

单词 大气层核试验

See also:


nuclear weapons test

试验 pl

tests pl
trials pl

试验 n

trial n
pilot n

External sources (not reviewed)

物理学家、地震学家和其他科学家,医生和律师,妇女组织,研究机构和主张裁军的非政府组织,市长和议员,暴露大气层核试验 生 成 的放射性污染物中的“下风居民”以及广岛和长崎原子弹轰炸的幸存者和更广的公众,他们都曾为此努力。
Physicists, seismologists, and other scientists; physicians and lawyers; women’s organizations; research institutes and disarmament NGOs; mayors and parliamentarians; “downwinders”
exposed to radioactive
[...] contaminants resulting from atmospheric testing and the hibakusha, [...]
the survivors of the atomic bombings
of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; and the wider public - all have been involved.
据媒体报道,2009 年 8
[...] 月关岛代表在美国国会提出一项法案(H.R.3379),“修 订《辐照赔偿法》,将关岛领土纳入受影响地区名单中,以便允许 大气层核试 验问题提出索偿。
According to media reports, in August 2009 Guam’s delegate introduced a bill (H.R. 3379) in the United States Congress to “amend the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act to include the Territory of
Guam in the list of affected areas with respect to which
[...] claims relating to atmospheric nuclear testing shall be allowed”.
有关更多详情,请参阅核试验统计表:1945–2006年间各试验国每年所进行 大气层 和 地 下 核试验 数 量 的数值分析。
For more details see Nuclear Testing Tally:
A numeric breakdown of
[...] the number of atmospheric and underground nuclear tests conducted by each testing country for [...]
each year from 1945–2006.
1963年的《部分禁止核试验条约》禁止出于军事与和平目的而 大气层 、 水 下和 层 空 间进 行 核试验。
The 1963 Partial Test Ban
[...] Treaty banned nuclear testing for military and for peaceful purposes, in the atmosphere, underwater [...]
and in space.
1963年8月5日《禁止大气层、外 层空间和水下进 核 武 器 试验 条 约 》。
Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and Under [...]
Water, of 5 August 1963.
1963年的《部分禁核试验 条约》明令禁 大气层试验。
Atmospheric testing was banned by the 1963 Partial Test Ban Treaty.
紫外线和 X 射线观测方面的其试验对于利用卫星 和太空火箭的层大气科学 和天文学来说也是发展迅速的学科。
Other experiments in ultraviolet and X-ray observation are also rapidly growing subjects for upper atmospheric science and astronomy [...]
using satellites and sounding rockets.
1996 年 9 月 10 日大会第五十届会议续会通过了 A/50/1027 号文件所载的 《全面禁核试验条约》(第 50/245 号决议)。
At its resumed fiftieth session, on 10
[...] September 1996, the General Assembly adopted the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, as contained in document A/50/1027 (resolution [...]
Test bombs have been dropped by aircraft and fired by rockets [...]
up to 200 miles into the atmosphere.
教科文组织科学计划的项目也涉及到一些重大科学问题,如对深海、 核 、 大气层 外 围等方面的探索。
UNESCO’s projects also take on some of the big questions of science, elucidating
aspects of the deep oceans, the Earth’s inaccessible interior, and the
[...] processes at the outer limits of our atmosphere.
关于墨西哥消耗臭层物质处置试验 项 目 的拟订和执行,将由世界银行和工发组织 共同进行,但须说明,为世界银核 准 的 任何资金都将用于就如何为消耗臭氧层物质处置 共同筹资进行研究,研究费用将从今后为该项目核准的资金中扣除,但须视执行委员会对 消耗臭氧层物质处置项目供资限额可能确定的最高金额而定。
With regard to the development and
[...] implementation of the pilot ODS disposal project for Mexico, the World Bank and UNIDO would work together, on the understanding that any funds approved for the World Bank [...]
would cover a study
on how to leverage co-funding for ODS disposal and that the cost of the study could be deducted from future funds to be approved for the project depending on the maximum amount that might be agreed to by the Executive Committee as a limit for the funding of that ODS disposal project.
海洋作为全球共有财产被视为一核 心 概 念,因为它不仅提供可 立即产生经济效益的可供开发的财富和资源,而且维持着基础的生态服务功能,如 大气层 生 产 氧气,海洋和 陆地有机化合物的再度矿化。
The ocean as a global commons was considered a central concept, because it not only provides goods and resources exploitable with immediate economic benefits, but because it sustains basic ecological services, such as oxygen production to the atmosphere and the remineralization of organic compounds from ocean and land-based sources.
大会第 六十四届会议请秘书长同全面禁 核试验 条 约 组织筹备委员会协商 编写报告,说明已批准条约的国家为各国普遍加入条约作出的努力以及向请求在 批准程序上得到协助的国家提供这种协助的可能性,并向大会第六十五届会议提 出该报告(第 64/69 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General, in consultation with the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive NuclearTest-Ban [...]
Treaty Organization, to prepare
a report on the efforts of States that had ratified the Treaty towards its universalization and possibilities for providing assistance on ratification procedures to States that so requested it, and to submit such a report to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session (resolution 64/69).
