

单词 大相径庭

See also:


completely different

External sources (not reviewed)

但是, 如前文所述,在 32 C/5 涉及的领域与问题孰先孰后的问题上,会员国的意 大相径庭。
Nevertheless, as already stated, Member States widely differed when it came to a prioritization of fields and issues dealt with in document 32 C/5.
爱尔兰游民对涉及族裔问题的意 大相径庭 , 对 将他们承认为族群的做法 是否是有益的步骤没有任何共识。
There is a wide divergence of opinion among Irish Travellers in relation to the question of ethnicity, and no consensus that recognition would be a useful step.
委员会注意到双方给出的事件版 大相径庭 , 但 是缔约国对于使用武力本身 没有做出争辩。
While noting that the versions of events advanced by the parties differ substantially, the Committee observes that the use of force as such is not contested by the State party.
在这方面,指出高效的跨境单一窗口模式应当便利目标和程序可 大相径庭的 不同利益相关方之间的协调。
In this regard, it was noted that an efficient cross-border single window model should facilitate coordination among different stakeholders whose objectives and procedures might differ significantly.
但尽管专利制度在对专利申请进行审核时都遵循统一的标 准,但技术进步的形式却可能因领域的不同 大相径庭。
But whereas the patent system has uniform criteria to judge patent applications, the pattern of technical progress may vary significantly in different fields.
经常计划资源在四十个总部外办事处之间的分配情况与活动的实施 大相径庭 , 有 些办事处需 要得到加强,以便开展文化活动。
The dispersion of regular programme resources among some 40 field offices,
some of which should be strengthened for cultural activities,
[...] has resulted in highly variable activity [...]
execution rates.
目前,只有少数发展中国家采 取了这一做法,而人们对收费管理协会价值的看 大相径庭。
At present, only a minority of developing countries has followed this approach and there are quite different views on the merits of the establishment of collective management societies.
鉴于各国就同一内容表 示的意见往大相径庭,对 本文件所作的修改反映了大多数国家的意见。
Bearing in mind that, quite often, States expressed divergent views on the same elements, the modifications introduced to this document reflect the views of the majority of States.
而且,如果要将基于结果的预算制定和管理置于最重要 的优先地位,就不应将资金如何使用,也就是资金用来购买了哪些东西作为最重要的指标, 资金的用途可能与初大相径庭却仍 然实现了预期的结果。
Further, if the results-based budgeting and management are to be given importance and priority, the way in which the funds are utilized, i.e., what is purchased by the funds, should not be the most important indicator, and can well vary from the initial intention while the expected results are still achieved.
这证明了声称对朝鲜民主主义人民共和国“不怀敌意”的美国政府在言词和 行动大相径庭。
This points to the unjustifiable discrepancy between the words and the deeds of the United States administration that claims to have “no hostile intent”.
关于非法驱逐情况下的返回权,因为各国的惯 大相径庭 , 因 此无法将这 一权利视为习惯法规则的产物。
As to the right of return in cases of unlawful expulsion, national practice seemed to be too varied for such a right to be regarded as deriving from a rule of customary law.
检察官拥有不同于法官的独立 性和公正性,任何时候均应保持和表现出这一区别,因为他们的作用和职 大相 径庭。
The independence and impartiality of prosecutors as distinct from judges, and the appearance thereof, should be maintained at all times, as they have very distinct roles and functions.
消费者在这些方面的意见和需要常 大相径庭。
The opinions and wishes of consumers in this regard often diverge widely.
埃尔帕索的无耻判决与美国政府鼓吹的反恐怖政 大相径庭 , 在 这项政策下 对其他国家进行的军事干预致使成千上万人丧生。
The shameful verdict in El Paso is completely at odds with the counter-terrorism policy which the United States Government purportedly advocates and which has even resulted in military interventions in other nations and cost thousands of lives.
手稿的章节划分与原始出版 大相径庭 , 其 中还包含几页选自孟德斯鸠多部其他作品的内容,由他在几近失明时雇佣的秘书所誊写。
The manuscript also includes several pages from a dozen different writings by Montesquieu, produced by the secretaries that he used during his frequent periods of near-total blindness.
根据所用粘合剂类型和施用方法,预防措施也大 相径庭;包括手套、眼睛和良好的通风以及耦合至 烟气蒸气拍抽设施的复合计量分配装置。
According to the application and the type of adhesive used, precautions vary considerably; ranging from gloves, glasses and good ventilation to complex metering and dispensing equipment coupled to fume and vapour extracting facilities.
联合国系统各组织的工作符合《援助实效问题巴黎宣言》,但捐助方的行 为则与大相径庭。
The efforts of the United Nations system organizations are in line with the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness, although donor behaviour shows a much differentiated picture.
尽管政治和社会背大相径庭,但 是对过去和现代秘密拘留做法的比较表 明,这些做法存在大量共性。
A comparison of past and more recent practices [...]
of secret detention brings to the fore many common features, despite considerable
variations in political and social contexts.
在 2010 年 3 月审计委员
[...] 会核查过程中,各工作组向《公共部门会计准则》过渡的准备工作的进展情大 相径庭,工作组 1b(“预算资料列报”)和工作组 [...]
5c(“汇兑交易认列收入”)的 进度为 0%,工作组 3(“工厂、财产和设备”)为 68%。
During the course of the verification by the Board in March 2010, progress on preparation
