单词 | 大费周章 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 大费周章 —take great painsgo to a lot of troubleSee also:周章—effort • pains (get sth. done) • frightened • flustered 周章 n—trouble n
它可快速被最终用户采用并提高员工满意度,因为他们获得了一个让他们的工作更加简单和直观的工具,无 需 大费周章 的 学 习。 jabra.cn | It ensures rapid end-user adoption, and increases employee satisfaction, as they get a tool that makes their work easier and more intuitive, without the steep learning curve. jabra.com |
在本双年度期间,还制作了双语副刊 (西伯莱文和阿拉伯文),收录有关共同文化、艺术和社会特性的 文 章 , 免 费 向 该 地区 各大 报纸分发。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Also during the period under review, a bilingual (Hebrew and Arabic) supplement containing articles [...] of joint cultural, artistic and social nature was produced and [...] distributed freely to all the main newspapers in the area. unesdoc.unesco.org |
常任秘書長向我口頭表示,她大費周 章,不 是為了得到把計劃批給社聯的結果。 legco.gov.hk | PSCT told [...] me orally that she had not gone to all this [...]trouble in order to end up awarding the project to HKCSS. legco.gov.hk |
这里的留学生花在住宿、膳食、服装、休闲娱乐、交通和电话方面的平 均 费 用 每 周大 约为 360澳元。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | An average international student in Australia will spend about A$500 a week on accommodation, [...] food, clothing, entertainment, transport and telephone. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
( 大学和高等院校) 。学费由规章规定,助学金和学生贷款必须保证条件 差的学生能够公平的获得。 daccess-ods.un.org | Tuition fees are regulated and student subsidies and loans [...] must guarantee equal access for underprivileged students. daccess-ods.un.org |
从弱势群体的角度看,目前全国下列 两 大 主 要 群体的贫弱状况十分突出: (1)农村地区领取社会养老金、退休金、补助金的人员(到退休年龄后领取养老金 的人或领取残疾补助金的人),相关补助金用于支付冬季取暖费和其他服 务费 用;(2)18 到 25 周岁的 年轻人,他们从一开始便是寄宿人,没有自己的住房、也 没有必需的资金用于建房或买房。 daccess-ods.un.org | From the point of view of vulnerability, there are two main groups of people that are prominent in the country: (1) pensioners with social pensions (age limit pensioners or disability pensioners) in the rural settlements, which bear the costs of heating and other services provided during winter time and (2) young people from 18 to 25 years, which are at their beginnings in the carrier and suffer from lack of housing, and who do not have the necessary financial means to built or buy a flat. daccess-ods.un.org |
現時,由於這些團體組織的回收活動,仍然只屬小規模,雖然環 [...] 保署設有基金,資助社區環保項目的經費,但由於這些基金的年期有限,在 資助期滿後,團體往往須為日後的經費問 題 大 費 周章 , 個別項目未必能夠維 持下去。 legco.gov.hk | Although [...] the EPD has set up some funds to subsidize [...]the green community projects, the funds will operate for a limited period only. legco.gov.hk |
此外,预计其他废弃 物流管理、再循环行业以及绿化生产和 消 费周 期 等 方面的投资需求将会 很 大。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is also anticipated that there will be a significant demand for investment [...] in the management of other waste streams, the recycling [...] industry and the greening of production and consumption cycles. daccess-ods.un.org |
草案第 20 段提出的要求会给 2010-2011 财年的计划 预算方案增加 448 200 美元的额外款项,其中 421 900 美元增加到第 2 章(大会和 经济及社会理事会的事 务及会议管理),用于解释四次会议和出版 96 页文 件,另外 16 400 美元增加到第 16 章,用于支付承担 会议服务工作人员的差旅费,而其余 9 900 美元增 加到第 28D 章(中央支助事务厅)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The request made in paragraph 20 would entail a requirement for an additional amount of $448,200 in the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011, including $421,900 under section 2, General Assembly and Economic and Social Council affairs and conference management, for interpretation at four meetings and the issuance of 96 pages of documentation, $16,400 under section 16 for travel of meeting servicing staff and $9,900 under section 28D, Office of Central Support Services. daccess-ods.un.org |
报告中指出,周转空间预 算提供了将 2 773 [...] 名工作人员搬迁到在麦迪逊大道 380 号、阿尔巴诺大 楼和联合国联邦信用合作社(联合国信用 社 ) 大 楼 租 赁的场 外 周 转 空 间的 经费。 daccess-ods.un.org | As indicated, the swing space budget provides for the relocation of 2,773 staff to the [...] off-site swing spaces leased in the 380 Madison Avenue, [...] Albano and United Nations Federal Credit Union (UNFCU) Buildings. daccess-ods.un.org |
