

单词 大社会

See also:

大会 n

assembly n
General Assembly n
Conference n
meeting n
general meetings pl

社会 n

societies pl
societal n


(in olden times) an association such as a political party, religious group or trade guild
a guild
the Japanese word for company

External sources (not reviewed)

本区域所面临的挑战是要在增长和通胀之间把握平衡,管理短期资 本流入,减少不断大的社会经济不平等,对付失业率上升问题和 大社会 安全网。
The challenges for the region were to maintain a balance between growth and inflation, manage
short-term capital inflows,
[...] reduce rising socioeconomic inequalities, deal with jobless growth, and increase social safety nets.
第二个方案为大社会保护 方案,其中一个项目为社会弱势群体中长期贫困的残疾人提供残疾津 贴。
The second is the
[...] expansion of the social protection programme, [...]
a component of which provides disability grants to chronically
poor persons with disabilities amongst other vulnerable groups in the community.
此外,缔约国应加强努力,除其他外通过旨在提高社会 对性别平等的认识,消除妇女在家庭和 广 大社会 中 的 作用和责任的根深蒂固的家 长制陈旧观念。
Furthermore, the State party should enhance its efforts to eliminate existing patriarchal and gender stereotypes on the roles and responsibilities of
women and men in the
[...] family and in society by, inter alia, adopting programmes that seek to raise awareness in society of gender equality.
在一个面临大社会活动 和变革的区域,该论坛提供了一个开展新 型对话的创新空间,将社会科学和政策联系起来,以谋求共识,增强其对社会变革的 [...]
In a region facing important social movement and changes, [...]
the Forum provided an innovative space to develop a new kind of
dialogue, bringing together social sciences and policy in the search for a common understanding and a common commitment to enhance their contribution to social transformations.
[...] (俄罗斯卡巴狄诺-巴卡里亚)为地方电视台提供技术和创造能力来制作和广播旨在有 助于加强该区域和平和包容的进程并就 大社会 和 经济问题提出青年人的独立看法和 观点的电视节目。
The project “Strengthening technical and content capacity of the local broadcaster TV Nalchik” (Kabardino Balkaria, Russian Federation) provided the local television station with both technical and creative capacity to produce and broadcast television programmes aimed to contribute to the process of strengthening peace and
tolerance in the region, to articulate independent views and opinions of
[...] youth on the major social and economic issues.
[...] 各新闻机构颁发了许可证,发言鼓励继续 大社会 服 务 ,欢迎努力减少儿童和产 妇死亡率,并支持粮食安全政策。
Delegations had also highlighted Ethiopia’s efforts to broaden freedom of expression by issuing licences to a number
of press outlets, encouraged the
[...] continued expansion of social services, welcomed [...]
efforts to reduce child and maternal
mortality and supported the food security policy.
将寻求建立更广泛的 伙伴关系,以大社会动员 ,信息流通促进发展和扩大以社区为基础的干预措施。
Wider partnerships will be sought for
[...] expanding social mobilization, communication for development and the scaling-up of communitybased interventions.
施,如作为宏观经济政策的关键优先事项,让妇女平等获得生产性和体面工作; 采行有助于工作的穷人、特别是妇女的财政政策;通过为妇女和女童的教育、技 能开发和终身学习进行投资,加强人力资源;将性别平等观点纳入公共投资,以
[...] 创造就业机会,确保妇女平等的机遇和福利;增强或 大社会 保 护 最低标准,特 别是针对妇女。
There are particular gender responsive measures that countries can take, such as making women’s equal access to productive and decent work a key priority of macroeconomic policies; adopting fiscal policies in favour of the working poor, particularly women; enhancing human resources through investing in education, skills development and life-long learning for girls and women; engendering public investments for job creation to ensure
equal access and benefits for women; and
[...] enhancing or expanding social protection floors, [...]
targeting women in particular.
这包括把重点放在快速的经济 发展和创造就业、营造有利的投资环境以便吸引外国 直接投资、改革养恤金制度以及为养恤金领取人和其 他社会弱势群体大社会网络
That has included focusing on rapid economic development and job creation, creating a favourable investment climate to attract foreign direct
investment, reforming the pension system and
[...] expanding the social network for pensioners and other socially vulnerable groups.
根据《乌兹别克斯坦共和国刑法》第 15 条,犯罪行为依据其对社会危害的 性质和程度分为:未构成大社会危 害 的犯罪行为、较重的犯罪行为、严重的犯 罪行为、特别严重的犯罪行为。
Under article 15 of the Criminal Code, offences are classified according to their nature and the degree of danger to the public that they represent: minor, less serious, serious and especially serious offences.
[...] 使得缔约国难以继续采取更为集中的方式 大社会 投 资 ,尤其是针对儿童和青少 年,具体就贫困省份和贫困群体儿童实施的针对性投资。
The Committee is concerned that the existing databases and statistics
make it difficult for the State party to
[...] continue expanding social investment in a more [...]
focused way and especially with regard
