

单词 大而笨重的

See also:

重大的 adj

signal adj
gross adj

笨重 adj

bulky adj
heavy adj



重的 adj

heavy adj

External sources (not reviewed)

虽然技术进步减小了设大小, 但很多遥感系统依然十笨重,因而 只 能 从装有 它的专用飞机中使用。
While advances in technology have reduced the size of equipment, many remote sensing systems are bulky and can only be used from dedicated aircraft into which they are installed.
易于扩展:JDK支持多日历系统是通过Calendar的子类来实现,这样就显 的 非 常 笨重而 且 事 实上要实现其它日历系统是很困难的。
Easy expansion : JDK support multiple calendar system is a subclass of Calendar
[...] to achieve , so very heavy and in fact display [...]
to achieve the other
calendar system is very difficult .
另外,还应停止印制发笨重的大部 头 书籍 而 应 在 网上挂出全 面、公开、可检索且实时更新的数据库。
In addition,
[...] the publication of unwieldy printed volumes should be discontinued [...]
and an integrated, publicly available, searchable
and constantly updated database should be put online.
若要相同公称尺寸的内螺纹和外螺纹拥有相 同的压力额定值、内螺纹往往需要更 的 管 壁、可能会造成接头大和过于笨重以至于无法使用。
For female and male pipe threads to have the same pressure rating in the same
nominal pipe size, the female
[...] thread would require a heavier wall, resulting in a fitting too large and bulky to be [...]
各位部长赞赏地注意大会通 过了《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约任择 议定书》,这是实现平等对待所有人 的 积 极 而重 要 的 一 步
The Ministers took note with appreciation of the adoption of the Optional Protocol of
the International
[...] Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights by the General Assembly, as a positive and important step towards realizing equal treatment of all human rights.
笨重无比、只能传送语的庞然 大 物 ,如今已发展为具有多种功能(例如相机、GPS 和 MP3 播放器)的时尚手机。
What started as a clunky voice-only device is now a sleek handset with multiple functions [...]
such as cameras, GPS and MP3 players.
我剛才很留心聽取盧 偉國議員的發言,其實大家都是在說“媽媽是女人”這種 而 易 見 的事 情,不過一個大笨象的鼻子較重要 ,兩片大耳朵並不重要,另一個 則說大耳朵較重要,鼻子並不重要,這是否很幼稚的爭拗?
Just now, I listened very carefully to the speech delivered by Dr LO Wai-kwok and in fact, we are all talking about things that are as simple as
"mother is a woman",
[...] only that one Member said that the trunk of an elephant was more important and that the two ears were not important, while another [...]
Member said that
the two ears were more important but the trunk was not, so is this not a very childish dispute?
海洋科学及其辅佐技术,通过增进知识并将其用于管理和决策,可以对以下 方面作重大贡献 :消除贫穷,确保粮食安全、支持人类经济活动,保全世界海洋 环境,帮助预测自然灾害并减轻自然事件和灾 的 影 响 及采取对策,以及一 而 言, 促进把海洋及其资源用于可持续发展的目标(见A/56/121,第 3 段)。
Marine science and its supporting technologies, through
improving knowledge
[...] and applying it to management and decision-making, can make a major contribution to eliminating poverty; ensuring food security; supporting human economic activity; conserving the world’s marine environment; helping to predict, mitigate the effects of and respond to natural events and disasters; and generally promoting the use of [...]
the oceans and their
resources for the objective of sustainable development (see A/56/121, para. 3).
大多數的紫羅蘭鼻煙壺是十九世紀甚至二十世紀早 的 形 式 頗 笨重而 掏 膛 拙劣的。
As a rule the majority of lavender jadeite bottles appear to be nineteenth or even early twentieth century, rather clunky and not very [...]
well hollowed, but there
are exceptions and this is one of them.
7.5.53 政府表示, 雖 然 在香港裝的隔音屏障看笨 重 龐 大,但 這 是 由於隔音板 支撐架的 結 構 組 件 外觀而令 人有此 印 象。
7.5.53 The Government claims that
