

单词 大埔

See also:

flat land next a river or ocean

External sources (not reviewed)

我們透大埔地面 站為優質客戶提供一系列增值服務,包括多路單載波(「MCPC」)平台、上行鏈路、訊號 [...]
Through the Tai Po Earth Station, [...]
we offer a range of value-added services including multiple channels per carrier (MCPC)
platforms, uplink, traffic turn-around, emergency uplink backup and equipment hosting services to our valued customers.
本公司利用第二個牌照經大埔地面 站之多路 單載波平台,透過向廣播客戶提供一站式之多路單載波平台服務,讓他們享受增值及成本較低的服務。
The Company uses the other licence to operate its MCPC
[...] platforms from the Tai Po Earth Station [...]
offering value-added and cost saving services
to broadcast customers by providing them with a one-stop MCPC platform service.
在土地註冊處登記大埔市地 段第189號的土地連同建於其上並稱 大埔 富 善 邨的建築物。
The land registered in Land
[...] Registry as Tai Po Town Lot No. 189 together with the buildings thereon known as Fu Shin Estate, Tai Po.
有关摊位的开放时间及收集回收物品的安排,请留 大埔 环 保会的公布(查询电话:2898 2262)。
About the opening hours and arrangements for collection of recyclables please refer to the relevant
[...] announcement by TPEA (Enquiries: 2898 2262).
關於闢拓土㆞、環境、基礎建設和社區設施的新工程方面,現已展開或將於未來㆔ 年動工的工程包括耗資 4 億 4400 萬元在筲箕灣愛秩序灣填海,闢拓 19 公頃土㆞,供 住宅和社區用途;在 新 界東北部發展大型廢物處理堆填區,這工程的費用為 18 億元;
動用 10 億元改善龍翔道和呈祥道,7 億 8500 萬元興建新青衣南橋;為 青衣東南部的 9 號貨櫃碼頭港口發展計劃提供必須的後勤㆞區和基礎建設,工 程費用為 27
[...] 億元;及投 資 6 億 8200 萬元大埔興建 ㆒所新的療養院/護養醫院。
The list of new projects for land formation, environment, infrastructure and community facilities which have either started or which are programmed to commence construction during the next three years, includes a $444 million scheme to reclaim 19 hectares of land in Aldrich Bay, Shaukeiwan for residential and community uses, a $1.8 billion project to develop a large waste disposal landfill in Northeast New Territories, a $1 billion project to upgrade Lung Cheung Road and Ching Cheung Road, a duplicate Tsing Yi South Bridge at $785 million, a $2.7 billion project to provide the necessary back-up area and infrastructure for Container
Terminal 9 port development in southeast Tsing Yi, and a new convalescent/infirmary
[...] hospital at Tai Po at $682 million.
應主席邀請,黃成智議員讀出他擬動議的 議案如下 ⎯⎯ " 政府在各方反對下仍強行興建廣深港高 速鐵路,而將總站設於遠離上水 大埔區 的西九龍,令上水大埔居民 須支付高昂 的費用乘搭東鐵再轉乘西鐵才可使用廣深 港高速鐵路,政府必須促使港鐵在廣深港 高鐵落成後為因使用廣深港高速鐵路而乘 搭東鐵再轉乘西鐵的乘客提供折扣優惠, 以確保上水大埔區市 民不會因為使用廣 深港高速鐵路而承受高昂的交通費。
That, as the Government still pushes through the construction of the Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link (XRL) despite opposition from various fronts and locates the terminus in West Kowloon, which is far away from Sheung Shui and Tai Po, obligating
residents in Sheung
[...] Shui and Tai Po to pay expensive fares to take the East Rail and then interchange for the West Rail before they can use the XRL, the Government must press the MTR Corporation Limited, upon the commissioning of the XRL, to offer fare concessions to commuters who take the East Rail and then interchange for the West Rail for using the XRL, so as to ensure that residents in Sheung Shui and Tai Po will not have [...]
to incur heavy traffic expenses for using the XRL.
就市場情況而定,本集團預期「瑆華」及位 大埔 的 首 期「Providence Bay」將於今年年末推出預售。
Subject to market conditions, both “9 Warren Street” and the first phase of “Providence Bay” in Tai Po are expected to be launched for pre-sale towards the end of this year.
(b) 擬建的新界單車徑網絡主要包括兩段總長約 82 公里的主幹線路段:(i)屯門
[...] 至馬鞍山段:這路段由西面的屯門開始,經元朗、上水、粉嶺 大埔 和沙 田連接東面的馬鞍山;以及(ii)荃灣至屯門段。
(b) The proposed cycle track network in the New Territories broadly comprises a backbone with a total length of about 82 kilometres made up of two sections: (i) Tuen Mun - Ma On Shan section which starts from Tuen Mun in the
west and connects via Yuen Long, Sheung
[...] Shui, Fanling, Tai Po and Sha Tin to [...]
