

单词 大堂

堂堂 ()

majestic appearance




大教堂 n

cathedrals pl

大会堂 n

city hall n
town hall n

See also:

(main) hall
large room for a specific purpose
of the same clan
relationship between cousins etc on the paternal side of a family

External sources (not reviewed)

選管會認為,如能為日後的選舉找到合適的場地,中央點票 站的點大堂和傳 媒中心應提供充裕的地方,予候選人的支持者 和公眾人士。
The EAC considers that, subject to a suitable venue
being identified, a
[...] sufficiently large public area should be provided in the counting hall and the Media Centre [...]
of the CCS in future
elections for the supporters of the candidates and members of the public.
[...] 所有單位,因此投票箱接收和存放區、點 大堂 、 傳媒中心和各 工作單位的辦公室須分設於四層不同的樓層。
As no single floor of HITEC was sufficiently large to accommodate the different units of the
CCS, the ballot box reception and deposit
[...] areas, counting halls, Media Centre [...]
and offices of various working parties, were
set up on four different levels.
价格包括对涵盖露台政府税IVA部(12%),互联网 大堂 酒 吧 接入,无线上网,每天家务,毛巾,香皂,线,毛毯,24​​小时热水,邮箱服务,免费地图基多,基多的一个惊人的观点,特别是从我们的老城区和另外一个美好的工作人员,他们准备在你需要的一切帮助你顶露台。
The prices include government tax IVA (12%),
[...] internet access at the lobby bar, WIFI on [...]
the covered top terrace, housekeeping everyday,
towels, body soap, lines, blankets, 24 hours hot water, mailbox service, free maps of Quito, an amazing view point of Quito from our top terrace especially of the Old Town and besides a wonderful staff that they are ready to help you in everything you need.
Located in
[...] the ship’s main foyer, the elegant Preziosa [...]
Bar is the ideal place to meet up for a relaxing drink before dinner or at any other time of day.
价格包括对涵盖露台大堂酒吧 政府税IVA部(12%),互联网,无线上网,每天家务,毛巾,香皂,线,毛毯,24​​小时热水,邮箱服务,基多,一个惊人的免费地图基多的观点,特别是从我们的老城区,行李寄存,安全柜顶部的露台。
The prices include government tax IVA (12%), internet, WIFI on the covered top terrace and Lobby bar, housekeeping everyday, towels, body soap, lines, blankets, 24 hours hot water, mailbox service, free maps of Quito, an amazing view point of Quito from our top terrace especially of the Old Town, luggage storage, security lockers.
Featuring beverages, snacks and live
[...] entertainment, the Lobby Lounge is [...]
at the heart of the hotel, with beautiful, traditional
Asian decor serving as a backdrop to gourmet coffees, afternoon teas and evening cocktails.
在上海和睦家医院接种进口流感疫苗只需88元(全部费用只可以现金或信用卡支付,不能享受进一步折扣),接种流感疫苗无需预约,您只需在医 大堂 接 待 处简单地提出申请即可。
Receive an imported flu shot at Shanghai United Family Hospital & Clinics for only RMB 88 (cash and credit card only, no further discounts apply).
申 索 中 介 人 會
[...] 在 這 些 辦 公 地 點 的 電大 堂 或 接 待 處 流 連 , 尋 找 涉 [...]
及 勞 資 糾 紛 的 申 請 人 、 法 律 援 助 的 申 請 人 或 交 通 意 外 受 害 人 或 他 們 的 家 人
, 向 他 們 兜 攬 生 意 。
Claims intermediaries would
[...] loiter in the lift lobbies or reception areas [...]
of the relevant offices and approach applicants
involved in labour disputes, applicants for legal aid, or victims of traffic accidents or their family members to solicit business.
[...] 把它交回你所屬學校校務處、三藩市聯合校區中央辦事處(Franklin街 555 號,一大 堂) 或學生服務事務處 (555 [...]