[...] although noise barriers installed in Hong Kong appear to be bulky and heavy, it is the structural members of the supporting framework of the noise [...]
barrier panels that give this impression.
而,如果收大規模的贖回 要求,基金經理可能需要 重大 折 讓 將投資平倉,以應付該等要求,在此情況下子基金可 能因而招致虧損。
However, if sizable redemption requests are received, the Manager may need to liquidate investment at a substantial discount [...]
in order to satisfy such requests and the Sub-Fund may suffer losses as a result.
这些拖拉物笨重,在 经过河流弯曲处时缓 而 又 困 难。
These tows are unwieldy, sluggish and difficult to maneuver through river bends.
经社会了解到太平洋小岛屿国家为保护生物多样性和维系生态系统服 务能而出台的各种 举措,诸如太平洋 大的 海 洋 保护区——基里巴斯的菲 尼克斯群岛保护区、以及涵盖亚太区域若干国家的珊瑚礁三角区倡议——这 一地区拥有世界最大面的红树 林,提供了金枪鱼和其他全球重要鱼种产卵 和幼体生长重要区域。
The Commission was informed of initiatives that
[...] were being undertaken by Pacific island developing countries to protect biodiversity and the maintenance of ecosystem services, such as the Phoenix Islands Protected Area in Kiribati, the largest marine protected area in the Pacific Ocean, and the Coral Triangle Initiative, which covered a number of countries in the Asia-Pacific region, included the greatest extent of mangrove forests in the world and provided a critical spawning and [...]
juvenile growth area
for tuna and other globally significant fish species.
布和轻塑料做的书对 6 个月及以上的婴儿较为合适而纸板做 的则会太笨重,小孩用起来不方便。
Cloth and light plastic books are suitable for children 6 months and
[...] older; cardboard may be too heavy and unwieldy for these children.
Cloth and light plastic books are suitable for children in this age
[...] bracket, but cardboard may be too heavy and unwieldy.
不过,为了确定第 21 条 第 1 款的适用范围,《维也纳公约》有 笨 拙 地 提及关于保留允许性(第 19 条)、同意保留(第 20 条)和保留形式(第 23 条)的规定,而不更详细地解释这些规 定的相互关系。
As for the scope of application of article 21, paragraph 1, the
Vienna Conventions
[...] merely make a rather clumsy reference to provisions concerning the permissibility of a reservation (art. 19), consent to a reservation (art. 20) and the form of a reservation (art. 23), without explaining [...]
the interrelation of
those provisions in greater detail.
每个 IGEL 瘦客户机均配有通用电源线,这样无需寻找新的电源线,亦 无需配备大笨拙的电源变压器。
Each IGEL thin client also came with a universal power cord, eliminating the hassle of looking for new cords or tinkering with over-sized power bricks.
此前,前置大器有点笨重,其 直径往往 大 于 传 声器, 而 严 重 干扰了声场。
Previously, preamplifiers had been bulky, often with a diameter much larger than the microphone and, thereby, disturbing the sound-field severely.
如 果 非 上 市 的 權 益 性 證 券 的 公 允 價 值,由
[...] 於(a)合 理 的 公 允 價 值 估 計 數 範 圍 的 變 動 對 於 該 投 資 影重 大 或(b) 符 合 該 範的 多 種 估 計 數 不 能 合 理 評 估 並 用 於 估 計 公 允 價 值而 導 致 公 允 價 值 不 能 可 靠 計 量,則 此 類 股 票 按 成 本 減 去 [...]
減 值 損 失 計 量。
When the fair value of unlisted equity securities cannot be reliably
measured because (a)
[...] the variability in the range of reasonable fair value estimates is significant for that investment or (b) the probabilities of the various estimates within [...]
the range cannot
be reasonably assessed and used in estimating fair value, such securities are stated at cost less any impairment losses.
當時大部份的開篷的車頂,大都相 當 笨重 , 需 集最少二人之力,才可將其敞開或關上。
Most ragtops of the period were so clumsy that you needed at least [...]
two people to fold or unfold them.
