单词 | 大衣 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 大衣 noun —coat n (often used)coats pl大衣 —overcoat • topcoat • cloak Examples:派克大衣—parka jacket (loanword) See also:衣 n—clothes n • dress n 衣 pl—robes pl 衣—put on (clothes)
(4) 本 條 所 賦 予 的 搜 查 權 力,不 得 被 視 為 授 權 警 員 要 求 某 [...] 人 在 公 眾 地 方 脫 去 大 衣、外 套 或 手 套 以 外 的 [...]任 何 其 他 衣 物 。 hkreform.gov.hk | (4) The powers conferred by this section to search a person are not to be construed as [...] authorising a constable to require a person to [...] remove any of his clothing in public other [...]than an outer coat, jacket or gloves. hkreform.gov.hk |
柯南入读Teitan小学,下课后,通知理查德遮蔽一个人在一 个 大衣。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Conan is enrolled into Teitan Elementary and, after class, notices Richard [...] shadowing a man in an overcoat. seekcartoon.com |
阻尼材料的彎曲金屬板做了補充大衣 從 周 圍的保護。 hkcarworld.com | The dampening material is protected from the surrounding by a [...] supplementary coat made of a bend [...]metal sheet. hkcarworld.com |
我把背包放在大腿上,大衣盖在 背包上。 4tern.com | I put my smaller backpack [...] on my lap, my jacket on top of my bag. 4tern.com |
柯南发现雇主冒充死人大衣的第 三天,该名男子已被杀害。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Conan discovers the employer was posing as the dead man in the overcoat on the third day, as the man had already been killed. seekcartoon.com |
有毛皮大衣,温暖的鞋和午餐盒,生活并不那么糟糕。 bksv.cn | And with a fur coat, warm shoes [...] and a lunchbox, life wasn’t all that bad. bksv.ru |
您应确保您给定制大衣的命 名(下称“命名”)不会侵犯任何第三方的权利,您在此同意,对于由任何第三方提出的您的命名侵犯其权利的索赔造成Burberry发生和/或蒙受的一切成本、损害、费用、损失和负债,您对Burberry负责,赔偿Burberry并确保Burberry免于损失。 cn.burberry.com | You shall ensure that any name you [...] give to a Bespoke Trench (the “Name”) [...]does not infringe the rights of any third party [...]and you hereby agree to be responsible to Burberry for and indemnify Burberry and keep Burberry indemnified against all costs, damages, expenses, losses and liabilities incurred and/or suffered by Burberry as a result of any third party claim that your Name infringes its rights. uk.burberry.com |
該報告展示清醒及睡眠 [...] 心臟收縮/心臟舒張壓力讀數,睡眠“深度”狀態及一可選 白 大衣 分 析。 suntechmed.com | The report shows awake and asleep systolic/diastolic pressure readings, asleep “dipper” status, and an [...] optional white coat analysis. cn.suntechmed.com |
修读时装设计及产品开发高级文凭的林焕晞从香港毛皮业协会主办的「香港皮草设计比赛」获得「全皮草组」冠军后,成功晋身米兰决赛,并于米兰举办的REMIX国际皮草时装比赛中,以一件名为「漩涡」(Whirlpool)的全皮草宽 身 大衣 , 力 压其余40件来自世界各地的参赛作品,勇夺金奖。 hkdi.edu.hk | Sarah LAM, a student of the Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI), won the Gold Prize in REMIX, the International Fur Design Competition at La Visionnaire in Milan. hkdi.edu.hk |
本第四部分的Burberry定制服务条款适用于您对本网站的Burberry定制产品区(下称“Burberry定制产品区”)的使用,以及任何定 制 大衣 ( 定义见第四部分第2条)的购买,且与本条款第三部分第1条至第7条的规定共同适用(如果两者有冲突,本部分条款优先适用)。 cn.burberry.com | The Burberry Bespoke Terms in this Section D apply to your use of the Burberry Bespoke areas of this [...] Website (“Burberry Bespoke”) and any purchase [...] of a Bespoke Trench (as defined below [...]in section D(2)) and apply in addition to, [...]and in the event of any conflict take precedence over, the Terms set out in sections C(1) to C(7). uk.burberry.com |
