

单词 大校



commodore (= US Navy equivalent)




Chungnam National University, Daejeon, South Korea

External sources (not reviewed)

附錄二:2011年8月至12月期間於大校 園 錄 得有鳥類使用的植物,共83種,另有一種寄生生長於水松Glyptostrobus [...]
pensilis 之上,未有記錄。
Appendix II: From August to December 2011, birds on the
[...] Chinese University campus used 83 species [...]
of plants except for a parasitic plant (Taxillus.
Sp) growing on Water Pine (Glyptostrobus pensilis).
2006年兩所大學宣佈成立「HKU-UBC李國賢堂」,為 大校 園 內 之國際生宿舍及文化中心。
In 2006, the two universities announced the creation of
the Simon K.Y. Lee HKU-UBC House, a new international student residence and cultural
[...] centre for UBC's Vancouver campus.
部分其他委員則認為無須在法例中訂立機制, 以規定在大校務委員會中加入立法會代表,因為並非所有大學教育 資助委員會(“教資會”)資助院校的管治團體也設有立法會代表,這些 管治團體的成員人數亦有限。
Some other members do not consider it necessary to build in a mechanism in law to provide Legislative Council representation in the Council of the HKU, as not all University Grants Committee (UGC)-funded institutions have Legislative Council representation in their governing bodies, the membership of which is limited.
2010年香港大學(修訂)條例草案》(“條例草案”)的主要目的,是 糾正香港大學(“大”)校董會 和校務委員會在現行條例下,其角色描 述與現實的不相符之處,以及以新的學術名銜取代舊的學術名銜。
The University of Hong Kong (Amendment) Bill 2010 (the Bill) mainly seeks to rectify the inconsistency between the roles of the Court and the Council of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) as described in the existing Ordinance and those in practice, and to replace the old academic titles with new academic titles.
張教授一直孜孜不倦地工作,從他在1996年起出任 大校 長 後,便致力於法國和香港間大學與科學發展的交流,在2004年更設立雙文憑制度,與 l’université de Paris-Dauphine合作舉辦碩士經濟數學課程,眾多優秀的法國高級教授也參與任教。
His tireless action, since his
nomination in 1996 as a
[...] president of City University of Hong Kong, in favour of the development of university and scientific relations of the highest level [...]
between France and
Hong Kong, marked by the creation of the first double-diploma in 2004, a master degree in financial mathematics collaborating with l’Université de Paris-Dauphine, the nomination of several high level French professors within the teaching team
校雖為大校,可學生的考勤率非常高,停課及開除 率皆在最低之列,實在值得自豪。
Lincoln is committed to restorative practices in all matters of student discipline and although Lincoln is a large school with high attendance rates, we boast among the lowest suspension and expulsion rates.
在大埔第 39 區南部施工的地盤平整工程進展良好,可在 2010 年年底完成,屆時會 有大約 7
[...] 公頃的平整土地,供香港中文大學 大校 園 發 展計劃,以及其他政府、機 構或社區及教育用途使用。
The land formation works under construction at the southern portion of Tai Po Area 39 are in satisfactory progress for completion by
end 2010. About 7 hectares of land will be
[...] formed for the campus development of [...]
the Chinese University of Hong Kong as well
as for other Government, Institution or Community and Education development.
在大埔平整 的約 7.1
[...] 公頃土地,主要是配合香港中文大學 大校 園 發 展計劃,以及根據規劃圖 則提供經平整後的土地,供政府、機構或社區及教育之用。
The purpose of land formation of
about 7.1 hectares in Tai Po is mainly to
[...] tie in with the campus development of [...]
the Chinese University of Hong Kong, as well
as to provide formed sites in accordance with the town plans for Government, Institution or Community and Education usages.
还得到批准的项目有:为便利具有特殊需求的学生进 入校、大学图 书馆盲人“视觉方案”而开 大 学 校 车 , 以及为具特殊需求者开 办各种远程教育和工作方案。
Further subjects of approval were the operation of university transport to facilitate access by special needs students to institutions of learning, university library “sight programmes” for blind persons and the implementation of various distance learning and work programmes for persons with special needs.
高等教育中残疾学生的数量和百分比 秘鲁高等教育体系包括职业技术教育、非大学类高等教育 校 、 大 学。
Number and percentage of students with disabilities in tertiary education In the Peruvian education system, tertiary
education includes technical/vocational education, non-university higher-education
[...] institutions or schools, and universities.
公立校、大学、 研究生院、 国际私立学校及寄宿学校因高水平的教学质量而在国际上享有 盛誉。
Public schools, universities, postgraduate studies and international private schools and boarding schools are known worldwide for their quality.
[...] 家和全球各级抗击这一流行病的努力,并同意与这些新领导者合作,协助拟定具 体措施,使青年参与社区、家庭、 校 、 大 专 院 校 、 娱 乐中心和工作场所的艾滋 病毒防治工作
Commit to encouraging and supporting the active involvement and leadership of young people, including those living with HIV, in the fight against the epidemic at the local, national and global levels, and agree to work with these new leaders to help to develop specific measures to engage young
