

单词 大麻



Chinook salmon
king salmon

大麻的 n

marijuana n

大麻籽 n

hemp n


Tetrahydrocannabinol, THC

See also:


marijuana n
jute n

feel numb
hemp or flax fiber for textile materials
have pins and needles or tingling
(of materials) rough or coarse
surname Ma
generic name for hemp, flax etc


External sources (not reviewed)

发言者还表示关切亚洲和非洲的苯丙胺类兴奋剂 大麻 和 可 卡因使 用有所上升,以及青少年和妇女吸毒现象有所增加。
Speakers also expressed concern at
the increase in the use of
[...] amphetamine-type stimulants, cannabis and cocaine in Asia [...]
and Africa and at the increase in the
use of drugs among youth and women.
大麻仍然 是使用最为普遍的毒品,而且经 常是后来变得吸毒成瘾的人所首次使用的毒品。
Cannabis continued to be the [...]
most commonly used illicit drug and was frequently the first drug used by people who subsequently became addicted to a drug.
在 利比里亚,国家执法机构和联合国利比里亚特派团(联利特派团)警察开展了一次 大规模行动,从而拔除大约 400 000 棵大麻作物
In Liberia, national law enforcement agencies and the United Nations Mission
in Liberia (UNMIL) police conducted a large operation which resulted in the
[...] eradication of some 400,000 cannabis plants.
所有学生约有一半至少知道一处出 大麻 的地 方,最常去的购买之处就是毒贩的家。
Approximately half of all the pupils knew at
[...] least one place where cannabis was sold, and the [...]
most frequent place for buying was a dealer’s home.
(b) 進行下列全部或任何業務,即:棉紡及併條; 麻 、 大麻 及 粗 麻紡紗;亞麻布生產; 麻、 大麻、粗麻及毛 料紡紗;紡紗商務;絨料生產;漂染及生產硫酸鹽及漂染物料;以及購買、 梳織、製作、紡織、染製及交易麻 、 大麻 、 粗 麻 、 毛 料、棉質、絲質及其他纖維物質;以 及編織或以其他方式生產、買賣及交易亞麻布、布匹及其他貨品及布料(不論是織布、絨 布、夾層布或起圈布);以及供電。
(b) To carry on all or any of the businesses following: Namely, cotton spinners and doublers, flax, hemp, and jute spinners, linen manufacturers, flax, hemp, jute, and woollen spinners, yarn merchants, worsted stuff
[...] bleachers and dyers, and makers of vitriol, bleaching and dyeing materials, and to purchase, comb, prepare, spin, dye, and deal in flax, hemp, jute, wool, cotton, silk, and other fibrous substances, and to weave or otherwise manufacture, buy and sell and deal in linen, cloth, and [...]
other goods and fabrics,
whether textile, felted, netted, or looped, and to supply power.
尽管先前对自然资源贸易的调查包括渔业、木炭 大麻 和 土 地,但在本授权任务 期间,专家组将只注重锡、钽、钨、金和木材。
While previous investigations in the trade
in natural resources have included
[...] fisheries, charcoal, cannabis and land, the Group [...]
will limit its focus during the current
mandate exclusively to tin, tantalum, tungsten, gold and timber.
尽管如此,有大麻植物 种植的报告以 大麻 的 缉 获量等间接指标表明, 在全世界大多数国家都大麻植物 种植 大麻 生 产
Nevertheless, reports of cannabis plant cultivation, together with indirect indicators, such as seizures of cannabis, suggest that cultivation of cannabis plant and production of cannabis occurred in most [...]
countries worldwide.
大麻种植 属于非法活动,正越来越多地成为有 组织犯罪集团的收益来源。
Indoor cannabis cultivation is an [...]
illicit activity and increasingly a source of profit for organized criminal groups.
墨西哥当局报告说,在其领土上存在以及进入其领 土大麻药草 绝大部分是经陆路走私;经干燥后 大麻 药 草 借助压力机和液压 千斤顶被装在塑料袋内,然后运往墨西哥和其他国家的非法市场。
Mexican authorities reported that the
[...] vast majority of cannabis herb exiting, as well as entering, its territory was smuggled by land; once dried, the cannabis herb was packed in [...]
plastic bags with the