请总干事在 2007 年毛拉纳·贾拉尔丁·巴尔希 - 鲁米诞辰 800 周年之际发行一枚 纪念章,发行该纪念章所需费用将 由依靠出售这枚纪念章之收入的自利基金供 资。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Invites the Director-General to issue in 2007, a commemorative [...] medal on the occasion [...] of the 800th anniversary of the birth of Mawlana Jalal-ud-Din Balkhi-Rumi, the costs of which will be [...]covered by a self-benefiting [...]fund consisting of income from the sale of the medal. unesdoc.unesco.org |
市民會 想,當part-time員工也可能賺取這款額,無謂如 此 大 費 周章 , 而 且稍 一不慎,更有可能犯上官非。 legco.gov.hk | The public would think that this amount can be earned simply by working as a part-time worker without having to go through such great trouble. legco.gov.hk |
香港是㆒個成功的經濟體系,政府毋 須 大 費 周章 , 以 確保經濟欣欣向榮。 legco.gov.hk | Hong Kong is an economic success. The Government needs to do little to ensure prosperity. legco.gov.hk |
不是他人說我們排第一時,你便大費 周章 作 報 道;他人說我 們排第 28 位,而且較上一次評級下跌了的時候,你便不予理會。 legco.gov.hk | We should not feature prominent reports when others say that we rank first on certain tables; nor should we ignore it altogether when we are said to be the 28th, which is even lower than that of the previous year. legco.gov.hk |
代理主席(以英语发言):在开始审议议程上的项 目之前,我谨根据惯例,提请大会注 意文件 A/65/691/ Add.1,秘书长在其中通知大会主 席,继印发载于文 件 A/65/691 中的他的来函(A/65/691)之后,津巴布 韦已缴付必要款项,将其拖欠会费减 至《 宪 章 》 第十 九条规定的数额以下。 daccess-ods.un.org | Before proceeding to the items on the agenda, I should like, in keeping with established practice, to draw the attention of the General Assembly to document [...] A/65/691/Add.1, in which the [...] Secretary-General informs the President of the Assembly that, since the issuance of his communication contained in document A/65/691, Zimbabwe has made the necessary payment to reduce its arrears to below the amount specified in Article 19 of the Charter. daccess-ods.un.org |
話雖如此,如果每次均要消費者為了區區數百元或數千元 而 大 費 周章, 又 要聘請律師,又要請假上法庭才可以解決問題,實在是費時失事,亦非一 般小市民所能負擔。 legco.gov.hk | Even so, if consumers have to go to great lengths to solve the problem by hiring lawyers and taking time off to appear in Court, all for the sake of a few hundred dollars or several thousand dollars, a lot of time and effort will be needed and this is something that ordinary members of the public cannot afford to do. legco.gov.hk |
咨询委员会已建议核可第二阶段 110 万美元的经费(见 A/64/7,第二 章,第十一.12 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Advisory Committee has recommended approval of the $1.1 million [...] for the second phase (see A/64/7, chap. II, para. XI.12). daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会注意到迄今没有提交任何新的多年付款计划,并重申其建议,即 大会鼓励因拖欠会费而可适用《宪章 》 第 十九条的其他会员国考虑提出多年付 款计划。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee noted that no new multi-year payment plans had been submitted, and reiterated its recommendation that the General Assembly [...] encourage other Member States [...] in arrears under Article 19 of the Charter to consider submitting multi-year [...]payment plans. daccess-ods.un.org |
作者采用从特内里费周围15个点得到的数据来预测5年期间的平均和 最 大波 高、波能和波向。 fao.org | An oyster management information system: Integrating biological, physical, and geographical dimensions. fao.org |
不過,看見每位父母為了自己子女升讀一所 心儀的小學而大費周章,小朋友讀幼稚園時已要不斷催谷,我雖然沒有 小孩,但也有一羣誼子誼女,也體會到學前教育對小朋友的成長的確相 當重要。 legco.gov.hk | Though I do not have children, I have many godchildren. When I see parents spending a lot of efforts in securing places for their children in primary schools of their choice, and young children studying hard from as early as the kindergarten years, I have come to understand that pre-primary education is indeed very important to the growth of children. legco.gov.hk |
如果大家可 以一次過完成檢討,使後來者無 須 周章 而 已 有成 規,那麼,所有人也會生活得很安樂。 legco.gov.hk | If we can complete the review in one go to save our successors from troubles and [...] provide them with an established standard, [...]then everyone can live in peace and happiness. legco.gov.hk |
