

单词 大棒

大棒 ()


See also:


stick n
rod n


External sources (not reviewed)

第三,外交工作需要可施加作用力的杠杆,这意 味着胡萝卜大棒。
Thirdly, diplomacy requires leverage, and that means both carrots and sticks.
美国国家核安全管理局(NNSA)及国际原子能机构(IAEA)等促进转用低浓铀的组织,有时会采用"胡萝卜 大棒 " 的 政策来鼓励发展中国家进行转换。
Organizations that promote conversion to low-enriched uranium, such as the US National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) and the
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), sometimes
[...] employ a carrot-and-stick approach to encourage [...]
developing nations to convert.
[...] 情况下甚至感到绝望的问题是,联合国系统按目前的状况看既没有有效的“胡萝 卜”,也没有大棒”激 励和(或)阻遏员工。
However a common complaint, in some cases amounting to despair, echoed by many interviewees was that the
United Nations system as it currently stood had neither an effective
[...] “carrot” nor “stick” to motivate and/or [...]
deter staff.
我們支持 鼓勵性的做法,但如果拿着一大棒 說 : “你本來有 99 分,但今次只得 98 分,所以要打你一下;如果再得 98 分,便再打一下,儘管你的平均分仍有 99 分。
If you score just 98 marks again, we will give you one more of the same, even though your average score is still as high as 99 marks.
美 國經常 揮 舞 “ 人權大棒 , 到 處打人,今次為了石 油 而 發 動 戰 爭 , 完 全 漠 視 伊 拉 克 的國家主權和平民百姓的人權,徹底暴 露 了其霸 權主義 的 真 面 目。
Flaunting the banner of human rights, the United States frequently bullies other countries. It has started a war for the oil interest this time around, in total neglect of the sovereignty of Iraq and the human rights of the Iraqis.
爲什麽以貿易立國起家, 在與國際社會分工合作中得到過最大利益的日本會突然揮舞起貿易制裁 大棒 討 伐 起我們的 大蔥、蘑菇、燈心草了呢?
Why could Japan, once a country that proposed through tade and reaped the largest benefit from cooperation and division of work in the international community, have all of a sudden turned round and wielded the club of trade sanction to punish our onions mushrooms and rush?
公司拥有主要技术装备包括:日本NKK50吨超高功率电弧炉一座;70吨LF钢包精炼炉一座;70吨 VD真空精炼炉一座;三机三流16米半径连铸机一台;美国720轧机组成的合金 大棒 材 半连轧机组,并配有完善、先进的附属配套设备及设施,整套的物理、化学检测及气体分析设备。
The company’s main technology and facilities include one Japanese NKK 50-ton ultra-high power electric arc furnace, one 70-ton LF steel-coat ladle refining furnace, one 70-ton VD vacuum refining furnace, one 3-engine-3-flow 16m-radius continuous caster, and a semi-continuous rolling production assembly for alloy steel bars and rods consisting of American BIRDS BORO (φ720mm) rolling mill which is equipped with leading and completed supplementary facilities and physical and chemical testing equipment and gas analyzer.
卓绝的品质还表现在其中一件著名的法国雕塑杰作上,这就是原作现藏于卢浮宫的布夏尔东(Bouchardon)的用海格力斯 大棒 砍 削 成弓的爱神,十八世纪另一位雕塑巨匠穆希(Mouchy)制作的仿制品代替了原作。
This exceptional quality is explained by the fact that it was supposed to house a recognized masterpiece of French sculpture, Cupid cutting his bow from the Club of Hercules by Bouchardon whose original, now on display at the Louvre, was replaced by a replica by Mouchy, another great 18th century sculptor.
任何學生不得招攬購買或出售,或買或賣或持有, 處理,傳輸,威脅或釋放/使用某物件,而此物體有 理由被認為或可轉換成或作為武器來使用,如以下 所列,但不僅限於:刀,槍,顆粒槍,指節銅環, 煙花,打火機,催淚瓦斯,梅斯,炸藥,胡椒噴霧, 棒球棍,高爾夫球杆,棍棒(除體育用具),或類大棒的襲 擊物件,如中國星狀飛鏢,剃鬚刀,彈 丸之類。
A student shall not solicit to buy or sell, or buy or sell or possess, handle, transmit, threaten with or discharge/use, any object that can reasonably be considered or converted to and/or used as a weapon such as, but not limited to knives; guns; pellet guns; brass knuckles; fire works; lighters, tear gas, mace, explosives, pepper spray; bats, clubs, sticks (other than for athletics), or other instruments of a bludgeoning type; Chinese stars; razors; projectiles and the like.
作为开发难波地区的第一步,在位于南海难波终点站南侧 大 阪 棒 球 场旧址上,于2003年10月,融合了充满绿色的大自然与南大阪活力的、建有大型屋顶公园的复合型绿化城市-“难波PARKS”诞生了。
