单词 | 大赛 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 大赛 noun —contest nExamples:伯赛大—Bethsaida (city) See also:赛 n—competition n • match n 赛—better than • superior to • excel • surpass
日本公共广播电视台NHK举办的媒体 大赛 旨 在提高世界各地教育节目的质量。 unicef.org | The media competition, organized by Japan’s public broadcast network NHK, aims to improve the quality of educational programmes around the world. unicef.org |
在2013年TED大会中举行的特别午餐会上,X大奖基金会还宣布麻省理工学院教授尼古拉斯·尼葛洛庞帝将担 任 大赛 主 席。 tipschina.gov.cn | At a special lunch held during the 2013 TED [...] Conference, the X PRIZE also announced that MIT Professor Nicholas Negroponte will [...] serve as the competition's Chairman. tipschina.gov.cn |
因此,在大赛或者重要活动前要保持原有的饮食习惯, 这样可以避免生病。 media.specialolympics.org | Just like you practice your sport before you go to an event or game, make sure you practice your eating habits too. media.specialolympics.org |
举办“蝴蝶夫人”国 际声乐大赛的主要目的在于发掘和培养青年人才,本 次 大赛 让 摩尔多瓦共和国获 得了第一次体验东南欧文化生活的机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | The aim of the Contest “Madame Butterfly” resides in the discovery and promotion of young talents, the event in Republic of Moldova being a first time experience [...] for the cultural [...]life of the South-Eastern Europe. daccess-ods.un.org |
例如包括国际奥林匹克委员会、国际残疾人奥林匹克委员会、 其他在其赛事中实施兴奋剂检查的重 大赛 事 组 织机构、世界反兴奋剂机构、各国际 单项体育联合会以及国家反兴奋剂组织。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This includes, for example, the International Olympic Committee, the International Paralympic Committee, other major event organizations that conduct testing at their events, the World Anti-Doping Agency, international federations and national anti-doping organizations. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在第41届大赛中, 我们提供了26个最新主打产品,X类型的NLX2500MC/700高刚性、高精度CNC车床和NVX5100/40高精度、高速立式加工中心。 moriseiki.com | At the 41st competition, we supplied 26 of the latest main products, [...] NLX2500MC/700 high-rigidity, high-precision [...]CNC lathes and NVX5100/40 high-precision, [...]high-speed vertical machining centers from the X-class. moriseiki.com |
秘书处为此次周年纪念活动编制了若干材料,包括一份新闻发布材料和新 [...] 版《蒙特利尔议定书》和《维也纳公约》手册,同时启动了面向全球青年的视 频大赛。 conf.montreal-protocol.org | The Secretariat had produced several materials for the anniversary, including a press kit and new [...] editions of the Montreal Protocol and Vienna Convention handbooks and had also launched a [...] global youth video competition. conf.montreal-protocol.org |
同时,值得注意的是,摩尔多瓦共和国政府拿出 681 000 列伊赞 助本次大赛,这 在共和国文化史上尚属首例。 daccess-ods.un.org | Also, it is worthwhile [...] noticing that for the first time in the history [...]of our culture the award of competitor was supported [...]by the Government of the Republic of Moldova with 681,000 lei. daccess-ods.un.org |
中国上海(2010年5月20日) — Emerson 公司(纽约证券交易所代码:EMR)旗下业务品牌艾默生环境优化技术宣布,2010 Emerson Cup 第八届艾默生杯空调设计大赛即日 正式拉开帷幕,开始征稿。 emerson.com | Shanghai China, May 20, 2010 – Emerson Climate Technologies, a business of Emerson (NYSE: EMR), announced that the 2010 Emerson Cup Air-Conditioning Design Competition has officially begun to accept entries starting today. emerson.com |
2010年,博世电动工具首度在欧洲深受大学生追捧的「创意车设 计 大赛 」 带 到中国,并得到热烈反响。 life.bosch.com.cn | In 2010, Bosch brought its exciting event - the "Bosch [...] Power Tools Cordless Race" from Europe to China. life.bosch.com.cn |
娱乐活动包括短信之夜、MTV大赛、最 受青少年喜爱的音乐录影排行榜,以及其它主题活动。 msccruises.com.cn | Fun events include SMS [...] night, MTV competitions, the teens [...]hit list and other themed evenings. msccruises.com.eg |
