

单词 大运


大运河 n

Grand Canal n

客运大楼 n

passenger terminal n


the Grand canal, 1800 km from Beijing Hangzhou, built starting from 486 BC

External sources (not reviewed)

在2005年的威尼斯双年展上,采集 大运 河 的 水通过水泵被输送到位于威尼斯圣马可广场的贝弗拉瓜画廊,经过净化、装瓶后分发给公众。
For the 2005 Venice Biennale, water from the Grand Canal was pumped into the Bevilacqua gallery situated on St Marks Square where it was purified, bottled and distributed to the general public.
Extremely powerful and high-speed, yet wonderfully [...]
flexible when it comes to customizing, our OLAP controls will add to
your Business Intelligence application the unsurpassable facilities of our OLAP solution, the best in its class.
所有这一切的背后是3G市场的缓慢增长,最新数据显示中国移动的市场份额5月滑落到38.5%,比第 大运 营 商 中国联通(HKEx: 762; NYSE: [...]
All this comes against the backdrop of a slowing 3G market, where the latest data shows that China Mobile’s share slipped to 38.5
percent in May, or less than 6 percentage points ahead
[...] of the second largest player, China [...]
Unicom (HKEx: 762; NYSE: CHU).
Equinix 致力于 在美国和加大运营 S SAE16 合规数据中心,满足全球企业的严格标准及业务连续性需求。
Equinix is committed to operating SSAE16 compliant data centers in the United States and Canada and meeting the rigorous standards and business continuity needs of global businesses.
大运河” 国际干旱地区水资源水奖,由教科文组织颁发:与捐资者谈判之后做 [...]
UNESCO-Great Man-Made River International [...]
Water Prize for Water Resources in Arid Zones, awarded by UNESCO: revised after
negotiations with the donor and certified compliant.
本报告建议,职员学院在全联合国的学习和领导能力建设方面发挥更大的作 用并在联合国系统的其他领域大运 用 职 员学院的具体能力。
The report recommends that the College play an even greater role in United Nations-wide learning and leadership skills-building, and that the specific use of the College’s capacities be expanded to other areas of the United Nations system.
电缆热量分析 可以帮助工程师设计能发挥最大限度的电缆系统的 大运 行 电 流,同时保障操作的安全性和可靠性。
Cable Thermal Analysis helps engineers to design cable systems to operate to their maximum potential while providing secure and reliability operation.
塞内加尔启 动了一个促进农业、粮食和富裕 大运 动 ; 通过这个 综合性的农业方案,塞内加尔已实现了其主要食物稻米在全国范围的更高程度的自给自足,并大幅度地 增加了其他粮食生产。
For its part, Senegal had launched a major drive for agriculture, food and abundance, a comprehensive agricultural programme which had already led to greater national self-sufficiency in rice, the main staple food in Senegal, and a large increase in other forms of production.
环保议题日益突出,中国持续推动节能政策,中国预期至2010年底共投入人民币4兆元刺激经济,其中LED(发光二极管)产业将因此受惠,此外中国还将举行上海世博会、广州亚运会、山东全运会、深 大运 会 ,这些大型活动需要的LED路灯景观照明以及大型广告牌工程都将陆续招标,对LED产业前景具有激励作用。
Environmental issues become increasingly prominent, the Chinese continue to promote energy-saving policies, is expected to the end of 2010 China has invested RMB 4 trillion to stimulate the economy, in which LED (light emitting diode) industry will benefit from, in addition to China Shanghai World Expo will be held in Guangzhou Asian Games, China Games, Universiade, these events require the LED lights landscape lighting and a large billboard project will gradually tender, the LED industry prospects incentives.
爱讯特运营着连接200多家运营商的全球最大的移动IPX交换网络之一,其中包括全球 大运 营 商中的九家,为爱讯特客户和其他网络提供互通性。
To enable interoperability between Aicent customers and other networks, Aicent operates one of the
world's largest mobile IPX network exchanges connecting to
[...] over 200 operators, including nine of the world's ten largest.
截至 2012 年底,域名服务节点总计达到 30
[...] 个,其中国内已建成域名服务节点 22 个, 全面覆盖我国大运营商 ;海外节点 8 个,分布位于亚洲、北美、欧洲等,服务范围覆盖全球。
The number of domain name nodes totaled 30 by the
end of 2012; 22 nodes were in China,
[...] covering all Chinese operators, and 8 were [...]
