

单词 大有文章

See also:


there is much
(literary) abundance


literary works
hidden meaning

External sources (not reviewed)

用了至少一条联合国的关键信息,以“捐助国必须履行其援助承诺”这 一条为(占有文章27%)。
A total of 767 clippings collected from 61 countries throughout September showed that more than 70 per cent of the coverage included at least one of the
key United Nations messages, most often(in
[...] 27 per cent ofall articles) “Donor countries mustmeet their aid commitments”.
(c) 将股份或任何股份分拆为面额低於本公司组厘定者 (惟仍须符合公司法定),而拆细股份的决议案可决定在 分拆所产生的股份的间,其中一股或多股股份可较其他股 份拥有本公司有权附加於未发行或新股份的任何有关优先权或其他 特权,或拥有有关递延权利或须受任何其他限制。
(c) sub-divide its shares or any of them into shares of smaller amount than is fixed by theMemorandum ofAssociation of the Company, subject nevertheless to the provisions of the Law, and so that the resolution whereby any share is sub-divided may determine that, as between the holders of the shares resulting from such sub-division, one or more of the shares may have any such preferred or other special rights, over, or may have such deferred rights or be subject to any such restrictions as compared with the others as the Company has power to attach to unissued or new shares.
倘(i)於经续订总协议涵盖期限的任何财政年度,本集团及维安洁集团根据经续订总协议 应付的采购价款项总额超过相关年度的经更新年度上限,或(ii)经续订总协议获续订或交 易条款有,则本公司将会遵守上市规则第14A章有理关连交易的
In the event that (i) for any financial year during the term of the Renewed Master Agreement, the aggregate amount of the purchase price payable by the Group and the V-Care Group under the Renewed Master Agreement exceeds the Renewed Annual Caps for the relevant years, or (ii) if the Renewed Master
Agreement is renewed or there is materialchange to the terms of the
[...] transactions, the Company will comply with the provisions of Chapter14A of theListing Rules dealing with connected [...]
及动议批准及采纳已提呈本大会并由大会主席签署以资识别、注有「A」字样之 已重新编印之本公司新组织章程大纲及细则(包括截至本大会结束为止前所通过 有关修订组织章程细则之全部特别决议案(包括本决议案)),以作为本公司之新 组织章程大纲及细则,以代替本公司之细则并将之摒除,并 授权董事可以进行其认为就上述事项所有必须、可取或权宜之事宜及行动及签署 所
and THAT the reprinted new memorandum and articles of association of the Company, incorporating all the special resolutions passed in connection with amendment to the articles of association of the Company up to the conclusion of this Meeting (including this resolution), marked “A” produced to this Meeting and for the purposes of identification signed by the chairman, be and is hereby approved and adopted as the new memorandum and articles of association of the Company in substitution for and to the
exclusion of the existing memorandum and
[...] articles of association of the Company and thatthe Directors be and are hereby authorized to do all things and act and sign alldocuments which theyconsider necessary, desirable or expedient [...]
in connection with the foregoing.
(2) 在公司法何指定证券交易所规则及本公司组细则规 限下,及在不影响本公司任何股份获赋予的特别权利或任何类别股份附带的 任何特别权利的情况下,股份可按其发行条款或本公司或其持有人选择按董事会认为 适合的方式(包括自股本拨款)赎回。
(2) Subject tothe provisionsof theLaw, the rules of any Designated Stock Exchange and theMemorandum and Articles of Association of the Company, and to any special [...]
rights conferred on
the holders of any shares or attaching to any class of shares, shares may be issued on the terms that they may be, or at the option of the Company or the holder are, liable to be redeemed on such terms and in such manner, including out of capital, as the Board may deem fit.
比利时非政府组织国际和平信息事务组织 2003 年 10 月 13 日发表一篇题为 “Sanjivan Ruprah/美国政府信函”文章供了冻结资产名单或禁止旅行名 单中Ruprah 护照副本:1998 年 7 月 10 日签发、2008 年 7 月 10 日到期颠及北爱尔兰联合王国护照,护照号 790015037。
The Belgian non-governmental organization International Peace Information Service, under an article entitled “Sanjivan Ruprah/US Government letters” published on 13 October 2003, provides a copy of a Ruprah passport that has not been cited in the assets freeze or travel ban lists: passport of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland No. 790015037, which was issued on 10 July 1998 and expired on 10 July 2008.