people about HIV, including in
[...] communities, families, schools, tertiary institutions, [...]
recreation centres and workplaces
一个旨在非洲的重点教师进修学院进行重 大能力建设活动的整体性战略已被最终制定出来,通过这个战略所有重点院校人员在 2003 年里都将参与分地区的工作会议,会议与经济区相联系,目的是在师范 校 、 大 学 的 师范院 系和政府之间增加关于全民教育承诺的网络联系和对话。
A holistic strategy was finalized for the major initiative capacity-building of lead teacher-training institutions in Africa, through which all lead institution-players in the 2003 process will participate in subregional work sessions, linked to economic zones, aimed at increasing networking and dialogue among teacher colleges, university teacher-faculties and governments with respect to national EFA commitments.
教科文组织的教席活动为大学内部的本科学习提供了支持,在日本的研究中心和别处 对研究生进行了培训,许多校大学 生在接待国的合资企业接受了培训。
The UNESCO Chair activities have supported in-house graduate studies, graduate students have trained in research centres in Japan and elsewhere and many undergraduates have trained at joint venture companies in the recipient country.
此外,媒体的广泛兴趣以及校、大 学和文化协会的活动在促进国际母语日的目标方面发挥了积极作用。
In addition, widespread media interest and the
[...] activities of schools, universities [...]
and cultural associations play an active part
in promoting the goals of International Mother Language Day.
基金会代表出席了下列与特殊疾病有关的国际会议:肾联合会国际联合会国 际会议(2007 年 4 月,巴西库里蒂巴)、肾联合会国际联合会国际会议(2008 年 5 月,德国美因茨)、欧洲罕见疾病国际会议(2008 年 5 月,丹麦罗斯基勒)、地中 海贫血病国际联合会国际会议(2008 年 10 月,新加坡)、欧洲肾协会国际会议 (2008 年 5
月,斯德哥尔摩)、地中海贫血病国际联合会国际会议(2007 年 11 月, 里斯本)、国际输血学会国际会议(2007 年 11 月,河内)、肾联合会国际联合会国 际会议(2006 年 6
[...] 月,意大利西西里),以及地中海贫血病国际联合会国际暑期校大会(2006 年 4 月,土耳其安纳托利亚)。
Representatives have attended the following international conferences related to special diseases: International Federation of Kidney Federations international conference (Curitiba, Brazil, April 2007), International Federation of Kidney Federations international conference (Mainz, Germany, May 2008), European Rare Diseases (Eurodis) international conference (Roskilde, Denmark, May 2008), Thalassaemia International Federation international conference (Singapore, October 2008), European Renal Associations international conference (Stockholm, May 2008), Thalassaemia International Federation international conference (Lisbon, November 2007), International Society of Blood Transfusion international conference (Hanoi, November 2007), International Federation of Kidney Federations international conference (Sicily, Italy,
June 2006), and Thalassaemia International Federation,
[...] international summer school congress (Anatolia, Turkey, [...]
April 2006).
Bridge Learning将在全地区的国际校大会和 英语教学会议上推广整套Ballard [...]
& Tighe,并在Bridge Learning教育顾问的支持下通过学校直销和网络营销拓展Ballard & Tighe的使用范围。
Bridge Learning will be expanding Ballard & Tighe's reach by
promoting the entire Ballard & Tighe line at
[...] international school conferences and [...]
English language teaching events throughout
the region, as well as direct sales efforts at schools and through online marketing -- all supported by Bridge Learning's educational consultants.
透過安全校大使計 劃和青少年外展工作 隊,我們致力使每個學生在學校都佔有一席位,積極參與學校活動,對學校產生歸屬感,真真正正活出校大家庭一份子的角色來。
We also offer service learning leadership opportunities through our Safe School Ambassador Program and our Youth Outreach Worker Corps, (Yows) We are working hard to make sure that there is a place for every student [...]
to belong at Hoover,
which is what being an "Ohana" is all about.
这个社区里没有人上过正规校;大 多 数人都靠在路边缝补鞋子维持生计。
No one in this neighbourhood
[...] attended formal school; most make a living [...]
by stitching and mending shoes on the roadside.
此 外,為促使高、中層管理人員進一步開拓及發展個人能力,集團與重慶、西安及湖南三間大學合作推展「精 進計劃」,旨在利用「師友」教學同進步之優勢,雙向提升導師以及 校大 學 生 之能力。
Under the programme’s “win-win” structure, both mentors and students were able to improve their capabilities.
在内 罗毕,向前来参观的当地和国际校 、 大 学 和 代表团免费提供导游游览。
At Nairobi, guided tours are offered to visitors from local and
[...] international schools, universities [...]
and delegations free of charge.
大批具 体的建议已提交给对话的协调员,如建 大 学 的 对话与网络;青年科学家的 对话,邀请教科文组织教席担任者参与对话活动;两个地区的实习记者和资深新闻工作者的 对话;举行青年论坛;重新启动文学作品翻译委员会,增加用欧洲语言翻译的阿拉伯作品;校教科 书的比较研究;文化产业专业人士的对话;举办跨地区会议,探讨欧洲历史教科书 中阿拉伯伊斯兰文化的形象。
A host of concrete proposals were suggested to the coordinators of the
Dialogue, such as: dialogue
