

单词 大队

大队 ()

production brigade
a large body of
military group



censorship brigade (PRC)

External sources (not reviewed)

在火灾和救援方面,巴黎消大队一 支 “人才荟萃”,集中了训练有素的军人,可以 [...]
In regard to fire and emergencies,
[...] the Paris Fire Brigade provides a permanent [...]
pool of very well-trained military personnel
who might join the ranks, even if it is not desirable that a monopoly be established in principle.
此 外,当局解释说,投诉可在监大队 的 大 事 记录簿中登记,监 大队 有 义 务通知 监狱管理和社会援助司,该司再将事项报告司法部。
Further, the authorities explained that complaints
can be registered in the
[...] main courante of the Penitentiary Brigade, which is obliged to inform the DAPAS, [...]
which in turn reports
the matter to the Ministry of Justice.
在Bohicon 本土宪大队,研究大队拘留 所由四个单人牢房和两个大型公 用牢房构成。
At the Brigade Territoriale de Bohicon, the detention section of the Brigade de Recherches was made up of [...]
four single cells and two large communal cells.
我们获悉,安哥拉小 组大队人马将在本月底部署。
We are told that the bulk
[...] of the Angolan team will be deployed [...]
by the end of this month.
毫不拖延地系统执行零容忍政策,鼓励现有机构继续执行这一政策,努力通 过主管机构(国家总督察办公室、反腐 大队 和 反 腐败法院)建设机构能力。
Systematically implement without delay the policy of zero tolerance and encourage the existing institutions to continue implementation of the policy and build the capacity of the institutions making efforts
through the structures in charge (Office of the State Inspector General,
[...] Anti-Corruption Brigade and Anti-Corruption Court).
在昨日非政府组织“Jingga 13”大队提呈 备忘录后,马华总部大厦今早遭泼红漆,惟肇事者和动机不明。
NGO Jingga 13 has called on the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to explain the status of its investigation into private eye P Balasubramaniam’s affidavit.
公共研究资助往往偏好已经成名 的人士,而对文章和专利进行同行评议需要 大队 专 家
Public research grants tend to favour established names, and peer-reviewed articles and patents
[...] require large, specialized teams.
Zaugg 在第九圈后夺得领先位置,而包括 Amici 和 Piancastelli 在内的大队赛车则紧随其后。
Zaugg pitted from the lead after nine laps and a large group of cars, including Amici and Piancastelli, came in lap later.
[...] 控制便携式防空系统、爆炸物处理以及扫雷和地雷风险教育,各武 大队 解 除 武 装、复员和重返社会,制定国家和国际立法,加强边境管制机制,加强区域合作 [...]
The working document focuses on the safety and security of weapons and related materiel at storage sites and during transport, controlling man-portable air defence systems, explosive ordnance disposal and mine clearance and risk education, the
disarmament, the demobilization and the
[...] reintegration of brigades, enacting national [...]
and international legislation, strengthening
border control mechanisms, strengthening regional cooperation and exchange of information.
(h) 培训青少年司法法官并为处理违法儿童的警 大队 、 法 官、社会工作 者和其他专业人员制定全面的培训方案,加强他们的技术能力,提高他们对于青 [...]
(h) Train juvenile-justice judges
and develop a comprehensive training
[...] programme for police brigades, judges and social [...]
workers and other professionals dealing
with children in conflict with the law to strengthen their technical capacity and knowledge on juvenile justice system and alternatives for detention
当时的我,只是一个新来的租客 大队 想 撤,我也必需撤。
I am just a new tenant by that time, I can’t do anything
[...] but to follow the crowd’s decision.
与危机有关案件的调查由《刑事诉讼法》规定的调查部门进行,即由国家 警察刑大队的司法警察或国家武警刑事侦查科进行。
The investigation of cases related to the crisis has been assigned to the investigating departments specified in the Code of Criminal Procedure, namely the criminal investigation officers from the Criminal Investigation Department of the National Police or the Criminal Investigation Section of the National Gendarmerie.
拍摄一首音乐录影带,大队在教 堂前跳舞。