流行摇滚乐成为了90年代男性潮流的灵感来源,匡威All Star布鞋,直筒裤,黑皮夹克和羊皮 大衣 都 是 必备单品。 catwalkyourself.com | The pop rock style was popular with men during the nineties e.g., Converse All Star trainers, straight legged trousers, black leather jackets and sheepskin coats. catwalkyourself.com |
最初INSH以T恤和休闲衫为品牌主线,每一件作品的背后都有个关于上海的故事:早些年,一批青年每晚都在路边搭个麻将桌开始他们的“副职”,于是“麻将系列”应运而生;日后扬名海外的“第二性”系列则是从上海保安的 冬 大衣 得 到 灵感;不同公司的出租车司机制服则造就了“李式”军衣。 vantageshanghai.com | Lee’s “Mahjong” series was inspired by this particular phenomenon of the city, while the world famous “Second ID” [...] series was inspired by [...] the winter coats of Shanghai’s security guards, creating different kinds of official uniforms of Lee-style garments. vantageshanghai.com |
Shub多為婚禮買新娘,每個秋天出售一件禮物作為我們將開始 9 月的第一期最後一年,今年大衣的集 合。 atele.g-sochi.ru | Shub much for wedding buy as a gift to the bride, every autumn sale us collection of coatslast year, this year it will begin the first of September. g-sochi.ru |
就似一家人” 全國大獎獲獎作品 [...] 來自浙江的“就似一家人” 全國大獎作品裡,在下 大雪的冬天,慈眉善目的 爺爺用大衣緊緊地把小孫子包起來,乖 巧的小土狗靠在爺孫倆的身上,仿佛一 家三代同堂一起合照,讓人在大冬天有 [...]一種溫暖的感覺。 animalsasia.org | Grandfather, grandson and dog, showing without a doubt that dogs are family too. animalsasia.org |
出現時,在闡釋性概述中估計且報告“ 白 大衣 ” 綜 合症出現。 suntechmed.com | Evaluates for and reports on the [...] presence of White Coat syndrome on the [...]interpretive summary, when present. cn.suntechmed.com |
不管是穿流行的针织毛衫还是大衣, 或 者只是一件强调腰部曲线的裙装,腰带真的是这个秋天必不可少的配饰之一。 catwalkyourself.com | Worn over knitwear, coats or to accentuate the waist in dresses, the belt is the must have accessory this Autumn; like the cape, the belt is seen in every form. catwalkyourself.com |
连帽粗呢大衣,羊毛外套,针织衫,皮草 配饰,黑色格子衬衫,打皱的橙色礼服,带后跟的 球鞋,牛仔布等元素在本季脱颖而出。 enviefashion.com | Particular pieces that stood out were Re Dark's plaid shirts, Lip Service's vertical pleated luminescent orange dresses over black bodysuits, Backs' heeled tennis shoes and their denim everythings. enviefashion.com |
我們喜歡散綴著萊茵石的軍裝風格長 大衣 , 巧 妙演繹的多種男式及膝長衫(achkan),以及繡上小鏡子的口袋或鑲嵌巴洛克珍珠的尼赫魯式立領織錦外套。 chanel-news.chanel.com | We love the rhinestone-sprinkled [...] military frock coat, the various interpretations of the “achkan”, and the brocade coat with classic [...]Nehru collar, glinting [...]with mirror-embroidered pockets or studded with baroque pearls. chanel-news.chanel.com |
其實,做成今日新界交 通運輸㆒團糟,歸根究柢,就是當年設計屯門衛星城市時候計劃錯誤,高估了衛星城 市可以提供的就業機會,完全無準確㆞預計到衛星城市不夠工做,居民便得長途跋涉 往返市區來謀生會帶來嚴重的問題,這個問題在今日來說,已經「水浸眼眉」,未來的 大型基本建設,尤其是新機場及海港西移, 青 衣 、 大 嶼 山 又多建新的貨櫃碼頭、屯門 又將會發展內河碼頭 等,全部都使客運及貨運的樞紐,尤其㆗港陸路過境交通,重重㆞壓在新界方面,由 荃灣、葵青,以至大埔、元朗以至屯門。 legco.gov.hk | Furthermore, the large infrastructure projects that are going to be built, particularly the new airport, the relocation of the port westward, the new container terminals at Tsing Yi and Lantau Island and the river port at Tuen Mun, will all put heavy pressure on the part of the New Territories stretching from Tsuen Wan and Kwai Tsing to Tai Po, Yuen Long and Tuen Mun, as the New Territories become the pivot of passenger and cargo transport, especially in the case of the cross-border land traffic between China and Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
