

单词 大球场

See also:


sports such as soccer, basketball and volleyball that use large balls

External sources (not reviewed)

酒店靠近 13 号地铁线,搭乘地铁转瞬可抵巴黎市中心,更可轻松前往法兰 西 大球场 参 加 大型体育赛事或音乐会。
It is located near metro line 13 taking you directly to Paris city center and the Stade de France that hosts major sporting events and concerts.
在一片大约半个球场大小的 黑沙上,堆积着由石头拼排而成的“MAKAM”字眼,代表墓地的意思。
There is a “MAKAM” wording made out of the stones.
40 多年以来,委员会的工作有利于为一个开放经济体的 有序运作打下基础,从而特别帮助发展中国家分享球大市场的惠益。
For more than 40 years, the Commission’s work had contributed to forming the basis for the orderly
functioning of an open economy, thus helping developing countries in particular to share
[...] the benefits of the global marketplace.
今年,为了支持第二个联合国千年发展目标,我们希望通过举办 场大 奖 赛 来彻底改变 球 识 字 教育,改变人们旧有的教与学方法。
This year, to help support the second UN
Millennium Development Goal, we
[...] hope to revolutionize global literacy with a prize that will change [...]
what people think is possible
regarding the means and methods used to teach and learn.
由1973年起,法国巴黎银行一直热心赞助网球运动及大力支持球手与广大球迷,包括新晋球星、职业球手、球证、拾球员,甚至观众席上的家庭和爱于周末 球场大 展 身 手的健儿,由与网球结缘开始,集团一直希望让更多人投入这项运动。
Since 1973, BNP Paribas has shown unrivalled enthusiasm in its partnership with tennis and its support for both players and fans, from the rising young star to the seasoned professional, from the umpires to the ball-boys and -girls, from the family sitting in the stands to the veteran who goes out on the courts at weekends.
那時候,當時的市政總署 署長注意到,以商業方式管大球場 可 能會影響市政局本身的公平原則 ― 就是 [...]
At that time, the then Director of Urban Services recognized that
[...] management of the stadium on a commercial [...]
basis could affect the Urban Council’s
own principle of equity ― which is to ensure that everyone have a fair chance to use a public facility.
国际石油公司(根据 PFC 能 源 50 强-基于场价值对全球大型能 源上市公司的排 名,最大的公司为西方石油公司、加拿大能源和戴文能 源公司)几乎都聚焦于上游产业(勘探与生产)运营, 下游产业(炼油与销售)基本为零。
IOCs (according to the PFC 50, a ranking of the world’s largest listed energy firms by market capitalisation, the biggest are Occidental, Encana and Devon Energy) focus almost exclusively on upstream (exploration and production) operations, with little downstream (refining and marketing) activity.
据估计,在高尔球场上使 用甲基溴同样存在某种程度的风 险。
It is estimated that a certain level of risks also exists in the use of methyl bromide on golf courses.
产品广泛应用于美国、英国、德国、智利、土耳其、日本、韩国、巴西、印度、墨西哥、 大 利 亚 、巴基斯坦等国家,行业涵盖机场、港口、隧道、道路、车站、轨道交通、工业企业厂房、建筑景观、办公空间、酒店、停 场 、 足 球场 、 加油站、展厅、餐馆等各个细分行业,宏源人以原创的LVD无极灯技术成功地点亮全球,展现了对照明和节能事业的热爱和专注。
The products are widely used in the United States, Britain, Germany, Chile, Turkey, Japan, Korea, Brazil, India, Mexico, Australia, Pakistan and other countries, the industry covering the airport, ports, tunnels,
roads, stations, rail
[...] transportation, industrial enterprises plant, construction landscape, office space, hotels, car parks, soccer fields, gas stations, showrooms, restaurants and other industry segments, Hongyuan original LVD Induction [...]
Lamp successful location
of light the world, to show the love of the cause of the lighting and energy and focus.
在盖尔球场上与球迷一起欢呼, 从山崖上蹦极而下, 或在世界一流的高尔球场开球。
Roar with the crowd at a Gaelic Football match, soar off a sea cliff or tee off in one of the world’s most magnificent [...]
golf courses
旅游仍是古巴经济的一个主要引擎,因此需要外投资者参与开发酒店和服务 基础设施以及建造高尔球场等活 动,以进一步发展旅游;美国酒店连锁企业在 加勒比地区大量投资,但却不能参与古巴的项目。
Tourism continues to be one of the main driving forces of the Cuban economy. It is necessary to continue developing the tourist industry by creating opportunities for foreign investors to invest in infrastructure for hotels and other accommodation infrastructure and in the construction of golf courses, among other things, projects which United States companies in the hotel business that have invested heavily in the Caribbean region cannot access.
