

单词 大梁



bear a heavy responsibility
play a leading role

See also:

surname Liang
beam of roof
name of Kingdoms and Dynasties at different periods

External sources (not reviewed)

预应力钢筋混凝大梁和柱 廊之间的间隔为1.6米,从而留出宽敞的图书堆放空间,并创造出一个安静舒适的读书环境。
[...] reinforced concrete beams and colonnades at [...]
1.6-meter intervals allow for spacious library stack areas and
a quiet and calm reading environment.
由于可配置后置电池,因此您可以释放宝贵 大梁 空 间
The possibility of specifying rear-mounted batteries enables you to free valuble frame space.
强大而可靠的底盘配合坚固大梁和 横 梁使斯堪尼亚备受公路起重机用户的青睐。
Robust and reliable chassis with strong frame and cross members make Scania a popular choice for truck-mounted cranes.
李心平教授指:「兩所公共衞生學院早於2001年已簽署第一份合作備忘,由時任哈佛公共衞生學院院長Barry Bloom教授及大梁卓偉教授發起。
Professor Lee said, “This renewal of MoU signifies the longstanding collaboration in teaching and research between the two
institutions which was initiated in 2001 by the then Harvard Dean Professor Barry Bloom
[...] and HKU's Professor Gabriel Leung.
更加令人惊诧的是,委员会 受理的绝大多数指控均来自于所谓的非政府组织,其总部位于“第一世界”的首 都,它们手持放大镜审视发展中国家,却对自己周围发生的事情视而不见,正所 谓“只见邻人眼中的稻草,而不见自己眼中 大梁 ”。
Even more surprising is that the overwhelming majority of the allegations which the Committee receives comes from so-called nongovernmental organizations based in the capitals of the First World, which scrutinize developing countries, and do not see what is going on in their immediate environment.
汽车行业中GMT复合材料普遍主要用于半结构部件(仪器板、后挡板、座椅等)等,而由多层纤维和多编织物增强的GMTex复合材料也成功进军以前一直由金属统治的车辆结构部件领域(如前段模块、保险 大梁 支 架 等)。
While classic GMT composite materials in the automotive industry are mainly used in semi-structural components (instrument panels, tail gates, seats etc.), GMTex composites reinforced with fabrics and layered fibers are also conquering structural vehicle components, until now the preserve of metals (e.g. front ends and bumper brackets).
该建筑物的高度较低以及单斜屋顶,使得整栋建筑在水平方向更有延伸感,而由位于700mm中心地带、暴露在外的层压杉 大梁 支 撑 的纵深屋顶集成了通风系统,可以显著改善隔热状况。
The building's limited height and monopitch roof emphasize the horizontal lines of the site,
while the deep roof, supported by exposed,
[...] laminated fir crossbeams at 700mm centers, [...]
incorporates ventilation that significantly enhances insulation.
提议编列差旅费 266 500 美元,用于开展以下技术支持活动:现场评价和
[...] 技术援助,包括评估外地行动在大 驻 各 省办事处和其他合同活动方面的进展、 [...]
采购招标进程、战略部署物资储存的仓库存货和编目问题,以及审查外地燃料作 业情况(166 000
美元);加强外地航空安全负责人员的知识和技能,并制定联合 国航空安全共同标准公式,以便联合国不同的实体使用联合国空中资产(65 300 美元);在维和特派团实施电子口粮管理系统和电子燃料管理系统(35 200 美 元)。
The amount of $266,500 is proposed for travel to undertake the following technical support activities: on-site evaluations and provision of technical assistance, including for assessing
progress in field operations in connection with
[...] the expansion of provincial offices [...]
and other contractual activities, the procurement
solicitation process, strategic deployment stock warehouse inventory and codification issues, and review of fuel operations in the field ($166,000); improve knowledge and technical skills of staff in the field charged with aviation safety and establish a formulation of the United Nations Common Aviation Safety Standards for the use of air assets between different United Nations entities ($65,300); and implementation of the electronic rations management system and the electronic fuel management system in peacekeeping missions ($35,200).
