

单词 大方向

大方向 ()

overall direction

大大方方 ()


大大方方 adjective ()

natural adj
calm adj

See also:


mother earth
a type of green tea
natural and relaxed
in good taste

大方 adj

generous adj
handsome adj

方向 n

direction n
directions pl
orientations pl


path follow

External sources (not reviewed)

議員雖然對制度的執行細節有不同的意見,但大部分皆同意我們的政大方向,為 消費者提供準確和全面的營養資料,讓他們作出知情的食物選 擇。
While Members hold diverse views on the implementation
details of the scheme, most of them agree to our
[...] major policy direction of providing [...]
accurate and comprehensive nutrition information
to consumers for them to make informed food choices.
行政長官亦於其政綱內表明未來的體育政策會朝著這 三大方向發展 ,以達至「全民參與運動,悉心培育精英, [...]
The Chief Executive’s manifesto notes that
[...] these three broad directions will guide future [...]
sports policy and help realise a vision
of promoting “sport for the whole community, cultivating elite athletes and making Hong Kong the place for major sports events”.
我認為在今天第一個辯論環節辯論這些是好的,因為這些是關 大方 向、宏觀性的探討。
It is good to discuss all these in the first debate session today, because they
[...] are about broad directions and macro explorations.
最 近 完 成的大 型 研究包括「鞏固香港作
為國際和地區首選 運輸及物流樞紐研究」、「港口貨運量預測」
[...] 及「港口發展策略檢討」,就 日 後 工作提供了整 體大 方向。不 過 ,我們還 需要從 事 跟 進 [...]
研究, 才 能夠制 定 適 時 的競爭策略 ,以 鞏固香港作為首要國際航運中心和主要港口的優勢,以應付未
來 十年香港在國際和地區層 面所面對 的 挑戰。
Major studies including the Study to Strengthen Hong Kong’s role as the Preferred International and Regional Transportation and Logistics Hub (IRTLH), the Port Cargo Forecast and the Port Development Strategy Review
recently completed have given us good
[...] pointers on broad directions for the future, [...]
but further follow up studies would need
to be taken before we can map out an appropriate competitive strategy to consolidate our edge as a premier international maritime centre and a leading port and to face international and regional challenges which affect Hong Kong for the next decade or so.
此外, 在為
[...] 2008 年 後 供 電 業的未 來 發展制大 方向時, 我們亦 會 考慮是 否 須 訂 下 [...]
可 再 生 能 源 應 用的目標及 向市場提供 支 援 和 誘 因 , 如 何 把 可 再 生 能 源 納 入 城 市 規 劃 中
, 以 及 與內地合作發展及推廣教 育等問題。
When we formulate a major policy direction for power supply [...]
after 2008, we will consider whether targets for the use of
renewable energy resources should be set, how support and incentives will be provided, how the policy on renewable energy resources will be incorporated into town planning and other issues such as collaboration with the mainland authorities and promotion activities, and so on.
然而,可否告訴大方向和大 原則呢?
However, can they tell
[...] me the major direction and the major principles?
[...] 济的正面影响,并尽量减少在社会和环境方面对受害社区的不良影响,还必须朝 着四大方向采取积极的政府行动。
Simultaneous efforts to decouple economic growth from mineral extraction, increase the positive economic impacts of mining in producing countries, and minimize the negative social and
environmental impacts on affected communities are needed and have to rely on aggressive
[...] government actions in four broad directions.
政府推動賭波合法化,將誘使這些人鋌而走險,賭身家、賭性命, 這與特區政府要踏踏實實發展經濟、增加就業、加快經濟轉型、邁向高增值 產業、復甦和振興經濟大方向背道 而馳。
This runs counter to the SAR Government's direction of practically pursuing economic development, boosting employment, speeding up economic restructuring, developing high value-added industries and also revitalizing and reinvigorating the economy.
一个会员国指出,在国家层面也应开 展跨学科合作,各国与教科文组织有联系的机构(教科文组织全国委员会、政府间科学计划
[...] 全国委员会、以及其它地方性机构)应该学习如何更好地作为一个团队开展工作,这样做既 可提升教科文组织的形象,也符合联合国改革 大方向。
One Member State stated that interdisciplinarity should also be implemented at the country level and that the various bodies associated with UNESCO at the country level (National Commissions, National Committees of the Intergovernmental Science Programmes (ISP), and other local authorities) would need to learn to perform better