現時,當局“唧牙膏”般把土地推出,我很擔心物以 罕為貴,現時有一幅土地在青衣,大 家 必然會去“搶 ”,地價勢必在競 投下被推高,直接增加物流業的經營成本,不利他們的發展。 legco.gov.hk | The high land price will directly increase the operation cost of the logistics industry, which is unfavourable to the development of the industry. legco.gov.hk |
(b) 工 貿署署長制定了 附件 B 的公告,就已根據《安 排》從香港出口往內地或擬根據該安排從香港出 [...] 口往內地,並根據《安排》符合零關稅資格,及 以在香港織造的成形針織衫片製成的織片 成 衣, 訂明該等織片成衣須視 為在香港製造或生產。 legco.gov.hk | (b) the Director-General of Trade and Industry has made the Notice at Annex B to specify that in relation to piece-knitted garments that have been exported or are intended to be exported from Hong Kong to the Mainland under CEPA, are qualified for zero tariff under CEPA, and are made from [...] knit-to-shape panels knitted in [...] Hong Kong, the piece-knitted garments are to be regarded as having [...]been manufactured or produced in Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
經考慮上述因素後,尤其是加工商並非必須提供生產服務,以及加工商 [...] 就根據加工協議向達利集團提供生產服務而收取之邊際利潤(即加工費)與 其他上市成衣製造 商之邊際利潤相若,吾等認為加工協議之條款對 [...]貴公司 及獨立股東而言屬公平合理。 equitynet.com.hk | Having considered the above, in particular the Subcontractor is not obligated to provide the Production Service and the profit margins (being the Subcontracting Fee) for the Production Services as provided by the Subcontractor to the High Fashion Group under the [...] Subcontracting Agreement are comparable to [...] other listed garment manufacturers, [...]we consider that the terms of the Subcontracting [...]Agreement are fair and reasonable insofar as the Company and the Independent Shareholders are concerned. equitynet.com.hk |
該六個經營部份之主要業務分別為成 衣 製 造、 成 衣 貿 易 、品牌產品分銷、物業租賃與管理、物業 發展及投資活動。 wingtaiproperties.com | The principal activities of the six operating divisions are garment manufacturing, garment trading, branded products distribution, property rental and management, property development and investing activities. wingtaiproperties.com |
此 外 ,政府當局亦 會就《立法會條例》提出相應修訂,以反 映《 進 出 口 [...] 條例》(第 60章 )下的發牌 制 度 的變更和《進出口 (一 般 )規例》 (第 60A章 )下的登記制 度 的變更,以便分別界定進出口 界界別分組的選 [...] 民 範圍(條例草案第27條 )和紡織及製衣界界 別分組的選民範圍(條例草 案第28條 )。 legco.gov.hk | In addition, consequential amendments to LCO will also be made to reflect changes to the licensing system under the Import and Export Ordinance (Cap. 60) and changes to the registration system under the Import and Export (General) Regulations (Cap. 60A) for the purpose of delineating the [...] electorate of the Import and Export subsector (cause 27) and [...] the Textiles and Garment subsector respectively [...](clause 28). legco.gov.hk |
我国政府还理解并赞同对人道主义准入问题的 关切,而且同意这样一项提议,即秘书长报告中所 述的旨在援助需要人道主义援助者的各种办法,例 如暂停敌对行动、人道主义停火、人道主义走廊、 消除冲突的安排及安宁日,必须量体 裁 衣 , 以 适合 每一个冲突的特殊情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | My Government also understands and shares the concern about the issue of humanitarian access and agrees with the proposal that the alternatives stated in the Secretary-General’s report aimed at reaching people in need of humanitarian assistance — such as the temporary cessation of hostilities, humanitarian pauses, humanitarian corridors, de-confliction arrangements and days of tranquillity — must be tailored to suit the particular circumstances of each conflict. daccess-ods.un.org |