单词 | 大媒 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 大媒 —matchmakerExamples:中国传媒大学—Communication University of China (CUC), the highest institute of radio, film and television education in China See also:媒—medium • matchmaker • intermediary • go-between
試著鎖定您分會所在城市的最大媒體 , 以及離分會最近的社區刊物。 sites.kiwanis.org | Try to focus on the biggest media outlets in your club’s [...] city, as well as any neighborhood publications that are closest to your club. sites.kiwanis.org |
此外,教科文组织将着眼于广大媒体 中 的性别问题,保证男女都能利用和参 [...] 与媒体活动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Furthermore, UNESCO will underline the [...] gender aspect in media at large to ensure [...]the access and participation of women and men. unesdoc.unesco.org |
副秘书长米歇尔·巴切莱特领导的联合国促进性别平等和增强妇女权能署 (妇女署)和一个非政府组织 5WCW [...] 都将使全球重新认识这个新的超级机构和这次 会议,提高认识,加大媒体报 道力度,并为二者增拨经费。 daccess-ods.un.org | The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women), headed by Under-Secretary-General Michelle Bachelet, and a non-governmental organization, 5WCW, will generate renewed global [...] awareness of both this new super-agency and the conference, raise [...] consciousness and increase media coverage and funds [...]for both. daccess-ods.un.org |
这一令人瞩目的计划促使巴西利亚办事处与世界第 四 大媒 体网 TV GLOBO 之间建立了独 特的伙伴关系。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This highly visible programme entails a unique partnership between UBO and TV [...] GLOBO, the fourth largest media network in the world. unesdoc.unesco.org |
新闻服务是新闻部的三个次级方案之一,由其新闻和媒体司实施,负责加强 新闻部关于本组织的宣传产品的质量、模式和及时性, 扩 大媒 体 和 其他用户使用 这些产品的地域范围和频率,以加强对联合国的支持。 daccess-ods.un.org | News services, which is one of three subprogrammes of the Department and implemented by its News and Media Division, is responsible for strengthening support for the United Nations by enhancing the quality, format and timeliness of information products on the Organization, and for increasing the geographic range and frequency of use of its products by media outlets and other users. daccess-ods.un.org |
《宪法》规 定 确 保 集 会自由,特 别是要保证非政 府 [...] 人权组织自由开展活动的权 利;(b) 扩大媒体自 由领域,特别是要取消对外国和本国媒体的限制,采取更灵活 [...] 的外国记者认可规则;(c) 采取一切 必要措施防止酷刑行为和其他残忍、不人道和 [...]有 辱 人 格待遇或处罚 , 特 别是在拘留场所,建立一个独 立的国家机制负责监督和 检 查 所有拘留场所。 daccess-ods.un.org | France recommended that Uzbekistan (a) adopt a national legislation complying with international human rights standards to ensure freedom of assembly, as enshrined in the Constitution, particularly by guaranteeing human rights NGOs [...] the right to carry out their activities [...] freely; (b) broaden the area of freedom [...]of the media, particularly by eliminating [...]restrictions on foreign and national media and adopting more flexible rules for the accreditation of foreign journalists; and (c) take all necessary measures to prevent acts of torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment particularly in places of detention, ratify the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and establish a national independent mechanism to monitor all places of detention. daccess-ods.un.org |
这个工作坊的目标学员是国内各大众 媒 体 艺 文版块的青年撰稿人,教授则是美术史学者、策展人及各 家 大媒 体 艺 术类文章的主笔、艺术类媒体的主编等。 shanghaibiennale.org | Aiming at students of young writers of art [...] and culture pages of [...] domestic public media, this class has professors of art historians, curators, chief editors and chief commentators of art and culture pages of public media. shanghaibiennale.org |