其后,加大呼吁全面禁核试验条 约 组织筹备委员会将作 为国际惰气体实 验一部分而在若干放射性核素站(包括耶洛奈夫)安装的惰性 气体检测设备安装到作为条约核查系统一部分的所有放射性核素站。
Canada has since called for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization’s PrepCom to install the noble [...]
gas detection equipment
that is currently operating in select radionuclide stations (including Yellowknife) as a part of the International Noble Gas Experiment into all radionuclide stations that are a part of the Treaty’s verification system.
为一个新的有效载荷进行导弹再 大气层 飞 行 器重新设计活动,该载荷 被评定属核的性质:开展涉及将常规高能炸药有效载荷从“流星-3” 型导弹中移出并用球形核有效载荷取而代之的设计工作和模拟研究。
Missile re-entry vehicle redesign activities
[...] for a new payload assessed as being nuclear in nature: conducting design work and modelling studies [...]
involving the removal
of the conventional high explosive payload from the warhead of the Shahab-3 missile and replacing it with a spherical nuclear payload.
公约禁止在层空间试验任何 种类武器,进行军事演习和建造军事 基地和设施;报告应接核查。
The Convention banned tests of weapons of any kind, military manoeuvres and the construction of military bases and facilities [...]
in outer space.
1967 年《外层空间条约》、1967 年《援救航天员协定》、1972 年《外层空间 物体所造成损害之国际责任公约》、1972 年《关于登记射入层空间 物体的公约》、 《海牙行为守则》、《全面禁 核试验 条 约 》以及《在太空利用核动力源的原则》, 已经为层空间 活动提供了多种透明度和建立信任措施。
The 1967 Outer Space Treaty, the 1968 Agreement on the Rescue of Astronauts, the 1972 Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects, the 1975 Convention on
Registration of Objects
[...] Launched into Outer Space, the Hague Code of Conduct, and the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, together with the Principles Relevant to the Use of Nuclear Power Sources in Outer Space, already provide a range of transparency and confidence-building measures in outer space activities.
与“IGBP-IHDP-WCRP 全球碳项目”合办了一试办项 目,来开发一个海洋碳活动网 络中央信息系统,以及共同筹备和举办国际研讨班,目的是收集有关当前和未来海洋碳研究 和观测活动的资料,对海洋碳研究中的工作空白或重复劳动以及需要更多地开展适当 大气 层及/或陆地碳研究的领域做出综合评估,并对如何优化国际海洋碳研究与观测提出建议, 来达到根据这些综合评估所制定的科学和观测目标。
A pilot project collaboration was launched with the IGBP-IHDP-WCRP Global Carbon Project to develop a central web-based system of information about ocean carbon activities, and to jointly develop and implement international workshops to gather information about ongoing and planned ocean carbon research and observation activities, to produce syntheses of gaps and duplications in ocean carbon activities and areas requiring increased integration with appropriate atmospheric and/or terrestrial [...]
carbon activities,
and to produce recommendations to optimize international ocean carbon research and observations to meet scientific and observational objectives based on these syntheses.
本清单所列气溶胶吸入箱系指用于致病性微生物、病毒或毒素 气 溶 胶试验,且容量等于大于 1 立方米的气溶胶吸入箱。
Chambers designed for aerosol challenge testing with micro-organisms, viruses [...]
or toxins and having a capacity of 1 cubic metre or greater.
1967 年签署的《关于各国探索和利用外层空间包括月球与其他天体活动所应遵守原则 的条约》、1968 年签署的《关于援救航天员协定》、1972 年签署的《外层空间物 体所造成损害之国际责任公约》、1975 签署的《关于登记射入层空间 物体的公 约》、《全面禁核试验条约 》、《防止弹道导弹扩散海牙行为准则》以及《在层 空间 使用核动力源的原则》已经提供了外层空间活动领域中的各种透明度和建立 信任措施。
The 1967 Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, the 1968 Agreement on the Rescue of Astronauts, the 1972 Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects, the 1975 Convention on
Registration of Objects
[...] Launched into Outer Space, the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, the Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation and the Principles Relevant to the Use of Nuclear Power Sources in Outer Space already [...]
provide for a variety
of transparency and confidence-building measures in the field of outer space activities.
核裁军是一个错综复杂的过程,包括若干要素, 即《全面禁核试验条约 》生效;缔结一项可核查 的裂变材料禁产条约;给予消极安全保证;创建无 核武器区;以及就防止层空间 的军备竞赛达成共 识。
Nuclear disarmament was a complicated process that would entail several elements, namely, the
entry into force of the
[...] Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, the conclusion of a verifiable fissile material cut-off treaty, the granting of negative security assurances, the creation of nuclear-weapon-free zones, and a consensus on the prevention of an arms race in outer space.
大会该届会议邀请秘书长采取适当措施,同全面禁 核试验 条 约组织筹备 委员会执行秘书缔结一项规定联合国同筹备委员会之间关系的协定,以便提大 会核可(第 54/65 号决议)。
At that session, the Assembly invited the Secretary-General to take the appropriate steps to conclude with the Executive Secretary of the
Preparatory Commission
