单词 | 大街 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 大街 noun —street n大街 —main streetExamples:香榭麗舍大街—Avenue des Champs-Élysées 大街小巷—great streets and small alleys (idiom); everywhere in the city See also:街 n—street n
我们将带您前往敖德萨老城中心的杰里巴 斯 大街 购 物 ,那里小店和摊贩鳞次栉比。 msccruises.com.cn | We will take you shopping along [...] Deribasovskaya Street in the heart [...]of old Odessa, where government stores rub shoulders with major retail outlets. msccruises.com.hk |
如果这个国家就是一 个公司的话,那么那个人力资源部总监恐怕就要被撵 到 大街 上去 了。 fgereport.org | If this nation were a company, the human resources director [...] would be kicked out onto the street. fgereport.org |
他说,妈妈曾是个酒鬼,因此,当时他觉得,与其经常挨打,还不如到清迈 的 大街 上 生 活。 unicef.org | She was an alcoholic, he said, and he [...] thought life on the streets of Chiang Mai would [...]be preferable to her regular beatings. unicef.org |
但願在大街小巷 上的千千萬 萬香港人都有同感,並且伸出友誼之手,積極參與,仗義執言。 legco.gov.hk | I wish each and every citizen of Hong Kong can feel the same and give us a friendly hand of support by participating actively and speaking out righteously. legco.gov.hk |
通过对核实案件和可 信报告进行分析后发现,尽管政府取得了一些进展,但缅军招募未成年儿童入伍 [...] 的模式并未发生重大改变,而且尽管大多数儿童都是从其家中或所在村庄招募 的,但仍存在从大街上、 火车站或其他公共场所招募童工和孤身儿童的情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | Analysis of verified cases and credible reports indicates that, despite progress made by the Government, the patterns of recruitment of underage children into the Tatmadaw did not alter significantly, and still included the [...] recruitment of working and unaccompanied [...] children from the streets, railway stations [...]or other public places, although the majority [...]of children were recruited from their homes or villages. daccess-ods.un.org |
mVoice 可以将您的手机变成一个微型录音机,随时可供录音 — 在您驾车或走在大街上时尤其有用。 jabra.cn | With mVoice, you can turn your [...] phone into a mini-recorder, always ready for dictation - especially helpful when you're [...] driving or walking down the street. jabra.com |
诸如艺术、摇滚、朋克的文化,都希望光鲜亮丽,就像沟渠中的老鼠,而被称为日本流行乐(Japan [...] Pop)或“超级扁平”的文化,诸如日本动漫、Gals,这些文化可以、将要、应该在涉谷的十字路口碰撞相遇,于是我们坐上去涉谷的最后一班火车前往中 心 大街。 shanghaibiennale.org | Cultures like art or rock or punk that wish to be beautiful like rats in the ditch and cultures like Japanimation or Gals that are called Japan Pop or “Superflat” may would [...] should come across each other at the scramble crossing in Shibuya so we took the last train for [...] Shibuya to the Center Street. shanghaibiennale.org |
行使这项权利,买方将派遣一个在他作为控制器的身份向卖方致函至以下地址:SARL公司莱斯香榭丽舍德或/ [...] HBC,简称:/钟表- paris.com,6,富兰克林大街罗斯 福75008巴黎,电话:0033 [...] SIRET:40286442500010 RCS的:402 864 425巴黎乙,资本:欧元49,000.00。 zh.horloger-paris.com | To exercise this right, the Purchaser will send a letter to the Seller in his capacity as controller at the following [...] address: SARL Les Champs d'Or / HBC / [...] Watchmaker-paris.com, 6, Avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt [...]75008 Paris, Tel: 0033 [...]SIRET: 40286442500010 RCS: Paris B 402 864 425, capital: EURO 49,000.00. en.horloger-paris.com |
