

单词 天体光谱学

See also:


celestial body
nude body

光学 adj

optic adj



External sources (not reviewed)

他目前开展的研究包括诊断性体组 织 成像 光谱学 、 光 动 力 疗法、选择性激光- 体 组 织 相互作用机制、脂肪组织生物学及皮肤病创新疗法。
His active research includes diagnostic tissue imaging and
spectroscopy, photodynamic
[...] therapy, mechanisms of selective laser-tissue interactions, adipose tissue biology and novel therapy for skin [...]
[...] 计量学、仪器设备和信号部、巴黎天体物理研究院、阿纳西粒子物理实验室、宇 宙和理论实验室、空间-时间参照系统实验室和法国国家航天研究机构(国家航空 和航天研究局))将天体粒子和宇 学 实 验 室领导,该实验室正为 光 干 涉仪 空间天线技术包的激光源提供调制台。
Participation in this mission by the French scientific community (the department of relativistic astrophysics, theory, experimentation, metrology, instrumentation and signals (ARTEMIS) of CNRS, IAP, the Annecy-le-Vieux Particle Physics Laboratory (LAPP), the Laboratory Universe and Theories (LUTH), the Space-Time Reference Systems Laboratory (SYRTE) and the French National Aerospace Research
Establishment (ONERA)) will be under the
[...] aegis of the APC Laboratory, which is providing the modulation bench for the LTP laser source.
“在不同的经度地区架设两架类似的设备将提高地面的太阳观测密度,且因此能够提高和目前已经上天的几大空间设备,包括STEREO(日地关 天 文 台)、TRACE(太阳过渡区与日冕探测器)和RHESSI(拉马第高能太 光谱 成 像 探测器),以及明年将要发射的太阳动 学 观 测站的合作机会。
The availability of two similar instruments at different longitudes will increase the amount of solar observing from the ground and will therefore increase the opportunities to collaborate with space-based instruments such as STEREO (Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory), TRACE (Transition Region
and Coronal Explorer), and RHESSI
[...] (Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Explorer), which are currently flying; and the Solar Dynamics Observatory, which will be launched next year,” he said in a written interview.
另外,古巴也无法采购到价值 193 000 美元的电感耦合等离体质谱仪, 申 请这项采购计划属于国际原子能机构执行项目的一部分,即 CUB/5/018 号项目, 通过引进核分析技术加强对渔业产品中 学 污 染 废物的官方监控系统。
In another connection, Cuba was also unable to purchase
an inductively coupled
[...] plasma mass spectrometer at a cost of US$ 193,000, which was requested as part of a project implemented by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), entitled “Strengthening Official Control of Chemical Residues and Contaminants [...]
in Fishery
Products” (CUB/5/018), which introduces nuclear analytical techniques.
我们还是几个国家级卓越研究中心的带头机构, 光学 系 统 超高带宽设备中心(CUDOS)和 天 空 天体 物 理 中心(CAASTRO)。
Our leadership of national research centres of excellence such as the
Centre for
[...] Ultrahigh-Bandwidth Devices for Optical Systems (CUDOS) and the Centre for All-Sky Astrophysics (CAASTRO) provides [...]
further opportunities
for R&D collaboration in science and technology.
作为学的一 分子,我们为我们曾经作出贡献的杰出项目感到骄傲,如在日内瓦的CERN粒子加速器环,慕尼黑II研究反应器,欧洲南 天 文 台 (ESO)超大型望远镜以及现在由Max Planck机构负责的,用于等离子物理的WENDELSTEIN 7-X 核聚变试验,以及在卡尔斯鲁厄研究院的超高真空 光谱 仪 等
As a partner of science we are
[...] [...] proud to have contributed to the success of such outstanding projects as the CERN particle accelerator ring in Geneva, the Munich II research reactor, the ESO Very Large Telescope, and the WENDELSTEIN 7-X fusion experiment currently under construction by the Max Planck Institute for plasma physics, and an ultra high-vacuum main spectrometer for the Karlsruhe Research Institute.
Morphologi G3-ID的独到之处在于,使用拉光谱 , 使 Morphologi G3的自动化静态成像功能与独立颗粒的 学 鉴 定 相结合。
The Morphologi G3-ID provides a unique capability, combining
automated static imaging
[...] features of the Morphologi G3 with chemical identification of individual particles using Raman spectroscopy.
一些代表团重申了他们对和平利用和探索外层空间的承诺,并强调了以下 原则:所有国家,无论其学、技术和经济发展水平如何,均可平等而不受歧 视地进入外层空间,对所有国家条件均等;不通过主权要求、使用、占领或任 何其他手段,将外层空间包括月球和其 天体 据 为 已有;不将外层空间军事 化,仅为在地球上改善生活条件和增进和平利用外层空间;开展区域合作以促 进大会和其他国际论坛所确定的空间活动。