help of presses and hydraulic jacks and then transported to illicit markets, both in Mexico and in other countries.
为打大麻和可 卡因,政府采取措施减少了前 体化学品的非法进口,并制定了针对年轻人的宣传 [...]
To combat cannabis and cocaine, in particular, [...]
his Government had taken steps which had led to a decrease in illegal imports
of precursors, and had drawn up awareness promotion programmes for young people.
我們應該像對待 酒類一樣大麻 進行監管和徵稅, 把錢用於重要的 服務。
We should
[...] regulate and tax marijuana like alcohol, and [...]
use the money on vital services.
尽管存在2004 年的大麻和滥 用药物法》,委 员会仍然关注缺乏有关毒品贩运的立法,并且关注绝大多数青年人吸毒, 大麻 等,并且经常性地喝酒。
Despite the Narcotics and Misuse of Drugs Act of 2004, the Committee remains concerned about the lack of legislation concerning drug trafficking and the high proportion of young people who use drugs such as marihuana and who drink [...]
alcohol on a regular basis.
(b) 開展製造及買賣羊毛、棉花、絲、 麻 布 、 大麻 、 黃 麻 及 其 他紗線,及有關 紗線製造之所有種類纖維、以及所有種類的人造皮革及橡膠裝訂、亦從上述 [...]
所製造的防水貨物及物品、服裝襯料、長統靴襯料、衣箱襯料、雨傘、太陽 傘、旗幟、帳篷、相框、人造花及外科器械、擦地布、桌布及彩色防水布業 務。
(b) To carry on the business of
manufactures of and dealers in
[...] woollen, cotton, silk, linen, hemp, jute and other yarns, and [...]
all kinds of fabrics manufactured
from such yarns, and all kinds of imitation leathers and rubbers, and also waterproof goods and articles manufactured therefrom, dress linings, boot linings, trunk linings, umbrellas, parasols, flags, tents, picture frames, artificial flowers and surgical appliances, floor cloths, table cloths, and American cloth.
谷物是非常重要的,特别是小麦和燕麦,同时也生 大麻 , 亚 麻 和 一 些蔬菜(例如芦笋)。
Cereals are very important; especially wheat and oats while
[...] also producing hemp, flax and some vegetables [...]
(asparagus for instance).
Bibaud 先生不能在法 院为自己代理的一个原因与他大量服 大麻 有 关 ,而服 大麻 是 医 疗所需,根据 联邦法是免于起诉的。
The State party did not state that one of the reasons why Mr. Bibaud is unable to represent himself
in court is connected to his
[...] substantial consumption of cannabis, which is for medicinal [...]
purposes and exempt from prosecution under federal law.
我們追蹤和監禁 僅犯有使大麻 罪的人只是浪費 金錢。
We are wasting money tracking down and locking up people
[...] whose only crime is using marijuana.
現時維多利亞州法例只有三類訂明違禁藥物,即甲基安非 他明(或稱“ 冰 ”)、△-9-四大麻酚(大麻的有效成份)及 3,4-亞甲二氧基甲基安非他明(或稱“搖頭丸”)。
At present, the number of illicit drugs prescribed under the legislation of Victoria is limited to three, namely methylamphetamine (ice),
delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC, the
[...] active component of cannabis), and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine [...]
(MDMA or ecstasy).
隸屬西九龍機動部隊B連的展執行職務時,毆打了一名 大麻 成 的 積犯,警察投訴課對此事進行內部調查。
PTU officer Jim and his teammates beat up Shing, a habitual criminal when on duty, the whole thing is captured by CCTV so he is under investigation.
大麻籽油 *,茶樹油*和印度楝樹精華*可舒緩最敏感的頭皮並幫助它回復平衡 [...]
Hemp Oil*, Neem Extract* [...]
and Tea Tree Oil* calm most sensitive skin and help it restore balance (in cases of dandruff, inflammation,
eczema, itchiness or very greasy scalp.
其中之一就是在内地偏远山大麻种 植 的增加,在那里,生产者摧毁 了古老的热带雨林,种植了数百公顷 大麻。
The resulting unemployment, rural poverty and sudden social dislocation have presented a number of difficult challenges
to Saint Vincent and