另一位坦率直 言传强硬立场的是解放军空军上校戴旭,2009 年,他主义倾向的《环球时报》上撰写评文 章中国加快开发该地区的自然资源。
Another outspoken advocate for greater assertiveness is PLA Air Force Colonel Dai Xu, who wrote a commentary in the nationalist-leaning Global Times in 2009 calling onChina to speed up its exploitation of natural resources in the area.
於本组织章程大纲的一般诠释及特别是本第3条的具体诠释中,当中所订明或提述的目的、 业务或权力不会因任何其他目的、业务或权力,或本公司名称,或兩项或以上目的、业务 或权力并列的提述或据此作出的推論而受到规限或限制,而倘本条或本组他 地歧义,将根据有关诠释及注解阐释,该等诠释及解释将可扩大及扩展(而并非 限制)本公司的目的、业务及可行使的权力。
In the interpretation of this Memorandum of Association in general and of this Clause 3 in particular no object, business or power specified or mentioned shall be limited or restricted by reference to or inference from any other object, business or power, or the name of the Company, or by the juxtaposition of two or more objects, businesses or powers and that, in the event of anyambiguity in this Clause or elsewhere in thisMemorandum ofAssociation, the same shall be resolved by such interpretation and construction as will widen and enlarge and not restrict the objects, businesses and powers of and exercisable by the Company.
很多会员国都提到了在下述方面进一步加强部门间合作的机遇:多种语言;信息传播 技术为教育特别是为培养师资服务;传媒教育;制作多样化和有文样性的地方内容; 文化遗产,其中特别是要加强“世界记忆”计划和IV 中的其它文化遗产活动的联 系;信息伦理;信息传播技术为人权和民主教育服务。
Many Member States identified opportunities for furthering intersectoral cooperation in the following areas: multilingualism; ICTs for education, especially for teacher training; media education; production of diversified and culturally diversified local content; cultural heritage, in particular by strengthening the links between the Memory of the World Programme and the other cultural heritage activities under Major Programme IV; infoethics; and the use of ICTs in human rights and democracy education.
它的界面非常简洁;不需要学习wiki语法, 通过使用WYSIWYG在线编辑器来代替;不需要用户管理,它实时连到活动目录(Active
[...] [...] Directory)来重复使用用户账号和组,它应该是唯一一个与活动目录组相集成的Wiki,本地账号和组都可以用它来创建;文章层次结构,以使得内容易于管理;可以针对每一个页面设置不同的访问权限或自由更新或锁定或发布;用户可以使用订阅机制来获得更新通知,更新可以是每天或每周或立即通知;可以自定义界面布局(使用Velocity模板和CSS实现) 。
Its interface is very simple ; need to learn wiki syntax , by using WYSIWYG online editor to replace ; do not need user management , it is connected to the Active Directory real-time (Active Directory) to re-use user accounts and groups , it should be only one integrated with the active Directory group 's Wiki,
local accounts and groups can use
[...] it to create ; all ofthe articleshaveahierarchical [...]
structure to make the content easy
to manage ; can set different for each page or free access to update or lock or release ; users can use a subscription mechanism to get the update notifications and moreNew can be a daily or weekly or immediately ; can customize the interface layout (using Velocity templates and CSS implementation) .
In that regard, the holding of forums and the
[...] publication of analyses on theAction Plan helped [...]
to identify measures to take up the
challenges posed by cultural diversity at the national and regional level.
委员定、选举人应铭记候选人个人必须具备必要的资格、而委员会作为一个整体 则应确实代表世界大文各主要法系。
Under the terms of the statute, the electors shall bear in mind that the persons to be elected should individually possess the
[...] qualifications required and that in the Commission as a whole representation of the mainforms of civilizationand of the principal legal systems of the world should be assured.
内部监督事务厅在其题为“2009 年供人权理事会使用的会议服务的审计情 况”的报告(A/64/511)中建议,大会部编写一议,将于 字数和页数的限制准则整合起来,并澄清每份报告文件的页数及每页的字数,包 括秘书处直接提交和代表政府间机构提交的(建议 4,第 30 段)。
In its report on the audit of conference services put at the disposal of the Human Rights Council in 2009 (A/64/511), the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) recommended that the Department for General Assembly
and Conference
[...] Management prepare a document for consideration by the General Assembly consolidating existing guidelines on word and page limits and clarifying the number of words per page and pages per document for reports, including all documents submitted [...]
