as the woodcarver and painter Veit Stoss (1440–1533).
这些探测站天文学家弗里德里希 · 格奥尔格 · 威廉· 斯特鲁维(Friedrich [...]
Georg Wilhelm Struve)于1816年至1855年之间进行测量的测量点,代表着人类首次对子午线长短的精确测量。
These are points of a survey, carried out between 1816
[...] and 1855 by the astronomer Friedrich Georg [...]
Wilhelm Struve, which represented the
first accurate measuring of a long segment of a meridian.
他推广了旋涡星系被大量暗物质晕包围的概念,也是首位详细地推断宇宙物质大尺度成团现象 天文学家 , 这 是基于假设这种暗物质是由无规速度较低、与正常物质的相互作用微弱、与光之间除引力作用外无反应的基本粒子组成。
He popularized the notion of massive dark-matter haloes surrounding spiral galaxies, and he was the first to make detailed and elaborate predictions for the large-scale clustering in the cosmos based on the hypothesis that this dark matter consists of elementary particles with relatively low random velocities that interact only weakly with ordinary matter and not at all with light except through gravitation.
他曾获奖项包括美国天文学会 Henry Norris Russell 讲席、美国国家科学奖、家天文学 会 金 奖、法国科学院大奖章和邵逸夫天文学奖。
His awards include the Henry Norris Russell Lectureship of the
American Astronomical
[...] Society, the US National Medal of Science, the Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society, the Grande Medaille of the French Academy of Sciences, and the [...]
Shaw Prize.
讲习班的协办人是日本家 天文台、国际天文学联盟(天文学联 盟 )和空间研究委员会。
The workshop was coorganized by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, the [...]
International Astronomical Union (IAU) and the Committee on Space Research.
地球物理学天文学研究所的家们 利 用国际太阳巡视和卫星观测所得的 数据,继续研究强度超过 10 MeV 的质子能量变化强度的方向性,并根据等离子 [...]
粒团(行星际日冕物质抛射)在太阳中的位置,研究其到达地球附近的时间的 分布情况,在编写材料时采用逐步多元回归办法进行变差分析。
Specialists at IGA continued to study the directionality [...]
of the intensity of protonic energy events exceeding 10 MeV and
the distribution of arrival times of plasmoids (interplanetary coronal mass ejections) in the immediate neighbourhood of Earth according to their positions in the Sun, using data from the international solar patrol and satellite observations, following the step-by-step multiple regression method with variation analysis in the preparation of the material.
通过第一次非正式思考,得出了三位 家 之 间 的五大共性主题:( i) 教 学 在 其 作品中的 地位,特别是教育、试验学习的方式;(ii)努力寻求人与环境和谐的新契约 天 性 ; (iii)通 过与各种形式的知识的对话,推动科技进步;(iv)以人权与民主应对殖民主义、歧视和政 治、经济、社会文化方 面的排斥现象以及(v)艺术,特别是诗歌,是人与自然,人与其同 类之间和解的理想方式。
Five major themes of convergence between these three authors were identified during that first informal reflection process: (i) the place of pedagogy in their work, especially through education, experimentation and learning; (ii) nature, in the form of the desire for the search for a new covenant of solidarity between humanity and its environment; (iii) scientific and technological progress, enriched by dialogue with all forms of knowledge; (iv) human rights and democracy in response to colonialism, discrimination and political, economic, social and cultural exclusion; and, [...]
lastly (v) art and,
in particular, poetry as a form of unique mediation between people and nature, and between individuals and their fellows.
