单词 | 天成 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 天成 —as if made by heaven成天 —all the time • (coll.) all day long Examples:天文学大成—the Almagest by Ptolemy 浑然天成—resemble nature itself • of the highest quality [idiom.] 谋事在人,成事在天—planning is with man, accomplishing with heaven (idiom); Man proposes but God disposes.
因為,現在連普通科的病床,每天成 本 也要 3,000 元,更不要說其他 癌症專科病床了。 legco.gov.hk | It is because even a bed in the general ward now costs $3,000 daily, not to mention the cost of a bed in the cancer ward. legco.gov.hk |
红十字委员 [...] 会和叙利亚阿拉伯红新月会还在昨 天成 功 地 完成向 哈马市 12 000 人运送食品和其他援助。 daccess-ods.un.org | The ICRC and Syrian Arab Red Crescent also successfully completed a delivery of food and other assistance for 12,000 [...] people in the city of Hama yesterday. daccess-ods.un.org |
朱 先 生 同 時 兼 任 天 音 控 股 股 份 有 限 公 司、寧 波 新 海 股 份 有 限 公 司、北 京 華 勝 天 成 科 技 股 份 有 限 公 司 獨 立 非 執 行 董 事。 zte.com.cn | Mr. Zhu also holds concurrent independent non-executive directorships with Telling Telecommunications Holding Co. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
据报道,药品、 水和粮食短缺,这可能在今后几天成 为 一 个严重的人 道主义问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | There are reported shortages of medicine, water and food, and this could become a major [...] humanitarian issue in the coming days. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们特别感谢作为决议草案提 案国的所有代表团,并且我们请其他代表团 今 天成为 提案国。 daccess-ods.un.org | We especially thank all the delegations that sponsored the draft resolution, and we request [...] others to join the sponsorship today. daccess-ods.un.org |
研究人員透過採用針對性的免疫療法,使參與第一期研究患者的存活時間由200天延長至超過 5 0 0 天 , 成 效 令 人鼓舞。 xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk | By offering targeted immune treatment, the team was able to [...] increase the median time of patient survival from [...] 200 to over 500 days in the phase I study, [...]which is an encouraging result. xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk |
因无法获得充足的安全用水和卫生服务,再加上没有良好的卫生习惯,导致 每 天成 千 上 万的儿童患病和死亡,并导致更多的人丧失机会,生活在贫困之中。 unicef.org | Inadequate access to safe water and sanitation services, coupled with poor [...] hygiene practices, kills and sickens thousands of [...] children every day, and leads to impoverishment [...]and diminished opportunities for thousands more. unicef.org |
始创于1830年的名士(Baume & Mercier)钟表系列中,低调奢华、优雅 天成 的 克 里顿(Clifton)男士腕表系列灵感源于1950年代的黄金岁月。 wthejournal.com | Joining the collections of Baume & Mercier, established 1830, the Clifton is an elegantly understated timepiece for men, inspired by the golden age of the 1950s. wthejournal.com |
Articulate 不再为所有客户及网站游客提供即时聊天支持,而是决定让 Provide Support 即时聊天成为其 高级会员计划的组成部分。 providesupport.cn | Rather than offering live chat [...] support for all of its [...] customers and any visitor to its website, Articulate decided to make Provide Support's Live Chat part of [...]its Premium Membership Plan. providesupport.com |
直至今天,成吉思 汗仍然备受其子民的尊崇与敬仰。成吉思汗陵于1954年落成,旨在纪念这位伟大的领袖。 shangri-la.com | Known by his people as the Khan of Khans, Genghis Khan guided his people to form a great civilization. shangri-la.com |
尽管决议明确呼吁严格尊重受援国的国家优先 事项,但关于联合国的实地工作必须根据这些优先重 [...] 点进行调整的要求以及强加单一发展和援助模式的 意图,是导致我们今天成功结束的谈判曾出现拖延的 具体原因。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although the resolution makes a clear appeal for strict respect for the national priorities of the recipient countries, the adaptation of the work of the United Nations on the ground to these priorities and the intention to impose single models of [...] development and assistance were specific reasons for the delay in the negotiations that we [...] have concluded successfully today. daccess-ods.un.org |
