单词 | 天台 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 天台 noun —rooftop nroof n天台 noun, plural —roofs plExamples:紫金山天文台—Purple Mountain Observatory 天台宗—Tiantai school of Buddhism 司天台—Observatory or Bureau of Astronomy (official title) from the Tang dynasty onwards 浙江天台县—Tiantai County in Zhejiang
在選舉前五天,台灣無 線衛星電視台(TVBS)宣佈會在選舉當日進行第一次台灣總統選舉的「出口民調」,亦即香港人熟悉的票站調查。 hkupop.hku.hk | Five days before the election, TVBS announced [...] that they would conduct the first exit poll of the presidential election in [...]Taiwan on the election day, which is familiar to Hong Kong people. hkupop.hku.hk |
(d) 樓宇(2)部 —設有 3 個地區分組,負責處理與規管違例建築工 程和確保現存樓宇安全有關的職務;另設有 [...] 1 個專責事務組 ( 負責處理違例天台搭建 物和正在施工的違例工程等事宜) [...]及 1 個功能組( 防火規格組) 。 legco.gov.hk | (d) Existing Buildings (EB) Division 2 – The Division comprises three district sections responsible for duties related to the control of UBW and safety of existing [...] buildings, one special task section (dealing [...] with illegal rooftop structures and [...]unauthorised works-in-progress, etc.) and [...]one functional section (the Fire Safety Section). legco.gov.hk |
1979年,城市當代舞蹈團誕生於黃大仙一幢舊 樓 天台 ; 今 日,這個地方已成為香港舞蹈界重要的地標 [...] ─ CCDC舞蹈中心。 ccdc.com.hk | City Contemporary Dance Company was first [...] founded on the rooftop of an old building [...]in Wong Tai Sin in 1979. ccdc.com.hk |
(四 ) 立即向公眾諮詢有關新政府總部大樓的設 計,特別是市民可享用的設施,並在招標 [...] 文件中把市民的要求放在必不可少的條件 內,當中包括設於總部大樓的觀景台 、天 台花園及其他公眾可享用的設施。 legco.gov.hk | (d) immediately conduct a public consultation on the design of the new Central Government Complex, in particular the facilities open to public use; and incorporate the requests made by the public into the essential requirements of [...] the tender document, including the [...] provision of a viewing platform, roof garden and [...]other facilities open to public uses in the Complex. legco.gov.hk |
(a) 由 2011 年 4 月 1 日起,屋宇署會開展 [...] 3 類大規模行動:(i)拆除根據修訂和 [...] 較廣的定義所涵蓋須取締的僭建物,包括每年在選定的 500 幢目標樓宇的天 台和平台,以及天井/ 庭院和巷里的僭建物(拆除僭建物大規模行動); [...] (ii) 每年巡查 500 幢目標樓宇,並在有需要時發出修葺令或勘測令,着令修葺或 [...] 糾正在這些樓宇發現的欠妥或失修之處(修葺令/勘測令大規模行動);及 (iii)每年巡查 150 幢目標樓宇,處理有關分間單位建築工程的可能違規之處 (分間單位大規模行動)。 devb.gov.hk | (a) From 1 April 2011 onwards, the Buildings Department (BD) will initiate three types of large-scale operations (LSOs) to: (i) remove actionable unauthorised building works (UBWs) covered under a revised and wider [...] definition, including [...] unauthorised structures on rooftops and flat roofs as well as those [...]in yards and lanes, in respect of [...]500 target buildings to be selected each year (LSO on UBWs Removal); (ii) inspect and issue repair or investigation orders as necessary to 500 target buildings each year to require repair or remedy of defects or dilapidation found in these buildings (LSO on Repair/Investigation Orders); and (iii) inspect 150 target buildings each year to tackle potential irregularities of building works associated with sub-divided flats (LSO on Sub-divided Flats). devb.gov.hk |
我們的目標,是提高所有新建公共屋邨的綠化比率至不少於20%,具體措施包括在地面和斜坡栽種植物、在較少車輛往來的地方以草磚鋪地、在樓層較低的建築物設置綠 化 天台 或 樓 頂,以及試點進行垂直綠化。 housingauthority.gov.hk | For all new PRH estates, we aim to increase the greening ratio to at least 20% by providing planting at grade and slope areas, installing grass-paving systems [...] in areas with less traffic, [...] providing green roofs or green decking to low-rise structures, [...]and piloting vertical greening. housingauthority.gov.hk |