总体上看,实现战略计划目标(SPO)4、5 和 6 的工作稳步推进,重点在于启动了第
[...] [...] 三份世界水资源发展报告(WWDR-3)的工作,教科文组织与联合国环境规划署在海洋环境 状况全球报告和评估经常程序的启动阶段发挥了牵头作用,依靠政府间和国际科学计划(国 际水文计划、政府间海洋学委员会、人与生物圈计划、国际地质科学计划)在解决适应全球 气候变化方面取得进展,推出了国际地球年(IYPE,2008)和国 天文学 年 ( IYA, 2009),举办了世界科学论坛--布达佩斯+10,主要向非洲的许多 家 提 供了科学、技术和 创新政策的咨询。
Overall, sound progress was achieved in the pursuit of Strategic Programme Objectives (SPO) 3, 4 and 5, with highlights being the launch of the third United Nations World Water Development Report (WWDR-3), UNESCO’s lead role, together with UNEP, in the start-up phase of the Regular Process for global reporting and assessment of the state of the marine environment, progress in addressing adaptation to global climate change under the intergovernmental and international scientific programmes (IHP, IOC, MAB, IGCP), the launches of the International Year of Planet Earth (IYPE,
2008) and of the
[...] International Year of Astronomy (IYA, 2009), the World Science Forum – Budapest+10, and the provision of science, technology and innovation policy advisory services to many countries, notably in Africa.
他是德国亚琛工业大学的访问科学家;马耳他国际海洋研 究所的顾问;家科学和天文学奥林 匹克指导委员会委员;国家船舶设计研究中 心研究理事会成员。
He was a visiting scientist to the Aachen University of Technology, Germany; a
[...] resource person of the International Ocean Institute, Malta; Member, National Steering Committee for Science and Astronomy Olympiads; Member, [...]
Research Council
of National Ship Design Research Centre (NSDRC).
天文学奖平 均颁予意大利太空天体物理与宇宙物理研究所研究主任恩里科•科斯塔 (Enrico Costa) 和美国国家宇航局马歇尔太空飞行中心主任科 家 杰 拉 尔德•菲什曼 (Gerald J Fishman),以表彰他们领导天文卫星,证明了宇宙中最大能量的爆发 ─ 伽玛射线暴 ─ 来自宇宙学距离。
Awarded in equal shares to Dr Enrico Costa, Director of Research at the Institute of Space Astrophysics
[...] Cosmic Physics (Rome) of the National Institute of Astrophysics, Italy and  Dr Gerald J Fishman, Chief Scientist at the NASA – Marshall Space Flight Center, USA for their leadership of space missions that enabled [...]
the demonstration
of the cosmological origin of gamma ray bursts, the brightest sources known in the universe.
一大批具体的建议已提交给对话的协调员,如建立大学的对话与网络;青年 学家的 对话,邀请教文组织 教席担任者参与对话活动;两个地区的实习记者和资深新闻工作者的 对话;举行青年论坛;重新启文学 作 品翻译委员会,增加用欧洲语言翻译的阿拉伯作品; 学校教科书的比较研究;文化产业专业人士的对话;举办跨地区会议,探讨欧洲历史教科书 中阿拉伯伊斯兰文化的形象。
A host of concrete proposals were suggested to the coordinators of the Dialogue, such as: dialogue and networking among
[...] dialogue among young scientists, involving UNESCO chairholders in dialogue activities; dialogue among student journalists and seasoned media practitioners from both regions; the holding of youth forums; reactivation of the Committee for the Translation of Literary Works and increase [...]
in the translation
of Arabic works into European languages; a comparative study of school textbooks; dialogue involving professionals from cultural industries; the organization of an interregional conference on the image of Arab-Islamic culture in European history books.
小组委员会赞赏地注意到日本的官方发展援助方案捐赠了望远镜设施和一 具天象仪,日本家天文台与 日本国际合作署提供了技术援助,它们在过去 20 多年中为基础学的发 展,特别是在支持发展中国家的教育和研究方面,做出 了贡献。
The Subcommittee noted with appreciation the donation of telescope facilities and a planetarium by the official development assistance
programme of Japan,
[...] as well as the provision of technical assistance by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan and the Japan International Cooperation [...]
Agency, which
had contributed, for more than 20 years, to the development of basic science, especially in support of education and research in developing countries.




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