[...] 有任何修改 (除按照政府於 2007 年 12 月 17 日發出的立法會環境事務小 組編號 CB(1) 418/07-08(07)文件(“立法建議”)中建議修改條例以設置污 染物的排放上限及便利使用排放交易),或任何指明工序牌照有任何更新 或更改(對初始上限所作的更改或按照立法建 而 作 的更改除外),而 對此 機制或港燈的排放表現或遵守所有污染物的總許可排放 的 情 况重大影響,則此機制不適用於 該適用年度及之後各適用年度,直至港 燈與政府達成協議,對本附表作必要的修改以令機制繼續生效爲止。
Notwithstanding the date on which the Agreement comes into effect, if from the date of this Agreement there is any repeal or amendment to the APCO (other than pursuant to the Government’s proposal to amend the APCO to cap the emissions of the Pollutants and to facilitate the use of emissions trading as described in a Legislative Council Panel on Environmental Affairs Paper reference CB(1) 418/07-08(07) dated 17 December 2007 (“Legislative Proposal”)) or any renewal of or change to any Specified Process Licence (other than to the
amount of the
[...] Initial Cap or pursuant to the Legislative Proposal), which has a material effect on the Mechanism or HEC’s emissions performance or compliance with the Total Permissible Emissions, the Mechanism shall not apply to that Applicable Year and any subsequent [...]
Applicable Years until
HEC and the Government have reached agreement as to the amendments to this Schedule that are required to give continued effect to the Mechanism.
这次金融和经济危机特别是对发展中国家妇女的经济赋权产生了不利影响, 其主要传导机制是:全球出口下降,直接影响到出口部门的生产,然后通过消极倍
增效应对国内市场产生不利影响(特别是出口依赖型经济国);发展中国家的资本流 入骤减;援助具有助长周期性波动的性质;危机对移徙工人产生影响,从而影响到
[...] 汇款;随之而出现的是汇率贬值,影响到国内生产和价格;全球粮价的异常波动产 生影响;很多发展中国家财政紧缩已经导 重大 公 共开 支 的 削 减和社会发展收益的 减少,而影响 基本服务的提供,使社会发展成果付之东流,并影响生活品质。
The main transmission mechanisms of the financial and economic crisis that have had negative impacts on women’s economic empowerment, especially in developing countries, have been the global decline in exports, which has directly affected production in the export sector and subsequently domestic markets through negative multiplier effects (especially in export-dependent economies); significant declines in capital flows to the developing world; the pro-cyclical nature of aid; the impact of the crisis on migrant workers and therefore on remittances; the consequent exchange rate devaluation, which has affected domestic production and prices; the impact of extreme volatility in global food prices; and the fiscal constraints in
many developing countries that have already led
[...] to cutbacks in important public expenditures and social development gains, thereby affecting access [...]
to basic services,
reversing social development gains and adversely affecting their quality of life.
136 倘於任何董事會會議上就董事權益的重要性或合同、安排或交易或擬訂合 同、安排或交的重要性 或任何董事享有的表決權或構成法定人數的資格產 生任何問題而該問 題不能透過其自願同意放棄投票或不計入法定人數的方 式解決,則該問題均交大會主 席(或如該問題涉及主席利益,則由其他與 會董事)處理,而主席(或(如適用)其他董事)就任何其他董事(或(如 適用)主席)的裁決將為最終及具決定性之裁決,除非並未就有關董事(或 (如適用)主席)所知由該董事(或(如適用)主席)擁有的權益性質或範 圍向董事會作出公平披露則作別論。
136 If any question shall arise at any meeting of the Board as to the materiality of a Director's interest or the significance of a contract, arrangement or transaction or proposed contract, arrangement or transaction or as to the entitlement [...]
of any Director to vote or form part of
