

单词 大鸣大放

See also:

放大 v

zoom in v
amplify v



External sources (not reviewed)

向下按该控制钮并保持放(会听到 鸣 声 ) ,然后顺时针旋转控制钮,将可 以按 1 个光圈的幅度增加能量,而逆时针旋转则会减小。
Press and hold down the control (a “beep” will sound) and turn the control clockwise to increase the energy in 1 f-stop increments and counter-clockwise to decrease.
大楼四周,使用 扩音器放多种鸟类鸣叫的 声音,使鸟儿远离玻璃幕 墙,室外区域内安装了特制的钠气灯,黄色系的灯光 不会惊扰邻近植物园内的昆虫。
Around the building,
[...] loudspeakers relaying birdsong keep birds away from the glass facades, while special sodium discharge lamps that emit [...]
a yellow light are
used outside the factory to ensure that insects in the neighbouring Botanical Garden are not disturbed.
在这一时期捕到的鱼的财政利益被他们可在 未来捕捞更多鱼的权力大放大。
The financial benefits of catching fish during this period are greatly multiplied by the right they may confer to catch more fish in the future.
(c) 国家已按照附录 4-A 规定的形式提交了涵盖上一个日历年的年度执行情况报
[...] 告(“年度执行情况报告和计划格式”),该国完成了之前已核准付款中规 定大部分 执行行动,并且之前已核准付款可提供的资金 放 率 超 过 20%; 以及 (d) 国家按照附录 4-A 规定的形式提交了涵盖每个日历年的付款执行计划,其中 [...]
包括供资日程表预计在完成所有预期活动之前提交下一次付款或者最后一次 付款的年份。
(c) That the Country had submitted annual implementation reports in the form of Appendix 4-A (“Format of Implementation Reports and Plans”) covering each previous calendar year; that it had achieved a significant level of implementation of activities
initiated with
[...] previously approved tranches; and that the rate of disbursement of funding available from the previously approved [...]
tranche was more
than 20 per cent; and (d) That the Country has submitted an annual implementation plan in the form of Appendix 4-A covering each calendar year until and including the year for which the funding schedule foresees the submission of the next tranche or, in case of the final tranche, until completion of all activities foreseen.
斯洛伐克现已确定大部分 建议具有建设 性,是有放矢的 ,其中建议的许多措施早已纳入了行动计划,目前已进入不同 的执行阶段。
The majority of recommendations had been identified as constructive and target-oriented, and many of the recommended measures had already been incorporated in plans of action and were at different stages of implementation.
除了寻求共同的身份认同,该艺术节也非常注重百花 放 , 百家 争 鸣。
Rather than seeking a common identity, the festival looks for diversity and differences.
此 外,应当大努力 ,制定一项全球战略,将发展层面优先纳入全球进程和有关 多边机构,以使发展中国家能够从全球化和贸易自由化所提供的机会中获益, 包括通过为发展创造一个有利的外部经济环境,这要求国际贸易、货币和金融 体系之间加强一致性,使之具有普遍、 放 、 平 等、非胁迫性、基于规则、可 预测和非歧视性。
In addition, greater efforts must be made to generate a global strategy to prioritise and mainstream the development dimension into global processes, and in the relevant multilateral institutions in order to enable developing countries to benefit from the opportunities offered by globalisation and trade liberalisation, including through the creation of an enabling external economic environment for development which requires greater coherence between the international trading, monetary and financial systems that should be universal, open, equitable, [...]
non-coercive, rule-based,
predictable and non-discriminatory.
一个值得以任一方式加以保护 的行星”,由放大学的 Charles Cockell 介绍;“国际火星探索方案和现行行 星保护措施”,由欧空局的 Gerhard Kminek 介绍;“外行星卫星对生命的潜在 严峻考验:地外生命和地球上生命”,由美国国家航空航天局(美国航天局) 喷气推进实验室的 Kevin Hand 介绍;“生活中世界以外的行星保护:空间研委 会在未来开展的探索飞行任务和保护与促进科学方面的作用”,由空间研委会 和乔治华盛顿大学的 Pascale Ehrenfreund 介绍;以及“我们丧失了冥王星?
