单词 | 大概的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 大概的 adjective—crude adjSee also:大概—probably • approximate • about • roughly • general idea 大概 adv—presumably adv • round adv 大的 adj—large adj 概—approximate
通过我们精选的自2000年以来供应的造纸机,您可以对我们的能力有 个 大概的 了 解。 voith.com | A selection of the paper machines delivered since the year 2000 shows the depth of our reach. voith.com |
地点的选择影响大概80%的投资 和后续成本 (包括开发成本、运输成本、工人工资、税 金和能源消耗)。 paiz.gov.pl | The choice of location affects about 80% of the [...] investment and follow-up costs (including development costs, transport costs, wages, taxes and energy). paiz.gov.pl |
例如,我们可能会使用其他公司的服务,根据您的 IP 地址获得您大概的地理位置,然后针对您的地理位置定制某些服务。 microsoftstore.com | For example, we may use services from other companies that enable us to derive a general geographic area based on your IP address in order to customize certain services to your geographic area. microsoftstore.com |
2.托盘下降时,首先在A部位进行 大概的 定 位。 kosmek.co.jp | When the pallet is lowered, it should be positioned so the blocks contact the kosmek.co.jp |
在 Orange 的 Australian Laboratory Services(ALS)根据工地的传统方法来计算密度,并检查测量,其中 有 大概 10%的体积密度样本。 goldencross.com.au | Densities were determined by classical methods on site with [...] check measurements, [...] comprising approximately 10% of the bulk density samples, conducted at Australian Laboratory Services (ALS) in Orange, NSW. goldencross.com.au |
委员会决定向联合国大会报告其得出的结论:解雇补偿的使用范围有限,仅涉及一般 事务人员和专业人员总数的 1%左右以及大概 14%的离职情况。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Commission decided to report to the General Assembly that it had concluded that the termination indemnity was used on a limited basis and covered about 1% of total General Service and Professional staff, and around 14% of all separations. unesdoc.unesco.org |
實踐表明正常冷卻條件下,可以減少 大概 2 0 -4 0 % 的 油 量 ,在良好冷卻條件下,甚至可以減少70%。 mitcalc.com | Practical experience shows that under normal cooling conditions there will be sufficient oil flow approx. 20-40% lower, under very good cooling conditions up to 70% lower. mitcalc.com |
全科实践与教育中心的组成全科实践与教育中心由医疗事务副总裁负责,副总裁为中心主任制 定 大概的 战 略目标并提供指导。 ufh.com.cn | The CPCPE is one of the entities under the authority of the Vice President of Medical Affairs who sets broad strategic objectives and provides guidance to the CPCPE Director. ufh.com.cn |
埃及和印度需要将以 往的努力增加近一倍,而尼日利亚也需要增加努力(尽管在这里由于一些原因,难以计算出 大概的增加比率)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Egypt and India would require nearly twice the previous efforts, while Nigeria would need to increase its efforts too (though in this case, for several reasons, the approximate rate of increase is difficult to calculate). unesdoc.unesco.org |
傘大概的尺寸是30`,配件則由我們所指定裝配而成。 brandhk.com | The umbrella is a generous 30` size and all the components are specified by us. brandhk.com |
本手册旨在帮助公司辨别最适合自身的证券交易所及如何在IPO筹备过程中有的放矢,也介绍了全球主要证券交易所IPO过程中的最新上市要求和信息,并进行了详细的分析,包 括 大概的 时 间 表和成本。 deloitte.com | This publication was designed to help companies identify the exchanges best suited to their circumstances and narrow the focus of IPO preparation. It introduces the major [...] global stock exchanges, detailed and up-to-date analysis of listing requirements, and [...] information regarding the IPO process. deloitte.com |
Google Maps 的移动版本有个功能叫做我的位置,这个功能通过手机信号塔的地理位置来在地图上画出 你 大概的 范 围。 insready.com | Google Maps mobile version has a built-in function called my location that uses the location of the towers your cell signal receives to draw a perimeter and triangulate your approximate location. insready.com |
这位能源领头人将花费他(她) 的大概 1 0 % - 1 5 % 的 时 间 去发展这个体系并使之到位。 csinstrument.com | The 'energy lead' will spend approximately 10% to 15% of his or her time developing the system and putting it into place. csinstrument.com |
例如,申诉人竟然对其父母的亲属情况一无所知,她竟然不了解自己母亲的 族裔出身或大概的出生 日期,也不知道她的哥哥们在哪里,这都极不可能。 daccess-ods.un.org | For example, it appears unlikely that the complainant should have had no information about her parents’ relatives or that she should be unaware of her mother’s ethnic origin or approximate date of birth, or of her brothers’ whereabouts. daccess-ods.un.org |
相反,我们会根据过去的观察记录结果提供一 个 大概的 平 均无故障时间范围。 crydom.com | Instead, we provide an estimated MTBF specification range based on historical observation. crydom.com |
请使用电话、传真或电子邮件,写上地址、姓名、电话号码、孩子的出生年月日及孩 子 的大概的 日 语水平,向下列报名处进行报名。 ih-osaka.or.jp | Apply by telephone, fax or on the i-house website's online form which contains child's name, address, telephone number, child's birth date, and the level of Japanese proficiency. ih-osaka.or.jp |
比如,在教育领域,大概 25% 的本科 生在 10 年内获 得了硕士学位(作为最高学位),但是只有 1% 的学生选择了继 续读博士。 fgereport.org | For example, about a quarter of the students with bachelor’s degrees in education earned master’s degrees (as the highest degree earned) within 10 years, but only 1% went on to earn a doctoral degree. fgereport.org |