工作单发表时 恰逢“世界哲学日”,在此期间,编写工作单的哲学家和教育家参加了 场大 会 辩 论。
The publication was equally launched on World Philosophy Day during a conference-debate with the participation of the philosophers and pedagogues behind the worksheets.
泗水芝布特拉世界,Tunjungan商场,大 城 市,银河商场,Supermal [...]
Pakuwon Indah,泗水城市广场,Lenmarc,泗水皇家广场,东岸广场与泗水广场是当地著名的购物中心,而高科技购物中心与船塢廣場则是泗水大型的电脑与移动电话购物中心。
Ciputra World Surabaya,
[...] Tunjungan Plaza, Grand City, Galaxy Mall, [...]
Supermal Pakuwon Indah, Surabaya Town Square, Lenmarc,
Royal Plaza Surabaya, East Coast and Surabaya Plaza are just some of the famous shopping centres available, while Hi-Tech Mall, WTC and Plasa Marina are the computer and mobile phone shopping centres in Surabaya.
零星的间接火力攻击继续发生,目标是许多伊拉克政府官员和外交使团居 住的巴格达国际区,以及巴格达国际 场大 楼。
Sporadic indirect fire attacks continued, targeting the Baghdad International
Zone, where many Iraqi Government officials and diplomatic missions reside, and the Baghdad
[...] International Airport complex.
[...] 力源问题,以便在法律方面处理在轨核动力空间物体可能发生的碰撞和这些物 体意外重返球大气层 可能造成的事故或紧急情况,以及此类重返对地球表 [...]
Some delegations expressed the view that more consideration should be given to the use of nuclear power sources in outer space, especially in Earth orbits, in order to address the legal aspects of potential collisions of nuclear-powered space objects in orbit and the incidents or emergencies that might be
created by the accidental re-entry of such
[...] objects into the Earth’s atmosphere, as [...]
well as the impact of such a re-entry on
the Earth’s surface, human life and health and the ecosystem.
现在有必要发起一场 21 世纪绿色革命,这不仅是一场提高生产 率的革命,而且也是场大大减少 能耗并在同时保护生物多样性的革命。
Now, a twenty-first-century green revolution is needed — one that not only increases productivity, but also drastically reduces resource intensity and protects biodiversity at the same time.
[...] 将取决于发展中国家和国际社会如何对一系列彼此关联的 球大 趋 势 做出反应, 包括粮食、燃料和金融危机的持续;人口变化;两性平等;全球化;非法经济; [...]
However, success in achieving growth, reducing poverty and achieving the Millennium Development Goals will depend on how developing countries and the
international community react to an array
[...] of interrelated global megatrends, including [...]
the persistence of the food, fuel
and financial crises; demographic change; gender equality; globalization; the illicit economy; climate change; and the emergence of green industry.
非 洲音乐出口办公室在非洲制作了一款音乐 CD,“Les Amazones of Guinea”从 200 个申请者中 脱颖而出,他们将通过开办场大型 音 乐会在欧洲发行新专辑。
A music CD was produced by BEMA in Africa, and the “Amazons of Guinea” selected from among 200 applicants to launch their new album on a European tour with a major concert.
我 們應該向前看,積極㆞面對問題,並以合作友好的精神,奮力早日克服困難,而不
[...] 應採取消極的態度,令本港市民不能享受 大球 場 各 項活動所帶來的歡樂和刺激。
We should look forward and try to tackle these problems constructively and work together in a spirit of co-operation and goodwill to have them resolved early, rather than take a defeatist attitude and
prevent the people of Hong Kong from enjoying the fun and excitement which
[...] events held in the stadium will certainly bring.
[...] 更加公开公平的全球贸易体系,但也要对我们 球大 家 庭 中资源有限的成员提供 发展援助。
The United Nations Millennium Declaration established a new consensus: yes to a more open, more equitable
world trade system, but also yes to development financing for the
[...] members of our global family that have [...]
limited resources.
通过实施由居民自 己决定并积极参加的下列基础设施项目,使这种改善
[...] 得以实现:铺彻街道路面、建公共广场、建一堵挡土 墙、一个球场、250 个排污水渗井、10 个界石形水 [...]
龙头和 60 个公共厕所。
Projects included the paving of streets, the creation of
public spaces and the building of a
