

单词 天才出自勤奋

See also:



天才 n

talent n
geniuse n
gift n


come from

External sources (not reviewed)

但Ramesh先生正是通过这种严格要求发 出 了 学生的潜力,再说人的极限只有通 勤奋 的 练 习 才 能 提 高。
However, it is through this that Mr
[...] Ramesh optimise the potential of his students and with diligent practice, limits can be stretched.
鑑於部分反對管制停車熄匙的人士 出天 氣 炎熱時乘客和駕駛 者的舒適問題,一位成員提議在天 時 才 進 行停車熄匙管制的 試驗計劃。
A member suggested conducting a pilot scheme
[...] in summer as some opponents of the ban had raised the issue of passenger and driver comfort when the weather is hot.
他在任职期间勤奋工作 ,促进中国所有派 天 主 教 徒之间的了解,并为中国和圣座之间的和解点燃了希望之光。
During his years of
[...] service, he worked diligently to promote understanding between Chinese Catholics of all persuasions [...]
and provided a
beacon of hope for reconciliation between China and the Holy See.
於最後實際可行日期,勤、天達融 資及威格斯 自 並 無於本集團任何成員公司自二 零一一年十二月三十一日(即本公司最近期刊發之經審核財務報表之編制日期)以來已或擬 收購出售或 租用的任何資產中,擁有任何直接或間接權益。
As at the Latest Practicable Date, each of Deloitte, Investec and Vigers did not have any direct or indirect interest in any asset which had been or were proposed to be acquired or disposed of by or leased to any member of the Group since 31 [...]
December 2011, being the date to which
the latest published audited financial statements of the Company were made up.
我们两国人民都以他们勤奋工作 和聪 才 智 而闻名,显然,通过共同努力,我们能够找到我们最紧迫的全球挑战的解决方法。
Our two peoples are known for their hard work and ingenuity, and it is clear that by working together we can find solutions to our most pressing global challenges.
大家晚上好!新加坡是世界地图上的一个小红点,在没 天 然 资 源的条件下,能够凭 自 身 勤奋 刻 苦 、坚韧不拔的努力,茁壮成长为经济稳健发展、人民安居乐业的美好家园。
Despite being a hardly distinguishable red dot on the
[...] world map, and a country without any natural resources, Singapore has relied on [...]
sheer hard work and enterprise
to transform itself into an economically robust, safe and socially cohesive nation.
开发计划署代表出,尽管开发计划署无疑在履行其执行已核准项目的任务规定,但 对那些需要依靠开发计划署的额外援 才 能 履 行 自 己 的 责任的国家臭氧机构来说,必须知 道在没有额外资金的情况下,开发计划署很不幸是无法在关键的履约期间提供这种额外的 援助的。
The representative of UNDP pointed out that, while UNDP was without a doubt fulfilling its mandate to implement approved projects, it was important for those National Ozone Units that were counting on UNDP for extra assistance in order to carry [...]
out their implementation
responsibilities to know that UNDP would unfortunately not be able to provide such additional assistance during the critical compliance period without additional funding.
开发计划署和世界银行出,它们必须进行详细分才能评估各自行政 费用中的各个费用部分。
UNDP and the World Bank indicated that they would have to conduct detailed analyses to assess the various cost components of their administrative costs.
我们致力于让目前仍然与我们一起在巴基斯坦 生活的 300 多万难自愿、 逐步、安全和有尊严地回 返,但这需要出更加勤奋和持续的努力,以便在阿 富汗创造必要的拉动因素。
We are committed to a voluntary, gradual, safe and dignified return of the over 3 million refugees that still live with us in Pakistan, but there is a need for more diligent and sustained [...]
efforts at creating
necessary pull factors in Afghanistan.
阿贾温先生(苏丹)(以英语发言):请允许我借此 机会以 77
[...] 国集团加中国的名义,对共同联席协调人 员塞内加尔共和国常驻代表保罗·巴吉先生阁下和丹 麦常驻代表卡斯滕·斯陶尔先生阁下在谈判进程中表出的勤奋、承诺与极大耐心表示衷心感谢与赞赏, 这一谈判进程导致天就 2 010 年高级别全体会议的 范围、会期、模式、参与和框架通过了第 64/184 号 决议。
(Sudan): Allow me on behalf of the Group of 77 and China to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation to the co-facilitators, His Excellency Mr. Paul Badji, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Senegal, and His Excellency Mr. Carsten Staur, Permanent
Representative of
[...] Denmark, for the diligence, commitment and enormous patience they demonstrated during the negotiation process which resulted in today’s adoption of resolution [...]
64/184 on the scope,
duration, modalities, participation and framework of the 2010 High-level Plenary Meeting.