A planet worth protecting either way”, by Charles Cockell of the Open University; “The international Mars exploration program and current planetary protection measures”, by Gerhard Kminek of ESA; “Outer planet satellites as potential crucibles for life: extraterrestrial and terrestrial”, by Kevin Hand of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) of the United States; “Planetary protection beyond the living world: the role of COSPAR in future exploration missions and in preserving and promoting science”, by Pascale Ehrenfreund of COSPAR and George Washington University; and “We lost Pluto?
外部独立评估 报告的这一涉及面广而又重要的组成部分引起了广泛的 鸣 , 即选定数量有限的战略目标将 有助于使教科文组织的工作重点更加突出,而且,为了实现这一目标,应确立全面拟订 C/5 号文件的具体标准,包括评估交付能力和影响力、比较优势、退出战略、日落条款以及全球 性的持续的评估文化。
This wide-ranging and important part of the report on the IEE gave rise to a broad agreement that the selection of a limited number of strategic objectives would help increase UNESCO’s focus and that, in order to reach this objective, specific criteria should be established for the overall preparation of the C/5 document, including the assessment of capacity to deliver and impact, comparative advantage, as well as exit strategies, sunset provisions and a global, ongoing culture of evaluation.
南南合作是南方人民和国家的共同事业,源于共同经历和 鸣 , 建立在共 同目标和团结一致的基础上,而且除其他外,依循不附带任何条件的尊重国家主 权和自主的原则。
South-South cooperation is a common endeavour of peoples and countries of the South, born out of shared experiences and sympathies, based on their common objectives and solidarity, and guided by, inter alia, the principles of respect for national sovereignty and ownership, free from any conditionalities.
放大学和 三个其他财团合作伙伴共同制定的一个供资提议,并提交给欧盟委员会,申请 按照《第七框架协议》提供资金。
A funding proposal was jointly developed with the Open University and three other consortium partners and submitted to the European Commission for funding under the 7th Framework Agreement.
公司的产品包放大器、衰减器、环形器、隔离器、探测 器(检波器)、二极管、定向耦合器、前端模块、混合器件、基础架构射频子系统、混频器/解调 [...]
器、光耦合器、光隔离器、移相器、PLL(锁相环)/频综/VCO(压控振荡器)、功率分配器/合 路器、接收器、开关和工业陶瓷。
The Company’s
[...] portfolio includes amplifiers, attenuators, [...]
circulators, detectors, diodes, directional couplers, front-end
modules, hybrids, infrastructure RF subsystems, isolators, lighting and display solutions, mixers/demodulators, optocouplers, optoisolators, phase shifters, PLLs/synthesizers/VCOs, power dividers/combiners, power management devices, receivers, switches, and technical ceramics.
低 (LS) 麦克风灵敏度是耳麦最安静的麦克风传输;它主要用于具有自己的高 放大 的 特 定电话设备或用于我们的耳 放大 器。
Low (LS) microphone sensitivity is the quietest microphone transmission of our
headsets; it is used mainly on specific
[...] telephone devices with their own high amplification or on our headset amplifiers.
在此背景之下,各位部长强调, 放大 量 巴 勒斯坦囚犯以及立即释放被任 意非法监禁的巴勒斯坦立法委员会成员,是向培育互信氛围迈出的积极一 步,而互信是重启永久地位谈判所必要的。
In this context, the Ministers
[...] stressed that the release of a substantial number of Palestinian prisoners, as well as the immediate release of the arbitrarily, [...]
illegally imprisoned
members of the Palestinian Legislative Council, could constitute a positive step towards fostering the climate of mutual trust necessary for the resumption of permanent status negotiations.
由于此阻抗匹配网络是低 噪放大器的输入,它的损耗将大大影响级联 NF,所以 设计人员必须在最佳阻抗匹配和 NF 性能之间权衡,同时 要特别注意匹配网络中每个组件的品质因数。
Since this impedance matching network is at the input of the LNA, its loss will have significant impact on cascaded NF, so the designer must trade off optimal impedance match for NF performance while also paying careful attention to the quality factor of each component in the matching network.
Available features
[...] include: view , zoom in/out , zoom to fit the [...]
view of the size , adjust contrast, brightness adjustment
, anti-color, 90 -degree clockwise rotation .