为满足广大媒体工 作者对于Internet接入的需求,(原)北京网通公司决定启动奥运互联网宽带卡接入服务工程,满足奥运期间30000多名国内外记者在第一时间报道奥运赛事信息。 surekam.com | In order to meet requirements of [...] Internet access by most media workers, former China [...]Netcom Beijing decided to initiate [...]Internet Broadband Card Access Project for Olympic Games, to satisfy more than 30,000 domestic and foreign journalists to cover Olympic events information at the first time during the period of Olympic Games. surekam.com |
委员会还建议缔约国加大 媒体对 以支持儿童的方式提高对《公约》的认识的参与,尤其是通过更多地利用 [...] 媒体、广播、电视、互联网以及其他媒体,以及让儿童积极参与公共外联活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee further recommends that the [...] State party increase media engagement in raising [...]awareness of the Convention in a [...]child-friendly manner, in particular through greater use of the press, radio, television, the Internet and other media, and the active involvement of children in public outreach activities. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,这两大媒体却 占据全球广告支出的 50%。 deloittetmt.com | But those two media account for a combined [...] 50 percent of global ad dollars. deloittetmt.com |
就如剛剛過去的立委選舉,基於現有的立委選舉制度會使民調預測與選舉結果出現必然落差, 七 大媒 體 於 是協議在選前7天不再發表民調結果,便是一種進步。 hkupop.hku.hk | Like the Legislative Yuan election which was just over, since the existing election system has created questions to the poll forecast, 7 major bodies thus have reached a consensus not to release the poll result 7 days before the election. hkupop.hku.hk |
取消新闻犯罪,制订一项旨在扩大媒 体 自 由和媒体多元化的行动计划 ( 美利坚合众国) daccess-ods.un.org | 102. To decriminalize press offences, and to create an action plan [...] aimed at greater media freedom and plurality of media (United States [...]of America) daccess-ods.un.org |
1985年,TAG(技術前衛),邁凱輪F1車隊的老闆,收購豪雅表的品牌,並給出了 各 大媒 體 : 引人注目的廣告活動,一級方程式大獎賽的時間,世界杯高山滑雪運動員大使... [...] TAG Heuer豪雅注入強大的營銷運動手錶(S / EL,Kirium),其圓滑的線條和符合人體工程學的設計標誌的鐘錶製造商。 zh.horloger-paris.com | In 1985, the TAG (Technical Avant-Garde), owner of the McLaren [...] Formula 1 team, acquired Heuer and [...] gives the brand a major media: advertising campaigns [...]striking, timing of Grand Prix Formula [...]1, World Cup alpine skiing athlete ambassador ... TAG Heuer injected with powerful marketing for its sports watches (S / el, the Kirium) whose sleek lines and ergonomic design mark watchmaker. en.horloger-paris.com |
各大秀场支持环保时尚秀,如英国伦敦时装周的环保作品秀、韩服环保时装展等相继推出的环保服饰引起 各 大媒 体 的关注和时尚界人士的追捧,将一些“旧衣服”改良、制作而成的“新设计”;一些大牌也都纷纷力挺“环保潮流”,如H&M--“我有有机棉”、Armani--自然的才最环保、GUESS--彻头彻尾的环保原则,从而可见,环保从口号到实践已一步步在实践了。 siis.hk | Show support for the major field of environmental protection fashion shows, such as London Fashion Week show on environmental protection works, environmental protection hanbok [...] fashion show also launched the [...] environmental and other major media attention caused by [...]clothing and fashion people in pursuit [...]of some "old clothes" improvement, made of the "new design"; a number of big names also have to support a "green tide", such as H & M - "I have organic cotton", Armani - only the most natural environment, GUESS - downright environmental principles, thereby can be seen from the slogan of environmental protection to practice has been in practice a step by step. siis.hk |
这组以红和黑为主色调的广告宣传将同时出现在中国 各 大媒 体。 ba-repsasia.com | The eye-catching red and black campaign can be seen in print, on billboards, and over the web all over China. ba-repsasia.com |