最近房屋的拍賣雖然有回落跡象,但大家須 留意,過去數年土㆞買賣的價格㆖升,現時只是短 期 的大概 ㆒ 兩 季的回落,並不足以 令長遠來說,香港樓價的最主要部分,即土㆞的價格,㆘降至令㆟舒服的水平。 legco.gov.hk | Recently, there are signs that the upset price of properties in auctions is on the decrease, but we must note that the prices of land sales over the past last years had risen so much that the present short-term drop in prices in one to two quarters should not be enough to make the major constituent of property prices, namely land prices, drop to a comfortable level in the long run. legco.gov.hk |
2009年,据统计大概有59.8%的波兰人使 用网络。 paiz.gov.pl | In 2009, about 59.8% of Poles said they used the internet. paiz.gov.pl |
這種造型是乾隆皇帝生前設計的, 大概 是 乾隆末期設計的。 e-yaji.com | This shape is one devised during the lifetime of the Qianlong emperor, probably during the latter part of his reign. e-yaji.com |
工作组采集并分析了这三辆货车中的样品,认 定在这种混合物中四氯化碳的大概含 量为 30%,这与工厂提供的报告一致。 multilateralfund.org | Samples from the three wagons were collected and analysed and determined that the approximate content of CTC in the mixture was 30 per cent, which was consistent with the report provided by the plant. multilateralfund.org |
市民事前大概只有模糊的印象,不一定能說出組織及其負責人的名字,只依稀知道民主派參與其事。 hkupop.hku.hk | Before the demonstration, citizens probably only had some vague ideas regarding such questions, such as the involvement [...] of the democrats. hkupop.hku.hk |
因為壺腹三羊開泰圖已經出現緇色的太陽,頸部的荼白色半圓形的斑紋肯定不是代表太 陽 的 ; 大概 不 過 是石頭裏的暗色岩脈支配了切除餘料的角度以後,主要圖案以上的斑紋就自然而然地露出,而頸部的曲率也不容許多少調整。 e-yaji.com | The sun here is very clearly represented by a circular brown disk in the stone, suggesting that the white-on-brown half-circle at the neck is not meant to represent the sun, or indeed anything else; once the plane of darker colour across the main face of the bottle dictated the angle at which the stone would be cut, whatever areas of colour were present above the main design would be exposed in a pattern determined by the curvature of the neck, not amenable to much editing. e-yaji.com |
这个法案大概减 少了超过50%的商业 地产投资,因为要想得 到许可,需要同当地政府开展大量的 游 说工 作。 paiz.gov.pl | This act blocked more than 50% of the potential to create a new object in a municipality because each project was strictly combined with intensive political lobbying. paiz.gov.pl |
吉姆抓住桅杆,而Scroop变得纠缠中旗,免费的,而削减自己Scroop浮在水面了 , 大概 是 为了 他 的 死 亡。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Jim grabs the mast while Scroop becomes entangled in the flag and cuts himself free while [...] Scroop floats away, presumably to his death. seekcartoon.com |
依据《地雷影响调查报 告》来了解怀疑内有杀伤人员地雷区 域 的大概 面 积 和位置的国家尤其如此。 daccess-ods.un.org | This has been particularly the case for some States Parties that have relied on a Landmine Impact Survey report as a baseline for understanding the approximate size and location of areas suspected to contain anti-personnel mines. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此 它们不能确定信标的位置 不过 它们能够提供即时警报 这是搜索和救援人员的一种宝贵 的工具 因它使搜索和救援人员能够使用信标登记数据库开始初步核实警报 这一过程经常会产生遇难 船只或飞机的大概位置并且可以准备好搜索和救援设备或将其发送至该 大 概 区域 理想的情况是 一 颗 SARSAT 或 COSPAS 极轨道卫星在 7 个小时内飞越信标上空并计算多普勒位置 然后将它发给可能已经 启程的搜索和救援人员 oosa.unvienna.org | The process often yields a general location of the vessel or aircraft in distress, and SAR assets can be readied or dispatched to that general area. Ideally, a SARSAT or COSPAS polar- orbiting satellite will overfly the beacon within the next hour and calculate a Doppler location, which will be forwarded to the SAR personnel who may already be en route. oosa.unvienna.org |
代表团欢迎并感谢大概为数不少的用 于 文化多样性的存款金建议,同时要求各缔约方使大部 分的捐助能够捐给文化多样性国际基金,在基金内部有关资金使用的决定将本着集体精神在多边 基础上做出。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It welcomed and expressed thanks for the hopefully numerous proposals for funds-in-trust for cultural diversity, and urged the Parties to make as many contributions as possible to the Fund, where decisions relating to the use of resources would be taken in an atmosphere of collegiality and on a multilateral basis. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在我離開美國時,我接獲美國政府 Social Security Administration ─ 中文名稱大概是社會保障局 ─ 寄來的信, 告訴我因為我在美國工作了超 過 10 年,所以如果我今天是 65 歲,屆退休年齡,由現在開始,我每月便能 取得若干數額的退休金。 legco.gov.hk | Before I left the United States, I got a letter from the Social Security Administration of the United States Government, telling me that since I had worked in the United States for more than 10 years, if I were 65 years old, that is of retirement age today, then from now on, I will receive a monthly pension of a certain amount. legco.gov.hk |
在第一次与第二次报告期间,要求提供 咨询的次数增加了 100%,这大概是因为所提供的培训 课程提高了大家对道德操守问题的认识,而且管理层 和工作人员都认识到征求咨询意见带来增值。 daccess-ods.un.org | There had been a 100-per-cent increase in requests for advice between the first and second reporting periods, probably because the training courses provided had increased awareness of ethics issues and because both management and staff recognized the value added by seeking advice. daccess-ods.un.org |