局長,很多同事也曾提及,如果工人在 勤 工 作了 一 天 之 後 ,他 們所賺取的報酬或工資不能養自己 及 家人,政府便需要 出 檢 討出援手
[...] as many colleagues have mentioned, if, after a day of hard work, workers still cannot support themselves and their family with their earnings or wages, [...]
it would be necessary for the Government to conduct a review and lend a helping hand.
有关该问题有一种更高尚的见解,一种被认为是更加与时俱进的见解,这种见解真诚 地欢迎发天才的成果—不管它自 何 处,高兴地称之为全球的共同财产,人类的幸事,有 助于人类生活的改善。
There is a loftier view of this question, and one deemed more in harmony with the progressive spirit of the age -- a view which hails the fruits of the inventive genius, in whatever clime matured, as the common property of the world, and gives them cordial welcome as the common blessings of the race to whose amelioration they are devoted.
今天,我们接受祝贺成为2012年最佳ECN经纪商,但 天 我 们 将返 勤奋 工 作 ,以改善我们的服务,希望大家在2013年一如既往的支持我们。
Today we are accepting congratulations as the
Best ECN Broker of the
[...] year 2012, but tomorrow we will return back to the diligent work on improving [...]
our services in the
hope that you will do justice to our efforts in 2013 as well.
第十六条 兴奋剂控制方面的国际合作 各缔约国认识到只有在对运动员进行事先不通知的检查,而且样品能够及时运到实验室进行分 析的情况下,打击在体育运动中使用 奋 剂 的行 动 才 会 有 效,因此各缔约国应根据情况,并根 据自国内的法律和程序
Recognizing that the fight against doping in sport can only be effective when athletes can be tested with no advance notice and samples can be transported in a timely manner to laboratories for analysis, States Parties shall, where appropriate and in accordance with domestic law and procedures
执行主任在开幕词中赞扬即将卸任的副执行主任萨阿德·乌里先生和茜尔 德·弗拉菲尤·约翰逊女士出色和 勤奋 工 作,并热烈欢迎负责方案的副执行主 任吉塔·拉奥·古普塔女士。
In his opening remarks, the Executive Director commended the excellent and dedicated
work of Mr. Saad Houry and Ms. Hilde
[...] Frafjord Johnson, the outgoing Deputy Executive [...]
Directors, and gave a warm welcome to
Ms. Geeta Rao Gupta, the Deputy Executive Director, Programmes.
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9 个本国一般事务人员), 因为该科在过去数年里已经扩大了它所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科行动总部 诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不是以前的一级诊所;病人 从三级医出院后 在他们家里对其进行追踪观察;定期对阿比让以及西区和东区 的 11 家三级医院的病人进行探访;区总部的医生开展外联活动,一周两次访问 地处偏远的办公室;在重要的活动期间向政府和作为联合国综合框架一部分的联 合国国家工作队提供支助;拟议在库马西 勤 基 地 每 天 提 供 八小时的医疗支助, 而不是目前的两小时。
In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General Service staff) is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now functioning at level I-plus rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals; patients are regularly visited in the 11 level III hospitals in
Abidjan and in Sector West and Sector East;
[...] doctors in the regional headquarters perform outreach activity by visiting remote offices twice a week; support is provided to the Government during important functions and to the United Nations country team as part of the United Nations integrated framework; and medical support is proposed to be provided eight hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to the current two hours a day.
我们想要在这样的国家之间结成伙伴关系:它们 要比天更加了解自己的 职责和意识到它们的责任, 一些国家能够提供帮助,另一些国家认识到只自 助,才能获得帮助。
The partnership we desire is one among countries
that are more aware
[...] than they are today of their responsibilities and conscious of their duties, with some being in a position to help and others realizing they can be helped only if the help themselves.
我还向加沙人民保证,联合国将出 紧急 和勤奋的努 力,以便提供紧急人道主义援助和启 动艰巨和充满挑战的复原与重建进程。
I also assured the people of Gaza that the United Nations will
[...] work urgently and diligently to provide urgent [...]
humanitarian assistance and to start
a daunting and challenging process of recovery and reconstruction.
据北达尔富尔州检察长表示,尽管收到了受害者家属的投诉,但检 察长办公室已决定不对警方出指控 ,理由是警方在受到来自人群中的开枪袭击 之后自卫才朝人群开枪射击。