Ma On Shan in the east; and (ii) Tsuen Wan - Tuen Mun section.
根據目前 市況,位大埔Provi dence Bay、西半山加冕臺及大坑華倫街項目亦最早將於二零一一年預售,務求盡享當前的市場發 展動力。
Subject to market conditions, Providence Bay in Tai Po, Coronation Terrace in Mid-Levels West and Warren Street in Tai Hang will also be ready for pre-sales launch in 2011 at the earliest timeframe to make the most out of the current market momentum.
集團現時透過其位於香大埔的 衛 星測控中心營運亞太衛星系統包括亞太 5 號、亞太 6 號及亞太 2R。
The Group currently operates the APSTAR system, including APSTAR 5, APSTAR 6, and APSTAR 2R, through its own Satellite Control Center in Tai Po, Hong Kong.
3.1 若股東擬提名個別人士(「候選人」)於股東大會上參選為本公司董 事,須把一份書面通知(「提名通知」)送交本公司的總辦事處, 地址為香港新大埔大埔工業 邨大貴街22號,或本公司的註冊處, 地址為香港灣仔皇后大道東28號金鐘匯中心26樓。
3.1 If a shareholder wishes to propose a person (the “Candidate”) for election as a director of the Company at a general meeting, he/she shall deposit a written notice (the “Notice”) at the Company’s head office at 22 Dai Kwai Street, Tai Po Industrial Estate, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong or at the Company’s Registration Office at 26/F Tesbury Centre, 28 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong.
偉易達集團的總辦事處設於香港,地址是香港新 大埔 汀 角路57號太平工業中心第1期23樓(地圖)。
The address is 23/F, Tai Ping Industrial Centre, Block 1, 57 Ting Kok Road, Tai Po, Hong Kong (Map).
集團的主要商場包括中環國際金融中心商場、銅鑼灣WTCMore、尖沙咀新太陽廣場、旺角新世紀廣場、東九龍APM、沙田新城市廣場 大埔 超 級 城、上水廣場及葵芳新都會廣場等。
The Group’s major malls include IFC Mall in Central, WTC More in Causeway Bay, The Sun Arcade in Tsim Sha Tsui, Grand Century Place in
Mong Kok, APM in Kowloon East, New Town
[...] Plaza in Sha Tin, Tai Po Mega Mall, Landmark [...]
North in Sheung Shui and Metroplaza in Kwai Fong.
自2001年5月以來,香港科技園公司法定委員會 大埔 區 和 將軍 澳工業區配給了大約18.5公頃的土地用以建設高級別數據中心。
Approximately 18.5 hectares of land has also been allocated for high-tier data centers in the Industrial Estates at Tai Po and Tseung Kwan O by statutory board Science and Technology Parks Corporation since May 2001.
以全港十八區區議會為參賽單位,十八區包括:離島區、屯門區、元朗區、荃灣區、 葵青區、北區大埔區、 沙田區、西貢區、南區、中西區、灣仔區、東區、深水埗區、 油尖旺區、九龍城區、黃大仙區、觀塘區。
The 18 districts include Islands, Tuen Mun, Yuen Long, Tsuen Wan, Kwai Tsing, North, Tai Po, Sha Tin, Sai Kung, Southern, Central & Western, Wan Chai, Eastern, Sham Shui Po, Yau Tsim Mong, Kowloon City, Wong Tai Sin and Kwun Tong.
中文大學校園﹝下稱「中大校園」﹞佔地137公頃,除了教學大樓之外,環境亦包括河溪、水池、草地、灌木叢、植林區、次生樹林等,加上鄰 大埔 滘 自 然護理區之林區,面向吐露港,校園?
The campus of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (hereinafter referred to as “CU campus”) covers an area of 137 hectares, which, apart from teaching buildings, include rivers, ponds, grasslands, bushes, plantations, secondary forests, etc.
Moreover, neighboring the
[...] woods of the Tai Po Kau Special Area and facing the Tolo Harbour, the campus has a considerable [...]
biodiversity and
serves as the ideal location for nature conservation and environmental education.
第一階段的合資格參加者,是經社署安老服務統一評估機制評估為身體機能中度缺損、正在長期護理服務中央輪候冊上輪候資助社區照顧服務或住宿照顧服務的長者,並居於東區、黃大仙、觀塘、深水埗(包括油尖旺及九龍城區)、沙田 大埔 、 荃 灣及屯門。
To be eligible for the first phase of the pilot scheme, which will last two years, applicants must be assessed as moderately impaired under the Standardised Care Need Assessment Mechanism for Elderly Service, and be waiting for subsidised community care or residential care service in the Long Term Care Services Delivery System.