Shoot a music video, grab a bunch of people to dance in front of the church.
由于包某在拆除公路护栏前未经相关管理机构审批,而且其行为对公路设施造成了破坏,对往来车辆行人造成了安全隐患,婺城区公路路政管 大队 对 其 作出了自行纠正违法行为和赔偿损失1440元的处理决定。
Because Bao in front of demolition road guard rail not after correlation management structure examination and approval, moreover its behavior has created the destruction to the highway facilities, has created the security hidden danger to the intercourse vehicles pedestrian, wu
the city road road administration
[...] management production brigade made to it corrected [...]
the illegal activity and the compensation
voluntarily loses 1440 Yuan processing decisions.
一支俄罗斯直升机部队部署在联合国苏丹特 派团,而另一个俄罗斯空大队部署 在联合国中非 共和国和乍得特派团。
A Russian helicopter unit was deployed with the United Nations Mission in the Sudan, while another Russian air group was deployed with the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad.
从4月11日起,在罗马队和阿特大队 之 间 的比赛中,INTRALOT将在赛场的几个主要场点设置投注点,以便于玩家下注。
Starting on April 11th, on the occasion of the football match between Rome and Atalanta, INTRALOT will set up Points of Sale at key points around the Stadium, where players will be able to place their bets.
在同一天上午一一零点,安庆高速交 大队 三 中 队民警赶到事故现场,浙江牌微型客车的碰撞护栏板后方的公路,车辆侧翻的幻灯片,侧护板碰撞,护栏板有近15米长的明显擦的痕迹,主人和它站在汽车上的损失。
On the same day at one ten in the morning, Anqing high-speed
[...] traffic police battalion of the three squadron [...]
of police arrived on the scene of accident,
a Zhejiang E licence minibus collision guardrail plate rear central over the highway, vehicle rollover to slide, and side guard plate collision, guardrail board has nearly 15 meters long obvious wipe traces, and the owner of it standing beside the car at a loss.
此外,在内陆水域的捕捞队大多是 LOA不足12米的船舶,一般不需要在 国家或当地注册,往往在多数统计中被遗漏,特别是在发展中国家。
In addition, fishing fleets operating in inland [...]
waters usually consist mostly of vessels of less than 12 m LOA, which are
commonly not subject to either national or local registries and are often omitted from most analyses, particularly in developing countries.
监察组根据这些信息估算,厄立特里亚空军只能维持其 队大约 30%的全期 维修业务。
Based on this information, it is the assessment of the
Monitoring Group that
[...] the Eritrean air force is only able to sustain all phases of maintenance operations for approximately [...]
30 per cent of its fleet.
在为中国足球超级联赛中最为成功的 队 — — 大 连 实 德队进行足球场设计的竞赛中,Unstudio最终获胜并赢得了竞赛,进行一个可容纳40,000观众的足球场设计。
Unstudio has won the limited competition for a 40,000 spectator football stadium for the most successful club in the Chinese Super League: Dalian Shide FC.
自 2004
[...] 年以来对驻地协调员年度报告的年度审查表明, 国家工队大幅度 增加了关于性别平等倡议的报告数量。
Annual reviews of resident coordinator annual
reports undertaken since 2004 have shown a significant increase in
[...] reporting by country teams on gender equality [...]
[...] 平,需要确定大量的关键要素,包括:设计 队 , 大 楼 位置,设计和规范 大楼中部署的设备。
Once these have been determined a number
of key elements will follow – these
[...] include: the design team, location of the [...]
building, as well as design and specification
of the equipment deployed in the building.
在今年初他们代表亚洲乐队,去伦敦参加了GBOB全球 队大 奖 赛 并且毫无异议的夺下了冠军。
In early 2010 they went to London to represent Asia in the Global Battle of the Bands and unanimously took first place – the first time every judge had agreed on the winner.
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9 个本国一般事务人员), 因为该科在过去数年里已经大了它 所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科行动总部 诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不是以前的一级诊所;病人 从三级医院出院后在他们家里对其进行追踪观察;定期对阿比让以及西区和东区 的 11 家三级医院的病人进行探访;区总部的医生开展外联活动,一周两次访问 地处偏远的办公室;在重要的活动期间向政府和作为联合国综合框架一部分的联 合国国家工队提供 支助;拟议在库马西后勤基地每天提供八小时的医疗支助, 而不是目前的两小时。