[...] and networking among universities; dialogue among young scientists, involving UNESCO chairholders in dialogue activities; dialogue among student journalists and seasoned media practitioners from both regions; the holding of youth forums; reactivation of the Committee for the Translation of Literary Works and increase in the translation of Arabic works into European languages; a comparative study of school textbooks; dialogue [...]
involving professionals
from cultural industries; the organization of an interregional conference on the image of Arab-Islamic culture in European history books.
[...] 单剂量药物对医治象皮病、通过土壤传播的蠕虫病和蟠尾线虫病很有效,因而有 可能通过在发病社区或校大规模 发放药物来控制这些疾病。
Single doses of low-cost drugs are effective in treating lymphatic filariasis, soil-transmitted
helminthes and onchocerciasis, making possible their control via mass drug administration to
[...] affected communities or in schools.
这些暴力行为主要影响 无辜平民,特别是妇女、儿童、老人和残疾人,其形式包括绑架,强迫失踪,非
[...] 法拘留,摧毁经济设施和基础设施、礼拜场所、 校 、 大 学 和交通、通信、电 力、燃料和供水网络等,以及袭击族裔和宗教少数群体。
The violence, which mainly affected innocent civilians, in particular women, children, older persons and persons with disabilities, took the form of abductions, forced disappearances, illegal detention, the destruction of economic
facilities and infrastructure, as well as
[...] places of worship, schools, universities [...]
and transport, communications, electricity,
fuel and water networks, together with attacks against ethnic and religious minorities.
所说的情况,许多国家在推动人权教育方面取得了进 展,从发展和制定政府官员的培训计划,以通过国家
[...] 法律、战略或行动计划,到制定人权课程、把人权教 育纳入学习和校大纲及 课外活动、通过开展运动和 举行会议来提高公众认识,以及通过各次区域和国际 [...]
We laud the progress that many countries have made in promoting human rights education, as reflected in the report of the Secretary-General (A/64/293), from adopting national laws, strategies or plans of action through developing and instituting training programmes for public officials, to developing human rights curricula,
incorporating human rights education in
[...] learning and in school programmes and extra-curricular [...]
activities, raising public awareness
through campaigns and conferences, and supporting human rights education through various regional and international conferences.
氟氯烃分配配额和进口配额、 R-141B 消费淘汰、将科隆自由贸易区纳入许可证制 度、编制针对海关检查人员的实用培训方案和定期检查氟氯烃装运情况、制定和执行氟氯
[...] 烃进口配额分配新进程、与科隆自由贸易区再出口商协作、与 校 、 大 学 和非政府组织合 作开展宣传活动、培训关税经纪人、建立一个数据库以及时管制氟氯烃、开展首批氟氯烃 [...]
Assigned quotas and import quotas for HCFC, R-141B consumption phase-out, include the Colon Free Zone in the licensing system, prepare and bind practical training programme addressed to customs inspectors and carry out periodical inspections to HCFC shipments, develop and implement laws to control HCFCs, develop training programmess to customs officials, RAC technicians and teachers and keep imports informed on the new process for the assignment of HCFC import quotas, coordinate with Colon
Free Zone re-exporters, carry out promotion
[...] activities with schools, universities and [...]
non-governmental organizations (NGOs),
train customs brokers, develop a database for timely control of HCFCs, develop the first activities of the HPMP to maintain baseline consumption.
陷于冲突中的阿富汗儿童的困境依然令我国代 表团感到关切,在这方面,我们强烈谴责上周日一名 骑摩托车的疑似武装分子袭击一所学校的行为,此人 向校大门投掷了一枚手榴弹。
My delegation remains concerned by the plight of children caught up in conflict in Afghanistan, and in this connection we
strongly condemn the
[...] attack on a school on Sunday by a suspected militant on a motorcycle, who threw a hand grenade at the gates of the school.
以色列蓄意破坏校、大学、公共服务、电力和饮水 系统等基础设施以及 21 [...]
000 所房屋,从而使已经负 的人类发展指标恶化,并且使加沙人民陷入极端贫 困。
It deliberately destroyed
[...] infrastructure such as schools, universities, [...]
public services, electricity and water systems and
21,000 homes, thus worsening the already negative human development indicators and dragging the population of Gaza to the lowest levels of poverty.
[...] 之外,社区、民间社会和私营部门——家庭、 校 、 大 学 、 宗教机构、青年组织、 工商业所能发挥的重要作用。
In fact, one important thread that ran through the discussions of all the working groups was the essential role of
community, civil society and the private
[...] sector — family, schools, universities, [...]
religious institutions, youth organizations,
commercial businesses — in addition to and in collaboration with the State authorities.




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