自2007年起,梁博士參與興建和管理位於香 大埔 科 學園符合GMP要求的生產廠房,有系統地編制相關的GMP文件,其所開發研製的功能性聚乙二醇(PEG)合成產品符合GMP規範並達致USP品質要求。
He has systematically finalized BCT’s documentation system in compliance with GMP requirements. He has also developed a patentable technology for the chemical synthesis of the USP-grade modified Polyethylene Glycol (PEG).
如市民未能于此日前换领礼品,也可于2013年3月1日至3月31日期间,携同印花纪录卡 大埔 环 保会的推广摊位开放时段换礼品。
In case you cannot redeem the gifts before the date,
you may still redeem
[...] the gifts at TPEA’s promotion booth during booth opening by presenting your gift redemption [...]
cards from 1 to 31 March 2013.
透過電訊盈科的龐大網絡,令Always-on企業服務可覆蓋香港95%的商業區,當中包括港島南區的數碼港、大嶼山的赤臘角、將軍澳工業村 大埔 科 學 園等。
Leveraging PCCW's proven network infrastructure, Always-on Broadband covers fully 95% of commercial areas in Hong Kong
including Cyberport in Island South, Chek Lap Kok in Lantau, the Tseung Kwan O Industrial
[...] Park and the Science Park in Tai Po.
閣下有權查看本集團持有的與閣下有關的資訊,閣下可藉向偉易達集團發出請求查看有關資訊,偉易達集團地址為香 大埔 汀 角 路57號太平工業中心第1期23樓。
You are entitled to see the information held about you and can do so by sending a request to: VTech Holdings Limited at 23/F, Tai Ping Industrial Centre, Block 1, 57 Ting Kok Road, Tai Po, Hong Kong.
Steckling神父同時帶領一台共祭彌撒,這是為獻主會學校的師生、聖母院堂及聖歐爾發堂的教友、大嶼山 大埔 及 香 港其他地區的獻主會大家庭成員而舉行的。
Father Steckling also led a concelebrated mass for teachers and students from Oblate schools,
parishioners from Notre Dame and St. Alfred's Parish, MAMI members from
[...] Lantau Island, Tai Po and other places [...]
in Hong Kong.
嘉華國際動用逾30億港元,分別以獨資或合資形式在香港及上海增購4幅優質地皮,包括香港九龍嘉林邊道2號、半山寶珊道30號 大埔 市 地 段201號,及上海青浦區朱家角B3、B4地塊,為未來持續發展和增長添加動力。
Between late 2009 and early 2010, KWIH acquired four prime sites or projects in Hong Kong and Shanghai through sole proprietorship or joint venture, including 2 Grampian Road in Kowloon, 30 Po Shan Road in the Mid-levels and Tai Po Town Lot No. 201 in Hong Kong, and Plot B3 & B4, Zhujiajiao, Qingpu District in Shanghai, fuelling up its sustainable development and growth in future years.
太古昇達的附屬公司遠東環保垃圾堆填公司推出一項新的沼氣處理系統,於新界東北堆填區收集的沼氣處理並壓縮,然後透過一條全長十九公里的管道,輸送 大埔 的 煤 氣生產廠房。
Far Eastern Landfill Technologies, a subsidiary of Swire SITA, launches its new Landfill Gas (LFG) treatment system that treats LFG at its North
East New Territories Landfill and transmits the compressed gas via a 19-kilometre
[...] pipeline to the Towngas plant in Tai Po.
位於香大埔工業 業及廣東省東莞之卷鋼加工中 心主要是供應珠江三角洲地區文具、電器、金屬 [...]
製品等出口製造商鋼片用原料,年內除在第一季 度市場情況比較疲弱外,全年大部份時間業務穩 定,成績理想。
The two Steel Coil Processing
[...] centers located in Taipo Industrial Estate, [...]
Hong Kong and Dongguan, Guangdong mainly supply
steel sheet materials to stationery, electrical appliances and metal manufacturers in the Pearl River Delta Region for their export production.
全新八達通轉乘計劃 : 由E31(由東涌逸東邨)於青嶼幹線收費廣場轉乘路線E32(往葵芳方向), 可獲免費轉乘優惠; 或轉乘路線E33(往屯門方向)或E34(往天水圍方向)或E4 1( 往 大埔 頭 方 向)或E42(往沙田博康方向), 第二程車資可獲三元折扣優惠; 或者由E32(由葵芳開出)或E33(由屯門開出)或E34(由天水圍開出)或E4 1( 由 大埔 頭 開 出)或E42(由沙田博康開出)於青嶼幹線收費廣場轉乘路線E31(往東涌), 第二程可獲免費轉乘優惠
New Octopus Interchange Scheme : Start from E31 (from Tung Chung Yat Tung Estate) can free to change to E32 (to Kwai Fong) in The Lantau Link Toll Plaza;  or change to E33 (to Tuen Mun)
or E34 (to Tin Shui
[...] Wai) or E41 (to Tai Po Tau) or E42 (to Sha Tin Pok Hong) in The Lantau Link Toll Plaza, therefore have $3 discount; or Start from E32 (from Kwai Fong) or E33 (from Tuen Mun) or E34  (from Tin Shui Wai) or E41 (from Tai Po Tau) or E42 (from [...]