2010 年,马来西亚政府已经申办以“朝着文明联盟:为实现和平和发展搭 建梁”为主题大会。
In 2010, the Government of Malaysia has generously offered to host the conference under the theme “Towards an alliance of civilizations: building bridges to achieve peace and development”.
鍾庭耀認為:「最新調查顯示,在梁家傑和曾蔭權正式開展選舉工程後約一星期,兩名候選人的整體民望數字變化不算 大 , 但 梁 家 傑 在高學歷和專業人士的支持,以及曾蔭權在自稱沒有政治傾向人士中的支持,似乎有所流失,轉持觀望態度。
Robert Chung also observed, "About a week after Donald Tsang and Alan Leong began their election campaigns, the overall
popularity of the two candidates has not
[...] changed much. However, Leong's support among the [...]
more educated and professionals, and Tsang's
support among the politically non-aligned, seem to have dropped, as some supporters have become 'uncertain'.
凭借多年积累的管道支吊架设计、生产经验,博耕管道支架(江苏)有限公司提供全系列 的管道支撑设备,包括恒力弹簧支吊架&可变弹簧支吊架、液压阻尼器、低温管道支架、隔离&绝缘材 料、低摩擦滑动支座大量的梁部连 接件、管夹、螺杆和 U 型螺栓等。
As a result of many years’design and production experience, Bergen Pipe Supports (Jiangsu) Limited offers a complete range of pipe supporting equipment including constant & variable effort supports, hydraulic snubbers, cryogenic pipe supports, isolation & insulation materials, low-friction slide bearings and a wealth of hardware from beam attachments to pipe clamps, hanger rods to u-bolts.
大会反恐执行工作队能为安全理事会 各附属机构和其他机构之间建立起 梁 做 出 巨 大贡 献
The Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force of the General Assembly can greatly contribute to building bridges between the different Security Council subsidiary bodies and other agencies.
我们充分认识到,阿富汗的经济活力取决于 它能否更充分地融入周边地区,从而恢复它作为南 亚、中亚、中东和欧大陆之间桥梁 的 历 史作用。
We are fully cognizant that the economic viability of Afghanistan depends on its fuller integration into its neighbourhood so that it can regain its historical role as a land bridge between South Asia, Central Asia, the Middle East and Eurasia.
扶靈嘉賓包括:財政司司長曾俊華先生、Panasonic Corporation
[...] [...] 副社長坂本俊弘先生、香港大學校長徐立之教授、日本駐港總領事(署理)松永大介先生、其士集團主席周亦卿博士、清華大學副校長陳吉寧教授、北京大學副校長李岩松博士、中央駐港聯絡辦公室教育科技部部長潘永華教授、陳瑞顯太平紳士以及香港公 大 學 校 長 梁 智 仁 教授。
Pallbearers included Mr. John Tsang, Financial Secretary of HKSAR; Mr. Sakamoto Toshihiro, Vice President of Panasonic Corporation; Professor Lap-Chee Tsui, Vice-Chancellor and President of The University of Hong Kong; Mr. Daisuke Matsunaga, Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong (Acting); Dr. Chow Yei Ching, Chairman of Chevalier Group; Professor Chen Jining, Vice President of Tsinghua University; Professor Li Yansong, Vice President of Peking University; Professor Pan Yong-hua, Director General of Education; Science and Technology Department, Liaison Office of the Central People's
Government in the HKSAR; Mr. Michael Chan, JP;
[...] Professor John C. Y. Leong, President of The Open University of [...]
Hong Kong.
沒錯,這大遊行沒有產大"英雄 ",但是 梁 家 傑 、余若薇、吳靄儀 大 律 師 則有特殊的影響力,難 梁 、 余 兩位在7.9集會上台時受到群眾熱烈歡呼,正顯示出專業知識系統在香港的重要性。
Yes, there was no "hero" in the July 1 demonstration, but the influence from prominent barristers like Alan Leong, Audrey Eu and Margaret Ng was tremendous.