as a team, also in order to raise the profile of the
[...] Organization, within the general context of United [...]
Nations reform.
政 府 會 認 真奉行 審 慎
[...] 理財的原 則,貫徹消 滅 財 赤大 方向, 同 時會因 應 社 會 情 勢 的發展及影 [...]
響 不 時 作出檢 討 。
The Government will follow the principle
of prudent management of public finances
[...] and the broad direction towards elimination [...]
of the fiscal deficit, and will keep
this under review in light of prevailing developments and their impact on the community.
其次,如果我們今次討論的不 大方向 , 只 是 次方向,而次方向是要打擊外圍,而當局提出今次的條例草案,純粹向我們 提出投注回扣,並且告訴我這樣便可以打擊外圍賭博的話,那麼,我也真的 不相信了。
Secondly, if we are not discussing the major direction, but only the secondary direction, which is to combat illegal bookmaking, and that the authorities' only intention is just proposing betting rebates in putting forward this Bill, and that in doing so, the purpose of combating illegal bookmaking can be achieved, I really do not believe in the truth of such a claim.
一个机构间 工作组在巴黎教科文组织开会(2002 年 11
[...] 月 14 - 15 日),促使联合国有关机构讨论它们与 扫盲相关的计划和机构间协同努力 大方向。
An inter-agency working group meeting (14-15 November 2002) at UNESCO Paris, involving concerned United Nations agencies
discussed their programmes of relevance to
[...] literacy and larger directions for building concerted [...]
efforts among agencies.
我剛才在 主體答覆中已列舉了數項相關工作,然而,在未來日子裏,我相信有兩大方向是必須處理的。
I have outlined our related work in several areas in my main reply and I believe in future, we will tackle the problem on two fronts.
我們就如何落實這大方向 及具 體實施的細節已經做了大量研究工作,今年稍後會展開公 [...]
Extensive studies have been conducted to identify measures to
[...] translate these broad directions into action and [...]
to thrash out the specific implementation details.
目前,在土地供應、人才 培訓、制訂標準、政府採購及增加資源調配等數方面,我們正陸續推出
[...] 一系列針對性的配套政策和措施,積極推動和協助這些產業做大做強, 協同四大傳統產業的經濟動力,以符合策略和持續發展 大方向。
At present, in respect of land supply, manpower training, standard setting, government procurement and additional resource allocation, we are launching a series of targeted complementary policies and measures to actively promote these industries and help them grow bigger and prosper, so as to synergize with the economic
impetus of the four traditional industries and
[...] align with the overall direction of strategic and sustainable [...]
儘管當局有不少有關重組的問題尚待解決,而且還有 很多尚未完成的工作,我們深信這 大方向 會 達 到有建設性的效果。
While there has been much to work out in the reorganization
and much still remains to be done, we feel reasonably confident
[...] that the broad direction will lead to positive [...]
在",本會促請"之前刪除"因應內地經濟發展方式轉變 大方向 , 以及近期國際經濟形勢的變化",並以"鑒於内地中央政府及省、市政府均配合全球經濟發展趨勢,大力推動經濟升級轉型,以提升經濟附加值及創造優質就業機會"代替;及在緊接句號之前加上",使香港成為一個真正的知識型經濟,以提升其競爭力及改善市民生活"。
To delete "in the
[...] light of the general direction of the transformation [...]
of the Mainland's economic development mode, and
recent changes in the international economic situation" after "That," and substitute with "as the Central Government and provincial and municipal governments on the Mainland dovetail with the global economic development trend by vigorously promoting economic upgrading and restructuring to increase economic value added and create quality employment opportunities"; and to add ", so as to make Hong Kong a truly knowledge-based economy, with a view to enhancing its competitiveness and improving people's livelihood" immediately before the full stop.
證監會執 行 董 事將於是次 會議上向委員匯報
[...] 該項檢討的最新進 展 ;政府及證監會亦希望就檢討大 方向徵 詢議員的意 見。
The Executive Director of SFC would update members on the progress
of the Review at this meeting; and the Government and the SFC would wish to seek
[...] Members’ views on the broad direction.