Sha Tin Pok Hong) change
to Route No. E31 (to Tung Chung) in The Lantau Link Toll Plaza; therefore can free to change
于第三阶段中,商号及个人会员将互选出26位董事;于第四阶段中,选举委员会将从本会会员中提名推举7位创会族群(即福建、潮州、广东、三江 大埔 、 梅 县和海南)代表为本会董事。
At the third stage, the Corporate and Individual members shall elect from among themselves 26 persons as Council Members. At the last stage, the Election Committee shall elect 7 members of the SCCCI, representing the founding community groups comprising Fujian, Chaozhou, Guangdong, the Sanjiang, Dapu, Meixian and Qiongzhou, to be Council Members.
今年的「踢走貧窮 –
[...] 進軍米蘭2009無家者世界盃香港區活動」獲得Nike、屈臣氏蒸餾水、浩發實業及荷里活廣場贊助,傑志足球隊協辦,香港精英運動員協會、有線體育台及體育王節目 大埔 足 球 會、香港五人足球裁判會、香港足球評述員協會、影音使團、香港基督教服務處賽馬會日出山莊、工業福音團契及明愛樂協會等全力支持。
The “Kick Off Poverty –Road to Milan 2009 Homeless World Cup” campaign was co-organized by Kitchee (Sports Management) Limited, sponsored by Nike, Watson’s water, Plaza Hollywood, Fullrich Company Limited, and jointly supported by Hong Kong Elite Athletes Association, i-Cable Sports, Hong Kong 5-A-Side Football Referee
Association, Hong Kong Football Commentators
[...] Association, Tai Po Football Club, [...]
Hong Kong Christian Service Jockey Club Lodge
of Rising Sun, Industrial Evangelistic Fellowship, Caritas Lok Heep Club and Media Evangelistic Limited.
在 10 月 16 日第 10 次会议上,印度代表以阿富汗、阿尔巴尼亚、亚美尼亚、 孟加拉国、比利时、不丹、保加利亚、 埔 寨 、 智利、克罗地亚、捷克共和国、 萨尔瓦多、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、德国、希腊、危地马拉、海地、洪都拉斯、 匈牙利、印度、爱尔兰、大利、 科威特、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、毛里求 斯、摩纳哥、缅甸、尼泊尔、荷兰、挪威、菲律宾、波兰、葡萄牙、罗马尼亚、 俄罗斯联邦、萨摩亚、塞尔维亚、新加坡、斯洛伐克、西班牙、斯里兰卡、泰国、 前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、多哥、土耳其和大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国的名 [...]
义提出了一项题为“防止恐怖分子获取大规模毁灭性武器的措施”的决议草案 (A/C.1/63/L.34)。
At the 10th meeting, on 16 October, the representative of India, on behalf of Afghanistan, Albania, Armenia,
Bangladesh, Belgium, Bhutan, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Chile, Croatia, the Czech Republic, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Kuwait, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mauritius, Monaco, Myanmar, Nepal, the Netherlands, Norway, the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, the Russian Federation, Samoa, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Thailand, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Togo, Turkey and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, introduced a draft resolution entitled “Measures to prevent terrorists from acquiring weapons of mass destruction” (A/C.1/63/L.34).
下列成员和准成员的代表在会上作了发言:亚美尼亚、 大 利 亚 、孟 加拉国、文莱达鲁萨兰国、埔寨、 中国、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、斐济、 中国香港、印度、印度尼西亚、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、日本、哈萨克斯坦、老 [...]
几内亚、菲律宾、大韩民国、俄罗斯联邦、萨摩亚、新加坡、所罗门群岛、 斯里兰卡、泰国、汤加、图瓦卢、瓦努阿图和越南。
Representatives of the following members and associate members made
statements: Armenia;
[...] Australia; Bangladesh; Brunei Darussalam; Cambodia; China; Democratic People’s Republic [...]
of Korea; Fiji; Hong
Kong, China; India; Indonesia; Iran (Islamic Republic of); Japan; Kazakhstan; Lao People’s Democratic Republic; Malaysia; Mongolia; Myanmar; Nepal; Pakistan; Papua New Guinea; Philippines; Republic of Korea; Russian Federation; Samoa; Singapore; Solomon Islands; Sri Lanka; Thailand; Tonga; Tuvalu; Vanuatu; and Viet Nam.




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