Portola Drive, 1號臨時課室) 。
If you have a complaint about translation/interpretation services, you may complete a complaint form in your
home language and return it to your school’s main office, SFUSD’s Central Office (555 Franklin
[...] Street, first floor lobby) or Student Support [...]
Services (555 Portola Drive, Bungalow #1).
东方海港国际大厦以LEED绿色建筑金质认证为基准,邀请美国建筑师协会副会长、美国赫勒·马努斯建筑设计事务所(HellerManusArchitects)主席----JeffreyHeller先生担任总设计,按照当今国际高端智能化写字楼高舒适度、低能耗、低碳排放、健康的国际绿色建筑的认证标准建造,且更具人性化与舒适化,设有:全球先进5A智能体系、双VAV中央空调及独立新风系统、地暖 大堂 、 门 禁访客识别系统、健康直饮水系统、环保雨水回收系统、电子信报箱系统、新能源车辆充电管理系系统等。
The Eastern Harbour International Building LEED Green Building Gold certification basis, to invite the vice president of the American Institute of Architects, the President of the United States of Heller Manus architectural design firm (HellerManusArchitects) ---- President JeffreyHeller chief design, according to the high office of today's international high-end intelligent comfort, low energy consumption, low carbon emissions, the health of the international green building certification standards for the construction, and more user-friendly and comfortable, and features: advanced global 5A intelligent system, double VAV central air
conditioning and independent new wind
[...] system to warm the lobby, access control [...]
and visitor identification system, health
direct drinking water system, environmental protection, rainwater recycling system, the electronic newspaper boxes, new energy vehicle charging Management system.
昔日,此金句被題在舊院行政樓(已被拆卸)的門楣上, 今日則高懸在新大堂的橫 樑上,時刻提醒我們:為主作工,願 主心滿意足。
This Isaiah scripture was written on the old administrative block; today, it is printed on the lobby of the new hospital, reminding us that the one we
咨询委员会获悉, 2008-2013 年期间所需资源估计数的大部分(67 344 200 美元)用于家具和设备,包括秘书长的报告第 14
[...] 段提到的大约 4 500 名工作人员 的办公家具,以及会议室椅子大堂 、 休 息区和非正式会议室的家具。
The Advisory Committee was informed that the bulk of the estimated resource requirements for the period 2008-2013 ($67,344,200) was related to furniture and equipment, including, as indicated in paragraph 14 of the Secretary-General’s report, office furniture for
approximately 4,500 staff, as well as conference room
[...] chairs and furniture in lobbies, lounge areas and [...]
informal meeting rooms.
一) a) 年滿 18
[...] 歲的合資格澳門永久性居民身份證持有人可親往香港入境事務 處設在香港上環信德中心港澳客輪碼頭的登記處(位於入 大堂 辦 理 入 境手續之前的區域)或尖沙咀中國客運碼頭的登記處(位於入 大堂辦 理 入境手續之後的區域)辦理預先登記手續,成功登記後 15 分鐘即可 使用自助過關通道(e-道)入出境香港。
1) i. The eligible Macao SAR Permanent Resident Card holders, aged 18 or above, can proceed to the enrollment office of the Hong Kong
Immigration Department
[...] located at Hong Kong-Macao Ferry Terminal in Sheung Wan (the arrival hall area before going through the immigration) and China-Hong Kong Ferry [...]
Terminal in Tsim
Sha Tsui (the arrival hall area after going through the immigration).
為確保個別住宅單位的業主能從政府給予的樓面面積寬免中真正獲益,一 些有助改善居住環境的樓宇設施及建築設計,若能取得社會共識,而公共財政又 能承擔的話,應納入法定的樓宇設計要求之內;例如:綠化屋頂、建築物後移、 露台、設施平台、較寬闊的走廊和升降 大堂 、 遮 陽簷篷、追風器等。