to targeting investment to children and adolescents, in particular children in disadvantaged provinces and groups.
建立、加强和大社会保护机制,将安全网落实到位,并为所有人提供 最低水平的基本服务和收入保障。
[...] strengthen and scale up social protection mechanisms, [...]
put safety nets in place and provide a minimum level of access
to essential services and income security for all.
(k) 通过教育系统和其他途径,促进对所有涉及宗教或信仰自由的事项的 理解、容忍、不歧视及尊重,为此鼓励 广 大社会 更 多地了解各种宗教和信仰以及 其管辖范围内现有各宗教少数群体的历史、传统、语言和文化
(k) To promote, through the educational system and other means, mutual understanding, tolerance, non-discrimination and respect in all matters
relating to freedom of religion or belief
[...] by encouraging, in society at large, a wider [...]
knowledge of different religions and beliefs
and of the history, traditions, languages and cultures of the various religious minorities existing within their jurisdiction
此外,委员会建议采取措施规范非正式部门, 大社会 保 障 福利覆盖 面。
Furthermore, the Committee recommends that measures be taken to regularize the informal sector and
[...] extend the access to social security benefits.
震惊地注意到世界许多地区,在政界、舆论界和 广 大社会 中 , 种族主义暴力 和仇外思潮增多,其原因包括以种族主义和仇外纲领及章程为基础成立的各种团 体再度活跃,而且这些纲领及章程不断被用来宣传或煽动种族主义意识
Alarmed at the increase in racist violence and xenophobic ideas in many parts of the world, in political circles, in the sphere of public opinion and in society at large as a result, inter alia, of the resurgent activities of associations established on the basis of racist and xenophobic platforms and charters, and the persistent use of those platforms and charters to promote or incite racist ideologies
为了促进核心机构内部以及东帝汶广 大社会 的 人 权和司法文化,需要将多媒 体通信和公共信息战略纳入这些努力的所有方面。
To promote a culture of human rights and justice within
core institutions, as well as within the
[...] broader Timorese society, a multimedia communications [...]
and public information strategy
will need to be integrated into all facets of those efforts.
对未构成大社会危害 的故意犯罪行为,法律规定处以 3 年以下监禁,而对 因疏忽大意造成的犯罪行为,法律规定处以 5 年以下监禁。
Minor offences are offences committed intentionally for which the law prescribes up to three years’ deprivation of liberty and offences committed through negligence for which the law prescribes up to five years’ deprivation of liberty.
2004 年至 2008
[...] 年期间,反对过渡联邦政府的势力采取涉及索马里 广 大社会 的群 众性的复杂叛乱形式,反对阿卜杜拉希·优素福总统和埃塞俄比亚的占领。
From 2004 to 2008, opposition to the Transitional Federal Government took the form of a popular and complex
insurgency involving a significant cross
[...] section of Somali society opposed to President [...]
Abdullahi Yusuf and Ethiopian occupation.
我提及我国人民这些微不足道的成果,只是为了 借助实际事例来证明我们的信念,那就是,海地所需 要的是与本国政府密切配合提供的大量而且中立的 援助,这种援助有助于海地的发展,有助于克服影响 海地和有损海地人民稳定与进步的 大社会 经 济困 难和差距。
I mention these results in all the modesty of our people merely to cite practical examples in support of our conviction that what Haiti needs is substantial and impartial aid, closely coordinated with the Government, that contributes to its
development and helps
[...] overcome the immense socio-economic difficulties and disparities affecting Haiti and hindering its people’s [...]
stability and progress.
[...] 2˚C将使当代社会难于应付,并很可能在本世纪余下时间 及以后造成大社会及环境破坏。
Temperature rises above 2oC will be difficult for
contemporary societies to cope with, and are
[...] likely to cause major societal and environmental [...]
disruptions through the rest of the century and beyond.
鉴于人权与和平教育对加强和平文化,增进和谐关系,保障非暴力文化以 及儿童和广大社会中的 性别平等都是至关重要的,因此委员会建议缔约国迅速采 [...]
取具体措施,确保向学校中的所有儿童提供人权教育,特别是和平教育,并对教 师和其他专业人员开展培训,以便通过冲突解决和同行调解培训来帮助学生解决 冲突。
Considering that human rights and peace education are essential to enhance a culture of peace and promote harmonious relationships which guarantee the culture of
non-violence and gender equality among
[...] children and the larger society, the Committee recommends [...]
that the State party take prompt
and concrete measures to ensure the provision of human rights education and, in particular, peace education, for all children in school and train teachers and other professionals to help students to resolve conflict through conflict-resolution and peer-mediation training.
这种方案要取得成功,就必需相应地 大社会 保 护 、提供体面 的工作和实施充分就业政策,并顾及当地情况,促成社区支持此种方案效力和可 持续性。
In order for such programmes to be successful, they need to be complemented by an expansion of social protection, decent [...]
work and full-employment
policies and to respond to local conditions and build community support for their effectiveness and sustainability.
还请详细说明缔约国为大社会保障 办法对非正式经济部门劳动人口的覆 盖面所采取法律和其他措施。