此外,该局还向各大视听机构(欧洲电视联播音 乐 大赛 、 美 联社电视台和路透社)分配 了关于欧莱雅奖获得者、《世界遗产名录》上的新遗址和亲善大使的任命情况的题目。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Bureau has also distributed to the major broadcasting agencies (Eurovision, AP Television, Reuters) material on the winners of the L’Oréal/UNESCO [...] Prize, the [...]new sites on the World Heritage List and the nominations of Goodwill Ambassadors. unesdoc.unesco.org |
中国南京(2011年10月24日) — 今日,由艾默生环境优化技术和中国制冷学会空调热泵专业委员会联合主办的“2011第九届艾默生杯空调与冷冻设计应 用 大赛 ” 在 2011中国制冷学会学术年会上举行了盛大的颁奖典礼。 emerson.com | Nanjing, CHINA (October 24, 2011) – The 9th Emerson Cup Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Design and Application Competition, organized by Emerson Climate Technologies and Air Conditioners and Heat Pump Technical Committee of the Chinese Association of Refrigeration, held its awards ceremony at the CAR2011. emerson.com |
例如2009年的学徒Florian Fuchs在加拿大卡尔加里举办的国际职业技 能 大赛 获 得了设备电工银奖。 reports.wacker.com | In 2009, for example, the trainee Florian Fuchs received the silver medal in the Industrial Control category at the WorldSkills Competition in Calgary (Canada). reports.wacker.com |
这里的学员毕业经过考核后,可以获得由“庞克咖啡学院”颁发的毕业证书以及国际认证的咖啡师证书(SCAE BARISTA),还有机会参加比赛及赴海外观看WBC咖啡 师 大赛。 vantageshanghai.com | After examination and graduation from Punk, you’ll be awarded an SCAE BARISTA certificate [...] by the ‘Punk Coffee College’ [...] and will have the opportunity to compete in and watch the WBC Barista Championship overseas. vantageshanghai.com |
1927至1961年间,Mille Miglia大赛主要 形式是在公路上进行的速度比赛,今天已经转变为拉力赛。 wthejournal.com | Raced from 1927 to 1961 as a speed trial on open roads, the Mille Miglia has now become [...] a rally. wthejournal.com |
与此同时,Oris将在雷诺发布BC3 Air Racing限量腕表:一款搭载第二时区的飞行腕表,献给首次参加知名的美国飞 行 大赛 的 Or is飞行队。 oris.ch | Also at Reno, Oris will be launching the BC3 Air Racing Limited Edition: pilot’s watch with a second time zone dedicated to the Oris team’s first appearance at the famous US air event and packed with great aviation features. oris.ch |
在我职业生涯的众多回忆中,最令人惊喜的时刻可能是公元2000年在日本铃鹿(Suzu ka ) 大赛 中 跨 过终点线的那一剎那。 audemarspiguet.com | Among the many memories of my career, the most astounding is probably the moment when I crossed the Suzuka 2000 finish line, winning not only the Japanese GP, but more importantly, the world champion title for Ferrari. audemarspiguet.com |
乔西·比利 (Josie Billie) [...] 是一个地道的佛罗里达州塞米诺尔人,他一生都居住在佛罗里达 州 大赛 普 里 斯印第安人保护区。 wdl.org | Josie Billie was a member of the Florida Seminole people who lived his entire life on the Big Cypress Indian [...] Reservation in Hendry County, Florida. wdl.org |
在大学生中举办创意车大赛,我 们希望为亚洲各国青年提供一个独特的创新交流互动平台,在创意实践中激发他们的无穷创造力,共同体会科技创新的力量。 life.bosch.com.cn | Bosch Power Tools has been committed to encouraging innovation and developing local talent, and hopes this competition can provide a unique platform for the youths in Asia to innovate and interact. life.bosch.com.cn |
为保持珠宝饰品的艺术水准,该公司多次举办设 计 大赛 , 邀 请新锐设计师设计原创的商品包装盒。 hk.ashford.com | In an effort to support the arts, the company has initiated many design contests, inviting fledgling designers to submit original artwork for their trademark tin packaging. ashford.com |
例如,保护知识产权宣传周、全国著作权知 识 大赛 、 中国知识产权 与经济发展高级研讨会、知识产权管理部门领导与当代大学生主题对话等活动,在社会上产 生了积极影响,取得了良好的宣传效果。 uschina.org | For example, activities such as “IPR protection week”, “national copyright knowledge competition”, “executive forum on China’s intellectual property and economic development” and “dialogue between officials of IPR administrations and college students” have cast positive influence on the public and achieved good publicity results. uschina.org |