Namba Parks - the first stage of the Namba District Development project - opened in October 2003 on the former site of the Osaka Baseball Stadium, south of the Namba terminal station of Nankai Railway Line.
东京巨蛋内部空间大,可以举棒 球 比 赛和其 大 型 活 动,并且不受天气的影响。
Tokyo Dome's massive interior space allows baseball games and other large-scale events to be held regardless of weather.
2003年决定加入台湾职棒球大联盟 ,此时诚泰银行决定构建品牌识别(BI),以确定全新棒球队的队名、标志以及制服式样。
When Gida joined the Chinese Professional Baseball League in 2003, Macoto wished to undertake a complete overhaul of the team identity, with a new name, logo and uniform.
New versions make your applications better and more powerful.
首先特別鳴謝Trey Ratcliff製作了那棒的影片!大家 曾到過Queenstown,一定會對影片中的景點感到熟悉。
First of all, we would like to thank Trey Ratcliff for making such a great visuals of Queenstown.
典型的小方坯尺寸范围在85-240毫米之间;最终产品线材尺寸在5.5毫米之内 棒 材 产 品可 大 约 90 毫米。
The typical
[...] size range of billets is 85 mm to 240 mm; the end products range from wire rods of 5.5 mm to bars of approximately 90 mm.
宫川浩于1983年加入日建设计,所设计项目包括关西国际机场航站楼(1994年)、东京女子大学善福寺校区(1996年) 大 阪 巨 蛋 棒 球 体 育馆(1997年)、关西外国语大学中宫校区(2001年)、中国北京电视中心(2009年)以及中国广州图书馆。
His designs include a variety of projects such as the Kansai International Airport terminal building (1994), Tokyo Women’s Christian University Zenpukuji Campus (1996), the Osaka Dome baseball stadium (1997), the Kansai University of Foreign Studies Nakamiya Campus (2001), the Beijing TV Center (China, 2009), and the Guangzhou Library (China, 2012).
黄金海岸拥有包括世界闻名的“冲浪者天堂”(Surfers Paradise)在内的美丽金色海滩,将大都市生活氛围与主题公园、高端精品店和一些 大 利 亚 最 棒 的 体 育赛事融合在一起。
With superb golden beaches, including the world renowned ‘Surfers Paradise’, the Gold Coast is a mix of cosmopolitan lifestyles, theme parks, high-end boutiques, and some of Australia’s best sporting events.
這些活動包括贊助世界高爾夫球巡 迴賽、美國職棒球大聯盟 、2011 年欖球世界盃、全英音樂獎頒獎典禮以及新加坡時 裝節。
These include its sponsorship of the PGA tour, Major League Baseball in the US, the 2011 Rugby World Cup, the UK‟s BRIT Awards for rock and pop music, and the Singapore Fashion Festival.
美国职棒球大联盟的商标和版权经 MLB Advanced Media, L.P. 授权使用。
Major League Baseball trademarks and copyrights are used with the permission of MLB Advanced Media, L.P. All rights reserved.
这两天有朋友问我要图解,实话实说,当时就是看着动画片,然后自己瞎琢磨的,都没有图,不过很简单,我是用了家里不带的 棒 球 帽 改的 大 家 一 试就明白了,整个帽子就是织了三片缝在帽子上,然后加的翅膀,翅膀也是大致织出翅膀的样子,细节都是用普通缝衣针线对着动画片的样子勒出样子的,估计论坛高手姐妹一看就明白了。
These two days have my friend asked me to diagram, the truth, at that time is looking at cartoons, and then his torment, they are all without chart, but is very simple, I am using the home without old baseball cap change, we try to understand, the hat is woven three piece of seam in the hat, then add wings, wings is also roughly weave wings of appearance, details are made with ordinary hand sewing needle line to the appearance of the cartoon's like, estimate BBS superior sisters a see understand.
在许多其他交易中,它为美国职棒 球 大 联 盟的德克萨斯游骑兵队(Texas Rangers)的成功买家提供了代理服务;为Sony ATV获得披头士乐队唱片库50%的所有权实施了3亿美元的结构性债务融资;为动画电影工作室Illumination的成立提供了咨询服务,该工作室最近推出了电影《卑鄙的我》(Despicable Me),截至目前该片已经取得了3.44亿美元票房;为Participant Productions的一项2.45亿美元电影基金进行了债务融资和结构性债务融资;为《国家地理》(National Geographic)电影基金募集了1亿美元;并且实施了将CAA客户、领先的电视制作公司Authentic Entertainment出售给媒体公司Endemol的交易。
Among many other transactions, it represented the successful buyers of Major League Baseball’s Texas Rangers; structured Sony ATV’s $300 million of debt financing for its 50% ownership of the Beatles library; advised on the establishment of animation film studio Illumination, which recently released the film “Despicable Me,” earning $344 million at the box office to date; raised and structured the debt for a $245 million film fund for Participant Productions; raised $100 million for a National Geographic film fund; and conducted the sale of Authentic Entertainment, a CAA client and leading television production company, to media entity Endemol.
