

单词 大致




more or less








External sources (not reviewed)

卫星行业的基本增长动大致 然存在,我们相信亚洲业界未来将持续有增长机会。
The fundamental growth drivers of our industry remain in place, and we believe that the Asian satellite industry will continue to have opportunities for growth.
在提供关于不同 寻常情况的资料时,如果有可能,应提供最新获得的关于疾病类型、受影响大致范围和病例数目的数据。
The information provided on events that deviate from the norm will include, as soon as it is available, data on the type of disease, approximate area affected, and number of cases.
根据第 34 C/43 号决议的要求,文化助理总干事于 2008 年 3 月 18 日致函所有的常驻代 表团,提请他们注意该项决议,告知他们举办这样一次会议 大致(50,000 美元)并请 他们考虑为本组织能够举办这次会议提供自愿捐款的可能性。
In pursuance of 34 C/Resolution 43, the Assistant Director-General for Culture sent a letter to all Permanent Delegations on 18 March 2008 drawing their attention to the resolution, informing them of the approximate costs of such a meeting(US $50,000) and asking them to consider the possibility of providing the Organization with an extrabudgetary contribution in order to enable it to organize this meeting.
虽 然 据 我 们 所 知 , 香 港 未 有 进 行 过 这 类 研 究 , 但 我 们 并 无 理 由 认 为 香 港 不 会 出大 致的 情 况 。
Although we are not aware of any such research in Hong Kong, we have no reason to suppose thatabroadly similar picture would not emerge here.
在 解释非洲地区的经济增长为何对减少贫穷的影响极其微弱时所常常引用因大致人口增长率高,穷人可就业的部门创造的就业岗位不足,基础设施的投资薄 弱,自然资源丰富和资本密集的“飞地部门”未能在更大范围的经济中产生扩散 和溢出效应。
Factors usually cited to explain why Africa is the region where economic growth has had the weakest effect on poverty reduction generally include high population growth; inadequate job creation in sectors accessible to the poor; weak infrastructural investment; and, the failure of growth in natural-resource rich and capital-intensive “enclave sectors” to create spread and spillover effects in the broader economy.
从总体情况看,各方的意见和看大致:对目前的职权范 围表示满意;认为需要作出一些有限修改以加强常驻代表咨委会; 应使常驻代表咨委会转变为一个在闭会期间受托代表经社会履行任 务的机构等等。
Broadly,those views ranged from satisfaction with the current terms of reference to an acknowledgementthat some limited amendments might be needed in order to strengthen the Advisory Committee, to transforming the Advisory Committee into a body entrusted with performing tasks on behalf of the Commission during the intersessional period.
委员会回顾大会议事规则第 160 条规定的委员会一般任务,即委员会应大 致付能力由会员国分摊本组织经费的问题向大会提供咨询,并回顾大会第 58/1 B 号、第 61/237 号和第 64/248 号决议所提出的要求以及委员会以往审查的 结果。
The Committee recalled its general mandate, under rule 160 of the rules of procedure of the General Assembly, to the effect thatit should advise the General Assembly on the apportionment of the expenses of the Organization among Member States broadly according to capacity to pay, as well as the requests of the General Assembly in resolutions 58/1 B, 61/237 and 64/248 and the results of its earlier reviews.
如果压力大致,确认A组份和B组份分料 阀工作正常。
If the pressures are already about equal, verify that component A and B dose valves are operating properly.
履行机构还请环境基金继续提 供信息,说明完成国家信息通报草稿 大致及向秘书处提交国家信息通报大致,供履行机构第三十六届会议审议。
It also invited the GEF to continue to provide information on the approximate date of completion of the draft national communications and an approximate date of submission of the national communications to the secretariat for consideration by the SBI at its thirtysixth session.
但有与会者提出内大致的告诫,即条例或评注应当述及该事 项,该事项除其他外可能会影响到登记的费用,而根据建议 [...]
54(i)项,所应确定 的登记费数额不应超过收回成本的必需数额。
A note of caution was struck, however, to [...]
the effect that the regulations or the commentary should address that matter,
which, inter alia, could affect the cost of registration, which under recommendation 54, subparagraph (i), should be set a level no higher than necessary for cost recovery.
贷款减值准大 致不变,英国的贷款拖欠率因业务重点集中 於高质素贷款而改善,但其影响被巴西的贷款减 [...]
Loan impairment
[...] chargeswere broadly unchanged, with [...]
