

单词 大男子主义者

See also:


a man
a male

主义 n

nationalism n
socialist n
militarism n
imperialism n



External sources (not reviewed)

关于性别歧视问题,这位专家指出,在一些教育体系中 大男子主义 受 到 称 赞,并通过一些性别定型观念和不正确的信息得到助长。
With regard to sexism, the expert noted that in some
[...] educational systems masculinity was praised and [...]
perpetuated through gender stereotypes and incorrect information.
厄瓜多尔通过各种活动和服务来实施其《消除对儿童、青少年和妇女的性 别暴力国家计划》:性别暴力问卷调查;转变社会文化模式;“厄瓜多尔反大 男子主义暴力行为”运动;受者关 爱 协议;公立医院的急救室;全面救护中 心;权利保护机构以及性剥削和性暴力受害者收容庇护机构,等等。
Ecuador is carrying out a national plan to eradicate gender-based violence against children, adolescents and women. The
plan involves various
[...] activities and services, including: a survey of gender-based violence; the transformation of sociocultural patterns; a campaign entitled “React, Ecuador: Machismo is Violence”; [...]
special care units in
public hospitals; comprehensive care centres; rights-protection centres; and shelters for victims of sexual exploitation and violence.
为了证明这种人类生存方式的合理性,使之永久 存在并且对其进行维护,一个法律和制度上层建筑正 在得到加强,其目的是使私有财产、个人 义 、 大男 子主义和纯粹以人类为中心的观点神圣化:少数有者和从 人类的精神贫瘠和物质贫穷中获 者 对 大多 数人的剥削。
Its purpose is to
[...] consecrate private property, individualism, machismo and anthropocentrism: the exploitation of the majority by a minority of property-owners and those who benefit from the [...]
spiritual and
material poverty of humankind.
提高了有关国家在研究、教育和培训方面以及在促使妇女更多参与民主进程方面的能 力,具体做法是对以下活动提供了支持:a) 2002 年 2 月 15 日--19
[...] 进”大湖地区“刚果人相互对话”的内罗毕(肯尼亚)讲习班;b) 2002 年 9 月 17 日--22 日 在法国图卢兹举办的第三次法男女 平 等 主义者 国 际 讨论会,c) 2003 年 3 月在智利圣地亚 哥的智大学社 会科学学院设立了性别平等研究教席;d) 2003 年 7 月为乌干达的律师和法 [...]
National capacity was strengthened in research, education and training, and in increasing women’s participation in democratic processes through support to: (a) the Nairobi (Kenya) Workshop on “Engendering the Inter-Congolese Dialogue” in the Great Lakes region, Nairobi, from 15 to 19 February 2002; (b) the Third
International Colloquium on
[...] French-language feminist studies, Toulouse, France, from 17 to 22 September 2002; (c) the creation of UNESCO Chair on Gender Studies, [...]
Faculty of Social Sciences,
University of Chile, Santiago, Chile, March 2003; (d) capacity-building workshop for Ugandan lawyers and judges on applying international human rights standards in adjudicating cases of gender-based violence against women, July 2003.
评估团的任务是收集以下信息:(a) 失业回者,包 括移徙工人和离开利 比亚的前战斗员以及图阿雷格和图布武装 子大 量 涌入这些国家,他们的回归 正对东道国社区的社会经济和政治稳定产生影响;(b)大量武器流入该区域,小 武器和轻武器以及地对空导弹和爆炸物扩散;(c) 这些国家犯罪活动和恐主 义活动 的性质及程度,为对付这些活动正在采取的区域举措;(d) 对安全部门 产生的影响;(e) 国家安全部门的行动能力;(f) 司法改革;(g) 为消除经常发 生的粮食无保障和营养不良的根源以及处理其他人道主义问题而需要作出的更 多努力;(h) 青年人失业;(i) 灾害风险评估。
The mission was mandated to collect information
on (a) the influx of
[...] unemployed returnees, including migrant workers, former combatants from Libya and armed Tuareg and Toubou elements into these countries, as well as the impact that their return is having on the socio-economic and political stability in the host communities; (b) the inflow of weapons into the region and the proliferation of small arms and light weapons, surface-to-air missiles and explosives; (c) the nature and the extent of criminal and terrorist activities [...]
in these countries and
ongoing regional initiatives to address them; (d) the impact on the security sector; (e) the national operational capacity of the security sector; (f) judicial reform; (g) additional efforts needed to address the root causes of recurrent food insecurity and malnutrition, as well as other humanitarian issues; (h) youth unemployment; and (i) disaster risk evaluation.
特别是,在发者提到的“4 个 M”人群— —数百万生活大男子主义环境 中的有钱的流动男 性人口——中间,必须实现行为上的转变,因为他们 的高风险性行为导致艾滋病毒的传播。
In particular, there must be a change of
[...] behaviour within what the speakers referred to as the “four Ms” — millions of mobile men with money living [...]
in the macho department
— whose risky sexual behaviour leads to HIV transmission.
我们敦大会为 了巴布阿姆鲁的儿童、阿勒颇的烈 士、库贝尔和胡拉的罹者、所 有各地的叙利男 女们的名义,承担起它的人主义、 道 义和历史责 任,同我们一道投票赞成决议草案。