执行主任说,由于这些和其他努力,儿童基金会 今 天成 了 一 个更加强有力的 重视权利和以结果为导向的组织,它将继续有效地推动世界各地的儿童议程。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a result of these and other efforts, the Executive [...] Director said, UNICEF today is a stronger [...]rights-based and results-driven organization [...]that will continue to effectively advance the agenda for children around the world. daccess-ods.un.org |
这一天成为伊藤忠集团实质性开展热带雨林恢复 活动的第一天,所有参加人员都感慨万千。 itochu.co.jp | That was [...] effectively the first day of the ITOCHU [...]Group’s rainforest restoration project, and everyone in the group was overwhelmed with emotion. itochu.co.jp |
香港著名資訊科技服務供應商自動系統集團有限公司 (「自動系統」或「公司」) (股份編號:七七一)宣佈其最終控權股東Computer Sciences Corporation (「CSC」)於二零零九年四月二十四日與北京華 勝 天成 科 技 股份有限公司(上海證券交易所編號:600410)在香港的全資擁有附屬公司華 勝 天成 科 技 (香港)有限公司(「華 勝 天成 」 )簽 訂購股協議。 acnnewswire.com | Automated Systems Holdings Limited, a leading IT services [...] provider in Hong Kong, announces that its ultimate controlling shareholder Computer Sciences Corporation ("CSC"), has signed a Share Purchase Agreement with Teamsun Technology (HK) Limited. en.acnnewswire.com |
我们如何才能让‘和平一天’成为全 世界接受的、美好的活动? peaceoneday.org | As head of the department, Shashi Tharoor was able to offer Jeremy advice [...] about generating awareness for Peace Day. peaceoneday.org |
展區內彙集全球最佳茶葉和咖啡生產商, [...] 向亞太區內買家和進口商直銷優質產品;「咖啡茶葉園」內的參展商有來自中國茶葉流通協會、寮國咖啡出口公會、斯里蘭卡茶葉公會、台灣區制茶工業同業公會等主要會員, [...] 而獨立知名公司則有大西洋食品(香港)有限公司、Animo、榮陽咖啡有限公司、雀巢Nespresso、 新 天成 咖 啡 有限公司、Oranga Ltd及Yooilsystem [...]Co Ltd等, 多不勝數。 ipress.com.hk | This initiative has gained strong support from the China Tea Marketing Association, Lao Coffee Board, Sri Lanka Tea Board and Taiwan Tea Manufacturers¡¦ Association, Animo, Atlantic Ocean Food (HK) Ltd, [...] Bright Sun Coffee Co Ltd, Ditting Maschinen Ag, Nestle [...] Nespresso, Sun Tin Shing Co Ltd, Oranga [...]Ltd and Yooilsystem Co Ltd. ipress.com.hk |
想有一天成为LVMH集团公司的管理者,就必须具备及散播这种创业精神。 lvmh.cn | One needs to share and enjoy this entrepreneurial [...] spirit to - one day - manage a subsidiary [...]or company of the LVMH group. lvmh.com |
台北天成大飯店成立於1979年,座落於捷運台北車站M3出口旁,為捷運、高鐵、台鐵、客運、公車等交通樞紐地帶,擁有極佳的地理優勢;此外,台 北 天成 大 飯店數年來秉持著親切、貼心又專業的服務精神,穩定、扎實的餐飲品質,深獲國際旅客、商務人士的青睞,更是許多機關團體指定的聚會場所。 cosmos-hotel.com.tw | Since 1979, situated by MRT Taipei station exit M3, Cosmos Hotel Taipei holds the best geographical advantage as the traffic hub for MRT, HSR, Taiwan Railway, motor transport and bus, etc. In addition, for several years, Cosmos Hotel Taipei insists on kind, considerate and professional service spirit with our steady, solid food & beverage quality favored by international travelers and businessmen. cosmos-hotel.com.tw |
在开业那天,成千上 万的苹果迷们和好奇的普通购物者在广场上排成长队,希望能有机会亲自目睹这一盛况。 siegelgale.cn | On opening day, thousands of Apple [...] enthusiasts and the just-plain-curious lined the plaza to await their chance to see this sight for themselves. siegelgale.com |
椰糠一大優點在於相當耐久,每半年才需更換一次,且 每 天成 本 不 到兩美分,就足以供應單人所需用水;此外,污泥可分解用過的椰糠,產生具有養分的土壤添加物,能促進水土保持,也對保水有益;過濾裝置體積很小,故很適合高人口的都會區。 thisbigcity.net | What’s more, the used cocopeat can be composted with tank sludge, creating a soil additive with nutrients which boost its water retention – a bonus for water conservation efforts. thisbigcity.net |
半边天成立, 旨在确保每一名在福利院内生活的 孤残儿童都能得到对其健康发展至关重要的呵护 [...] 与关爱。 halfthesky.org | Half the Sky founded to ensure [...] that every institutionalized child receives the nurturing care that is crucial for healthy development. halfthesky.org |