improved delinquency rates in the UK from the focus on higher quality
lending offset by increased loan impairment charges in Brazil.
该等方法包括采用近 期公平市场交易,参考其大致金融工具的现行市价,现金流贴现分析和期权定价模型。
Such techniques include using recent arm’s length market transactions; reference to the current market value of another instrument which is substantially the same; a discounted cash flow analysis; and option pricing models.
值得注意 的是,两个委员会采取的方法均使减贫程度百分比出现了明显 大致的回 落。
Significantly, in both the Committees’ methodologies, the extent of poverty reduction in appreciable and in comparable percentage point is broadly the same.
[...] 4(d)而表示的关切,尽管承认与(b) 分段内大致 的一则规定可能会抑制给破产财产造成损失,但会议商定, [...]
需要对行文措辞再作考虑,并且需要进一步考虑如何澄清建议草案与《立法指 南》有关撤消规定的章节之间的关系。
Subparagraph (b) raised concerns similar to those expressed with respect to draft
recommendation 4 (d) and while it was acknowledged
[...] that a provision along thelines of subparagraph [...]
(b) might provide a disincentive
for causing loss to the insolvency estate, it was agreed further consideration needed to be given to the drafting and to clarifying the relationship of the draft recommendation to the section of the Legislative Guide on avoidance provisions.
余下资本开支项目与现行采矿团队扩充及矿场基础设施支援有关,有关基础设 大致 完工。
The remaining capital expenditure projects relate to ongoing mine fleet expansion and mine-based infrastructure support, which is substantiallycomplete.
如现有金融负债由同一放债人明显不同的条 大致异之负债所取代,或现有负债之条款作 出重大修订,此类交换或修订将被视为取消确认原负债及确认新负债处理,有关账面值之差额 於损益表确认。
Where an existing financial liability is replaced by another from the same lender on substantially different terms, or the terms of an existing liability are substantially modified, such an exchange or modification is treated as a derecognition of the original liability and the recognition of a new liability, and the difference in the respective carrying amount is recognised in profit or loss.
报告主体内容之中关于厄立特里亚的指 大致 两类:详细描述指控 给人以错误的印象,不过随后索厄问题监察组承认这些指控并没有任何 确凿证据;以及关于 2009 年 12 月 23 日以前则发生事件和行动的指控, 这是确定厄立特里亚是否遵守了第 1907(2009)号决议的截止日期。
The accusations against Eritrea in the main body of the report generally fall into two categories: allegations that are narrated in great detail creating wrong impressions, but with the Monitoring Group on Somalia and Eritrea then admitting that the allegations are not backed by conclusive evidence; and allegations of events and actions that took place prior to 23 December 2009, the cutoff date for any determination of Eritrea’s compliance with resolution 1907 (2009).
(c) 现金流量及公平价值利率风险 由於本公司没有重大之计息资产或负债,本公司收入及经营现金流 大致受市 场利率变动所影响。
As the Company has no significant interest-bearing assets or liabilities, the Company’s income and operating cash flows aresubstantially independent of changes in market interest rates.
至於(c)项方面,公共开支预算轻微下降,原因是效率提高而达致的资源减省,以 及水务署为改善客户服务及发单系统而进行的一次过电脑化计划,已在 2004-05 年大致
As regards (c), there is a slight decrease in the estimated public expenditure due to efficiency savings and
substantial completion
[...] in 2004-05 ofa one-off computerisation project in WSD for the improvement of its customer and billing services.
大 致 由 技术和经济评估小组提供给缔约方第二十次会议的信息,但是对解决工业和大气排放量估 [...]
Thisis broadlyconsistent with the information [...]
provided by TEAP to the Twentieth Meeting of the Parties, but does little
to resolve the fundamental difference between industrial and atmospheric emissions estimates.
A.合并公司从事衍生性金融商品主要系以财务避险为目的,因此汇率变动产生之 损大致被避险项目之损益抵销,故市场风险并不大。
Since the Company’s derivative financial instrument agreements are entered into with financial institutions with good credit ratings, management does not believe that there is significant credit risk from these transactions.
大致世纪的时间,水产养殖从几乎可以忽略扩大到在养活世界 人口方面与捕捞产量完全可比较的程度(见下文)。
In the courseof halfacentury or so, aquaculture has expanded [...]