实现项目包括2000年汉诺威世博会荷兰馆,埃因霍温创新创业园“飞行论坛”,阿姆斯特丹Silodam住宅群,日本Matsudai文化中心,德国慕尼黑附近的Unterföhring [...] 办公园区,阿姆斯特丹的Lloyd酒店,在Hague Ypenburg [...] 的一个城市规划和住宅设计,鹿特丹的Didden Village天台屋 - 房屋扩建项目,埃因霍温的Effenaar文化中心,在东京的Gyre精品购物大厦,荷兰德霍芬千里马医疗中心,和在马德里的标志性米拉多住房。 unmadeinchina.com | Realized projects include the Dutch Pavilion for the World EXPO 2000 in Hannover, an innovative business park 'Flight Forum' in Eindhoven, the Silodam Housing complex in Amsterdam, the Matsudai Cultural Centre in Japan, Unterföhring office campus near Munich, the Lloyd Hotel in [...] Amsterdam, an urban plan and housing in The Hague [...] Ypenburg, the rooftop - housing extension [...]Didden Village in Rotterdam, the cultural [...]centre De Effenaar in Eindhoven, the boutique shopping building Gyre in Tokyo, Veldhovens Maxima Medical Centre and the iconic Mirador housing in Madrid. unmadeinchina.com |
就在这天,台风“ 宝霞”冲毁了菲律宾南部地区。 unicef.org | It is the day that Typhoon Bopha has crashed [...] into the southern Philippines. unicef.org |
住宅樓宇包括 任何在香港的戰後住宅樓宇、未落成的私人住宅樓宇、不受租務管制或用作自住的戰前住宅樓宇、建築事務監督許可 的 天台 搭 建 物、建築 用地及小型屋宇批地。 housingauthority.gov.hk | Domestic property includes any post-war domestic property, uncompleted private domestic property, uncontrolled or self-occupied pre-war domestic property, roof-top structures approved by the Building Authority, building lots and small house grants in Hong Kong. housingauthority.gov.hk |
由 於 就 2011 -12 年 度 目 標 樓 宇 進 行 勘 察 以 辨 識 須 優 先 取 締 [...] 僭 建 物 的 工 作 仍 在 進 行 , 以 及 2012 -13 年 度 目 標 樓 宇 的 名 單 仍 未 有 定 案 , 現 [...] 階 段 未 有 涉 及 違 例 天 台 構 築 物 數 目 和 受 影 [...]響 住 戶 人 數 的 資 料 。 bd.gov.hk | As the survey of the target buildings for 2011-12 to identify actionable UBWs is in progress and the list of target buildings for [...] 2012-13 has yet to be finalised, the number of [...] unauthorised rooftop structures involved [...]and the number of affected occupants [...]are not available at this stage. bd.gov.hk |
出 租 單 位 的 詳 細 地 址 ( 以 土 地 註 冊 處 登 記 資 料 為 準 ) 及 其 他 有 關 該 出 租 單 位 的 資 料 , [...] 例 如 : 是 否 連 車 位 或 天 台 , 租 客 可 否 使 用 會 所 [...]設 施 等 。 bank.hangseng.com | Detailed address of the rental property (based on information registered at the Land Registry) and other information relevant to the [...] rented property such as, the inclusive of the [...] parking space or roof the right of tenant to [...]use the clubhouse facilities bank.hangseng.com |
在實際可行的情況下,排氣口應考慮設於食肆所在建築物的頂部,但應考慮到避免對靠 近 天台 的 高 層住戶和相連或鄰近建築物造成影響。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | However, consideration should be given to relative height of surrounding buildings for the purpose of minimize the adverse effect to the neighboring sensitive receivers. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
(b) 請列舉來年度內針對清拆違例天台構 築 物的 700 幢目標單梯樓宇 中,位於觀塘區及黃大仙區樓宇的街道門牌及大廈名稱。 devb.gov.hk | (b) Please list out in detail the street names, building numbers and names of the buildings in Kwun Tong and Wong Tai Sin districts to be included in the 700 single-staircase buildings for clearance of illegal rooftop structures in the coming year. devb.gov.hk |
本校在校園天台架設氣象監測站、太陽能發電微型裝置,還設置有機耕種植物園區,讓學生有具體學習及實踐的機會。 edmschool.net | The meteorological monitoring station, solar energy micro-device and organic-faming garden are placed at the rooftops for students to have the opportunity to learn the importance of environmental protection. edmschool.net |
PMC内嵌的各个露台不但能采光而且形成了不同的视线,同时垂直门厅俯瞰公 共 天台 花 园 ,从Café des Congrès可欣赏周边公园的绝妙景观。 unstudio.com | The different patios integrated within the PMC bring in light and different sightlines, whilst the vertical foyer overlooks the public roof garden, where the Café des Congrès offers spectacular views of the surrounding park landscape. unstudio.com |