前总统 Nelson Mandela、Arnold Schwarzenegger [...] 和特奥会运动员一起点亮了希望之火,并在开普 敦 大街 上 举 办了最大规模的执法人员火炬接力活动。 specialolympics.org | Former President Nelson Mandela, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Special Olympics [...] athletes gather to light the Flame of Hope and kick off the largest Law Enforcement [...] Torch Run through the streets of Cape Town. specialolympics.org |
證明,如果一個人仍下落不明,他的承諾,他的獻身精神,現在他的兩個兒子與他一起工作,“一個運行在香榭麗 舍 大街 的 商 店,新加坡另一家附屬公司。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Proof, if one still missing, his commitment and his dedication, his two son now working with him, "one runs the shop on the Champs Elysees, another subsidiary of Singapore. en.horloger-paris.com |
消防員在下午1時18分接獲舉報,指Par kv i e w 大街 1 5 5 號 路段一幢建築物著火,消防員到達現場後,兩層樓的建築物冒出濃煙。 ktsf.com | Firefighters responded to a report of a structure fire at 155 Parkview Ave. at 1:18 p.m., according to fire officials. ktsf.com |
勇敢走到大街上;我们希望人们能够友善地对待我们。 specialolympics.org | Go out in the streets; we want people [...] to treat us nicely. specialolympics.org |
他设计了“斯大林大街”的 部分区域以及东柏林的其他很多标志性建筑,并且在施威特、霍耶斯维达和哈勒新城的新居住区项目中任总设计师,还担任了德国建筑科学院住宅建造学院院长一职。 shanghaibiennale.org | He designed parts of the “Stalinallee” any many other representative [...] buildings in East-Berlin and became head [...]architect for the new settlements in Schwedt, [...]Hoyerswerda and Halle-Neustadt as well as director of the institute for residential construction at the German Architecture Academy. shanghaibiennale.org |
蒙特利尔大学自 2006 年后没有调整过 Decelles 大街楼舍的租金。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Rent for the Decelles building has not been adjusted by the University of Montreal since 2006. unesdoc.unesco.org |
02 时 00 [...] 分,一股武装恐怖团伙引爆爆炸装置,在 Cairo 大街附近可听到巨 大的爆炸声。 daccess-ods.un.org | At 0200 hours, an armed terrorist group detonated explosive devices and the sound of powerful explosions was [...] heard in the vicinity of Cairo Street. daccess-ods.un.org |
本 公 司 的 總 辦 事 處 位 於 中 國 遼 寧 省 [...] 瀋 陽 市 瀋 河 區 青 年 大 街 227 號( 郵 編 : 110015 [...]), 本 公 司 在 香 港 的 主 要 營 業 地 點 位 於 香 港 皇 后 大 道 中 15 [...]號 置 地 廣 場 告 羅 士 打 大 廈 8 樓 。 cre8ir.com | The head office of the Company is located at [...] No. 227, Qingnian Street, Shenhe District, [...]Shenyang 110015, Liaoning Province, the [...]PRC, while the principal place of business of the Company in Hong Kong is located at 8th Floor, Gloucester Tower, The Landmark, 15 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong. cre8ir.com |
亚历山大街是赫尔辛基其中一条最知名的购物街,街上店铺的圣诞橱窗在人潮中争妍斗丽,很自然地成为购买过节礼物者的瞩目焦点。 visitfinland.com | Aleksanterinkatu, one of Helsinki’s best [...] known shopping streets, is a natural [...]focus for gift seekers. visitfinland.com |
与哈尔滨香格里拉大酒店相距不远的中央商务区内购物场所发展迅速,与仅供步行的中 央 大街 上 店 铺和街边咖啡馆相辅相成。 shangri-la.com | The rapidly expanding shopping industry in the Central [...] Business Districts complements the shops and sidewalk cafes found along the stone-paved, [...] pedestrian-friendly Central Street. shangri-la.com |