向将成为祖国大阪的交流梁、地 区的发展和交流的旗手的外国留学生展开支援活动。
Osaka International House Foundation strives to support the foreign students who act as a bridge between Osaka and their homelands, contribute to the development of the region, and will play a significant role in the progress of international exchange in the future.
本研討會特別邀請瑞士國家材料測試研究院 MEIER 教授、 美國奧勒崗州交通局橋梁工程組組長 Ben TANG 博士、加大渥 太梁研究院 Moe M.S. CHEUNG 教授、南京工業大學 W.Q. LIU 教授、香港理工大學 J.G. TENG 教授、日本京都大學 SUGIURA 教授及韓國國民大學 S.W. LEE 教授與國內台灣大學周 中哲教授、磁震科技開發股份有限公司翁慶隆董事長、中華顧問 工程司盛力航顧問及國家防災科技中心李中生博士等學者專家 們,與產官學研各界共同探討 FRP 複合材料於工程之應用。
Some outstanding professors and senior researchers were invited to present their achievements in the applications of FRP composites in civil engineering and to share their experiences. These include: Professor Urs MEIER from Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research, Switzerland; Dr. Benjamin TANG from the Bridge Engineering Section of the Oregon Department of Transportation, USA; Professor Moe M.S. CHEUNG from the Ottawa-Carleton Bridge Research Institute, Canada; Professor W.Q. LIU from Nanjing University of Technology, China; Professor J.G. TENG from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong; Professor SUGIURA from Kyoto University, Japan; Professor S.W. LEE from Kookmin University, Korea; Professor C.C. CHOU from the National Taiwan University; Adviser L.H. SHENG from China Engineering Consultants Inc.
这包括:兴建中的若开邦首府实兑附近 的印度洋海域深海港口以及平行公路、高速铁路、 石油管道和天然气管道,这将建起一个缅甸通往中 国西南部内陆省份的能源和贸易走廊;加叻丹多式 运输项目(Kaladan multi-modal project)将在印度 洋和印度东部沿海地区之间、印度洋和印度东北部 内陆地区之间建起一条交通走廊;以及达维发展项 目(Dawei Development Project),按照计划,该项 目将在缅甸南部修建一大型工业区和一个现代化 深海港,以及连通泰国并进一步通至越南的公路和 铁路,这样可以从陆路将货物运送至泰国和越南, 比起经马六甲海峡的海路运输要少花好几天时间。
These include: a deep-sea port being constructed on the Indian Ocean near the Rakhine State capital of Sittwe, and parallel road, high-speed rail, and oil and natural gas pipelines that will create an energy and trade corridor to China’s landlocked south west; the Kaladan multi-modal project that will create a transportation corridor between the Indian Ocean and India’s eastern seaboard and its landlocked north east; and the Dawei Development Project which, if completed according to plan, would include a large industrial estate and modern deep-sea port in the south, with road and rail links for transhipment of goods to Thailand and on to Vietnam, cutting several days off the sea route through the Straits of Malacca.
(ii) 教科文组织在可持续的水资源管理方面作为沟通其他国家、国际组织和相关 非政府组织的梁作用对扩大该中心的影响至关重要。
(ii) UNESCO’s role as a bridge to other countries, international organizations and relevant NGOs working on sustainable water resource management issues is essential for a successful exposure of the Centre.
设计,建造和维护各类民用设施,及提供日常居民服务,包括:医疗,运动场 馆,通讯网络,梁,公路,水道 大 坝 ,水处理,垃圾处理和公共建筑。
The design, construction and maintenance of facilities and provision of services that people use everyday including
medical, sports stadiums,
[...] communication network, bridges, roads, canals, dams, water processing, [...]
waste services and public buildings.