(e) 在港沒有擁有任何物業(即申請人及其同住人士均在 (f) 以月租(或更長租期)形式租住私人樓宇(包括已解 除轉讓限制的居者有其屋計劃及租者置其屋計劃單 位、寮屋、村屋及天台屋等,但不包括工廠大廈及商 業大廈);及 communitycarefund.hk | (f) Renting private housing (including flats under the Home Ownership Scheme and the Tenants Purchase Scheme that are not bounded by alienation restrictions, squatters, village houses and rooftop structures but excluding those in industrial buildings and commercial buildings) on a monthly (or longer) term; and communitycarefund.hk |
任 何 人 不 得 因 經 營 食 物 業 而 使 用 或 安 排 、 容 受 或 准 許 他 人 使 用 任 何 庭 院 、 巷 、 街 、 露 天 地 方 、 天 台 或 露 天 層 面 配 製 或 貯 存 未 加 掩 蓋 的 食 物 , 或 洗 滌 、 潔 淨 或 貯 存 用 以 配 製 或 端 送 食 物 的 設 備 或 用 具 。 cfs.gov.hk | No person shall for the purpose of any food business use, or cause, suffer or permit to be used, any yard, alley, street, open space, roof top or open deck space for the preparation or storage of open food or for the washing, cleansing or storage of any equipment or utensil used in the preparation or service of food. cfs.gov.hk |
小學及中學部學生共同使用的設施包括:2個體育館(其中一個是體育館及禮堂)、 4個籃球場、橫向攀岩牆、豎向攀岩牆、180 [...] 個座位的黑盒劇場及特定的接待空間、美術教室、音樂練習室、綠化 的 天台 操 場 和跑道、會議室及1個可容納 500 [...]學生的餐廳。 isf.edu.hk | Facilities shared between the Primary and the Secondary Schools include a gymnasium-cum-assembly hall; a second gymnasium, four basketball courts; a horizontal climbing wall; a vertical climbing wall; a 180-seat black-box theatre and a dedicated pre-function [...] area; art rooms; large and small music [...] practice rooms; a rooftop playground with [...]running track; conference rooms and a 500-seat dining hall. isf.edu.hk |
另外,院方亦安排職員協助小型油漆翻新工程,及更換 了 天台 花 園 及香麗花園地台損壞了的防滑地墊;務求為院友提供溫馨完善的住宿環境。 hksb.org.hk | In the year, our staff did minor painting inside the building and replacement of broken floor files at the roof garden and scented garden to maintain a decent living environment for the clients we serve. hksb.org.hk |
咨 询委员会注意到,2011 年,外层空间事务办公室按照监督厅的建议审查了该办公 [...] 室的组织结构,合并了空间应用科和联合国灾害管理与应急天基信息 平 台(天基 信息平台)方案(A/66/6(Sect.6),第 [...]6.22 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Advisory Committee notes that, in 2011, the Office of Outer Space Affairs undertook a review of its organizational structure and consolidated the [...] Space Applications Section and the United [...] Nations Platform for Space-based Information [...]for Disaster Management and Emergency [...]Response (UN-SPIDER) programme, in line with a recommendation of OIOS (A/66/6, (Sect. 6), para. 6.22). daccess-ods.un.org |
新仙台天文台建设 和运营事业”是截至2008年4月伊藤忠商事正在实施的 PFI事业※1 之一。 itochu.co.jp | ITOCHU Corporation’s PFI*1 projects as of April 2008 include a project for the development and operation of the new Sendai observatory. itochu.co.jp |
建造了6台天体仪 ,其中4台为Hesse的威廉四世而造。 hautehorlogerie.org | Construction of six globes including four for Landgrave William IV of Hesse. hautehorlogerie.org |
该方案建立了七个额外的联合国灾害管理与应急反应天基信息 平台 (天基信息平台)区域支持办事处,并便利从卫星运营商获取图像,用于 [...] 32 个灾 害事件,包括海地地震。 daccess-ods.un.org | The programme established seven [...] additional regional support offices of the [...] United Nations Platform for Space-based [...]Information for Disaster Management and [...]Emergency Response (UN-SPIDER) and facilitated access to imagery from satellite operators for 32 disaster events, including the earthquake in Haiti. daccess-ods.un.org |
除上述实体外,难民署还与欧盟 委员会联合研究中心密切合作,并探究如何与危机制图者及私营和国家图像提 [...] 供者等团体一道开展工作(还通过促进联合国灾害管理与应急反应天基信息平 台(天基信息平台))。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition to the above-mentioned entities, UNHCR is working closely with the European Commission Joint Research Centre and exploring how to work with groups such as crisis mappers and private and national image providers [...] (also through the facilitation of the [...] United Nations Platform for Space-based [...]Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response (UN-SPIDER)). daccess-ods.un.org |