其實,正如我剛才所說,除了生態旅遊外,沙頭角區還擁有其他豐富的 [...] 歷史遺蹟和旅遊資源,實在值得向海外遊客推廣,尤其是現時大力提倡公民 教育,教師須為尋找合適的教材而大 費 周章。 legco.gov.hk | In fact, as I said earlier, apart from eco-tourism, Sha Tau Kok also has a rich reserve of historical monuments and tourism resources worthy of promotion to overseas tourists, particularly as great efforts [...] are now being made to promote civic education [...] and teachers have to spend much [...]time and efforts finding suitable teaching materials. legco.gov.hk |
主席,本港正經歷經濟轉型,不少勞 苦 大 眾 都 為失業、家計而愁眉不展, 對本港有承擔感的人,都為了解決未來經濟前景及勞工出路而費 盡 周章。 legco.gov.hk | Those who have a sense of commitment towards Hong Kong spare no efforts in working for the economic prospects of Hong Kong and to give workers opportunities. legco.gov.hk |
法庭其 實是大費周章,來 清楚解釋它並不是批評委員會的調查結果。 legco.gov.hk | The Court in fact took great trouble to explain that it does not criticize the Commission's findings. legco.gov.hk |
为了维护花费大量时间、精力写成的P DF 文 章 的 版 权,不被任意非法利用,需要对PDF文章加密,而用密码的方法加密容易被破解,采用数字证书加密可以更有效地保护PDF文件,可以用数字证书授权给一个或多个证书用户。 oapdf.com | in order to maintain a lot of time and energy into the PDF article, copyright, will not be any illegal use, the need for encryption of PDF articles, and method of using the password encryption easily cracked, encryption using digital certificates can be more effectively protected PDF documents, digital certificates can be delegated to one or more of the certificate user. oapdf.com |
(i) 本奖所产生一切费用:向本奖获奖者颁发 之奖金,金质奖章和证书的费用以 及行政 费用( 包括评审委员会委员差旅费)和秘 书处及委员会的活动费(人事、研究、出 版、专家会议;与各和平中心和基金会的 [...] 合作活动、广告、颁发奖金的仪式、评审 委员会委员磋商;走访捐款者和致力研究 和平的中心;评审委员会会议筹备及获奖 [...] 者选拔等方面的调研活动等),均记入特 别帐户借方。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (i) The Special Account shall be debited with all expenses pertaining to the Prize, that is, the amount [...] paid to the winner of [...] the Prize, the cost of the gold medal and of the diploma and all administrative costs (including [...]travel expenses of the [...]Jury) and expenses incurred for the operation of the Secretariat and of the Commission (staff costs, studies, publications, meetings of experts; activities involving cooperation with peace centres and foundations, advertising, prize-giving ceremonies, consultations of members of the Jury; missions to donors and centres specializing in peace studies; research missions as part of the preparations for the Jury’s meeting and the selection of the winners; and so on). unesdoc.unesco.org |
此外,如上文第 2 段所述,根据大会第 63/266 号 决议,秘书长已在他的报告中列入 2010-2011 两年期特别政治任务预算 总额的预测数据,他估计可能高达约 1 148 739 700 美元,比 2010-2011 两年期拟议方案预算中的特别政治任务 经 费 多出 319 811 300 美元(见 A/64/349,第 78 段和附件三)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, as noted in paragraph 2 above, pursuant to General Assembly resolution 63/266, the Secretary-General has included in his report a projection of the total budget for special political missions for the biennium 2010–2011, which he estimates could amount to some $1,148,739,700, or $319,811,300 more than the provision for special [...] political missions in [...]the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010–2011 (see A/64/349, para. 78 and annex III). daccess-ods.un.org |
更簡單的, 如果我們有少數族裔的朋友能進入勞工處工作的話,少數族裔人士到勞 工處找工作時,便不用大費周章,立即可以有通曉他們的語文的人幫助 他們找工作。 legco.gov.hk | Put simply, if we have ethnic minorities who work in the Labour Department, when their compatriots go there to find a job, they would not have to make such a big fuss, for people who speak their language will offer them help instantly. legco.gov.hk |
否 則,除非肯 定 複 印 是 純 為 私 人 用 途 , 與任何 貿 易 或 業務無 關 , 每 人 每次縱 使 複 製 一 頁也要得到 版 權 持有人許可 , 如 此大費 周章,究 竟 是 想 達 到 甚麼目 的 呢? legco.gov.hk | What is supposed to be achieved by making every person seek the permission of the copyright owner before making so much as one single copy, unless one is sure that it is purely for personal use, wholly unconnected with any trade or business? legco.gov.hk |
究竟是甚麼原因促使美國在面對這麼大的技術局限下,即使要採用 一種須支付專利費的技術,仍要大費 周章 地 推行數碼廣播呢? legco.gov.hk | The United States citizens are required to pay royalties when they apply for a broadcasting licence. For what reasons the United States still took great pains to implement digital broadcasting given the considerable technical constraints and even though the requisite technology required the payment of royalties? legco.gov.hk |