outside China, distributed in Asia, North
America and Europe with the service provided all around the world.
2007 年颁布的《加大运输法》要求加 大 交 通 运 输局 (CTA) 开始对铁路运营和施工相关噪声和振动的所有投诉进行调查。
The Canadian Transport Act of 2007 requires the Canadian Transport Agency (CTA) to investigate all complaints made regarding noise and vibration from railway operations and construction.
安全理事会应当大运用建 设和平委员会的咨 询作用,特别是在发展可有效发挥作用并且注重问责 [...]
的机构方面,以此支持其议程所列国家的国内利益攸 关方,确定需要发展的优先机构,以及指明需要联合 国乃至国际社会给予近期和长期支持的现有能力差 距。
The Security
[...] Council should make greater use of the advisory [...]
role of the Peacebuilding Commission, in particular with regard
to the development of viable and accountable institutions, in supporting domestic stakeholders in the countries on its agenda, identifying priority institutions to be developed and determining existing capacity gaps that require immediate and longterm support from the United Nations and the international community as a whole.
一般情况下,延时 T2 应大于电动机构的脉冲时间和大运 行 时 间。
In general, the delay time T2 should be greater than the pulse duration and the maximum operating time of the motor-drive unit.
通过对全球各区域光网络市场发展的充分理解,中兴通讯坚持以一流的产品服务于全球 大运 营 商 光网络建设和转型,不断获取全球主流运营商合同订单,尤其是把握住了中国、亚太、欧洲以及拉美等区域市场规模发展的机会,在这些区域保持较高的市场份额。
ZTE’s strong understanding of the market and superior technology has helped the company win contracts from the world’s main telecommunication operators as they build and optimize their optical networks, especially in the important markets of China, Asia Pacific, Europe and Latin America.
还有,在1979年时任总统的乔昂•菲格雷多将军到访期间,一群学生在宫殿门口抗议,结果演变为一场浩大的冲突,被称为划时代的九月运动(Novembrada),是巴西公众第一次明确表示反对独裁统治的 大运 动。
In 1979, during a visit from the military President João Figueiredo who governed at the time, a student protest in front of the Palace turned into a serious confrontation, episode known as Novembrada, in the first manifestation against the dictatorship.
他 们还呼吁增加国际援助、对过渡联邦政府提供协调一致的支持、加强非索特派团 和大运送人 道主义援助物资方面的准入。
They also called for increased international assistance and for coordinated support to the Transitional Federal Government, the strengthening of AMISOM and increased access for the delivery of humanitarian aid.
[...] 而您有一部解锁手机,可以购买里约热内卢 大运 营 商 (Oi、Claro、TIM 和 Vivo) [...]
之一的预付费 SIM 卡。
If it does not, and you have an unlocked
phone, you can buy pre-paid SIM cards from one
[...] of the four carriers operating in [...]
Rio de Janeiro (Oi, Claro, TIM and Vivo).
我们的交通运输、物流和旅游行业中心指的是一个 大运 输 ” 的概念,涵盖所有与人流和物流相关的行业,涉及的行业包括航空、航运、公共交通运输、物流、供应链和旅游六大领域。
Our Transportation, Logistics and Tourism Competence Center offers the concept of "Omni-transportation" that covers all passenger and logistics related industries, including aviation, shipping, public transportation, logistics, supply chain and tourism.
此外,体育部长艾琳•凯契尔也在当天的演讲中鼓励智障家庭父母更多参与到特奥运动中来,比如 大运 动 项 目和健康运动员计划等。
In addition, the Minister of Sports Irene Kachere in her speech encouraged parents who have children with intellectual disabilities to participate in Special Olympics activities such as sports and Healthy Athletes.
根据千年发展目标 7,该组织开展了以下活动:2006、2007 和 2008 年,鼓 励大学生到中国内蒙古耕种以抗击荒漠化;2007 年,就水资源短缺及其对妇女 的影响开展实地研究并提高公众认识;2008-2009 年,在韩国开展禁用石棉运 动,并率先颁布关于石棉的法律;2007、2008 和 2009 年,提高公众对养护生态 系统的认识,特别是有大运河和 韩国政府发起的四条主要河流项目,这些项 目导致河流遭到破坏。
The organization undertook the following activities in line withGoal 7: it encouraged university students to plant crops in Inner Mongolia, China, to combat desertification in 2006, 2007 and 2008; conducted field research and raised public awareness on water scarcity and its influence on women in 2007; campaigned to ban asbestos in the Republic of Korea in 2008-2009 and took the lead in enacting the law on asbestos; raised public awareness on ecosystem conservation in 2007, 2008 and 2009, particularly with regard to the Grand Canal and Four Major Rivers projects initiated by the Government of Korea, which have led to the destruction of the rivers.