Some delegations reiterated the commitment of their countries to the peaceful use and exploration of outer space and emphasized
the following
[...] principles: equal and non-discriminatory access to outer space and equal conditions for all States, irrespective of their level of scientific, technical and economic development; non-appropriation of outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, by claim of sovereignty, use, occupation or any other means; non-militarization [...]
of outer
space, and its exploitation strictly for the improvement of living conditions and peace on the planet; and regional cooperation to promote space activities as established by the General Assembly and other international forums.
从传统应用到静电处理,史陶比尔喷涂机器人满足所有的自动化喷涂需求,这些机器人已被应用在多种行业中,例如:汽车工业的塑料部件(内部和外部的)和金属部件(防锈处理等)、循环产业 ( 液 体 , 粉末)、木材工业、农业设备、家用电器、消费电子产品、航空 天 、 光学 领 域
They operate in a range of industrial sectors, including plastic
components (inside and outside)
[...] and metal components (anti-friction, etc.) for the automotive industry, cycle industry (liquid, powder), wood industry, farming equipment, household appliances, consumer electronics, aerospace and optics.
已经选定三项有法国参 加的实验,其中二项用的是法国主承包商:可见光和红外线热成像光谱仪、调查 金星大气层特点光谱仪以 及空间等离 体 和 高能原子分析器,这一项实验将研 究该行星的电离环境。
Three experiments with French participation have been selected, including two with French prime contractors: Visible and Infrared Thermal Imaging Spectrometer (VIRTIS), Spectroscopy for Investigation of Characteristics of the Atmosphere of Venus (SPICAV) and the Analyser of Space Plasma and Energetic Atoms (ASPERA), an experiment to study the planet’s ionized environment.
以下的组合坐标图对锥体和 胶光谱敏感度作了比较。
The following figure
[...] compares the cone and film spectral sensitivities.
2012 年 6 月,意大利航天局通过肯尼亚马林迪圣马可地面段提供的服务, 为美国天局的核光谱望远 镜阵列(“核星”)飞行任务做出了贡献,意大利航 天局学数据 中心为“核星”数据分析软件包的开发做出了贡献。
In June 2012, ASI contributed to
[...] the NASA Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) mission through the services offered by the San Marco ground segment in Malindi, Kenya, and the ASI Science Data Center [...]
contribution to the
development of the NuSTAR data analysis software package.
一位业内人士就LED光源应用于农业植物领域的优势这样表示,“相较于传统光源,除了众所周知的节能特性,LED还具有波长窄、光质纯、光效高、波长类型丰富 光谱 能 量 调制便捷以及低发热、 体 积 、长寿命等突出优势,便于集中植物所需波长实施均衡近距离照射。
One industry source has advantage in the field of LED light source used in agricultural plants such said, "compared with the traditional light source, in addition to the well-known
energy-saving features, LED has narrow wavelength, the light quality of pure, high photosynthetic
[...] efficiency, wavelength modulation type is rich, spectrum energy is convenient, and low fever, such outstanding advantages as small volume, long life, easy [...]
to focus close irradiation
wavelength to implement balanced plant need.
(c) 保持空天体物理学的随机性 除现有的 和目前计划的飞行任务的专门能力之外 还要考虑 紫外线天文学的需要
(c) Maintaining the random
[...] nature of space astrophysics and catering to the needs of ultraviolet astronomy [...]
beyond the specialized
capabilities of existing and currently planned missions.
[...] (c)发展国际航天项目的并行设计能力,(d)发展中国家参与国际大型空间项目,(e)过去联合国/欧空 局基础空间科学讲习班成就评估个案研究,(f)太阳 天体 物 理 学 和 空 间科学。
Programme topics for that workshop would be, among others, (a) access to data and imagery from space missions through international data archives, (b) space mission project development, (c) concurrent design capability for the development of international space-related projects, (d) participation of developing countries in large international space-related projects, (e) case studies in the evaluation of the achievements
of past United Nations/ESA workshops on basic space
