

单词 大约



New York University


Empire State Building


the Camp David agreement of 1978 brokered by President Jimmy Carter between Israel and Egypt

External sources (not reviewed)

虽然各机构 已经输入一半以上国家的数据,但其 大约 三 分 之一所含信息有限,约 13%的国家至今尚 未使用。
While agencies had entered data for more than half the countries, there was limited information for about one third of them, and the database had not yet been used for about 13 per cent of countries.
温度计的读 数会比实际流体温度大约 20°F
Thermometer reading will be about 20°F less than actual fluid temperature.
根据上文的汇率浮动对维持和平预算影响的审查情况(其中强调指出, 2009/10 年度和 2010/11 年大约 10%的 维持和平支出是以美元以外货币支付的, 长期来看汇率差异对维持和平行动账户的总体影响是有限的),同时考虑到第一 次执行情况报告(A/65/589)提到的为缓解风险而探讨的各种备选办法的利弊,秘 [...]
Based on the above review of the impact of exchange rate fluctuations on
peacekeeping budgets,
[...] highlighting that approximately 10 per cent of the peacekeeping operations expenditures were in currencies other than the United States dollar [...]
in 2009/10 and 2010/11,
and that over time the variation on exchange rate had limited impact overall on the accounts of peacekeeping operations, while taking into consideration the pros and the cons of the various options explored to mitigate the risk, as indicated in the first performance report (A/65/589), the Secretary-General is of the view that expected return from the various options set out above would be offset by the actual cost generated and opportunity cost it would represent for missions as well as Member States.
其他培训工作包括:行政官员培训计划,已重新设计该计划,以增强教科文组织的财 务和行政管理能力,特别是增强总部外机构在这些方面的能力;监督能力培训,以改进高职 级的一般事务人员直至 P 4 级专业人员的管理技能;团队建设讲习班,以加强总部外办事处 内部的配合;项目管理/资源调动研讨会,以提高专业人员的项目管理技能;在总部举办了 关于新的财政和预算系统(FABS)的培训 大约 1000 名用户接受了 35 个单元的培训;语 言培训,2002--2003 学年参加学习的工作人员人数增加到约 300 人。
Other training initiatives included the Administrative Officer training programme which has been redesigned to reinforce the financial and administrative capacity in UNESCO, particularly in the field; the Supervisory Skills Training to improve management skills among senior GS staff and Professionals up to P-4; Team-Building workshops with the objective of reinforcing teamwork within field offices; Project Management/Resource Mobilization seminars to improve project management skills among Professional staff; training on the new Finance and Budget System (FABS) at Headquarters, with about 1,000 users trained across 35 modules; and the Language training which saw an increased participation of some 300 staff members for the scholastic year 2002-2003.
降低空气入口压大约 20%, 可保持类似流体输出。
Reduce air
[...] inlet pressure by approximately 20 percent to maintain [...]
an equivalent fluid output.
塔什干国际会议是筹备世界水论坛的一个重要阶段,来自 32 个国家的 350 多名专家、杰出科学家、环境保护主义者和水资源管理专家,以 大约 30 个 有 影响力的国际组织和金融机构的代表出席了会议,其中包括联合国及其各个机 构、世界水事理事会、全球水事伙伴关系、世界银行、亚洲开发银行、欧洲经济 委员会、国际挽救咸海基金、美国国际开发署、国际排灌委员会、国际大坝委员 会和其他机构。
The international conference in Tashkent, which marked an important stage in the preparations for the World Water Forum, was attended by more than 350 experts, prominent scientists, environmentalists and water management specialists from 32 countries, as well as representatives of some 30 influential international organizations and financial institutions, including the United Nations and its agencies, the World Water Council, the Global Water Partnership, the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the Economic Commission for Europe, the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, the International Commission on Large Dams and other bodies.
