单词 | 大型制造商 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 大型制造商 noun —major manufacturer nSee also:大型 adj—large adj • major adj • big adj • larger adj 制造商 pl—makers pl 制造商—manufacturing company 制造 n—manufacturing n • production n • fabrication n
东欧某家大型制造商自2005年以来一直依赖福伊特工业服务公司提供的车轮和轮胎服务。 voith.com | In Eastern [...] Europe, a major manufacturer has been relying [...]on Voith Industrial Services’ wheel and tire capabilities since 2005. voith.com |
从大型制造商到小 型新兴企业,整个行业都期待着 Veeco 为当前和新一代 MEMS [...] 及传感器设备带来更有效的解决方案。 veeco.com.cn | From large manufacturers to small start-ups, [...] the industry looks to Veeco to implement proper solutions for current and next [...]generation MEMS and sensor devices. veeco.com |
目前,三星、摩托罗拉、松下和夏新 等 大型制造商 的 1亿 多部手机中都使用了Rococo技术。 tipschina.gov.cn | There are now more than 100 million mobile phones [...] shipped by major manufacturers such as Samsung, [...]Motorola, Panasonic and Amoi with Rococo's technology. tipschina.gov.cn |
(a) Capri 制冷公司是一家生产小型商用和家用冰箱 的 大型制造商 ( 每年 30,000 台)。 multilateralfund.org | (a) Capri [...] Refrigeration is a large manufacturer of small-sized commercial and domestic [...]refrigerators (30,000 units/year). multilateralfund.org |
基于大型制造商增支资本费用计算的 项目总费用为 2,332,000 美元,外加用于 532 公吨 HCFC-22 的增支经营费用,按 6.30 美元 阈值水平计算。 multilateralfund.org | The total cost [...] of the project has been calculated based on the incremental capital costs of the large manufacturer at US $2,332,000 [...]plus incremental [...]operating costs for 532 mt of HCFC-22 at the threshold level of US $6.30. No further information related to the incremental operating costs was provided in the proposal. multilateralfund.org |
这一趋势形成于去年,包括拜耳和阿迪达斯在内的几 家 大型制造商 都 纷 纷表示愿意在中国几个内陆城市建立更多的生产基地,并以此增加对中国国内市场的销售量。 servcorp.com.cn | This follows on from plans revealed last year by [...] several large scale manufacturers such as Bayer [...]and Adidas, both of whom [...]signaled their intentions to increase sales in China's domestic markets by establishing additional manufacturing units in several inland cities. servcorp.com.cn |
另外,并购也极其困难,因为大多数 大型制造商 得 到 地方政府强有力的支持,地方政府担心任何这样的并购可能导致关闭有助于当地经济发展的生产设施。 youngchinabiz.com | What’s more, mergers are also extremely [...] difficult, as most big manufacturers get strong support [...]from local governments that worry [...]that any such mergers might result in the closure of manufacturing facilities that contribute to their local economies. youngchinabiz.com |
日本银行短观调查扩散指数从 2008 年 6 月的 5 点下降至 2009 年 3 月的-58 点,日本大型制造商的信 心也随之下降。 daccess-ods.un.org | Confidence among Japan’s large manufacturers declined, with the Bank of Japan’s Tankan survey diffusion index falling from 5 in June 2008 to -58 in March 2009, the worst figure since the survey started in 1974. daccess-ods.un.org |
答:如果您的电脑已经安装好Windows,而且购买 自 大型制造商 , 比 如戴尔、惠普或者东芝,那么Windows的安装很有可能使用的是一个OEM的密钥,而不是您电脑的真实密钥。 recover-keys.com | A: If you purchased your PC with Windows already [...] installed from a large manufacturer such as Dell, HP [...]or Toshiba, it's likely that Windows [...]was installed using an OEM key instead of the actual key for your PC. recover-keys.com |
虽然瘦客户机是非常合理的选择,但是我们 与 大型制造商已 经签约部署他们基于 IBM/Microsoft [...] 环境的设备,根据 Boitkus 的说法:“要采用瘦客户机及 Linux 解决方案,必须有一个非 常有力的理由。 igel.com | While a thin client solution made sense, [...] contracts with major manufacturers running in an [...]IBM/Microsoft environment were already [...]in place, and according to Boitkus,” There would have to be a major reason as to why we would go to thin clients and a Linux solution. igel.com |
最终客户包括多个大型欧洲 、美国和亚洲汽 车 制造商 、 大 部 分 主要的柴油发动机公司和领先的消费类 HVAC 和耐用品制造商。 digikey.cn | End customers include several major European, US and Asian automakers, most major diesel engine companies and leading consumer HVAC and durable goods manufacturers. digikey.ca |
通用版本 — 包含QAD企业应用程序套件的所有模块,满 足 大 多 数离 散 型制造商 的 需 求。 qadusers.com | General ERP Edition – Comprises the modules of the QAD Enterprise [...] Applications suite and meets most discrete manufacturers’ needs. qadusers.com |
他詢問政府當局是否試圖推遲就應如何推展西九龍文娛 藝術區作出決定,以期換取時間制訂 另一個可將利益輸 送予大型商業機構的發展方案。 legco.gov.hk | He queried whether the Administration was trying to delay the decision on how to [...] take forward WKCD so as to allow time for it to work out an alternative development strategy [...] which would enable the transfer of benefits to big business corporations. legco.gov.hk |