本 公 司 謹 訂 於 二 零 一二年 九 月 二 十 一 日( 星 期 五 )上 午 九 時 正 假 座 中 國 遼 寧 省 瀋 陽 市 瀋 河 區 青 年 大 街 二 百 二 十 七 號 罕 王 大 廈 二 十 二 層 會 議 室 舉 行 股 東 特 別 大 會 , 並 將 於 會 上 提 呈 批 准 股 權 轉 讓 協 議 及 其 項 下 擬 進 行 之交易 之 相 關 決 議 案 , 召 開 股 東 特 別 大 會 之 通 告 載 於 本 通 函 第 78 至 79 頁 。 cre8ir.com | A notice of the EGM to be held at 22nd Floor Conference Room, Hanking Tower, No. 227 Qingnian Avenue, Shenhe District, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, PRC on Friday, 21 September 2012 at 9:00 a.m. at which the relevant resolutions will be proposed to approve the Equity Transfer Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereunder is set out on pages 78 to 79 of this circular. cre8ir.com |
当我们沿着一条街道行驶时,一个同事告诉我,这条街道曾经是霍姆斯著名的香榭丽 舍 大街 , 遍 布着咖啡馆、饭店和酒吧,整日熙熙攘攘。 unicef.org | As we drove down one street, a colleague told me it had once been known as the Champs-Élysées of Homs, with cafes, restaurants and bars bustling with people. unicef.org |
在圣玛尔塔大街18号的 S.I.A.M工艺美术协会,开办了第一个时尚学校,旨在一个培养合格人才、符合时装系统的需求并在多方面配合不断变化发展的时尚学校。 cameramoda.it | In the headquarters of S.I.A.M. Società di Incoraggiamento di Arti e Mestieri (Association for Encouraging Arts and Craftsmanship) located in Via Santa Marta 18, Milano, the first Italian Fashion School just started, with the aim to train talents qualified and instructed to satisfy the fashion system, now complicated and in continuous evolution. cameramoda.it |
五、六年前,上海大街上跑 着的酷派甚为罕见,其中现代酷派占了一半,此外标致407酷派、宝马Z4和奥迪A5等,也偶尔在街上露个小脸。 vantageshanghai.com | Five or six years ago, coupes could rarely be [...] seen in Shanghai, and, other than Hyundai [...]coupes, which made up about half of the [...]coupes in China, cars such as the Peugeot 407 Coupe, BMW Z4 and Audi A5 could occasionally be cruising the streets. vantageshanghai.com |
公民 Samar Ibrahim Idlibi(1967 年出生)是 Kfar Susa 的 Lawan 居民,武 [...] 装团伙的冲突和武装袭击造成她在 Kfar Susa 的大街上中枪受伤,送到医院时死 亡。 daccess-ods.un.org | Citizen Samar Ibrahim Idlibi, born in 1967 and a resident of Lawan in Kfar Susa, was dead on arrival at [...] the hospital from a gunshot wound [...] sustained in a public street in the same area [...]as a result of clashes and armed attacks by terrorists groups. daccess-ods.un.org |
以地理而言,帕爾相當獨特,南非多數城鎮並無大河南北貫穿市中心,地方發展也沿著帕爾山與柏格河建構的軸心,形成南非最長的連續鄉 村 大街。 thisbigcity.net | In fact, the town’s linear development is [...] orientated to this axis between Paarl Mountain and the Berg River, forming South Africa’s longest [...] continuous rural main street. thisbigcity.net |
46寸和55寸的高效节能、超轻薄的平达超清™矩阵LCD电视墙呈现出单个的整幅画面,结合OOOii提供的图像引擎,可以生成真人大小的 互动式图片,令Gucci蒙特拿破仑大街 旗 舰 店变身为拥有最先进技术的奢侈品精品店。 gucci.com | The displays – highly efficient, ultra-thin, 46” and 55” Planar Clarity™ Matrix LCD Video Wall displays – are arranged so that they almost seem to form a single surface, which, together with the graphics engine provided by OOOii, will be used to reproduce life-size [...] interactive images, thus transforming the Monte [...] Napoleone store into one of most technologically [...]advanced boutiques in the luxury sector. gucci.com |
亨灵顿充满了奇特的事物,就看一下长长的紫杉 树 大街 尽 头 的棕榈树好了,他们就位于一幢巴洛克堡垒两旁;而那建筑散发出的也是莫里诗宫廷的格调而不是爱尔兰堡垒的气息。 discoverireland.com | Huntington is packed full of peculiarities. Just look [...] the palm trees that appear at the end of a [...] long yew tree avenue, flanking a baroque [...]statue, which give off an ambience of [...]a Moorish palace rather than an Irish fortress. discoverireland.com |