2010年对于Oris大表冠飞行团队而言具有划时代的意义,因为他们首次参加了美国内华达州举办的Reno航空飞 行 大赛。 oris.ch | 2010 marked a historic milestone for the Oris Big [...] Crown Air Racing Team, as it saw them competing at the [...] legendary Reno Air Races in Nevada, USA, [...]for the very first time. oris.ch |
在由日刊工业新闻社主办,并获得商业部支持的第37届机械工业设 计 大赛 中 ,NMV5000 DCG机型荣获最优秀奖和经济产业大臣奖。 moriseiki.com | The NMV5000 DCG was recently awarded the "37th Machine Design Award (Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Prize)," sponsored by the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun with the support of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. moriseiki.com |
舞蹈大赛决赛在久负盛名的纽约玫瑰岛舞厅举行,麦当娜和她的舞蹈指导从10名决赛选手中选中来自孟菲斯的Lil Buck成为最后的获胜者。 tipschina.gov.cn | The final dance-off competition took place at the historic Roseland Ballroom in New York City where Madonna and her choreographers selected Memphis native Lil Buck as the winner from 10 global finalists. tipschina.gov.cn |
今年适逢第25届澳门国际烟花比赛汇演及第60届澳门格兰披 治 大赛 车 ,旅游局将结合澳门节庆活动、文化景点与现代化的旅游设施,推广多样化的主题之旅,希望吸引不同族群在不同时刻前往澳门旅游,感受澳门中西融合与时尚怀古兼具的情调。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | This year marks the upcoming 25th Macau International [...] Fireworks Display Contest and the 60th [...]Macau Grand Prix. MGTO will commingle Macau [...]festivities, cultural attractions and modern tourist facilities together, promoting diversely-themed tours to enchant visitors of different nationalities to Macau at different times of the year so that they can experience Macau's composite aroma of East and West, trendy and antique. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
专业人士负责为青少年们组织筹划各项趣味活动;寻宝冒险、使命任务、才艺展示、虚拟世界游艺、舞 蹈 大赛 等 等,孩子们甚至还可以编写个性化报纸并绘出自己喜欢的生活内容。 msccruises.com.cn | MSC Teen's Club provides specialised entertainers to organise fun activities for teenagers. msccruises.com.eg |
1991年,花会接到游人70万人次,全年接待游人250万人次;首次成功举办“全国名花展览会”,早首届无锡全国菊 花 大赛 上 荣 获“香型独头菊”三等奖和布置优秀奖;儿童游乐区新建:“荷花杯”,“滑行龙”,“碰碰车”大型玩具,大门内新建:“碧桃园”和“十二生肖园”,在桥北动物区新建:“猴山”和“熊池”;在大门内外广场兴建两组喷泉;投资300万元,在公园东区修建了地下“觅乐宫”,建筑面积约2600平方米 。 lywch.cn | In 1991, the Flower show received 700,000 tourists, with the whole year receiving 2.5 million tourists; successfully held “National Famous Flower Exhibition” for the first time; won the third prize and the Outstanding Arrangement Prize of [...] “Aromatic Single Clove [...] Chrysanthemum” at the first Wuxi National Chrysanthemum Competition; installed [...]large toys "Lotus Cup”, [...]“Sliding Dragon”, “Bumper Cars” at the Children’s Adventure Playground; built “Flowering Beach Garden” and “Zodiac Park” in the yard; built “Monkey Hill” and “Bear Garden” in Qiaobei Zoo; built two sets of fountains inside and outside the gate; invested three million yuan to built underground “Pleasure Seeking Palace” in the east part of the park covering an area of 2,600 square meters. lywch.cn |
路易威登马利蒂有限公司是一家法国公司,公司股本为21,119,700欧元,注册地址位于2 rue du Pont Neuf 75001,巴黎,法国,注册号为B 318.571.064(巴黎商号注册处),此次 大赛 由 路易威登马利蒂有限公司通过其法定代表(营业地位于上述地点)组织(以下简称为“主办方”或“路易威登”)。 journeysawards.com | The company LOUIS VUITTON MALLETIER, a French company with a capital of 21,119,700 euros, whose registered office is located - 2 rue du Pont Neuf, 75001 Paris, France, company registration number B 318.571.064 (Paris RCS), acting through its legal representatives, whose official address is at the said office (hereafter referred to as “Sponsor” or “Louis Vuitton”). journeysawards.com |