

单词 大比目鱼


(particle used for comparison and "-er than")prep



External sources (not reviewed)

Increasingly, criminals are moving from
massive phishing
[...] attacks to spear phishing on a much smaller,moretargeted scalebecause it has proven very effective.
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9 个本国一般事务人员), 因为该科在过去数年里已经所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科行动总部 诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不是以前的一级诊所;病人 从三级医院出院后在他们家里对其进行追踪观察;定期对及西区和东区 的 11 家三级医院的病人进行探访;区总部的医生开展外联活动,一周两次访问 地处偏远的办公室;在重要的活动期间向政府和作为联合国综合框架一部分的联 合国国家工作队提供支助;拟议在库马西后勤基地每天提供八小时的医疗支助, 而不两小时。
In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General Service staff) is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which
is now functioning at
[...] level I-plus rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals; patients are regularly visited in the 11 level III hospitals inAbidjan and inSector West and Sector East; doctors in the regional headquarters perform outreach activity by visiting remote offices twice a week; support is provided to the Government during important functions and to the United Nations country team as part of the United Nations integrated framework; and medical support is proposed to be provided eight hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to the current two hours a day.
South Australia abalone, Queensland scallop meat, West Australian scallop meat, USA scallop meat, Japan scallop meat (Roe off), Japan boiled scallop (Roe on), Boston lobster, Canadian snow crab section, Alaskan black cod, Chilean / Uruguay seabass, USA yellow conch meat, Belize conch meat, Alaska sea
cucumber meat, Australia sea
[...] cucumber, Greenland halibut, Canadian femalecapelin, New Zealand [...]
ling fillet, Half shell mussel,
Mussel meat, Squid head & tentacle, Squid wing, New Zealand sole, Lemon sole, Whole blue shell mussel, Australian king prawn, Vietnam white shrimp, Vietnam black tiger, Vietnam pangasius fillet, Vietnam baby cuttlefish, Philippines clam meat, Japan crab stick, Japan oyster meat, Japan breaded oyster meat, Japan chikuwa, Japan naruto maki, Thailand seafood mix.
海水养殖的其他鱼类包括鰤鱼、鲻鱼、鲷鱼、 鲈鱼、黄鱼、石斑鱼、石首鱼和其比目笛鲷、军曹鱼、鲳鲹、鳕 鱼、河鲀和金枪鱼。
Other finfish species cultured in marine water include amberjacks, seabreams, seabasses, croakers, grouper, drums, mullets, turbot and other flatfishes, snappers, cobia, pompano, cods, puffers and tunas.
As for people's
[...] appraisal of the three objectives and a number of policy proposals, they have all dropped compared to the second survey.
在提供数据的 107 个国家中,至少有 60 个发展中国家的人均收入预计将下降, 只有 7 个国家的人均国内生产总值增长率达到 3%或更高,而这一增长率被视减少贫困必须实现的最低增长率;上述 60 个国家的目比2007年的 69 个国家有 所下降,但比 2008 年的 51 个国家有所增加。
At least 60 developing countries, of the 107 countries for which data are available, are expected to suffer declining per capita incomes, while only 7 would register per capita GDP growth of 3 per cent or higher, which is considered as the minimum required growth rate for achieving significant reductions in poverty; this represents a decline from 69 countries in 2007 but an increase over the 51 countries in 2008.
[...] 国脱离接触观察员部队、联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队、非洲联盟—联合国达尔富 尔混合行动、联合国组织刚果民主共和国特派团)提大比形图,在其中 一些制图科在使用共同绘图标准方面与多国地理空间合作方案和具体 [...]
In addition, the Cartographic Section’s GIS Centre at the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy, provides large-scale topographic mapping for various missions through feature extraction of satellite images (e.g. United Nations Disengagement Observer Force, United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur, United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic
Republic of the Congo),
[...] and in someof those projectstheCartographic Sectionhas beencollaborating [...]
with the Multinational
Geospatial Cooperation Programme and individual Member States in using common mapping standards.
根据豁免10项,如果未经烹煮、包装在并无载有其他配料的容器内和并 无添加其他配料,下列食品属於肉類及海产:鹿筋/鹿尾羓/鹿鞭、雪蛤膏、海參(遼參/秃參)、海龍、海马、螺头、螺片、花胶、元贝、
Under Exemption No. 10, itemsbelonged to meat and marine products if they were in a raw state, packed in a container which contained no other ingredient and to which no other ingredient had been added: Deer tendon, ‘Luk Mei Ba’, Lubian, Hasma, Crocodile meat, Sea cucumber, Sea dragon, Sea horse, Whelk, Sliced whelk, Fish belly, Scallop, Abalone, Shark finand Shark [...]
fin bone.
It should be noted that compared to half a year ago, Hong Kong people’s positive feelings towards the
people and government of Japanhave significantly dropped