from being almost negligible to fully comparable with capture
production in terms of feeding people in the world (see below).
若金融资产(及 非上巿证券)之巿场并不活跃,本集团使用估 值方法设定公平价值,包括使用近期之公平交易、参考其 大致 之工具、折现现金流量分析及期权 定价模式、尽量利用市场投入数据并尽量少倚赖实体特定投入数据。
If the market for a financial asset is not active (and for unlisted securities), the Group establishes fair value by using valuation techniques. These include the use of recent arm’s length transactions, reference to other instruments that are substantially the same, discounted cash flow analysis and option pricing models, making maximum use of market inputs and relying as little as possible on entity-specific inputs.
估值技巧包括:使 用近期按公平原则进行的市场交易;参 大致 的另一项工具的现行市价;折现现金流量分析,以及 使用尽可能多可供使用及支援性的市场数据的期权定价模型。
Valuation techniques include: using recent arm's length market transactions; reference to the current market value of another instrument that is substantially the same; discounted cash flow analysis and option pricing models making as much use of available and supportable market data as possible.
(i) 进行其股本之任何合并或拆细、配发或发行或提出配发或发行或授出任何
期权、权利或认股权证,以认购(不論是否附设条件、或直接或间接、或 以其他方式)任何股份、或於股份的任何权益、或任何可转换或可行使或
[...] 可兑换为股份或股份的任何权益或与任何股份或股份的权 大致的任 何证券(根据购股权计划发行或授出的任何股份、购股权或其他证券或权 [...]
(i) undertake any consolidation or subdivision of its share capital, allot or issue or offer to allot or issue or grant any option, right or warrant to subscribe (either conditionally or unconditionally, or directly or indirectly, or otherwise) any Shares or any interests in Shares or any securities
convertible into or exercisable or
[...] exchangeablefor orsubstantially similarto any [...]
Shares or interest in Shares (except any
Shares, Share Options or other securities or rights issued or granted under the Share Option Scheme)
瓦努阿图腐败现象的 原因大致下列两类 : (a)经济原因 (例如政府官员可 能利用政府的资产 谋 取 私利 )和 (b)政治原因(一 旦 任命为部长,一 个领导人可 能利用权利任命本党 的人担 任 某一职 位 )。
Apparently there are two major causes of corruption in Vanuatu which may classified under the following classes: (a) economic causes (a government officer may use the government assets allocated to him for personal gain) and (b) political causes (once appointed in a Ministry, a leader may use his power to appoint people from his party to a particular post).
申索证明样式:截止日期命令其中规定,所有针对债务人提交的申索证明必 大致截止日期命令附件 B 的样式;因应任何衍生交易合约下所欠款项而针对债务人的申 [...]
索持有人,除须及时提交申索证明外,亦须於 2009 年 10 月 22 日下午 5
时正(当时东 岸时间)或之前另行提交一份问卷;而因应担保(包括非债务人实体在衍生交易合约 下义务的担保)针对债务人的申索持有人,除须及时提交申索证明外,亦须於 2009 年 10 月 22 日下午 5 时正(当时东岸时间)或之前另行提交一份担保问卷。
Proof of Claim Form: the Bar Date Order provides, among other things,
that all Proofs of Claim filed against the
[...] Debtors mustsubstantially conform to the [...]
form attached to the Bar Date Order as
Exhibit B; that each holder of a claim against a Debtor based on amounts owed pursuant to any Derivative Contract, in addition to filing a timely Proof of Claim, must file a separate Questionnaire on or before October 22, 2009, at 5:00 pm (prevailing Eastern Time); and that each holder of a claim against a Debtor based on a Guarantee, including a Guarantee of the obligations of a non-Debtor entity under a Derivative Contract, in addition to timely filing a Proof of Claim, must files a separate Guarantee Questionnaire on or before October 22, 2009, at 5:00 pm (prevailing Eastern Time).
与之相反,申诉人先是质疑国内当局对事实的评估 大致了多哥的人权状况,随后依据自己对事实的评估声称若被遣返多哥,他将即刻面 临真实存在的针对个人的酷刑风险。
On the contrary, the complainant first contests the domestic authorities’ assessmentof the facts, then describes in general terms the human rights situation in Togo before claiming, on the basis of his own assessment of the facts, that he would face a real, personal and immediate risk of being tortured in the event of his removal to Togo.




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