而同样卓越非凡的腕表亦以令人满意的价格成交:除可在无色水晶表镜下显示时针、分针和秒针外,这款时计还独具匠心地将各种复杂功能相融合,其中包括时、分、刻、半刻报时 大 自 鸣 和 小 自鸣以及30分钟计时记录。
A truly exceptional result for an equally exceptional watch: in addition to displaying the hours, minutes and seconds beneath a rock crystal glass, this timepiece features a personalised combination of complications including hour, minute, quarter and half-quarter repeating, grande and petite sonnerie as well as a 30-minute chronograph register.
怀表以18K金打造,搭配银质表盘,表背上并以珐琅釉彩绘制有埃及王室徽章。这款怀表配备有12种精密多功能装置:具30分钟计时钟盘的双追针计时功能、万年历、日期、星期、月份、年份、闰年、月相、可按需求设定的三问报时功能,更设 大 自 鸣 及 小 自鸣。
This superb piece was presented as a gift in July 1929 by the colony of Swiss people living in Egypt to mark the visit to Switzerland of King Fouad I. This remarkable 18K gold timepiece features a silver dial graced with 12 complications: a split-seconds chronograph with 30-minute register, a perpetual calendar, displays of the date, day, month, leap-year and moon phase, as well as a minute repeater striking three gongs on demand, grande sonnerie striking the hours and quarters on three gongs, and petite sonnerie striking the quarter hours on three gongs.
CI31呼叫指示器将一个分线盒与一个可 选择的高音量鸣器和一个大闪光 灯结合 在一起,从而给人“来电”的视觉和/或 听觉上的指示。
The CI31 Call Indicator combines a C31 Split Box with a selectable high volume buzzer and a large flashing lamp to provide visual and/or audible indication of a “call”.
年少旅途中干旱的中东和非洲沙漠里天空和落日的颜色,亚洲潮湿的空气,斯堪的纳维亚半岛上低浮半空中的厚重云朵,童年时那些汗水淋漓的夏日午后,周围一片静谧,只传来蝉的 鸣 声 , 还有那高远的秋日长空——所有这些往日画面层层叠叠,累积成我心底的蓝色记忆。
The colors of the skies and sunsets in the arid deserts of the Middle East and Africa, where I traveled when I was young, the humid airs of Asia, the heavy, low-hanging clouds of Scandinavia, those sweltering summer afternoon scenes of my childhood when all was quiet save for the chirping of the cicadas, and then the soaring skies of autumn – all the images of these many reminiscences have become layered, and have remained within me as blue memory.
针对这起明显侵犯黎巴嫩主权和违反安理会第 1701(2006)号决议的事件,黎 巴嫩军队在黎巴嫩境鸣枪警告,但没有对以色列的敌军巡逻队开枪。
Responding to this clear violation of Lebanese sovereignty and Security Council resolution 1701 (2006), the Lebanese Army fired warning shots inside Lebanese territory, but not towards the Israeli enemy patrol.
有不少業界人士表示,為改善路邊空氣質素,減低空氣中粒子和氮氧化物的濃度,政府早於1997年開始收緊車輛的廢氣排放標準,並相繼推行環保汽油私家車和石油氣的士及小巴資助/優惠計劃,逐步取代 放大 量 粒子和氮氧化物的柴油車輛;然而,他們指近年有柴油私家車已符合政府指定的廢氣排放標準,並成功獲得發牌。
Quite a number of members of the trade have indicated that in order to improve roadside air quality by reducing the concentrations of particulates and nitrogen oxides in the air, the Government began to tighten the emission standards for vehicles as early as in 1997, and launched grant/concessionary schemes one after another for environment-friendly petrol private cars as well as liquefied petroleum gas ("LPG") taxis and public
light buses, to gradually replace diesel
[...] vehicles that emit large quantities of [...]
particulates and nitrogen oxides; yet, members
of the trade have pointed out that in recent years, some diesel private cars have already met the emission standards specified by the Government and have successfully been issued licences.
他遇到了一个怪脾气的老大猩猩,他在第一个男孩保持遥远,但泰山发现,这个老猩猩居然是Zugor,使用空心树,的扩音 放大 他 的 声音和假装自己是一个怪物来吓唬其他丛林动物远离他的领土和食物。
He encounters a crotchety old gorilla who at first keeps the boy distant, but Tarzan discovers that this old gorilla actually is the Zugor, who uses hollow trees as megaphones to amplify his voice and pretend to be a monster to scare other jungle creatures away from his territory and food.