We urge the Assembly, in the name of the children of Bab Amr, the martyrs of Aleppo, the victims of Qubair and Houla, and Syrian men and women everywhere, to uphold its humanitarian, moral and [...]
historical responsibilities
by voting with us in favour of the draft resolution.
不扩散核武器条约缔约国 2010 年审大会满意地注意到,联合大 会 题 为 《建立中亚无核武器区》的第 61/88 号和第 63/63 号决议欢迎签署《中亚无核武 器区条约》,强调建立中亚无核武器区是一个重要步骤,有助于加强核不扩散机 制,促进在和平利用核能以及受辐射污染影响领土的环境恢复方面的合作,加强 区域和国际和平与安全,而且能有效协助打击国际恐怖 义 , 防止核材料和核技 术落入非国家行者、主要是恐怖 子 之 手
The 2010
[...] Review Conference of the parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons notes with satisfaction that the General Assembly in its resolutions 61/88 and 63/63, entitled “Establishment of a nuclearweapon-free zone in Central Asia”, welcomes the signing of the Treaty on a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Central Asia, stressing that the establishment of such a zone constitutes an important step towards strengthening the nuclear non-proliferation regime, promoting cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and in the environmental rehabilitation of territories affected by radioactive contamination, and enhancing regional and international peace and security and is an effective contribution to combating international terrorism and preventing nuclear materials and technologies from falling into the hands of non-State actors, primarily terrorists.
大赦国 际呼吁迅速、公正和有效地调查所有对侵害妇女的暴力的举报,政府 应确保将负有责者绳之以法,受 者 得 到 赔偿,妇女在法律与实践中无保留地 享有男子同样的平等。
Amnesty International called for prompt, impartial and effective
[...] [...] investigation of all reports of violence against women, that the Government ensure that those responsible were brought to justice and the victims granted reparations and that women be granted unqualified equality with men in law and in practice.
此种法律,或其本身或对它的适用,使用的关于恐怖主义的定义模糊不 清,含义很广,将无者与嫌 疑犯不加区别,一律视为恐 主义 分 子 , 从而 增大 了任 意拘留的危险,不当地降低了普通人在正常情况下应享有的保障水准。
It added that such laws, either per se or in their application,
by using an
[...] extremely vague and broad definition of terrorism, bring within their fold the innocent and the suspect alike, [...]
and thereby increase
the risk of arbitrary detention, disproportionately reducing the level of guarantees enjoyed by ordinary persons in normal circumstances.
在阿尔及利亚,在二十世纪九十年代的内乱背景下,尤其是在 1993-1998年 间,安全部队和由政府武装的民兵逮捕了数以千计的被怀疑卷入恐 主义 活 动的 男子,而这些被逮者的亲属无从了解他们的下落。
In Algeria, in the context of internal strife during the 1990s, and in particular between 1993 and 1998, the security forces and State-armed militias arrested thousands of men on suspicion of involvement in terrorist activities, in circumstances leaving the relatives of those arrested men with no knowledge of their whereabouts.109 As a result, the relatives were often forced to request the issuance of a declaration of absence from judges and officials,
who were in most cases
[...] denying or concealing the whereabouts of the arrested men.110 A number of the disappeared persons are reported to have been members or sympathizers of the Islamic [...]
Salvation Front.111 76.
[...] 控制自己的身体和自己的性开始,纠正破坏这些权利大男子主义观念 和表现,克服性暴力和基于性别的 暴力,以及使妇女易感染艾滋病毒的做法。
Critical steps towards stopping HIV transmission have to start with promoting the rights of women over their own bodies and
sexuality, and addressing perceptions and
[...] expressions of masculinity that undermine [...]
those rights, sexual and gender-based violence,
and practices that make women vulnerable to HIV.
巴尔-伊大学法 律教研室,教学和研究领域有:家庭法律 男 女 平 等 主义 者的法 律批判;妇女与宗教;国际妇女权利。
Bar-Ilan Law Faculty: teaching and research areas: family law; feminist critic of law; women and religion; international women’s rights
造成这种现象的原因之一,可能是 主 普 遍心存偏见,认为妇女,特别是 儿女还小的妇女,工作不那么投入,而 男子 有 养 家 义 务。
One of the reasons for this might be the
[...] prejudice among employers, who think that women, in particular women with small children, are less dedicated to work and that men have the duty to [...]
provide for the family.
我们提议建立新的国 际支助架构,并进一步呼吁更加从根本上转变富人与穷人、强者与 者 、 男子与 妇女、当权人士与无产阶级主导者 与边缘者之间的关系。