在将来,会议建议在下届会议上,最好在一个工作组的范围内,委员会首 先研究本专题大方向,着 重于对国家官员豁免的例外的范围问题,特别是在国 际法下的重罪方面。
Looking forward, it was suggested that at the next session, preferably in the context of a working group, the
Commission should first
[...] examine the general direction of the topic, focussing on the question concerning the extent to which there ought [...]
to be exceptions to
immunity of State officials, particularly in respect of grave crimes under international law.
為此,健康與醫療發展諮詢委員會在 2005 年
[...] 提出“創設健康未來”諮詢文件,就香港未來的醫療服務模式提出了幾大 方向,獲得市民和醫護界的普遍支持。
With these objectives in mind, the Health and Medical Development Advisory Committee (HMDAC) released a consultation document entitled "Building a
Healthy Tomorrow" in 2005, setting out a
[...] number of broad directions for our future health [...]
care service delivery model, which
have received general support from the public and health care sector.
然而,當局大方向是藉 增加使用電子媒體,逐 步減少政府刊物的紙張版本的印刷數量。
However, the general direction is to reduce the [...]
number of printed copies of government publications over time by increased use of the electronic medium.
However, while the Authority has
[...] welcomed the general thrust of the recommendations, [...]
it will be some time before it is in
a position to submit a comprehensive, collective response to central government.
两人之间的紧张关系并非源自改革进程 大方向问 题——这两人是改革最坚定的倡导者。
The tension is
[...] not over the direction of the reform [...]
process – they are the two strongest proponents of change.
我确信,香港房屋署在未来50年,将会朝着 大方向 迈 进
This, I am
[...] sure, will be the direction for our department [...]
in the next 50 years to come.
朝着这大方向往前走,我们必须同心合力地对内及对外推广这个具竞争力的定位,让投资者与市民有更清晰的了解 。
Going forward, it is necessary to have coordinated [...]
efforts to promote this competitive position internally and externally
in order to provide clear direction to investors and citizens,” said Mrs. Yvonne Law, Tax Managing Partner – Eminence and Business Development, Deloitte China.
根据这一观点,工作组在审查了秘书处根据工作组的要求所作的各种模拟分析之后, 商定了工作大方向并提 出了下列建议: a) 职位基数:工作组成员主张,将职位基数从 850 个增加到 890 个,以包括目前被 视为非地理职位由正常预算供资的 40 个“语言”职位,如同联合国系统中的作 法。
(a) The base figure: members of the Group advocated for an increase of the base figure from 850 posts to 890 posts, to include the 40 “language” posts from the regular budget which are currently considered as non-geographical posts, as is the practice in the United Nations system.
波利萨里奥阵线 代表团表示关注的是,摩洛哥在利用探讨创新方式和具体讨论议题的机会,转移 会谈讨论 2007 年 4 月提议大方向,并 在准备延长西撒特派团任务期限之际向 国际社会展示会谈似乎取得进展的表象。
The Frente Polisario delegation has voiced concern that Morocco is exploiting the exploration of innovative approaches and specific subjects for discussion both to divert the talks from examination of the proposals of April 2007 and to present the international community with the appearance of progress in the lead-up to a renewal of the mandate of MINURSO.
不過,自 由 黨 雖然贊 成 增加對 區 議員的支
[...] 援 和 增 強 區 議會的職 能大方 向 , 但是, 非常遺 憾 , 今 天 [...]
各 項 議 案 和 修 正 案 內 均 有一些具體建議,是我們 有所保 留 的,以 致 未 能 夠全部 支 持。
While the Liberal Party agrees
[...] with the general direction that the support [...]
for DC members should be increased and that the
functions of DCs should be enhanced, with regrets, we have reservations about certain specific proposals in the motion and the amendments today.
该报告提出了 在每个省政府和捐助者优先采取措施的中心。这为制定当地发展计划所需确定大方向奠定了工作基础。
A Report on Progress towards the MDGs at Province Level, drawn up by Cameroon in December 2003 and suggesting priority lines of action for the authorities and the donors in the individual provinces, will serve as a basis for the formulation of outlines for the development of local development plans.




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