关于索马里法庭审理的问题,联合国开发计划署 (开发署)和联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室(禁毒办) 的协助将使邦特兰和索马里兰“每年仅能多起 大约 20 起案件”(S/2011/360,第 10 段),但无法做到再 维持三年。
With respect to the issue of jurisdiction in Somalia, the assistance of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) will enable Puntland and Somaliland to try only “around 20 additional cases each per year” (S/2011/360, paragraph 10), but not for three more years.
关于司法行政机构大约 380 名司法人员——包 括法官、书记官和管教人员——已经到达布瓦凯,并 将在恢复国家管辖权和在全国领土上重新部署行政 机构的框架内,重新部署到中部、北部和西部地区。
As to the judicial administration, some 380 members of the judiciary — including judges, registrars and corrections officers — were presented in Bouaké and are to be redeployed in the central, northern and western zones in the framework of the restoration of State authority and the redeployment of the administration throughout the national territory.
小组委 员会建议对价格进行调节,使大约 相 当 于在监狱外可以买到的食品的价格。
The SPT recommends that prices
[...] are regulated to approximately the cost of food [...]
products available outside the prison.
不过,代表团 举 例 说,
[...] 几 年以前, 准军事团 伙一大约要犯下 250 起大屠杀 ,而国家 [...]
当局对此 不作 反应,现在,所有准军事领袖 都 被关押 在高度戒 严 的 监 狱 ,并因 他 们 犯 下的罪 行 而 受到审 判 ,他们 要
严 格 承 诺 透 露 真 相、向受害 者提供 赔偿、 服 满 刑 期 才 能 退 役 。
It added, however that, for example, a few years ago paramilitaries were
responsible for 250 massacres a year without
[...] reaction from the State authorities, but [...]
now all paramilitary leaders are held in
maximum security prisons and are being tried for their crimes, and their demobilization requires strict commitments to reveal truth, to provide reparations to victims and to carry out prison sentences.
里约集团成员国作大约 40 年前通过《特拉特 洛尔科条约》宣布为无核武器区的第一个人口密集地 [...]
区,欢迎召开建立无核武器区条约缔约国和签字国及 蒙古第二次会议,讨论加强缔约国和签字国、条约机 构和其它有关国家协商的办法和途径,以便促进在执
行这些条约的规定以及加强核裁军和不扩散制度方 面的协调和趋同。
The States members of the Rio Group, as [...]
part of the first densely populated area declared a nuclearweapon-free zone through
the Treaty of Tlatelolco about 40 years ago, welcome the convening of the Second Conference of States Parties and Signatories to Treaties that Establish Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones and Mongolia to consider ways and means to enhance consultations among States parties and signatories, treaty agencies and other interested States, with the aim of promoting coordination and convergence in the implementation of the provisions of these treaties and in strengthening the regime of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.
该船 的货物中大约 40 吨 武器,其中包括先进的 C-704 型反舰导弹、导弹发射器(射 程为 35 公里)、雷达系统和火控系统以及迫击炮弹和小武器弹药。
The ship’s cargo contained approximately 40 tons of weaponry, [...]
including C-704 advanced anti-ship missiles, their launchers
(with a range of 35 km), radar systems and fire control systems, along with mortar shells and small arms munitions.
特奥会世界冬季运动会在美国爱达荷州的博伊西举行,吸引了来自约 100 个国家/地区大约 2,000 名运动员。
The Special Olympics World Winter Games in Boise, Idaho, USA, draws nearly 2,000 athletes from close to 100 countries .
有必要看到,大会在其第三十届会议上(1999 年)认为,更换教科文组织的预算、财 务、人力资源和发放工资等系统所需要的预算总额约为 1,900 万美元,其中财务和预算系统 所需要大约 1,070 万美元的预算将在 2000--2001 年期间执行(第 30C/84 号决议)。