除了产品的研发和创新,艾默生网络能源还致力于绿色网络能源技术的推广和应用。作为通信行业主要的配套设备供应商,公司积极与 大运 营 商、集成商及行业相关部门,在建设节能合作项目、制定行业标准规范、推进技术交流共享等领域展开交流与协作。
As a major supplier for corollary equipments in the telecommunications industry, the company actively carries out exchanges and cooperation with major operators, integrators and related departments in the industry to collaborate on projects related to energy conservation, formulation of industrial standards and regulations and promotion of technical exchanges and sharing.
但六年来,公司的发展令人叹为观止,悉尼和墨尔本两地办事处员工超过300人,与澳大利亚 大运 营 商建立伙伴关系,并不断培养壮大与政府、大学和商界的关系,华为澳大利亚公司正在实现自己的座右铭——领先全球、服务当地。
The growth of the business over the
[...] past six years has been dramatic – with over 300 staff between offices in Sydney and Melbourne, partnerships with all of Australia’s largest operators, and growing [...]
ties with the Government,
universities and the business community, Huawei Australia is delivering on its motto of ‘leading globally, delivering locally’.
该声明继续表示,“铁路公司和城市运输机构必须首先考虑噪声和振动对社区利益的影响,以确定如何最佳进行活动,从而履行《加 大运 输 法》 第 95.1 节规定的义务。
The announcement continued, "The interests of communities affected by noise and vibration must be considered at first instance by railway companies and urban transit authorities in determining how
best to perform their activities in order to meet their obligation under section 95.1
[...] of the Canada Transportation Act".
一项重大举措是在 2005 年创立了“法律之家”,这是旨在 大运 用 司法 和行使权利的机会并保障公民特别 是 弱势人 群 知 情权和司法协商的 非 司法机构 。
A significant initiative was to create, in 2005, the “law houses”, non-judicial structures aimed at promoting access to justice and rights and guaranteeing information and juridical consultation for citizens, especially deprived people.
空客A320系列飞机的大运营商全美航空公司签署了一项谅解备忘录,将采用国际航空发动机公司(IAE)最新推出的V2500 SelectTwo燃料燃烧改进包,升级使用V2500发动机的空客A320系列飞机。
US Airways, the largest operator of the Airbus A320 family of aircraft has signed a memorandum of understanding to upgrade its fleet of V2500-powered Airbus A320 family aircraft with the recently unveiled V2500 SelectTwo fuel burn improvement package from International Aero Engines.
同时他在加大运输部和 EASA(欧洲航空安全局)也享有盛誉,最近又被聘请为美国陆军和美国空军设备的适航 DER。
With appointments as Organisation Designation Authorisation administrator, unit member at key OEMs, and Supplier Airworthiness Specialist DER at Airbus, White has become well-known at Transport Canada and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) , as well as with US Army and US Air Force facilities.
根据这一承诺,亚太经合组织部长于 2004 年确定了有效出口管制制度的关 键要素,并承诺在亚太经合组织中继续努力将各经济体和私营部门联合起来,促 使货物流向合法最终用户,同时防止非法 运大 规 模 毁灭性武器、其运载系统和 有关物品。
Building on this commitment, APEC Ministers in 2004 identified key elements of effective export control systems, and committed to continue work in APEC to unite economies and the private sector to facilitate the flow of goods to legitimate end-users while preventing illicit trafficking in weapons of mass destruction, their delivery systems, and related items.
赞扬发展以打击非法运大规模 毁灭性武器、其零部件或运载工具为目的的 边境管制工作,不论这些武器是来自阿拉伯区域以外还是在阿拉伯区域过境。
Commends work on the development of border controls aimed at combating illicit trafficking in weapons of mass destruction or their components or their means of delivery, whether from outside the Arab region or passing through it.




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