by the Secretariat directly andon behalf of intergovernmental bodies (recommendation 4, para. 30).
实现千年发展目标基金的文化与发展项目成为其 他联合国合作伙伴、开发署、儿童基金会、卫生组织和粮农组织开展合作的主要领域,其活 动大大有实现联发援框架的优先领域,旨在加强社法,促进尊重人权、不歧 视和文化与民族多样性。
This MDG-F project on culture and development constitutes a main area of cooperation with other United Nations partners, UNDP, UNICEF, WHO and FAO, and its activities are significantly contributing to the UNDAF priority area aimed at reinforcing socio-culturalpracticesthat promote respect for human rights, non-discrimination and culturaland ethnic diversity.
根据联合检查程(31/192 号决议,附件)第 11 条第 4 款(d)和(e) 项的规定,如果一份报告只涉及一个组织,该报告及行政首长对报告的评论,应 在收到报告三个月以内递送该组织的主管部门,供该主管部门下一次会议审议; 如果一份报告涉及一个以上组织,该报告连同各行政首长的联合评论及自组织的问题所发表的任何评论,应在收到联检组报告后六个月之内准备好,以 提管部门下一次会议审议。
In accordance with subparagraphs 4 (d) and (e) of article 11 of the statuteof the Joint Inspection Unit (General Assembly resolution 31/192, annex): when a report concerns only one organization, the report and the comments of the executive head thereon shall be transmitted to the competent organ of that organization not later than three months after receipt of the report for consideration at the next meeting of the competent organ; and, when a report concerns more than one organization, the report, together with the joint comments and anycomments of the respective heads on the matters that concern their particular organization, shall be ready for submission to the competent organs of the organizations not later than six months after receipt of the Unit’s report for consideration at the next meeting of the competent organs concerned.
I have to say that while the article was generally well-received, there were some naysayers against myperspective since, in their opinion, the TransMilenio system can no longer be considered an example of public transport best practice because of its growing operational crisis.
秘书长关于人权理事会第十和第十一届会议 所通过决议和决定的订正细节的报告(A/64/353)中 指出与有效落实《德班宣言和行动纲领》政府间工作活动将视为长期活动,因此拟议 2010-2011 两年期方案预算中也考虑到了:第2(经 济及社会理事会事务以及会议管理”)和关于会议服 务的第 28E 章[(日内瓦)办事处]。
It was indicated, in the report of the Secretary-General on the revised estimates resulting from resolutions and decisions adopted by the Human Rights Council (A/64/353), that the activities related to the Intergovernmental Working Group onthe Effective Implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action were considered of a “perennial nature”, and as such provisions had already been made for them also in the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011 under sections 2, General Assembly and Economic and Social Council affairs and conference management and 28E, Administration, Geneva, for conference servicing requirements.
除上文披露者外,於最後可行日期,董事并不知悉任何其他人士於本公司的股份或 相关股份中拥有权益或淡仓,而该等权益或淡仓根据证券及期货条例第XV部第2及第 3分部的本公司作出披露,或直接或间接10%或以上任何类别股本 权益(或与该等股购股权),而该等股本可於任何情况下在本集团 任何其他成员公司的股投票。
Save as disclosed above, as at the Latest Practical Date, the Directors are not aware of any other person who had an interest or short position in the Shares or underlying Shares of
the Company which
[...] would fall to bedisclosed to the Company under the provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO, or who was, directly or indirectly, interested in 10%or more of the nominal value of any class of share capital, or options in respect of such capital, carrying rights to votein allcircumstancesat general meetings [...]
of any other member of the Group.
美洲国家组织(美洲组织)成员国铭记着国际社会推动和采取具体措施在世 界所有国家促进和平与非暴决心,以及裁军与不扩散教育可以在采取此 种措施方面做出的重大贡献,并回顾在《美洲安全宣言》中,各国重申其对军备 控制、裁军和不扩散有大毁灭性武器的承诺,通过了题为“南半球裁军和 不扩散”的 AG/RES.2533(XL-O/10)号决议。
The States members of the Organization of American States (OAS) adopted resolution AG/RES. 2533 (XL-O/10) entitled “Disarmament and
non-proliferation in the hemisphere”, bearing in mind the determination of the international community to promote and adopt specific