[...] the Grenadines One of these is an increase in marijuana cultivation in the remote hills of the country’s interior, where producers destroy ancient old-growth rain forests to cultivate hundreds of acres of cannabis herb.
肯定在对付世界毒品问题方面所作的持续努力和所取得的进展,极为关 切地注意到非法鸦片生产和贩运活动空前激增,非法可卡因制造和贩运活动持续 不断,非大麻生产和贩运活动逐日增多,前体日益被转作他用,同时也极为关 切地注意到与此相关的非法药物分销和使用活动,强调有必要强化和加紧国家
Acknowledges the continuing efforts made and progress achieved in countering the world drug problem, notes with great concern the unprecedented surge in the illicit production of and trafficking in opium, the continuing illicit manufacture of and trafficking in cocaine, the increasing illicit production of and trafficking in cannabis and the increasing diversion of precursors, as well as the related distribution and use of illicit drugs, and stresses the need to strengthen and intensify joint efforts at the national, regional and international levels to tackle those global challenges in a more comprehensive manner, in accordance with the principle of common and shared responsibility, including by means of enhanced and better coordinated technical and financial assistance
泡沫—亟待解决的问题 从井口到精炼,再到加工,甚至在成品的装运过程中,泡沫都 可能对石油的生产和精炼造大麻烦。
From the wellhead, through refining, processing and even during shipment of the finished product, foam can cause major problems in the production and refining of oil.
肯定 肯定 肯定 肯定在对付世界毒品问题方面所作的持续努力和所取得的进展,非常关
[...] 切地注意到非法生产和贩运鸦片活动继续存在,非法制造和贩运可卡因活动持续 不断,非法生产和贩大麻活动 逐日增多,非法制造苯丙胺类兴奋剂活动正在全 [...]
销和使用活动,强调指出有必要强化和加紧进行国家、区域和国际各级的联合努 力,以便按照共同分担责任的原则,更全面地对付这些全球挑战,包括为此加强 和更妥善协调技术和财政援助
the continuing efforts made and the progress achieved in countering the world drug problem, notes with great concern the continuing illicit production of and trafficking in opium, the continuing illicit manufacture of and trafficking in cocaine,
the increasing illicit production of
[...] and trafficking in cannabis, the ongoing global [...]
spread of the illicit manufacture of
amphetamine-type stimulants and the increasing diversion of precursors, as well as the related distribution and use of illicit drugs, and stresses the need to strengthen and intensify joint efforts at the national, regional and international levels to tackle those global challenges in a more comprehensive manner, in accordance with the principle of common and shared responsibility, including by means of enhanced and better-coordinated technical and financial assistance
Ole Rogeberg使用一个模拟模型评估了社会经济地位对智商的潜在影响,结果发现这种混杂因素足以重现智商变化和接 大麻 之 间的联系,而该联系是由此前新西兰达尼丁(Dunedin)的一个大规模群组研究所报告的。
Ole Rogeberg used a simulation model to assess the potential effects of socioeconomic status on IQ and found that this confounder was
sufficient to reproduce the association
[...] between IQ change and cannabis exposure reported [...]
in the previous study of a large cohort from Dunedin, New Zealand.
该公司是在私人企业的基础上建立起来的,早期生产各种线,纺织品,麻袋,单股捆包麻绳和天然纤维绳,于1956年成立了位于布拉格的生产黄麻纤维 大麻 纤 维 的公司。
On the basis of private firms that started by producing thread,
fabric, sacks, yarn and rope from natural fibres,
[...] the state-run Jute and Hemp Company [...]
finally developed in 1956, with its headquarters in Prague.




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