[...] by 15 and10 percentagepoints respectively,while their negative feeling towards the Japan government is as high as 45 percentge points net, obviously dueto theDiaoyu Island Incident.
自 1990 年代起即有多种海水鱼类感染病毒性神经坏死症 (Viral Nervous Necrosis disease, VNN),包括鹦鹉鱼、金目鲈、黑鲈比目鱼鱼等。
Viral Nervous Necrosis disease (VNN) has been reported in marine fishes such as parrot fish, groupers, flounders, sea bass, turbot, and striped jack since 1990 (Nguyen et al.
10.1 在 2011 年「美食博览」售卖或推广的首次引入香港市场的预先包装食品中,因为各种 原因而修改其标签的食品目比减少(2010 年为 78.0%;2011 年为 48.1%)。
10.1 Of all the new-to-market prepackaged food products, substantially less new-to-market prepackaged food products sold or promoted in the Food Expo 2011 hadsome modification of the labels (78.0% in 2010 and 48.1% in 2011).
虽然一支子基金投资于另一支子基 金的资产净值大比最高20%) 存在限制,而且一支子基金持基金的股份数量也有限制,但是在 相同的UCI内,这一结构能使用基金 中基金的投资政策,而无需两个独 立的法人实体,还能开展有效的现 金管理,其方法在于某个UCI的所有 子基金将其辅助现金投资于特别分 [...]
While there are some limitations as
[...] to themaximum percentage oftheNAV of a given sub-fund invested into another one (20% max) and to the number of sharesof target sub-funds held [...]
by the investing sub-fund,
this structure allows, within the same UCI, the use of fund of funds investment policies, without the need for two separate legal entities.
决议记錄 除非有人按照前述条款细则要求以投票方式表决,否则在主席宣布有关的决 议,已获举手表决通过或不通过,或获某特大比过,或不获通过,并且在 载有公司议事程序纪錄的簿册内亦登载相应的记项,即为有关事实的确证,而无 须证明该项决议所得的赞成票或反对票的有效性。
Unless a poll is duly demanded in accordance with the foregoing provisions a declaration by the Chairman that a resolution has been carried or lost or has or has not
been carried by any
[...] particular majority, and an entry to that effect in the records of proceedings of the Company, shall be conclusive evidence of the fact without proof of thenumber, proportion orvalidity of the vote recorded in favourof oragainst such resolution.
然而,早在 1960 年代中期以前就出现较 小规模的 200 米以下深水渔业,包括公海延绳钓作业捕捞长魣鳕、单鳍鳕大比 目鱼种以及捕捞黑等鳍叉尾带鱼等鱼种的个体渔业。
However, smaller scale fisheries deeper than 200 metres occurred well before the mid-1960s, includinghigh-seas longlining operations for species such as ling, tusk andhalibut,and artisanal fisheries for species such as black scabbardfish.
品类型更加多样化。高价值物种的贸易如对虾、明虾、鲑鱼、金枪鱼、 底层鱼类比目鲈鱼和鲷鱼,特别是向更富裕的市场出口。
High-value species such as shrimp, prawns, salmon, tuna, groundfish, flatfish, seabass and seabream are [...]
highly traded, in particular towards more prosperous markets.
由於鱼体内的汞含量与其品种密切相关,因此,专家委员会认为有 需要蒐集不同地区个别品數据,以同品含甲 基汞占总汞含量
Since the levels of mercury in fish is closely related to their species, JECFA considered a
need to gather data
[...] for individualfish speciesfrom different regions and to compare the levels of MeHg with tHg in the different fish species.
Such organisations will, in the long run, become core units of opinion research in Hong Kong, setting their own standards.
大目在与位于哥区华盛顿的一个智囊团亨利·史汀生中心 以及美洲国家组织合作,于 2008 年初在多米尼加共和国组织一个有关在加勒比 [...]
Canadais currently working with the Henry L. Stimson [...]
Centre, a Washington, D. C.-based think tank, and the Organization
of American States (OAS), to organize a workshop which will be held in the Dominican Republic in early 2008 on implementation of the resolution in the Caribbean.
[...] 察员部队、联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队、非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动,以 及联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团)将其最具技术性和最具挑战的项目 委托给了上述中心,其中包括通过来自卫星图像的特征提取提大比形制 图,在一些上述制图科在使用共同制图标准方面与多国地球空间共同 制作方案和单个会员国开展了协作。
The GIS Centre located in the United Nations Logistics Base and the Global Service Centre of the Department of Field Support (DFS) at Brindisi, Italy, is the technical centre of excellence to which missions (such as the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force, United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur and the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo) entrust their most technical and challenging
projects, including the
[...] provision of large-scale topographic mapping through feature extraction from satellite images, and in some of thoseprojects theCartographic [...]
Section has collaborated
with the Multinational Geospatial Co-production Programme and individual Member States in using common mapping standards.
As founder of e-flux, he has producedprojects such as Next Documenta Should Be Curated By An Artist (curated by Jens Hoffmann), Do it (curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist), Utopia Station poster project, and organized An Image Bank for Everyday Revolutionary Life (based on the [...]
image archive of David Alfaro Siqueiros) and Martha Rosler Library.




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