該等陳述包括有關公司的預期:收購計劃將於二零一二年第四季度完成;這次收購龍鼎微電子公司 (Power Analog
[...] 將可擴展Diodes的產品陣容,從而加強我們作為環球優質模擬產品供應商的地位,包括創新的『無濾波器』數碼音 放大 器 、 特殊應用功率管理集成電路,以及高性能LED驅動器與DC-DC轉換器;有關公司旗下各種業務相輔相成,將可即時為客戶提供效益,長遠來說更為股東及員工帶來價值;這次收購有助促進雙方的協作關係。
Such statements include statements regarding our expectation that: the acquisition is expected to close in the fourth quarter of 2012; the acquisition of Power Analog Microelectronics will strengthen our position as a global provider of high-quality analog products by expanding Diodes' product
portfolio with innovative
[...] "filter-less" digital audio amplifiers, application-specific [...]
power management ICs, as well as
high-performance LED drivers and DC-DC converters; the highly complementary nature of our businesses will provide immediate benefits to our customers, while generating long-term value for our shareholders and employees; and there are tremendous synergies to be leveraged through the acquisition.
[...] 组织与新德里的英吉拉·甘地国家 放大 学 (IGNOU)合作,启动了一项行动,设计,开 [...]
发和分发性别问题培训单元,内容涉及提高能力和性别问题培训;注重两性平等的政策、干 预和机构;性别问题培训的手段、方法和方式;教育与研究;领导;管理;及创业精神。
UNESCO, in collaboration with Indira Gandhi National
[...] Open University (IGNOU) in New Delhi, [...]
initiated an action to design, develop and
distribute gender training modules in empowerment and gender training; gender-sensitive policies, interventions and institutions; media, methods and approaches in gender training; education and research; leadership; governance; and entrepreneurship.
[...] 和多元化媒体的环境,以培养媒体的能力,除承担信息传播者的职能之外,还能 发挥公共辩论、民主参与放大多方 “声音”平台的作用;以及(b)以兼用信 [...]
息流通和媒体方法为动力和支持的兼容并包的参与办法,包括人际办法、土著居 民/人民、印刷、广播和非广播音像以及新媒体,以便动员、宣传和应对范围广泛
的社会发展问题——从粮食安全、农业生产、治理、性别问题、生计、幼儿发展、 环境、教育和健康到保护、艾滋病毒/艾滋病、水和卫生等等。
Agencies’ communication for development approaches fall within one or the other of the following: (a) developing enabling environments for free, independent and pluralistic media to foster the media’s ability to engage beyond the role of an information conveyor to that of platforms
for public debate, democratic participation
[...] and amplification of multiple “voices”; [...]
and (b) participatory and inclusive approaches
driven and supported by a mix of communication and media methods, including interpersonal, indigenous/folk, print, broadcast and non-broadcast audio-visual and new media in order to mobilize, campaign and respond to a broad range of social development issues — from food security, agricultural production, governance, gender, livelihoods, early childhood development, environment, education and health to protection, HIV/AIDS, water and sanitation.
(c) 如任何侵犯版權頁載有的侵權複製品的影像經縮小放大,則 該等侵犯版權頁的數目須根據該縮小放 大影像與該版權作品原影像所相差的尺寸,按比例依 個別情況向上或下調。
(c) if any of the infringing pages embody an
image of an infringing
[...] copy that has been reduced or enlarged in size, the number of those infringing pages shall be adjusted upward or downward, as the case [...]
may be, in proportion
to the difference in size between that image and the original image of the copyright work.
当恢复至较大容量硬盘驱动器时,存在两种情况:1) 如果硬盘驱动器具备相同的几何特征, 则已备份的磁盘将“按原样”恢复,从而保留未分配的空间;2) 如果硬盘驱动器的几何特征不 同,分区大小则将按比放大。
When recovering to a larger capacity hard drive, there are two cases: 1) if the hard drive has the same geometry, the backed up disc will be recovered "as is" thus leaving
unallocated space; and 2) if the
[...] hard drive has different geometry, the partition(s) size will be proportionally enlarged.




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