[...] science and (f) astrophysics and space science of the solar system.
电子通信’指本《规则》所适用的任何人使用经由电子手段、电磁 手段光学手段 或类似手段——包括但不限于电子数据交换、电子邮件、 传真、短信服务(SMS)、网络会议、在线 天 、 互 联网论坛或微博——生 成、发送、接收或存储的信息进行的任何通信,包括为了用计算机或其他 电子装置直接处理而转换或转变为数字格式的文件对象、图像、文本和声 音等模拟形式的任何信息。
electronic communication’ means any communication made by any person to whom the Rules apply by means of information generated, sent,
received or stored by
[...] electronic, magnetic, optical or similar means including, but not limited to, electronic data interchange (EDI), electronic mail, telecopy, short message services (SMS), web-conferences, online chats, Internet forums, [...]
or microblogging and
includes any information in analogue form such as document objects, images, texts and sounds that are converted or transformed into a digital format so as to be directly processed by a computer or other electronic devices.
这些单位或体很容易识别,因为他们是一个机构的一部分,通常 光天 化日之下行事,有时还身着制服。
These units or groups can be identified fairly easily, for they are part of an apparatus and usually act in broad daylight, sometimes [...]
in uniform.
对于包装标识,乐来具有最先进的显微设备,包括10,000倍数 体光学 显 微 镜、带能量色散普的扫描电子显微镜和傅立叶变换红外 谱 仪 显 微镜。
For packaging identification, Reliable Analysis has the most advanced microscopy
equipment available,
[...] including a stereo optical microscope with up to 10,000X magnification, scanning electron microscope with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and a fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FT-IR) microscope.
这为人们尚未预料到的、引起轰动的 天体的 发 现铺平了道路,并注定要引发一场划时代的知识和人 学 革 命
This paved the way for the unexpected discovery of
[...] sensational celestial novelties that were to produce an epoch-making intellectual and anthropological revolution.
不论是铟锡氧化物,氧化锌,还是聚合物(3,4-乙烯基),我们独有的ITO光学模型,加上可见/近红外仪器,可以测得厚度 光学 常 数 ,费用和操作难度仅 光谱 椭 偏仪的一小部分。
Whether one encounters Indium Tin Oxide, Zinc Oxide, or Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene), our proprietary ITO optical model, coupled with our visible/near IR
instruments, can solve for both
[...] thickness and optical constants at a fraction of the cost and effort of a spectroscopic ellipsometer.
为PURELABÃ,一个半经典水净化系统,通过模型的典型应用: 经典的DI:粤ICP - ES的,光缓冲器和一般湿学分析 经典紫外线:高效液相色谱法,电感耦合等离 体 质 谱 , 离子 色 谱 法 和电 化学 经典用友:细胞培养,分子生学, 体 外 施 肥 经典紫外/用友:联合技术的紫外线以及用友模型 特点和优点 18.2兆欧纯水配发高达1.5升/分钟 耗材变化,便于提醒了变化,前装墨盒 完成所有的接液部分的卫生 独特的技术提供了完整的可追溯性,净化包装和用于验证的历史 [...]
开/关电子流量控制器 双波长紫外à ¢ €“185纳米和254纳米(紫外线经典模型)
5000道尔顿超滤模块(经典用友模型)去除热原 壁挂或台式贴装
Typical applications for PURELABÂŽ Classic water
purification systems, by
[...] model: Classic DI: ICP-ES, Spectrophotometry buffers and general wet chemistry analysis Classic UV: HPLC, ICP-MS, Ion Chromatography and electrochemistry Classic UF: Cell Culture, Molecular Biology, and invitro fertilization [...]
Classic UV/UF: Combined
technologies of the UV and the UF models Features and Benefits 18.2 megohm purity water dispensed at up to 1.5 liters/minute Consumable change-out reminder for easy to change, front-loading cartridges Complete sanitation of all wetted parts Unique technology provides full traceability and history of purification packs for validation purposes On/off electronic flow controller Dual wavelength UV — 185 nm and 254 nm (Classic UV Model) 5000 Dalton UF Module for pyrogen removal (Classic UF Model) Wall or bench-mountable
在万通遍布全球的强大业务以及万通致力于制药和 学 行 业 的情况下,加上万通对近红 光谱 技 术 的投资,这一战略联盟将会让我们的业务在这些领域获得进一步的成长,并为我们的客户稳定地提供革新性的近红外光谱产品以及高水平的技术支持“,福斯-近红外系统公司董事长Philip [...]
With Metrohm’s strong worldwide presence,
[...] commitment to the pharmaceutical and chemical industries, and with this investment [...]
in NIR the alliance