[...] for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization an agreement to regulate the relationship between the United Nations and the Preparatory Commission, to be submitted to the Assembly [...]
for its approval (resolution 54/65).
格鲁吉亚作为《不扩散核武器条约》的缔约国,欢迎安全理事会通过关于朝 鲜民主主义人民共和国的第 1874(2009)号决议,坚决支持全面禁 核试验 和 完全 消除核武器以及其大规模 杀伤性武器。
Georgia, as a State party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, welcomes the adoption of Security Council resolution 1874 (2009) regarding the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and
strongly supports the
[...] comprehensive ban of nuclear tests and the complete elimination of nuclear weapons and [...]
other weapons of mass destruction.
此外,我们坚信,使《全面禁核试验条约》及早生效和在香农任务的基础上立即开 始并及早完成关于裂变材料禁产条约的谈判是朝着 实现核裁军方向迈进必须采取的步骤,这应 大 力和 坚定地推进。
Moreover, we firmly believe that the early entry into force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty and the immediate commencement and early conclusion of negotiations on an FMCT on the basis of the Shannon mandate are essential [...]
steps towards achieving nuclear
disarmament and should be pursued with vigour and determination.
这些集成了PHY的Marvell SOHO交换机采用了经实验证的 Marvell物 层 ( P H Y)技术,并融入了许多先进的功能,例如智能电源管理(可在功耗上实现超过5 0% 的 大 幅 缩减)和虚拟电缆 试 仪 (VCT™)技术(用于执行电缆诊断以降低总的网络支持成本)。
The Marvell SOHO switches with integrated
[...] PHYs build upon proven Marvell physical layer (PHY) technology, incorporate the advanced features such as smart power management, which dramatically reduces power consumption by more than 50% and Virtual Cable Tester (VCT™) technology, [...]
which performs cable
diagnostics to reduce overall network support costs.
确认必须执行安全理事会关于朝鲜民主主义人民共和国 2006 年 10 月 9 日声 称进核试验的 2006 年 10 月 14 日第 1718(2006)号决议和安理会关于朝鲜民主 主义人民共和国 2009 年 5 月 25 日进核试验的 2 009 年 6 月 12 日第 1874(2009) 号决议,同时呼吁朝鲜民主主义人民共和国立即且无先决条件地返回六方会谈并 重大力支持早日恢复六方会谈
Recognizing the importance of implementing Security Council resolution 1718
(2006) of 14 October
[...] 2006 with regard to the nuclear test proclaimed by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on 9 October 2006 and Council resolution 1874 (2009) of 12 June 2009 with regard to the nuclear test conducted by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on 25 May 2009, while calling upon the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to return immediately and without preconditions to the Six-Party Talks, and reiterating strong support for the [...]
early resumption of the Talks
虽然报告的损失量并不大,但这种概念不符合《议定书》的环保目标:如果 不计算弥补损失的产量,CFC 生产厂家就不会有减少这种损失的积极性,从而不会减大 气层中的 CFC 排放量。
Although the loss reported was insignificant, the concept did not promote the environmental goal of the Protocol: if filling losses were not accounted for,
there would be no incentive to CFC producers to
[...] reduce such losses and thereby reduce emissions of CFCs into the atmosphere.
[...] 免载人空间系统在轨道运行时和载人空间系统的运载火箭升空阶段中发生在轨 碰撞;加强空间物体再大气层时的 地面安全;共享有关清除碎片的知识;推 [...]
The view was expressed that quality and reliability assurance, including mission assurance, should be further emphasized, as well as avoidance of in-orbit collision during orbital operation and during the ascent phase of launch vehicles for manned space
systems; increasing ground safety with regard
[...] to re-entering objects; sharing knowledge [...]
on debris removal; promoting networks
for monitoring, modelling and forecasting the space environment; and the development of design technologies.
第三、应该有必要提到大气层中造 成环境损害的不同方式;第一个方式是“ 大气层 中 引 入(有害)物质”,另一个 方式是大气层中组成平衡的交替”。
Third, it should be necessary to refer to the different
modalities of the environmental
[...] damage in the atmosphere; one is the introduction of (deleterious) substances into the atmosphere and another the alternation in the balance of composition of the atmosphere.
由于长期工作方案规划组在整个五年期所开展的工作,委员会决定在其长 期工作方案中纳入以下专题:“习惯国际法的形成与证据”,“保 大气层 ”, “条约的临时适用”,“国际投资法律中的公正和公平待遇标准”,及“武装冲 [...]
突所涉及的保护环境问题”(第十三章,A.1 节)。
As a result of the work undertaken throughout the quinquennium by the Working Group on the Long-Term Programme of Work, the Commission decided to include in its long-term programme of work the following topics: “Formation and evidence of
customary international
[...] law”, “Protection of the atmosphere”, “Provisional application of treaties”, “The [...]
fair and equitable treatment
standard in international investment law”, and “Protection of the environment in relation to armed conflicts” (chap. XIII, sect. A.1).




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