此外,「国内社会基础设施的报告卡(Report Card FOR
[...] AMERICA'S Infrastructure)」中,梁、大坝等 基础设施的劣化、危险状况按州別、种类別等进行报告,在通知维持管理和改修的必要性的同时,也自在呼吁提供资金。
In "Report Card FOR AMERICA'S INFRASTRUCTURE", conditions
of deterioration or danger of
[...] infrastructure such as bridges and dams are reported [...]
by states and categories to inform necessity
of maintenance or improvement, for which the section also calls attention to raise fund.
關於對藝團的資助,委員普遍認為,政府當局必須(a) 確保撥款資源在演藝團體之間得到合理而公平的分配;(b)檢討當 局資助主要演藝團體的現行模式,以免窒礙沒有接受資助的商業 藝團的發展;(c)提供更多資助以支援中小型藝團及新進藝術家; (d)探討有何方法可盡量減少在營辦藝術活動方面的員工和行政開 支,以便把節省下來的款項重新撥作藝術發展用途;(e)研究現行 撥款政策在達致各項政策目標方面的成效,例如鼓勵藝術與文化 作多元均衡發展的政策目標;及(f)考慮增加文化藝術方面的整體 撥款,因為現時有迫切需要實現西九文化區計劃的願景。
Regarding funding support for the arts groups, members in generally considered that the Administration should (a) ensure a reasonable and fair distribution of funding resources amongst arts groups; (b) review the existing mode of subsidy for the major performing arts groups to avoid stifling the development of non-subvented commercial arts groups; (c) provide more funding for the support of small and medium sized arts groups and budding artists; (d) explore means to minimize staffing and administrative expenses in the operation of arts programmes so that the savings could be re-allocated to the use of arts development; (e) examine the effectiveness of the current funding policy in achieving the policy goals, such as encouraging diversified and balanced development of arts and culture; and (f) consider increasing its overall allocation of funding for culture and the arts, given the imminent need to achieve the vision of the West Kowloon Culture District project.
对于小型机构而言,地理中心成为另外一 个挑战,考虑到它们在联邦首都之外的代表性有限;教科文组织正在通过与联邦和省政府部 门以及其他相关合作伙伴进一步密切合作来解决这一问题。
For smaller agencies, geographical focus is another challenge, considering their limited representation outside the federal capital; a problem which UNESCO is addressing by furthering its already close cooperation with the federal and provincial government departments and other partners concerned.
在 “本會 促請政府”之後刪除“ 審慎評估落實小班教學所需”,並以 “ 善 用中小學學生人口 下 降 所 節 省”代替 ;在“ 資 源 , ”之前 刪除 “ 額 外”及在其後 刪除“ 衡 量 政府及家長雙 方的承擔, 並 在 確保”, 並以“進 行 小班教學的”代替;在“師資 培 訓 ”之後刪除“得以配 合 下”,並以“,並以分 區 分 級 的過渡 模式”代替;及 在 “ 逐 步 在小學” 之後加上“和初 中開始”。
To delete "prudently assess" after "the Government to" and substitute with "make optimal use of"; to delete "additional" before "resources"; to delete "required for implementing" after "resources" and substitute with "saved due to the drop in the primary and secondary school student population to provide training for teachers on"; to delete ", weigh the commitments of both the Government and parents and, by ensuring that complementing training for teachers is available" before ", progressively implement small class teaching" and substitute with "and, through a 'by district and by grade' mode of transition"; to delete "in" after "progressively implement small class teaching" and substitute with ", starting with"; and to add "and junior secondary forms," after "primary schools".