allows us to further grow our business within these sectors and provide our customers with a steady stream of new innovative NIR products and the highest level of support”, said Dr. Philip Irving, President of FOSS NIRSystems.
有很多原因可以解释为什么胶片和锥 体 的 光谱 敏 感 特性不 同。
There are a number of reasons for the differences in
[...] the film and cone spectral sensitivities.
高度稳定的FLS-2200是宽带应用、CWDM网络测试、CWDM与PON元件制造和测试、光纤传感 光谱学 的 理 想选择。
The highly stable FLS-2200 is ideal for broadband applications, CWDM network testing, CWDM and PON component manufacturing and testing, as well as fiber-optic sensing and spectroscopy.
[...] 少灾害风险、适应和缓解气候变化消极影响的气象和环境观测来说极端重要, 2009 年气象组织和国际电联在气象组织日内瓦总部举办了它们的第一个联合研 讨会,主题是“无线电谱用于气象 学 : 天 气 、 水和气候监测与预测”,作为 气象和无线电通讯界代表之间交换看法和信息的一个公开论坛。
Recognizing the crucial importance of radio-frequency spectrum and radio-based remote sensing systems and applications for meteorological and environmental observations for climate monitoring, disaster risk reduction, adaptation and mitigation of negative effects of climate change, in 2009 WMO and ITU held their first joint
seminar, on the theme
[...] “Use of the radio spectrum for meteorology: weather, water and climate monitoring and prediction”, at WMO Headquarters [...]
in Geneva, as an open forum for
exchange of views and information between representatives of meteorological and radiocommunication communities.
(b) 不过,应有更多的在天学、天体物 理 学 和空间科学活动方面开展得好的国家将基础空间 科学纳入其大学课程并在适当的期间内在其实验 室或观测站对青年空间科学家、天 学 家 、 天体物 理 学家、程序员、工程师和技术人员进行培训。
(b) However, more countries, with well developed activities in astronomy, astrophysics and space science, should introduce basic space science courses into their university curricula and should train young space scientists, astronomers, astrophysicists, programmers, engineers and technicians in their laboratories or observatories for appropriate periods of time.
能够让普通日夜型摄象机晚上和天 分 别 使用不能的滤光片工作;其中的IRCUT双滤光片的功能实现是有这几个板块来完成的:由一个红外截止滤光片和一个 光谱光学 玻 璃构成,他通过一块电路控制板和切换器来工作的。
To let the cameras day and night
[...] night and day type were used in the filter can not work; which IRCUT dual-filter function to achieve is to complete these sections: from an IR-cut filter and a full spectral composition of optical glass, he [...]
passed a circuit panel and switch to work.
天文学奖平均颁予意大利太天体物 理 与宇宙物理研究所研究主任恩里科•科斯塔 (Enrico Costa) 和美国国家宇航局马歇尔太空飞行中心主任科学家杰拉尔德•菲什曼 [...]
(Gerald J Fishman),以表彰他们领导天文卫星,证明了宇宙中最大能量的爆发
─ 伽玛射线暴 ─ 来自宇宙学距离。
Awarded in equal shares to Dr Enrico
Costa, Director of Research at
[...] the Institute of Space Astrophysics and Cosmic Physics (Rome) [...]
of the National Institute of
Astrophysics, Italy and  Dr Gerald J Fishman, Chief Scientist at the NASA – Marshall Space Flight Center, USA for their leadership of space missions that enabled the demonstration of the cosmological origin of gamma ray bursts, the brightest sources known in the universe.
高辉度光学研究 中心(以下简称“JASRI”)、东北大学以及东京 学 物 性研究所等合作的在大型放射光设施Spring-的软X射线 体光谱 光 束 线BL25SU中进行的使用21特斯拉(=21万高斯)超强磁场的软X射线分光实验在世界上首次获得成功,使利用软X射线磁力圆二色性对包括强力钕在内的基本上全部实用磁力材料进行磁力分析成为可能。
Tohoku University, Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI), and Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo, have succeeded in the world first soft X-ray spectroscopy [...]
under very high
magnetic fields of 21 Tesla (= 210,000 gauss) at the beam line BL25SU of Spring-8.
这样,这个设备包在体运输 、安全、操 作环境、组件及仪器操作人员培训系统上的规格和要求与适用于上文第 3.1 段所述中子激发瞬光子光谱仪的 相应内容相同。
As such, the kit’s overall transport, safety, operational environment, components, and instrument operator training system specifications and requirements are the same as those applicable to [...]
the NIPPS described in paragraph 3.1 above.




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