在1977年,Pietro Carnaghi Sistemi一个新的公司诞生了,该公司在1981年时被命名为 ISPA [...] S.p.A.,也是皮特卡纳基的生产基地,位于米兰的Villa Cortese,今天成为母公司的一部分。 pietrocarnaghi.it | In 1977 a new Company born, Pietro Carnaghi Sistemi, that in 1981 was named ISPA [...] S.p.A., machining shop of Pietro Carnaghi, located in Villa [...] Cortese (MI) and today totally incorporated [...]by the main Company. pietrocarnaghi.it |
SAJAMA公司的主要股东Juan de los [...] Santos先生表示:“在此我要感谢INTRALOT公司对于此次合作的坚定决心,以及他们提供的技术支持,正是因为和他们的通力合作,我们的计划才能够在 今 天成 为 现 实。 bilot.bg | Mr. Juan de los Santos, main Shareholder of SAJAMA, commented: “I want to thank INTRALOT for the confidence you placed from the outset in this project, thanks for the [...] technological support they have given us and they have worked [...] shoulder to shoulder with us so that we [...]are now a reality. bilot.bg |
尽管Gucci各专门店个性鲜明,各有特色,如纽约专门店流光溢彩的楼梯结构,或上海专门店金碧辉煌的玻璃幕墙,对自然光线与亲切材质的执着成为所有专门店不懈承袭的全新美学认知,而自然光线在整个店面的挥洒亦缔造出浑 然 天成 的 内 外景致。 gucci.com | Though each store offers its own impressive and distinctive features such as a free floating stair case in New York or a golden glass façade in Shanghai, all of these stores adhere to a new aesthetic which prioritizes natural light and warm materials. gucci.com |
2011年秋天,成百上 千的紐約客在此尋常公園聚集,希望世人重視這個世代社會多麼不公平,希望外界聽見自己的聲音,儘管「占領華爾街」運動對政策有何深遠影響,各方仍意見不一,這起事件至少讓人注意到美國民主社會的公共空間及參與問題,也引發對立法及社會政策很重要的論述。 thisbigcity.net | But of course, in the fall of 2011, hundreds of New Yorkers gathered in this rather unexceptional park to call attention to the inequities of our generation and to finally make their voices heard. thisbigcity.net |
这是一段由十九世纪三十年代一家慕尼黑小型机床厂开始并直到 今 天成 为 全 球范围专用机床技术领先者和市场领头羊的发展之路。 grobgroup.com | A long path that enabled the small machine tool factory from Munich in the thirties to develop into a global payer and worldwide technology and market leader in the construction of special-purpose machines. grobgroup.com |
本課程是以學習兩種能源(太陽與地球內的放射衰變)如何驅使對流並 形 成天 氣變 化,地球表面的再生成和生態系統的延續為基礎的。 sfusd.edu | The course is based on learning how two sources of energy (the sun and the radioactive [...] decay inside Earth) drive convection [...] currents that cause weather, the reshaping of [...]Earth’s surface, and the continuation of ecosystems. sfusd.edu |
此外,澳大利亚研究理事会(ARC)提供了超过一百万澳元的经 费。在这些资金的帮助下,我能够在洁净煤、煤层气、天然气、 合 成天 然 气 及石油、生物能和能源加工效率等领域开展研究并将研究成果投入实际应用。 australiachina.com.au | These grants have enabled me to develop research programs and implement research outcomes in areas of clean coal, coal bed methane, natural gas, synthetic natural gas and oil, bioenergy and process energy efficiency. australiachina.com.au |
(14) 經營各類材料、化學品、物質、商品及產品(不論 合 成 、 天 然 或 人造,) 之製造商、生產商、精煉商、開發商及交易商之業務,上述包括但不限 [...] 於塑料、樹脂、紡織品、纖維、羽毛製品、皮革、毛髮、橡膠、樹膠及 上述材料之製成品與零部件、中間產品、衍生品及副產品(不論用於穿戴 [...] 、打扮或個人或家用或裝飾品及/或其他民事目的或用途)。 mmg.com | (14) To carry on the business of manufacturers, producers, refiners, developers, and dealers in all kinds of materials, [...] chemicals, substances, commodities and [...] products whether synthetic, natural, or artificial, [...]including in particular but without [...]limitation to the foregoing, plastics, resins, textiles, fabrics, fibres, feather goods, leather, hair, rubber, balata and goods and articles made from the same and compounds, intermediates, derivatives, and by-products, thereof whether for wearing, attire, or personal or household use or ornament and or other civilian purposes or usages. mmg.com |