联合国灾害管理和应急天基信息平台 ( 天 基 信息平台)方案干事 Shirish Ravan 与国家灾害协调理事会(灾害协调理事会)官员和灾害协调理事会其他成 员机构的代表举行会谈,讨论天基信息的提供情况和关于如何为有效地使用信 息而加强协作以降低和管理灾害风险的建议。 daccess-ods.un.org | Shirish Ravan, Programme Officer of the United Nations Platform for Spacebased Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response (UN-SPIDER), met with National Disaster Coordinating Council (NDCC) officials and representatives from other NDCC member agencies to discuss the availability of space-based information and recommendations on how to strengthen collaboration for effective use of information for disaster risk reduction and management. daccess-ods.un.org |
确认联合国灾害管理和应急天基信息 平 台(天 基 信 息平台)执行任务的进展, 鼓励会员国自愿向天基信息平台提供一切必要的支持,包括财务支持,使其能够 [...] 执行其 2010-2011 年度工作计划,并重申必须通过让所有国家更多地获得和利用 天基技术服务,促进灾害管理方面的能力建设和加强体制工作,尤其是在发展中 [...]国家中这样做,来加强全球在灾害管理和应急方面的国际协调与合作 daccess-ods.un.org | Recognizing the progress made by the [...] United Nations Platform for Spacebased [...]Information for Disaster Management and Emergency [...]Response (UNSPIDER) in its mission, encouraging Member States to provide all support necessary, on a voluntary basis, to UN-SPIDER, including financial support, to enable it to carry out its workplan for 2010–2011, and reiterating the importance of enhancing international coordination and cooperation at the global level in disaster management and emergency response through greater access to and use of spacebased services for all countries and by facilitating capacity-building and institutional strengthening for disaster management, in particular in developing countries daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会表示注意到联合国灾害管理与应急反应天基信息 平 台(天 基 信 息平 台)在为支持整个灾害管理周期而向亚太区域各国提供与灾害管理有关的各类天 [...] 基信息和服务方面作出了贡献,并认识到亚洲及太平洋空间应用促进可持续发展 区域方案作出的贡献,这是空间应用领域内开展区域合作的一项重要举措,尤其 [...]是通过其教育和培训网络推展的举措。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Commission took note of the contributions of the [...] United Nations Platform for Space-based [...]Information for Disaster Management and Emergency [...]Response (UN-SPIDER) to the provision, for countries in the Asia-Pacific region, of all types of space-based information and services relevant to disaster management, and recognized the contributions made by the Regional Space Applications Programme for Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific as an important initiative of the Commission in promoting regional cooperation in space applications, in particular through its education and training network. daccess-ods.un.org |
此 外,现有一个 P-5 员额的职能经修改后将包括天基信息 平 台 方 案的协调工作,现 有一个 P-4 员额将调至主任办公室协助管理方案。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, the functions of an existing P-5 post will be revised to include coordination of the UN-SPIDER programme, and an existing P-4 post will be redeployed to the Office of the Director to assist in the management of the programme. daccess-ods.un.org |
烟台天麟包 装机械有限公司是专业的瓦楞纸箱及纸制品包装机械制造商,主营全套瓦楞纸板生产线、单瓦纸板生产线和裱纸机等的设计、研发、生产和销售。 sino-corrugated.com | Tianlin Pack is specialized [...] in the designation, development, manufacturing and sales on the corrugated machinery including [...]the complete set corrugator line, single faced production line and laminating...Tianlin Pack is specialized in the designation, development, manufacturing and sales on the corrugated machinery including the complete set corrugator line, single faced production line and laminating machine. sino-corrugated.com |