To ensure that individual buyers of residential units would genuinely benefit from the government’s concessions of GFA, those amenities features which are beneficial for the general public and of good architectural design benefits may become statutory design requirements.
[...] 所屬學校校務處、三藩市聯合校區中央辦事處(Franklin街 555 號,一大堂) 或學生服 務事務處 (555 [...]
Portola Drive, 1號臨時課室) 。
The forms can be completed in your home language and returned to your school’s main office, the
SFUSD’s Central Office (555 Franklin
[...] Street, first floor lobby) or Student Support [...]
Services (555 Portola Drive, Bungalow #1).
因 此 , 調 查 主 任 A 決 定 在 廉 署 大 樓 地大 堂 交 還 有 關 物 品 。
Investigator A therefore decided to return the properties at the ground floor lobby of the ICAC Building.
2008年12月1 日颁布了《设计手册2008 》。新《设计手册》引入 一系列新规定,例如为残疾人士提供进出后台和观众席的通道、详细述明供残疾
[...] 人士使用的停车位的数目、尺寸和标志准则、改善方向指示标志,以及指明走 廊、楼梯大堂的最 低照明度,以方便视力受损的人士等。
The new DM introduces a series of new requirements, such as the provision of access to backstage facilities of auditoriums for persons with a disability; introduction of detailed requirements on the number, size and signage of parking spaces; improvement of directional signage; and
specification of minimum illumination levels for
[...] corridor, stair and lift lobby for persons [...]
with visual impairment, etc.
本集團數碼影院全方位解決方案可讓影院營運商透過中央控制之影院管理系統, 大堂 及 影 院屏幕放映 一系列預告片、廣告及其他內容,而該影院管理系統則由NOC遙控。
With the Group’s total solution for digital cinema, the cinema operator can now display the full array of trailers, advertisements and alternative content on both the in-foyer displays and in-theatres screens through a centrally controlled theater management system that in turns is
remotely monitored by noC. the various
[...] display devices can now be programmed from [...]
the ticketing system to playback all kind
of content in coherency and up-to-the-last minute media can be delivered to all the various display devices connected to a central server. the installed system was so successful that other high-end cinema multiplexes in the PrC and Hong Kong also installed the similar system supplied by the Group.
大型的零售銀行除擁有廣泛的分行網絡外,不少亦設有自動柜員 大堂 , 而 大 部 分 於銀行提供的服務亦可透過網上銀行辦理。
In addition to the extensive branch network of
the major retail banks, many of which
[...] have self-service ATM halls, most services available [...]
at the bank itself are also available via internet banking.
酒店的餐饮设施包括拥有全长沙最大的开放式厨房的Café Royale餐厅,提供全球各地美饌大堂 吧 适 合任何商业和社交聚会;设有11间包房、每日供应各种中国名茶的茶馆;设有28个包间和500平方米大厅的芙(Fu)中餐厅,主理湘菜和粤菜。
The hotel's food and beverage repertoire includes Café Royale restaurant, serving international cuisine in the city's largest open kitchen; Lobby Lounge, which creates a perfect atmosphere for business and social gatherings; Tea House with 11 private rooms where a wide variety of Chinese tea will be prepared daily; Fu Chinese Restaurant with 28 elegant private dining rooms and a 500 square-meter dining hall offering Xiang and Cantonese cuisines.
海關人員今天上午於機場入大堂截 查一名從委內瑞拉抵港的男子,在其背囊夾層內搜出該批可卡因。