It will be recalled that at its 30th session (1999), the General Conference estimated the total budget to replace UNESCO’s systems for budget, finance, human resources and payroll to be in the range of $19 million, including some $10.7 million for the finance and budget system to be implemented in 2000-2001 (30 C/Resolution 84).
出口导向型增长是《布鲁塞尔行动纲领》中最不发达国家发展战略的重要组 成部分,但最不发达国家仍然只占世界出口 大约 1%。
Export-led growth was an important component of LDCs’ development strategies in the Brussels Programme of Action, but LDCs still account for only around 1 per cent of world exports.
在Norte Chico的一些地点存在玉米的非结论性的证据让考古学家思考玉米农业是否帮助刺激了 大约 公 元 前3000年到公元前1800年间沿秘鲁太平洋沿海出现的重大文化发展,玉米是哥伦布到来之前的这个大陆的重要谷物。
Inconclusive evidence of the presence of maize, an important cereal crop throughout the pre-Columbian world, at Norte Chico sites has led archaeologists to speculate whether maize agriculture helped spur major cultural advances that occurred along the Pacific coast of Peru from roughly 3000 to 1800 B.C.
同时,农业也是国内最重要的经济 部门,参与农业的劳动大约占全国劳动力总人数的 40%。
Also agriculture is the most important sector of the country as it involves around 40% of the labour force.
相关 方面在分析财政资金在不同部门之间的分配时称 大约 54%的资金用于普通义务 教育、19% 用于学前教育大约 15%用于高等教育、只有 4%用于中等专业教 育。
Analysing the
[...] distribution of financial allocations by sectors, it is to state that around 54% of the resources have been used at [...]
the level of mandatory
general education, 19% – for pre-school education, around 15% – for higher education, and 4% only for secondary specialised education.
世卫组织代表向食典委通报说,世卫组织目前只 大约 25%的预算来自正常拨款, 而其余 75%都是来自预算外捐款。
The Representative of WHO informed the Commission that
[...] currently only approximately 25% of the overall [...]
WHO budget comes from regular contributions
and 75% from extra budgetary contributions.
此类动议的范围和数量决定了我们不可能对所有动议都进行叙述,但是最为有名的例子就是世界 卫生组织赞助的“健康因特网接入动议”(HINARI),它为 100 个发展中国家提供网上免费使用大约 1000 种主要医学杂志。
The range and number of such initiatives makes it impossible to describe them all here, but perhaps the best known example is the WHO-sponsored Health Internetwork Access to Research Initiative (HINARI) offering free on-line access to 100 developing countries to around 1000 leading medical journals.
根据核能政策,为了保障波兰的能源需求,波兰应在 2030 年之前建造三座 核电厂,总发电能大约为 10 000 兆瓦。
According to the Polish energy policy, in order to secure its
energy demand, Poland should construct three nuclear power plants, with a
[...] total capacity of approximately 10,000 MWs by 2030.
税前净现值(NPV)为 56 亿美元的基 础案例,税前无借贷内部收益率(IRR)为 20.5%,
有借贷内部收益率(60% 为 外借资金) 为 23.2% ,66.5% 铁精矿的船上交货价格为
[...] 100 美元/吨; o 采矿寿命的经营成大约为 30美元/吨; o 从 2017 年开始,每年的精矿初始产量为 [...]
1000 万吨; o 为满足水力发电的需求,通过运营现金流提供资金将
2027 年的年产量提高至 2000 万吨; o 采矿寿命为 31 年; o 28.5 亿美元的初始资本成本,其中包括 9.3 亿美元间接成本和意外开支; o 2025 – 2026 年的计划扩展资本成本为 16.1 亿美元, 包括 4.9 亿美元间接成本和意 外开支; o 整个采矿寿命的持续资本为 7.7 亿美元。
Optimal production case delivers robust economics o Base case pre-tax NPV of $5.6 billion, pre-tax unlevered IRR of 20.5% and levered IRR (60% debt finance) of 23.2% at a price of $100 / tonne FOB for a
66.5% Fe concentrate; o Life of mine
[...] operating cost of approximately $30/tonne; o Initial [...]
production of 10 million tonnes
of concentrate per annum commencing in 2017; o Expansion to production of 20 million tonnes per annum in 2027 funded through operating cash flows, to coincide with availability of hydroelectric power; o Life of mine 31 years; o $2.85 billion initial capital cost inclusive of $0.93 billion indirect costs and contingency; o Scheduled expansion capital cost of $1.61 billion 2025 – 2026, including $0.49 billion indirect costs and contingencies; o Sustaining capital of $0.77 billion over life of mine.