[...] retaining wall, a football stadium, 250 drainage [...]
wells, 10 drinking fountains and 60 latrines.
(c) 在王子港,评估认为,参与性方法使居民组织能够担负起社会和环境管理的责
[...] 任,并取得了以及实际成果:公路和人行道网得到了改善;修建了防护墙、步行 桥、球场、带 照明设备的社区广场、利用当地手工技艺装配了街头设施;一位 [...]
(c) At the Port-au-Prince site, the evaluation found that a participatory process empowered the neighbourhood associations to take responsibility for social and environmental management, with the following practical results: improvement of a road and pedestrian network;
construction of a retaining
[...] wall, footbridge, football ground, community squares with lighting, [...]
provision of street furniture
using local craft techniques; construction of a mural by a Haitian artist.
这里有海滨码头、18洞公共高尔 球场 、 Pa sar Seni露天艺术市场和3个主题公园。
Here you will find a marina, an eighteen-hole public golf course, Pasar Seni and three themed parks.
该专家组的 报告应有助于加速决策,以便更有效地控制这些核动力源,并有助于采取措施, 在有其他可用技术的情况下,特别是在地球轨道上限制这些动力源的使用,因为
[...] 它们在使用寿命结束时或在发生碰撞时更具危害,并能产生外层空间碎片或重新 进入球大气层
Its report should help to speed decisions for more effective control of those sources, as well as measures to limit their use in cases where other technologies exist, particularly in earth orbit, in the light of the heightened dangers they pose at the end of
their useful life or in the event of collisions, the generation of space debris
[...] or re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere.
确认海底光纤电缆传输球大部分 数据和通讯,因而对全球经济及所有国家 [...]
的国家安全都极为重要,意识到这些电缆很容易受到航运和其他活动有意和意外 的损害,注意在各种讲习班和研讨会上,已提请各国注意这些事项,意识到各国 需要制订国家法律和法规,保护海底电缆,把故意损坏电缆的行为或因重大过失
Recognizing that fibre optic submarine cables
[...] transmit most of the world’s data and communications [...]
and, hence, are vitally important
to the global economy and the national security of all States, conscious that these cables are susceptible to intentional and accidental damage from shipping and other activities, noting that these matters have been brought to the attention of States at various wor kshops and seminars, and conscious of the need for States to adopt national laws and regulations to protect submarine cables and render their wilful damage or damage by culpable negligence punishable offences
[...] 值的努力包括世界气象组织(气象组织)牵头的观测系统研究与可预报性试验 交互式球大集合 项目,其目的是加快一天到两周气象预报准确性的改善情 况。
Other efforts to improve the value of weather forecasting include the World
Meteorological Organization (WMO)-led THORPEX
[...] Interactive Grand Global Ensemble project [...]
(TIGGE), which is aimed at accelerating
improvements in the accuracy of one-day to two-week weather forecasts.
从阿布扎比驱车30分钟即可到达风景秀丽的亚斯岛,这是阿联酋的体育和休闲中心,坐拥世界级的主题公园、水上乐园、一系列高尔 球场 、 一级方程式赛道和 球场。
Approximately 30 minutes drive off Abu Dhabi is the enthralling Yas Island which is famous for being the sports and leisure centre in
the Emirates. It is home
[...] to world class theme parks, a water park, a number of golf courses, a Formula One circuit and polo fields.
该项目的首期计划于2011年开业,其中包括越南第一个拉斯维加斯式的博彩设施、一个由1100间客户的五星级MGM Grand酒店以及一个由Greg Norman设计的锦标赛级高尔球场。
Phase I of the development, scheduled to be open in 2011, includes Vietnam's first Las Vegas-style gaming facility, an 1100-room five star MGM Grand hotel, and a championship golf course designed by Greg Norman.
就算你不是很喜欢水上运动,卡文还是有众多能够享受宁静的地方——可以沿着风景秀丽的乡村骑在马背上观光,或是在美丽的高尔 球场 打 球 , 再 或者步行穿过爱尔兰西北部地区最美丽的一些山峰和峡谷。
Even if a holiday near or by the water doesn’t suit, there’s a whole host of ways to enjoy this peaceful county – try trekking on
horseback through
[...] the charming countryside, playing a round of golf at a scenic course, or walking through the hills and valleys of one of the  North [...]
West’s most scenic spots.




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