Customs officers stopped the man, who was arriving from Venezuela, and found the cocaine concealed in a false compartment in his rucksack.
由於服務人手短缺,集團只好將一班四星級酒店的員工全數調職百星酒店工作,這群員工的核心包括了日夜盼望升 大堂 經 理的副經理包定(鄭中基飾演);覺得自己是明星胚子的餐飲主管兼酒保彭俊(杜汶澤飾演);對房間整理嚴格得接近病態的房務總管桃姐(吳君如飾演);一心希望嫁個有錢人的前台Sammy(盛君飾演)。
However, this hotel is run by a group of incompetent staff including OK (Ronald Cheng) the Assistant Manager, Pacino (Chapman To) the Chief Bartender, Peach (Sandra Ng) the Head of Housekeeping and Sammy (Janelle Sing) the Receptionist.
宽敞客房、豪华床上用品、高科技设施、全新打造 大堂 、 早 餐、晚餐,以及部分 Bistro 餐厅供应的香醇鸡尾酒……非凡体验惊喜连连。
We offer spacious rooms, plush bedding and high-tech amenities, plus a redesigned lobby, and breakfast, dinner, and cocktails at the Bistro in select locations.
成都银行总部大楼令人印象深刻,不同功能的公共空间将两座长 100m 高度灵活的商务楼联在一起,包括入 大堂 、 多 功能厅、会议中心、银行俱乐部,形成一个 [...]
100m 的立方体,共计 1 百万平方米建筑面积。
For the Bank of Chengdu headquarter building an impressive 100m cube is created by connecting two highly flexible, 100m long office towers with a
variety of common areas including an
[...] entrance lobby, a multi-purpose hall, a conference [...]
center, and a banker’s club for a
total 1 Million square meters of built up floor area.
大堂交互式 GoBoard 触摸屏助您轻松查找当地餐厅、最新资讯、天气情况与旅行信息等。
The lobby's interactive GoBoard lets you find local restaurants and learn about the weather, news and travel conditions.
[...] www.fsm.gov.mo/psp/pspmonitor,便可查看关闸、外港及路氹城边境站出入 大堂 和 车道的实时通关影像,灵活选择合适的出入境时机,而旅游局已与治安警察局网站连结「边境口岸实时资讯平台」。
Public Security Police Force has launched the "Real-Time Information Platform of Border Ports", which enables visitors to check the
real-time border-crossing images at the
[...] arrival/departure halls and traffic lanes [...]
of Barrier Gate, Outer Harbour and Cotai
Frontier Post by entering the platform website: www.fsm.gov.mo/psp/pspmonitor on phone or computer.
在儿童中心,经营该中心的塔梅尔(Tamer)友好地欢迎我们的到来,他领我们穿过容纳了数百名流离失所儿童及其母亲 大堂。
At the children’s centre, a friendly and welcoming Tamer, who runs the centre, ushered us through to a hall filled with hundreds of displaced children and their mothers attending a Mother’s Day event.
警方透露,槍手在通過金屬器檢查站進入法 大堂 前 , 與在場的警員駁火,暫時未知兩女是被槍手殺死,還是在槍林彈雨下中槍身亡,目前也未知槍手是如何斃命。
Shavack said police had not confirmed that one of the women was the shooter’s estranged wife, though earlier in the day the city’s mayor said that was the case.
刃扒房 (The CUT) 是北京华彬费尔蒙酒店精心打造的现代烧烤牛排馆,位于酒店二层,可俯瞰酒 大堂 , 内 设 56 张座位,仅提供晚餐(周二至周六晚 6 点至晚 11 点),您可以在此尽享精益求精的服务和令人回味无穷的美食。
Located on the second level and overlooking the lobby – The CUT, Fairmont Beijing’s uniquely refined contemporary Grill opens exclusive for dinner only (Tuesday to Saturday, 6PM to 11PM), with 56 seats sizzles with a combination of exacting service and inspired cuisine.
大堂吧兄 弟约翰尼,当约翰尼同意采取“兄弟的团结,友爱,持久性有机污染物和卡尔的成员在开始试验,他必须要面对的艰巨任务,吃土豆片和列表...
Lodge Brother Johnny—When Johnny agrees to take the initiation trial for the "Brotherhood of the Gnu", a fraternity that Pops and Carl are members of, he must face the daunting tasks of eating one potato chip and list...




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