正如高级专员的报告所述(A/66/12), 大约有 7 5 000 人越过边界逃到乌兹别克斯坦,然而他们在几天 [...]
内就重返各自家园;2010 年底重返其常住地的 300 000 名国内流离失所者都将通过专门为促进吉尔吉斯斯坦 共和国南部恢复重建的机构得到吉尔吉斯斯坦共和 国政府的帮助。
As indicated in the High Commissioner’s [...]
report (A/66/12), some 75,000 persons who had fled across the border into Uzbekistan
had returned home within the space of a few days and 300,000 internally displaced persons who had returned to their place of habitual residence at the end of 2010 were being assisted by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic through an agency set up specifically to promote recovery in the southern part of the country.
经合组织的成员国包括经济上最发达的 国家,创造了“最富国的俱乐部”,它是一 个排外的组织,代表了不到世界六分之一人 口,提供大约三分 之二的全球货物生产、 五分之三的世界出口和五分之四的全球公共 发展援助。
The organisation includes the most economically developed countries to create ‘the richest club’, an exclusive organisation representing less than 1/6 of the world’s population, and providing about 2/3 of the global production of goods, 3/5 of world exports and 4/5 of the total public development aid.
同样也是在 12 月 18 日,以色列在第二阶段 交换协议中释放大约 550 名巴勒斯坦囚犯,联合 国言论自由问题特别报告员结束了对以色列和巴勒 斯坦被占领土的任务,并同时对以色列对待巴勒斯 坦示威者的做法表达了担忧。
Also on 18 December, Israel had released about 550 Palestinian prisoners in the second half of the swap deal, and the United Nations Special Rapporteur for freedom of expression had concluded a mission to Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory, expressing concern at Israeli treatment of Palestinian demonstrators.
特别机关不妨审查约+20 大会太平洋地区筹备进程的主要成 果,就如何为支持太平洋小岛屿发展中国家加强以下方面的成果向秘 书处提供进一步指导:(a) 从可持续发展和减贫的角度看约+20 大 会的绿色经济主题;(b) 里约+20 大会关于促进可持续发展的机构框 架的主题;(c) 支持太平洋小岛屿发展中国家实现可持续发展的后续 行动。
The Special Body may wish to review the key
[...] outcomes of the Rio+20 preparatory process in the Pacific and provide the secretariat with further guidance on how to strengthen outcomes for Pacific small island developing States on: (a) the Rio+20 theme of a green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication; (b) the Rio+20 theme of [...]
an institutional framework
for sustainable development; and (c) follow-up action in support of the sustainable development of Pacific small island developing States.
[...] 并谨根据《关于登记射入外层空间物体的 约 》 ( 大 会第 3235(XXIX)号决议,附件) 第四条的规定附上有关发射 [...]
Skynet-4F(国际编号 2001-005B)和 ICO-F2(国际编号
The Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the United Nations (Vienna) presents its compliments to the Secretary-General of the
United Nations and, in accordance with
[...] article IV of the Convention on Registration of [...]
Objects Launched into Outer Space (General
Assembly resolution 3235 (XXIX), annex), herewith encloses technical data concerning the launch of the satellites Skynet-4F (International designation 2001-005B) and ICO-F2 (International designation 2001-026A) (see annex).
许多代表团指出约+20 大会的 主题之一是“在可持续发展和根除贫困 范畴内实行绿色经济”,但同时亦强调应从可持续发展的更为广阔的视角看 [...]
Many delegations noted one of the themes of Rio+20, ―green [...]
economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty
eradication‖, but emphasized that the green economy should be viewed in the broader context of sustainable development.




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