Please also provide detailed information on measures, legislative or otherwise, taken by the State party to increase the proportion of the working population covered by social security schemes in the informal economy.
委员会回顾其第34号(2011年) 一般性建议,并鉴于其关于《消除一切形式种族歧
视国际公约》中特别措施的意义和范围的第32号(2009年) 一般性建议,建议缔约国
[...] 在联邦、省和地区各级采取切实的具体措施,帮助非裔加拿大人融入加 大社 会,切 实保证落实不歧视立法,特别是《联邦就业公平法》以及关于获得就业、 [...]
Recalling its general recommendation No. 34 (2011) and in light of its general recommendation No. 32 (2009) on the meaning and scope of special measures in the International Convention of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the Committee recommends that the State party take concrete specific measures to foster the effective integration at federal, provincial
and territorial levels of African
[...] Canadians into Canadian society by effectively ensuring [...]
the implementation of its non-discrimination
legislation, in particular the Federal Employment Equity Act, and policies regarding access to employment, non-discriminatory wages, housing, and public service.
[...] 全提供广泛保障的人们,希望能够从解决折磨着加 大社会 的 重 要的平等、安全和尊严问 题出发,来解释《宪章》所规定的这些权利。41 [...]
加拿大最高法院认定,“应该假定宪章的 保护力度至少与加拿大所批准42 的国际人权文件中的类似条款所提供的保护力度相同”
, 国际人权法律对 ‘解释《宪章》内的权利的范围具有决定性的影响’43 。
Historically, it was expected by those who fought for broad protections of equality and security in the Charter, that these rights in the Charter would be interpreted to address the
key equality, security and dignity issues
[...] plaguing Canadian society.41 The Supreme Court [...]
has affirmed that ‘the Charter should
generally be presumed to provide protection at least as great as that afforded by similar provisions in international human rights documents which Canada has ratified’42 and that international human rights law is ‘a critical influence on the interpretation of the scope of the rights included in the Charter.
通过遵守 新框架,我们相信,对基础设施发展方面的投资将
[...] 使这些项目更加经济地得以执行、降低财政风险, 为受影响的团体和广大社会创造 更大的发展收益, 并且避免对环境的破坏性影响。
By following the new framework, we believed that investments in infrastructure development would result in projects that will perform better economically, have fewer financial risks,
create greater development benefits
[...] for affected communities and broader society, and avoid [...]
destructive environmental impacts.
22.33 执行秘书办公室负责西亚经社会政府间机制(包括其两年一次的届会)及其附属机构西亚社 会大使咨询委员会和西亚经社会技术委员会的运作并为其提供服务。
22.33 The Office of the Executive Secretary is responsible for the functioning and servicing of the intergovernmental machinery of the Commission, including its biennial session and its subsidiary bodies, the ESCWA Advisory Committee of Ambassadors and the ESCWA Technical Committee.
1 月,代表们参加了俄罗斯同胞国际理事会和俄罗斯联邦常驻联合国代 表团举行的会议;1
[...] 开的主题为“大屠杀的宗教间反应:解放 65 年以后”的会议;3 月,关于社会政 策社会大众传 媒发展的会议;克里米亚鞑靼民族议会在 4 月举行的第九届土著 [...]
问题常设论坛上组织的会议;12 月由乌克兰常驻联合国代表团主办的纪念乌克兰
Representatives participated at a Conference organized by the International Council of Russian Compatriots and the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations in January; a conference organized by B’nai B’rith International and the Permanent Mission of the Czech Republic to the United Nations on the theme “Interreligious responses to the Holocaust: 65 years after
liberation” in January; a
[...] session on social policy and the development of social mass media in [...]
March; a conference organized
by the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People at the ninth session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, held in April; a commemorative conference hosted in December by the Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the United Nations on the Holodomor and other artificial famines.
她呼吁广大捐 助者、人道主义机构、国社会大幅 增 加对难民的 援助,以解难民的燃眉之急,同时解决让如此之多 [...]
She called on donors, humanitarian agencies and
[...] the international community at large to scale [...]
up their assistance both to meet the
immediate needs of refugees and to tackle the long term, underlying problems that had left so many people in danger.
适用这一方法的金融机构是银行和非银行机构,后者包括保险公司、信 社、 大楼协会、合 作社、金融中间人、邮政员、房地产中间人、机动车车行中间人和 [...]
The financial institutions to which the methodology applies are banks and non banking institutions including:
insurance companies, credit unions,
[...] building societies, cooperatives, money dealers, [...]
postal agencies, real estate dealers,
motor vehicle dealers, and courier services.




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