[...] measures to foster aculture of peace and non-violence in all countries of the world and the significant contribution that disarmament and non-proliferation education can make in adopting such measures, and recalling that, inthe Declaration [...]
on Security
in the Americas, the States reaffirmed their commitment to arms control, disarmament, and the non-proliferation of all weapons of mass destruction.
(B) 加盖有关有文须由董事签署,并由秘书或另一名董 事或董事会就此委任的其他人士加签,惟董事会可就一般或个别任何事项决议(须受 [...]
董事会可能厘定之加盖印章方式之限制规限),股票、认股权证或债券或任何其他形 式之证券可以有关决议列明之其他技术方式而非签名方式签署,或有关证书毋须由任 何人士签署。
(B) Every instrumenttowhich aseal shall [...]
be affixed shall be signed by a Director and shall be countersigned by the Secretary
or by a second Director or some other person appointed by the Board for the purpose, provided that the Board may either generally or in any particular case or cases resolve (subject to such restrictions as to the manner in which a seal may be affixed as the Board may determine) that such signatures or any of them may be affixed to certificates for shares, warrants or debentures or representing any other form of security by some mechanical means other than autographic to be specified in such resolution or that such certificates need not be signed by any person.
4.4 进行商品、商品期货及远期合约交易商之业务,并为该目的订立现 货、期货或远期合约以购买及销售可能现在或将來以商业形式购买及 出售之任何商品,包括(但无损上述者之一般性)任何原材料、经加
[...] 工材料、农产品、产品或牲畜、金银条、金币及宝石或半宝石、物 品文章务、货币、权利及权益,及无卖是否按一个有 组织的商品交换或以其他方式实现,并根据所订立之任何有关商品交 [...]
4.4 To carry on the business of a commodity, commodity futures and forward contracts trader and for that purpose to enter into spot, future or forward contracts for the purchase and sale of any commodity including, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, any raw materials, processed materials, agricultural products, produce or livestock, gold and silver bullion, specie and
[...] [...] precious or semi-precious stones,goods,articles,services, currencies, rights and interests [...]
which maynow or in the future be bought and sold in commerce and whether such trading is effected onan organised commodity exchange
or otherwise and either to take delivery of, or to sell or exchange any such commodities pursuant to any contract capable of being entered into on any such commodities exchange.
迄今为止已经出现了无 数阐述在 TRIPS 下可供利用的选择方案的书籍文章11们将选择叙述其中某 些部分,并讨论它们对我们发展中国家推荐的亲竞争专利制度的适用性。
Numerous books and texts detailing the range of options available under TRIPS have been produced.11 In the following paragraphswe describe some of these options and consider their relevance to the type of procompetitive patent regime that we recommend for the majority of developing countries.
大会第六十四届会议决定特别委员会于 2010 年 3 月 1 日至 9 日举行下一届 会议;请特别委员会在 2010 年届会上:(a) 继续审议关于维持国际和平与安全 的各个方面的所有提议,以加强联合国的作用;(b) 根据秘书长的所有有关报 告和就此问题提出的提议,继续优先以适当的实质性方式和在适当框架内,审 议《联合国助因实施《宪章》第七章的制裁而受影响的第三国的 规定的执行问题;请秘书长六十五届会议提交一份关于《联合国机关 惯例汇编》和《安全理事会惯例汇辑》的报告,以及一份关于《联合国助因实施制裁而受影响的第三国的规定的执行情况的报告(第 64/115 号 决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly decided that the Special Committee should hold its next session from 1 to 9 March 2010; requested the Special Committee, at its session in 2010: (a) to continue its consideration of all proposals concerning the question of the maintenance of international peace and security in all its aspects in order to strengthen the role of the United
Nations; and (b) to
[...] continue to consider, on a priority basis and in an appropriate substantive manner and framework, the question of the implementation of the provisions ofthe Charterof theUnited Nations related to assistance to third States affected by the application of sanctions under Chapter VII of the Charter based on all of the related [...]
reports of the Secretary-General
and the proposals submitted on the question; and requested the Secretary-General to submit to it at its sixty-fifth session a report on both the




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