Our calls echoed proposals for a New International Support Architecture, and gone further in calling for a more fundamental transformation of the relations between
rich and poor, powerful
[...] and powerless, men and women, the elites and those without resources, the dominant and the marginalized.
大男子主义这一 陈旧 观念主导的教育模式强调妇女的附属作用。
Educational models dominated by
[...] stereotypes of masculinity emphasized [...]
the subordinate role of women.
塔什干国际会议是筹备世界水论坛的一个重要阶段,来自 32 个国家的 350 多名专家、杰出科学家、环境保 主义者 和 水 资源管理专家,以 大约 3 0 个有 影响力的国际组织和金融机构的代表出席了会议,其中包括联合国及其各个机 [...]
委员会、国际挽救咸海基金、美国国际开发署、国际排灌委员会、国际大坝委员 会和其他机构。
The international conference in Tashkent, which marked an important stage in the
preparations for the
[...] World Water Forum, was attended by more than 350 experts, prominent scientists, [...]
environmentalists and
water management specialists from 32 countries, as well as representatives of some 30 influential international organizations and financial institutions, including the United Nations and its agencies, the World Water Council, the Global Water Partnership, the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the Economic Commission for Europe, the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, the International Commission on Large Dams and other bodies.
目标 6,指标 1 和 2:本联盟与非洲委员会的女主义者 和 女 同性恋 男 同 性 恋、 双性恋和变性者问题工作组合作设计了题为“抗击艾滋病,避免感染艾滋病”的 [...]
运动,推广防止感染艾滋病的做法,提倡平等对待感染者(首先是在制度上,在 卫生保健系统的范围内,等等)。
Goal 6, targets 1 and 2: The Campaign “Fight AIDS, not people with AIDS”, [...]
designed in cooperation with the Feminist and
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Working Groups of the African Committee, aiming at promotion of practices for protection against the infection as well as advocacy for equal treatment (in the first place institutional, in the health-care system, etc.) of infected people.
发言还提到 缺乏关于保护女同性者、男同性恋 者 、 双 性恋者和变性者的法律,这对事关大的艾 滋病毒的预防工作产生了不利影响。
Reference was also made to the lack of legislation to protect lesbians, gays, bisexual and transgender people, with a negative impact on important HIV-prevention work.
这些数字是在许 多有争议的假定的基础上产生的,没有 大 的 具体 意 义 , 但确实可以说,在全球范围内推 行专利制度对专利权所有者将相当有益,这些专利权所 者主 要 在 发达国家,而这种受益 是建立在受保护技术和产品的使用者的损失之上的,这些使用者主要在发展中国家。
Not too much should be read into the exact value of these figures, which
depend on a number of
[...] debateable assumptions, but it can safely be said that the effect of applying patent rights globally will be to benefit very considerably the holders of patent rights, mainly in developed countries, [...]
at the expense
of the users of protected technologies and goods in developing countries.
非正规移民更有可能成为仇外分子和种 主义 分 子 的 目 标,遭 受无良雇主和性骚者的侵 害,容易沦为贩运和偷运罪犯的猎物。
Irregular migrants are more likely to be targeted by xenophobes and
racists, victimized by
[...] unscrupulous employers and sexual predators, and can easily fall prey to criminal traffickers and smugglers.
促进信息和传播技术在实现国际商定发展目标方面的创新使用仍然是一项具有 大意 义的行 动,无论是从教科文组织作为信息社会世界首脑会议(WSIS)行动方针 C7:子学 习的促者这一 角色来看,还是从宣传科学信息的开放存取(OA)、自由与开放源码软件 (FOSS)的重要性方面来看均是如此。
Promoting the innovative use of ICTs for meeting
internationally agreed
[...] development goals remains an action of key importance, both in view of UNESCO’s role as facilitator of WSIS Action Line C7: “E-Learning”, and in advocating the importance of Open [...]
Access (OA) to scientific
information, and Free and Open Source Software (FOSS).
关于仇恨言论,1965 年《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约 》 ( 大 会第2106(XX) 号决议,附件)第 4 条呼吁公约缔约国宣布凡传播以种族优越或仇恨为依据之思 想,煽动种族歧视以及对任何种族或属于另一肤色或民族本源之人群实施强暴行 为或煽动此种行为者,及凡对种 主义者 之 活动给予任何协助者,包括提供经费 在内,概为犯罪行为,依法惩处。
With respect to hate speech, article 4
of the 1965
[...] International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (General Assembly resolution 2106 (XX), annex) calls on States parties to the Convention to declare as an offence punishable by law all dissemination of ideas based on racial superiority or hatred, incitement to racial discrimination, as well as all acts of violence or incitement to such acts against any race or group of persons of another colour or ethnic origin, and [...]