a quorum and such question is not resolved by his voluntarily agreeing to abstain from voting or not to be counted in the quorum, such question shall be referred to the Chairman of the meeting (or, where question relates to the interest of the Chairman, to the other Directors at the meeting) and his ruling (or, as appropriate, the ruling of the other Directors) in relation to any other Director (or, as appropriate, the Chairman) shall be final and conclusive except in a case where the nature or extent of the interests of the Director concerned (or, as appropriate, the Chairman) as known to such Director (or, as appropriate, the Chairman) has not been fairly disclosed to the Board.
联合王国坚信,一个与邻国和平共处并已在国际 社会找到合适位的强大而稳定的伊 拉 克将为整个 中东的战略稳定与和平作重要贡献。
The United Kingdom strongly believes that a strong and stable Iraq that is at peace with its neighbours and has taken
[...] rightful place in the international community will make a crucial contribution to strategic stability and peace throughout [...]
the Middle East.
当被要求说明此推进系统地优点时,德里克勒达夫,美国救火船 的一名船长说:“常规的船移动起来 笨 拙 的 泰 迪熊 , 而 我 的 船 像 是一名优雅的芭蕾舞女演员在跳舞,这都是因为福伊特施耐德推进器。
When asked to explain the advantages of this
[...] propulsion solution, Derek LeDuff, one of the captains of this US fireboat, responds: "While conventional boats move like clumsy teddy bears, my [...]
ship dances like a graceful
ballerina thanks to the Voith Schneider Propellers.
[...] 最近关于落实安全理事会第 1701 号决议(S/2007/382)的报告中,强调指出,黎巴嫩持续的 不稳定形势造成进展大,而且“ 对整个国 的 稳 定 构成直接威胁”, 重 申 他 希望该地区 能寻找到长久的解决办法。
During the period under review, Lebanon continued to face a precarious political and security situation, which led the United Nations Secretary-General in his latest report on the implementation of Security Council resolution 1701 (S/2007/382), to stress that the ongoing instability within Lebanon is limiting progress and posing “a
direct challenge to the
[...] stability of the country as a whole”, while reiterating his hope that a long-term solution can be [...]
found in the region.
根據擬議的《入境條例》第37ZM條,先前曾提出酷刑 聲請的人不得在其後提出另一項酷刑聲請,除非該人以書面提供 充分證據,使入境事務主任信納在先前的聲請獲最終裁定或被撤 回後,情況已重大改變,而該項 改變在與先前曾為支持先的 聲請而提的材料 一併考慮下,會令後繼聲請有實際的成功 機會。
Under the proposed section 37ZM of IO, a person who has previously made a torture claim must not subsequently make another torture claim, unless he provides sufficient evidence to satisfy an
immigration officer that there
[...] has been a significant change of circumstances since the previous claim was finally determined or withdrawn, and the change, when taken together with the material [...]
previously submitted
in support of the previous claim, would give the subsequent claim a realistic prospect of success.
大会在 其题为“国际合作对付世界毒品问题” 的第 64/182 号决议中,欢迎这次高级别部分会 的 成 果 ,包括《政治宣言和行 动计划》,而重申了会员国加强国际合作对付世界毒品问题的承诺。
The General Assembly, in its resolution 64/182, entitled “International cooperation against the world drug problem”,
[...] the outcome of the high-level segment, including the Political Declaration and Plan of Action, thus reaffirming the commitment of Member States to enhancing international cooperation in countering the world [...]
drug problem.
个最不发达国家位于治理指的危重 地 带 , 而大多 数 其他最不发达国家也已位于危险地带,这表明最不发达国家急需支持,以巩固 公共机构、公共服务,给本国人民带来发展效益,并避免政府失灵。
These reports also point out that 16
[...] LDCs are in the critical zone in governance index while most other [...]
LDCs are in the danger zone,
suggesting that the LDCs are in critical need of support in consolidating public institutions, public services and delivering development dividends to their people and avoiding State failure.




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