福克斯体育拥有许多赛事的全国独家电视转播权,它们是美国职 棒 球 大 联 盟赛(Major League Baseball),包括全明星赛、交替的联盟锦标赛系列赛以及世界联赛(2007-2013年);全国橄榄球联盟(National Football League)的国家橄榄球联合会(NFC)赛事,包括NFC锦标赛以及Super Bowls XLII和XLV比赛(2006-2011年);美国全国赛车协会(NASCAR)从2月一直到5月的Sprint Cup汽车赛,包括Daytona 500比赛(2007-2014年);Bowl Championship Series,包括Tostitos Fiesta Bowl、FedEx Orange Bowl、2007―2010年的Allstate Sugar Bowl以及2007-2009年的BCS National Championship Game;AT&T Cotton Bowl Classic。
FOX Sports is the exclusive national over-the-air television rights holder of Major League Baseball, including the All-Star Game, alternating League Championship Series and World Series (2007-2013); the National Football League's NFC package, including the NFC Championship Game and Super Bowls XLII and XLV (2006-2011); NASCAR's Sprint Cup racing from February through May, including the Daytona 500 (2007-2014); the Bowl Championship Series, featuring the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl, FedEx Orange Bowl, Allstate Sugar Bowl from 2007 through 2010 and the BCS National Championship Game from 2007 through 2009; and the AT&T Cotton Bowl Classic.
About 蒂姆•施莱佛 (Tim Shriver): 我是特殊奥林匹克事业的头号追随者,五个孩子的父亲,为人丈夫,拥有许多兄弟,心灵教师,美国职 棒 球 大 联 盟 波士顿红袜队的球迷,精神冀求者。
About Tim Shriver: I am Special Olympics Fan in Chief, father of five, husband of one, brother of many, teacher at heart, Red Sox fan, spirit seeker.
我們認為按 以上建議來界定豁免範圍,應能回應市民對某些形式的 包裝食物(主要是午餐飯盒)的關注,因為此類食物即 使已有包裝,仍有可能引起衞生問題。
We consider that by defining the scope of exemption as proposed, we should be able to address the community’s concerns about certain forms of packed food, notably lunch boxes, which could have a practical hygiene concern albeit already in some form of packaging.
(c) 一旦一个会员国、以观察国身份出席会议的罗马教廷或以观察员身份出 席会议的巴勒斯坦的名字被秘书长代表抽中,即先请该会员国、以观察国身份出 席会议的罗马教廷或以观察员身份出席会议的巴勒斯坦选择一次会议,然后再从 相对应的盒子内抽出标有会议发言时段的数字。
(c) Once the name of a Member State, the Holy See, in its capacity as observer State, or Palestine, in its capacity as observer, has been drawn by the representative of the Secretary-General, that Member State, the Holy See, in its capacity as observer State, or Palestine, in its capacity as observer, will be invited first to choose a meeting and then to draw from the appropriate box the number indicating the speaking slot in the meeting.
巴士公司亦正研究 加強抽查黑盒的有關資料,當發現有關的紀錄顯示車程時間出現 異常情況或接獲乘客投訴車長的駕駛行為,巴士公司就會利用黑 盒所紀錄的資料作出調查。
When the record showed irregularities in journey time or when passengers' complaints on the driving behaviour of bus captains were received, the bus companies would investigate the cases using the data retrieved from black boxes.
屬於本細分類的傳統食品例子有 羅望子果濃縮物(無雜質的羅望子果提取物,總可溶性固體不少於65%)、羅 望子果粉(羅望子果醬混合木薯粉)、羅望子果拖肥糖(羅望子果肉、糖、奶 固體、抗氧化劑、調味料(flavours)、穩定劑及防腐劑的混合物),以及乾棒(果肉(芒果、菠蘿或番石榴)與糖、調味料(flavours)及防腐劑混合並脫水 製成的薄片)。
Examples of traditional foods in this sub-category are: tamarind concentrate (clean extract of tamarind fruit with not less than 65% total soluble solids), tamarind powder (tamarind paste mixed with tapioca starch), tamarind toffee (mixture of tamarind pulp, sugar, milk solids, antioxidants, flavours, stabilisers and preservatives), and fruit bars (a mixture of fruit (mango, pineapple, or guava) pulp mixed with sugar, flavours and preservatives, dried into a sheet).




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