中国政府保护海外日趋增多的中国公民和国家利益 的意愿与能力的期望。52 当 2012 年 1 月 29 名中国工人在南苏丹科尔多凡州 的战斗中被绑架后,这一新闻占据了中国 各 大媒体 的头条,政府承受着要采取行动的巨大压力,同时 也暴露出缺乏一个强有力的外交部的问题。 crisisgroup.org | While the success of the operation ultimately drew domestic praise, the crisis posed a serious test for the government and subsequently raised expectations as to its willingness and ability to protect its growing citizenry and interests abroad.52 When 29 Chinese workers were abducted in January 2012 amid fighting in Sudan’s Southern Kordofan state, the story grabbed headlines in China, the government came under intense pressure to act and the lack of a strong foreign ministry was exposed. crisisgroup.org |
安第斯台阶酒庄(Terrazas de los Andes)被各大媒体公 认为是全世界最好的酒庄之一,短短几年间,已经成为阿根廷高品质葡萄酒的领军品牌。 lvmh.cn | Considered as one of the best wineries in the world by the international press, Terrazas de [...] los Andes has in just a few [...]years become a leading name in super-premium Argentine wines. lvmh.com |
(c) 新闻稿、新闻发布会:通过与非洲各 大媒 体 和 主要捐助国和其他国家的新闻编辑和撰稿人 联络,宣传由非洲科制作的新闻材料,以便刊登这些稿件以及把联合国支助非洲发展的相 关资料编入他们的材料中(2) daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Press [...] releases, press conferences: promotion of information materials produced by the Section through media liaison with [...]editors and writers [...]in major African media and with major donor and other countries to place these articles and to include relevant information on United Nations support for Africa in their own materials (2) daccess-ods.un.org |
但是在发展中国家,人们仍然经 [...] 常接触不到类似无线电广播、电视和出版物这样的传统新闻工具,因此需要通过 新通信工具扩大媒体的使用范围。 daccess-ods.un.org | Yet, as traditional information tools such as radio, television and print were still [...] often inaccessible in developing countries, there was a need to [...] broaden the use of media through new communications tools. daccess-ods.un.org |
已完成的一期项目是由查普门泰勒交付的设计成果,包括:主要的新办公空间、媒体制作设施、BBC摄影棚、独立的演播中心、酒店、拟设的办公建筑、索尔福 德 大 学 新 媒 体 部、全站式能源中心、零售及餐饮设施、多层停车场,所有这些都设在一个高品质的公共区域内,该公共区包含一 个 大媒 体 广场、地铁终点站以及一个公园。 chapmantaylor.com | The completed phase one development, delivered by Chapman Taylor, includes major new offices, production facilities and studios for the BBC as well as a separate studio complex, [...] hotel, speculative [...] office buildings, new media department for the University of Salford, a site-wide energy centre, retail and catering facilities and a multi-storey car park, all set within a high quality public realm that incorporates a large media piazza, Metrolink [...]terminus and a park. chapmantaylor.com |
陳律師自2007年起定居香港,曾參與香港聯交所主板若干廣受關注的首次公開發售及上市事項,擔任保薦人及發行人的律師,包括於2008年為一間香港上市規則第18章定義的礦業公司初次上市,最近則代表香港 某 大媒 體 、 電訊資訊及通訊供應商處理其電訊業務以全新結構的形式分拆及獨立上市,當中涉及上市信託及股份合訂單位發售事項。 hwbhk.com | Based in Hong Kong since 2007, Chia Ching was involved in a number of notable initial public offerings and listings on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange acting for the sponsors as well as the issuers, including the first listing of a mineral company under Chapter 18 of the Hong Kong [...] Listing Rules in 2008, and, most [...] recently, representing a leading media, telecommunications [...]information and communications providers [...]in Hong Kong in relation to the spin-off and separate listing of its telecommunications business in the form of a novel structure involving a listed trust and the offering of share stapled units. hwbhk.com |