work for the transition to IPSAS varied
[...] greatly, from 0 per cent for working group [...]
1b, on the presentation of budget information,
and working group 5c, on revenue recognition for exchange transactions, to 68 per cent for working group 3, on plant, property and equipment.
因此,特别小组的工作与 2004-2005 年所开展的审查非集中化战略的工 大相径庭 ,因 为这回本组织机制的改革和调整应该在联合国改革及教科文组织在联合国系统的地位这个更 广的范围内来进行。
As a result, the Task Force is working in a context very different from that of the review of the decentralization strategy in 2004-2005, because this time the changes and adaptations of our mechanisms are part of a broader context concerning United Nations reform and the place of UNESCO in the United Nations system.
此外,由于要求各国建立国内许可制度,这一制度有可能因管辖 不同大相径庭,因 此有些人对此举是否有益表示关注。
Further, some raised concerns as to usefulness of requiring States to establish domestic licensing regimes where such regimes were likely to differ significantly from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.
[...] 处的关键因素; (i) 委员会取得成功,特别是在信息系统方面取得成功,离不开能力建设, 这是因为各国提供和汇编信息的能 大相径庭。
(i) Capacity-building is essential for success of the Commission,
especially in terms of
[...] information systems, owing to the widely different capacities of the countries [...]
to provide and generate information.
9 例如,实证比较研究显示,
[...] 中央政府强大而市政府弱小的国家,其地方服务私有化程度远超过市政当局高度 自治、财政高度自立的国家。10 尽管各国在私有化问题上的做法 大相径庭 ,但 现已清楚,单靠私有化并不能解决地方一级提供公共服务的所有问题,而必须制 订超越私有化的全面战略。
Although this necessity to draw on expertise outside institutionalized local government has been known for quite some time, discussion has almost exclusively focused on the topic of privatization.9 Comparative empirical studies have shown, for example, that States with a strong central Government and weak municipalities have privatized local services on a much larger scale than
States in which
[...] municipalities have a high level of self-government and far-reaching financial autonomy.10 Even though approaches [...]
to the question
of privatization still vary greatly from State to State, it has become clear that privatization alone cannot solve all the problems regarding the provision of public services at the local level and that comprehensive strategies beyond privatization must be developed.
检查专员认为,各区域委员会支持南南合作的方式多种多样,其参与的广 度和深度大相径庭。
The Inspectors found that there was a great deal of variety in the manner in which the Regional Commissions provide support to SSC, as well as in the breadth and depth of their involvement.
前瞻性信息涉及已知和未知的风险、可能导致实际结果的不确定性和其他因素、与将来任何结 大相径庭 的 业绩或成就、前瞻性信息明示或暗示的业绩或成就。
Forward looking information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking information.
虽然所有组织的内部监督实体都参考《统一调查准则》作为指导,但各个 组织采用的手册和方大相径庭。
Although all the organizations’ internal oversight entities rely for guidance on the Uniform Guidelines for Investigations, the manuals and methods used vary significantly from organization to organization.
在 1999 年底以前,教科文组织的总部外资源要在本组织的地位和与本组织的关 大相 径庭的众多实体中分配,实乃僧多粥少,它们包括 70 个总部外单位、四个联络处、六个研 究所和一些与本组织有松散联系的中心。
By the end of 1999, UNESCO’s field resources were spread thinly across too many entities that varied considerably in their status and relationship to the Organization including 70 field units, four liaison offices, six institutes and a number of centres loosely attached to the Organization.
请参阅美联航 SEC 文件,包括经修订的美联航年度报告、定期报告和最新报告,获取关于可能导致实际结果与前瞻性声明中的结 大相径庭 的 风 险、不确定因素和其他因素的详细信息。
Please read United's SEC filings, including its annual, periodic and current reports, as amended, for additional information about the risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements.
加勒比国家联盟成员国批准/加入有关海洋污染的各项公 约的比大相径庭:有 28%的成员国批准/加入了 1972 年防止倾倒废物及其他物 [...]
质污染海洋的公约的 1996 年议定书,有 86%的成员国批准/加入《国际防止船舶 造成污染公约》(附件一/二)。
Levels of ratification/accession by member
[...] countries of the Association of Caribbean States [...]
to the marine pollution conventions
varies greatly, from 28 per cent for the 1996 Protocol to the Convention on the Prevention of Maritime Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter (the London Convention, 1972) to 86 per cent for the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto (annex I/II).
与巴勒斯坦人的坚定决大相径庭的 是 ,以色列 继续采取单方面措施,实施加快修建定居点的政策, [...]
以遏制巴勒斯坦人在其自己的土地上存在的一切迹 象,破坏以色列曾多次公开宣布并致力于执行的两国 解决方案。
In contrast to that firm Palestinian determination, [...]
Israel has continued its unilateral measures by implementing an expedited
settlement policy in order to curtail all signs of Palestinian presence on their own land and to undermine the two-State solution, which Israel has repeatedly avowed and committed itself to.




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