According to the Northern Darfur Prosecutor, despite complaints from the families of the victims, his office has decided not to press charges against the
police on the grounds
[...] that the police fired in the direction of the crowd in self-defence, after having been being shot at from that direction.
ii) 信號在第一個工作天的正午 12 時才懸掛/天文台發出預警 信息將會懸掛,並在第二個工 天: (自選單位程序一般只在上午進行,因此第一個工作天下午沒有揀選單位程序進行。
(Since flat selection procedures are usually arranged in the morning, there is no flat selection scheduled in the [...]
afternoon of the 1st working day.
从 2011 年底民间社会的情况看,世界公民参与联盟联合国代表说 自 柏林 墙倒塌之后,1990 年出现了令人奋的乐观和民自 由 浪 潮席卷全球的希望, 但随之而来的却是以反恐战争为借口限制信息、言论和集会自由的十年。
Looking at the situation of civil society at the end of 2011, the United Nations representative of CIVICUS said that the heady optimism of the
1990s that had
[...] followed the fall of the Berlin wall and its promise of a global wave of democracy and freedom was followed by a decade [...]
during which the
war on terror was used as an excuse to restrict freedom of information, expression and assembly.
我相信這位副秘書長由初獲聘任,至 18 年後的今天當上 副秘書長,當中一定經過了不斷勤 、 不 斷表現 才 能 達到 今 天 的 地 位。
I believe that Deputy Secretary must have continuously undergone appraisals and striven for improvement over the past 18 years before being promoted to the present position, a Deputy Secretary.
我现在结识了各领域 的朋友——他们自五湖 四海,包括运动员和数天才。
I have all kinds of friends
[...] now—people from all over the world, from star athletes to math geniuses.
在 2007 年,当斯洛伐克有幸担任关于民主化和其他 程序问题的工作组主席时,我勤奋 工 作 ,以进一步 推动日本代表团 2006 年如此精干地开始和开展出 色工作。
In the year 2007, when Slovakia had the honour to chair the Working Group on
[...] [...] Documentation and Other Procedural Questions, we worked diligently to further the excellent work so ably commenced and carried out [...]
by the delegation of Japan in 2006.
其次,该官员所提倡的价值观不仅仅只局限于游泳,它也适用于广义上的体育运动,他反 对使用让“能力欠佳的运动员” 赢过“该项运动最天赋、最勤奋的 运动员”的设备。
Second, the official called upon values not merely particular to swimming, but to sport more generally by objecting to equipment that allowed “athletes of lesser ability” to be successful against “the best-conditioned, hardest-working athletes in the sport”.
如今,由于索马里 安全部队和他们自非洲 联盟驻索马里特派团的同 事们勤奋努力和付出的牺 牲,青年党民兵被赶出了 首都,这促进了向干旱受害者提供人道主义援助。
Today, thanks to the diligence and sacrifices of the Somali security forces and their colleagues from [...]
the African Union Mission in Somalia, Al-Shabaab
militia have been pushed out of the capital, and that has facilitated the delivery of humanitarian aid to drought victims.
运动员希望在不使用提高成绩的兴奋剂的条件下进行竞赛,当他们有理由相信,他们的 竞争对手们的获胜不是因为过人天 赋 和 勤奋 训 练 ,而是使用兴奋剂时,他们就会感到十分沮 丧。
Athletes who desire to compete without using performanceenhancing drugs can become deeply frustrated when they have reason to
believe that their competitors are winning not because of
[...] superior talent or hard work, but because they resort to doping.
虽然援助 使难民免于遭受贫困折磨,并为能够引导和平进程
[...] 的经济恢复提供适当基础,但是令人痛心的是,一自强、奋进和勤劳的 巴勒斯坦社会如今过度依赖 于外国援助。
Yet while that assistance protected refugees from some of the worst effects of poverty and provided a modest basis for recovery should a peace process gain traction, sadly an unhealthy level of dependency on
foreign assistance had been thrust upon Palestinian
[...] society, traditionally so self-reliant, enterprising [...]
and hard-working.
委员会欢迎埃塞俄比亚提交合并的初次、第二次和第三次定期报告,尽管报 告拖延很久才提交,令人遗憾,并 出 , 对 问题单的答复仅在与缔约国代表团对 话前天才提交委员会。
The Committee welcomes the submission of the combined initial, second and third periodic reports of Ethiopia, although regrettably submitted with a significant delay, and notes
the replies
[...] to the list of issues, made available to the Committee only on the day prior to the dialogue with the [...]
State party’s delegation.




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