also the provision of any
assistance to racist activities, including the financing thereof.
(五) 巩固性别平等政 策 和 宣传 运动以 消除针 对 性别的歧视行为,向 妇女、尤 其是山 区、 偏远和贫 穷 地区 及少数民族地区 的妇女提 供 获得教 育、就业和 收入的平等机会; 加 强 预防和 打击家 庭暴 力工作,并开展旨在改大男子主义 想 法 的运动。
(v) Consolidation of gender equality policies and information campaigns to eliminate gender-based discrimination, providing women, especially those in mountainous, remote and poor areas and ethnic minority women, with equal opportunities to education, employment and income; stepping up the prevention of and combat against domestic violence, information campaigns aiming at changing the malesupremacy mentality.
根据消除对妇女歧视委员会以往的建议而制订政策和方案,以支持消 除有关传统作用的成见,并防止新的歧视妇女成见出现(德国) ;继续努力消大男子主义
In line with previous recommendations of Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, develop policies and programmes to support the elimination of stereotypes associated with traditional roles and prevent the emergence of new
stereotypes that are discriminatory against women (Germany); Continue its efforts to eliminate
[...] stereotypes based on male superiority (Turkey)
参与投资及制作的电影包括「証人」(获得7项影帝殊荣)、「綫人」(获得第30届香港电影金像奖最 男主 角 )、 「逆战」(2012年香港最卖座华语贺岁电影)、「新少林寺」、 大 魔 术 师」、「DIVA华丽之后」、「消失 子 弹 」 、「 子 弹 飞 」、「十二生肖」、「一九四二」、「王的盛宴」及「叶问 - 终极一战」。
Films financed and produced include "The Beast Stalker" (won 7
acting awards), "The
[...] Stool Pigeon" (won the Best Actor Award in the 30th Hong Kong Film Awards), "The Viral Factor" (Hong Kong’s top-grossing Chinese-language film during Lunar New Year in 2012), "Shaolin", "The Great Magician", "DIVA", [...]
"The Bullet Vanishes", "Let The Bullets Fly", "CZ12", "Back To 1942",
"The Last Supper" and "Ip Man - Final Fight".
就同一问题,安全部提议建立全面的国家反酷刑教育战略,并指出,许多 令人无法忍受的大男子主义的和 粗暴蛮横的传统行为习惯已经在洪都拉斯社会 当中根深蒂固,因而并不能仅寄望于最高当局的表态来消除这一切。
For its part, the Ministry of Security proposed creating a national strategy for education against torture, through both formal and informal education.
伊朗总统重复一些反犹太的经过理论以及诋毁的言论,包括“两次世 大战 都是犹太复主义者策划 的……[犹太复国 义者 ] 为 全人类带来严重的伤害和 苦难长达 2 000 多年”。
Iran’s President repeated a number of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and slurs, including that “the two world wars were designed by Zionists ... [who] have been inflicting very heavy damage and suffering on the whole of humanity for over 2,000 years”.
大会鼓励地中海国家依据联合国各项有关决议,进一步加强合作,打击一切 形式和表现的恐怖主义,包括恐 主义 分 子 诉 诸 大 规 模 毁灭性武器的可能性,打 击国际犯罪和非法武器转让以及非法毒品生产、吸食和贩运,因为这些行为对该 区域的和平、安全和稳定,进而对改善当前的政治、经济和社会状况,构成严重 [...]
The General Assembly encouraged the Mediterranean countries to strengthen further their cooperation in combating terrorism in all its forms and manifestations,
including the possible
[...] resort by terrorists to weapons of mass destruction, taking into account the relevant resolutions of the United Nations, and [...]
in combating international
crime and illicit arms transfers and illicit drug production, consumption and trafficking, which pose a serious threat to peace, security and stability in the region and therefore to the improvement of the current political, economic and social situation and which jeopardize friendly relations among States, hinder the development of international cooperation and result in the destruction of human rights, fundamental freedoms and the democratic basis of pluralistic society.
除占领军及其好战子、极端主义定 居 者 犯 下 的这些暴力和卑鄙行为之外, 占领国还在包括在东耶路撒冷及其周边地区的被占巴勒斯坦领土继续修建和扩 [...]
建非法定居点,严重违反国际法,公然无视国际社会关于在以色列 1967 年以来 占领的巴勒斯坦领土上全面停止定居点活动的呼吁。
In addition to these acts of violence and
depravity by the occupying
[...] forces and their militant, extremist settlers, the occupying [...]
Power also continues to construct
and expand illegal settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including in and around East Jerusalem, in grave breach of international law and in flagrant defiance of the international calls for a full cessation of settlement activities in the Palestinian land occupied by Israel since 1967.




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