本公司亦將於股東週大會上 按股東週 大 會 通 告載列的條款,就授予董事發行授權 提呈普通決議案,以配發、發行及處理不超過本公司於有關決議案通過當日之已發行股本 面值總額20%之股份,以及於截至下列時間(以最早者為準)止期間內任何時間,將相當於 本公司於授出購回授權後購回之股份面值總額之任何股份,加入將授予董事之發行授權 內:(a)本公司下屆股東週大會結 束時;(b)細則或任何適用法例規定本公司須舉行下屆股 東週大會之 期限屆滿時;及(c)該授權於股 大 會 上以普通決議案撤銷或修訂當日。
Ordinary resolutions will also be proposed at the Annual General Meeting in respect of the granting of the Issue Mandate to the Directors, in the terms set out in the notice of the Annual General Meeting, to allot, issue and deal with Shares not exceeding 20% of the aggregate nominal amount of the share capital of
the Company in issue as at the date of
[...] passing the relevant resolution, and adding to the Issue Mandate so granted to the Directors any Shares representing the aggregate nominal amount of the Shares repurchased by the Company after the granting of the Repurchase Mandate, at any time during the period ended on the earliest of (a) the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company; (b) the expiration of the period within which the next annual general meeting of the Company is required by the Articles or any applicable laws to be held; and (c) the date upon which such authority is revoked or varied by an ordinary resolution at a general meeting of Shareholders.
倘該等 公司細則中關於股大會的 所有規定作出必要修訂,亦適用於各個另行召開的股大 會, 惟所需的法定人數為不少於兩名人士或由受委代表(或倘股東為法團,則作為有 關法團的正式授權代表)持有該類別已發行股份面值至少三分之一,及於續會上,不 [...]
有該類別股份及該類別股份的任何持有人親身或由受委代表出席者(或倘股東為法 團,則作為有關法團的正式授權代表)均有權要求投票表決。
To every such separate general meeting the provisions of these Bye-laws relating to general meetings shall mutatis [...]
mutandis apply, but so that the necessary
quorum shall be not less than two persons holding or representing by proxy (or, in the case of a member being a corporation, as the duly authorised representative of such corporation) at least one-third in nominal value of the issued shares of that class, and at an adjourned meeting not less than two persons holding or representing by proxy (or, in the case of a member being a corporation, as the duly authorised representative of such corporation) shares of that class, and that any holder of shares of the class present in person or by proxy (or, in the case of a member being a corporation, as the duly authorised representative of such corporation) may demand a poll.
大批具 体的建议已提交给对话的协调员,如建 大 学 的 对话与网络;青年科学家的 对话,邀请教科文组织教席担任者参与对话活动;两个地区的实习记者和资深新闻工作者的 对话;举行青年论坛;重新启动文学作品翻译委员会,增加用欧洲语言翻译的阿拉伯作品; 学校教科书的比较研究;文化产业专业人士的对话;举办跨地区会议,探讨欧洲历史教科书 [...] [...]
A host of concrete proposals were suggested to the coordinators of the Dialogue, such as: dialogue and networking among universities; [...]
dialogue among young
scientists, involving UNESCO chairholders in dialogue activities; dialogue among student journalists and seasoned media practitioners from both regions; the holding of youth forums; reactivation of the Committee for the Translation of Literary Works and increase in the translation of Arabic works into European languages; a comparative study of school textbooks; dialogue involving professionals from cultural industries; the organization of an interregional conference on the image of Arab-Islamic culture in European history books.
相關股份中擁有權益或淡倉,而該等權益或淡倉根據證券及期貨條例第XV部第2及第 3分部的條文須向本公司作出披露,或直接或間接擁有面值10%或以上任何類別股本
[...] 權益(或與該等股本有關的購股權),而該等股本附有權利可於任何情況下在本集團 任何其他成員公司的股大會上投票。
Save as disclosed above, as at the Latest Practical Date, the Directors are not aware of any other person who had an interest or short position in the Shares or underlying Shares of the Company which would fall to be disclosed to the Company under the provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO, or who was, directly or indirectly, interested in 10% or more of the nominal value of any class of share capital, or options in
respect of such capital, carrying rights to vote in all
[...] circumstances at general meetings of [...]
any other member of the Group.




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