贸发会议与联合国其他组织、基金会和计划(规划) 署协作,为出版物发布提 供支助并扩大媒体宣传面。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNCTAD collaborated with other United Nations organizations, funds and programmes to support publication [...] launches and to expand media outreach. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会鼓励缔约国寻找创造性的方式最广泛地推广《公约》,方法可通过 [...] 例如视听援助,如画册和宣传画,特别应着重于地方一级进行宣传,并且利用广 大媒体的支持。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee encourages the State party to find creative ways to promote the Convention on the broadest possible basis, including through audio-visual aids [...] such as picture books and posters, particularly focused on the local level, and by [...] enlisting the support of mass media. daccess-ods.un.org |
鑒於僑胞不論在情感或語言上都和台灣緊密連結,加上台灣醫療服務屢獲國際性優良評比及 各 大媒 體 肯 定,享譽國際社會,許多基礎建設、英語環境亦日趨完善,現階段更規劃設置國際醫療專區,藉以服務更多國際友人。 hwahsia.org.nz | With Taiwan increasing in international standards, the English-speaking environment is maturing and at this stage in time, plans have been made to set up an international medical area in order to serve more international friends. hwahsia.org.nz |
數字告示被稱為第五大媒體, 僅次於平面、電視、廣播、網路,最大特色是窄播型態,可依據使用者需求來制播適合內容,從功能性來看,早期數字告示功能較為陽春,只用來播放動畫、影片、照片輪播,或取代過去以人工繪製與印刷為主的海報DM,此時的數字告示只是進行單向資訊傳輸,如果以網絡概念來看,就是所謂Web [...] 1.0時代。 sharp-i.net | Digit bulletin is [...] called the fifth big media, is only inferior to [...]the plane, the television, the broadcast, the network, [...]the biggest characteristic is broadcasts the state narrowly, may make the content based on the user’s demand, Seeing from the functionality, the early digit bulletin function comparatively only uses for to broadcast the animation, the movie, the picture wheel to broadcast, or the substitution in the past by the artificial plan and printing playbill DM primarily, at present digital bulletin only carries on the unidirectional information transmission, if according to the network concept, is the so-called Web 1.0 times. sharp-i.net |
2008年,宠物同谋在欧洲崭露头角,并在欧洲最酷的俱乐部表演,并由此获得了众多国际观众的热情和喜爱,欧洲 各 大媒 体 Ar te TV,BBC还有International Compilations等争相报道。 yugongyishan.com | Since 2008, Pet Conspiracy paved their way to Europe where they grabbed international audience attention performing in some of the coolest European clubs and made their appearance in Arte TV, BBC and International compilations. yugongyishan.com |
6.建议会员国加紧努力,以提高各方对《马德里行动计划》的认识,办法 [...] 包括加强国家老龄问题协调中心网络、与各区域委员会合作、取得秘书处新闻部 的帮助以扩大媒体对老龄问题的报道 daccess-ods.un.org | that Member States increase awareness-raising of the Madrid Plan of Action, including by strengthening networks of national focal points on ageing, working with the regional commissions and [...] enlisting the help of the Department of Public Information of the [...] Secretariat to expand media coverage on ageing issues daccess-ods.un.org |
为了促进科学技术的发展,并与民间团体建立联系,摩尔多瓦已开始通过 大众传媒,大力宣传本国在科技创新领域取得的成果。 daccess-ods.un.org | With the purpose to promote science and to establish a [...] coherence with the civil society the results in the science and [...] innovation spheres have been disseminated in massmedia. daccess-ods.un.org |
所以,我想問一問局長,他剛才回答時表示會 [...] 與議員保持聯繫,會否有些副局長是堅守特首曾蔭權的親疏有別說 法,有些會晤是面對面的,有些是透過電話,有些則透過 傳 媒 、 大氣 電 波、大 眾 傳 媒 溝 通。 legco.gov.hk | When he said in his reply just now that they would maintain liaison with Members, did he mean that some Under Secretaries would stick to Chief Executive Donald TSANG's idea of affinity differences and meet [...] with some Members face to face but exchange views with [...] other Members through the telephone, airwaves or the mass media? legco.gov.hk |