In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General Service staff) is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now functioning at level I-plus rather than the previous level I; patients are
followed up at their homes after
[...] discharge from level III hospitals; patients are regularly visited in the 11 level III hospitals in Abidjan and in Sector West and Sector East; doctors in the regional headquarters perform outreach activity by visiting remote offices twice a week; support is provided to the Government during important functions and to the United Nations country team as part of the United Nations integrated framework; and medical support is proposed to be provided eight hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to the current two hours a day.
在过去几 个月中,巴博先生的队大规模地侵犯了人权,在把 500 多名平民的手捆住的情况下将其杀害。
Over the past three
[...] months, Mr. Gbagbo’s forces have committed massive [...]
violations of human rights and massacred more than
500 civilians with their hands tied.
提议编列 36 400 美元,用作以下技术支持活动的差旅费用:与非索特派团(包
[...] 支助非索特派团组建部队(19 600 美元);建立非洲待命队大陆后勤基地,为非 洲国家区域能力、东非待命旅和中非国家经济共同体快速部署能力提供后勤支助 [...]
(16 800 美元)。
The amount of $36,400 is proposed for travel to undertake the following technical support activities: the coordination of technical working group meetings with AMISOM, including its Public Information Section, UNPOS and support for AMISOM on the provision of force generation support to
AMISOM ($19,600); and the establishment of an
[...] African Standby Force continental logistics [...]
base and the development of logistics
support for national African regional capacity, the Eastern Africa Standby Brigade and the Economic Community of Central African States with a view to rapid deployment capabilities ($16,800).
预防恐怖主义处是联合国反恐怖主义执行工 队大 规 模 毁灭性武器工作组 的成员,它协助该工作组目前的工作,参与编写 2010 年发布的、工作组关于预 防、应对和减缓使用核武器或放射性武器或材料的恐怖袭击事件的报告。
The Terrorism Prevention Branch is a member of the United Nations
[...] Implementation Task Force (CTITF) Working Group on weapons of mass destruction and has contributed [...]
to its ongoing work
as well as to its report on prevention, response and mitigation of terrorist attacks using nuclear or radiological weapons or materials, launched in 2010.
在刚果民主共和国,12 000 多名反叛者快速融入国家部队由于计划不力(没有 审查战争罪或其他暴力) ,部分导致新征队大量屠 杀平民的问题(A/HRC/ 14/24/Add.3)。
In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the poorly planned rapid integration (without vetting for war crimes or other violations) of over
12,000 rebels into the
[...] national army contributed to large-scale massacres of civilians by those newly integrated forces (A/HRC/14/24/Add.3).
初步分析显示,内陆船队占全球 队大 约 26%,但各区域内陆水域作业船舶 [...]
比例有很大变化(图13),非洲最高(42%),随后是亚洲(26%)以及拉丁美洲 和加勒比区域(21%)。
This preliminary analysis indicated that the inland fleet represents about 26
percent of the global fleet, but the
[...] proportion of vessels operating in inland waters [...]
varies substantially depending on the
regions (Figure 13), the highest being in Africa (42 percent), followed by Asia (26 percent) and Latin America and the Caribbean (21 percent).
继续与国家或国防和安全队大规模暴力行为的受害者进行对话,以便通过 赔偿为其伸张正义,使其能在和解道路上取得进展,并将支持国家暴力行为的受 [...]
Continue the dialogue with the victims of the large-scale violence committed by the State
[...] or the security forces with a view to [...]
achieving restorative
justice that will enable them to move forward on the path of reconciliation, and incorporate support to victims of State violence into the national reconciliation process




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