41 英国最近的一项大型研究结论认为“正式的知识产权制度只适用 于 商业 活动的一小部分,如大型制造公司。 iprcommission.org | Other informal methods of protection, and of obtaining technical information, were [...] generally more effective for SMEs.42 The crucial [...] question from our point of view is to what extent IPRs promote growth. iprcommission.org |
2007 年,这些爆炸物由 Innicor 地下技术公司提供,但这家加拿 大制造商被 美国公司收购。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 2007, these charges were supplied by Innicor Subsurface [...] Technologies, a Canadian manufacturer that was acquired [...]by a United States company. daccess-ods.un.org |
伊朗政府 的主要可持续发展政策旨在鼓励私人投资新能源和 可再生能源,资助制造商和设 计公司开发新技术, 支持大学研究。 daccess-ods.un.org | His Government’s main sustainable development policies were to encourage private investment in new and renewable [...] energy, subsidize the development of new [...] technologies by manufacturers and design companies and support university research. daccess-ods.un.org |
注意到氟氯烃成本效益阈值对低消费量国家的适用性问题是因斯威士兰的氟氯烃淘 [...] 汰管理计划提出的,该计划提议将一个使用 HCFC-141b 作泡沫塑料发泡剂的大型制造企业 转为使用碳氢化合物技术,其成本效益值高于确定的阈值。 multilateralfund.org | It was noted that the issue of the applicability of HCFC cost-effectiveness thresholds for LVC countries was being raised in the context of the HPMP [...] for Swaziland, where it was proposed [...] to convert a large manufacturing plant using HCFC-141b [...]as a foam blowing agent to hydrocarbon-based [...]technology, and that the cost-effectiveness value was higher than the established threshold. multilateralfund.org |
該等措施包括由 2004年起設立"M"品牌制度, 表揚和支持體育總會及其他體育團體 舉辦的大型體育活動,例如香港國際七人欖球賽、香港六人板球 賽及香港高爾夫球公開賽,以培養可持續發展的體育文化和為社 會帶來實質經濟利益;以及設立"核心贊助小組", 為 商 業 機 構提供 一個平台支持在香港舉辦的大型體育 活動。 legco.gov.hk | These measures included the establishment of the "M" Mark System since 2004 to recognize and support major sports events [...] organised by NSAs and [...] other sports organisations, such as the Hong Kong Rugby Sevens, Hong Kong Cricket Sixes, the Hong Kong Golf Open Championship, with a view to instilling a sustainable sporting culture and bringing tangible economic benefits to the community; and the setting up of the Core Sponsor Group to provide a platform for commercial organisations to support major sports events held in Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
这项工作的很大一部 分有赖于全球、区域和国 家伙伴,包括地方粮食生产者和食品 制造商 的 合 作。 daccess-ods.un.org | Much of this work has depended on collaboration with global, regional and national partners, including local food producers and food manufacturers. daccess-ods.un.org |
目前这些企业都使用 HFC-134a (小型制冷设备)和 HCFC-22 (较大型制冷设备 和低温设备)作为制造商用制 冷设备的制冷剂。 multilateralfund.org | All enterprises are currently using both HFC-134a (for small refrigeration equipment) and HCFC-22 (for larger [...] refrigeration equipment and low temperature [...] equipment) as refrigerants in the manufacture of commercial refrigeration equipment. multilateralfund.org |
这座美丽的维多利亚城市有着无数可以做的事——你可以参观曾经 建 造大型 轮 船 (比如泰坦尼克号)的造船厂、惊叹于宏伟的市政厅建筑和美丽的皇后大学、或者就在顶级精品店和时 髦 商 厦 内享受贝尔法斯特绚烂的城市生活。 discoverireland.com | This beautiful Victorian city has stacks of things to do, too – you can check out where great ships like the Titanic were built, marvel at the architecturally impressive City Hall and Queen’s University, or immerse yourself in Belfast’s sparkling city life with hip boutiques and smart stores. discoverireland.com |
通过制造专利和许可证、 参与创立分拆型商业公 司,在学术界工作的 ECR 不仅可以获得雇 佣员工、开展深入研究所需要的资金,而且可以获 得 大 笔个 人财务收益(只要贵组织的政策允许)。 biggerbrains.com | The production of patents and licenses and involvement in the setting up of commercial spinoff companies can provide ECRs working in academia not only funding to employ staff and carry out further research, [...] but also a significant [...]personal financial gain if your organisation’s policies allow it. biggerbrains.com |
为了确保您能够享受到最好的自行车岸上游,在我们的旅途上,您将使用由 意 大 利 领 先自行 车 制造商 L o m ba rdo提供的自行车。 msccruises.com.cn | And to ensure you enjoy the best possible experience on two wheels, you’ll find state-of-the-art bikes, on all the tours, provided by market-leading Italian bike maker Lombardo. msccruises.com.au |
全球领先的医疗器械设备制造商、近 日荣膺 小 型 企 业管理局2011年度亚利桑那出口商称号的Vante公司在11月2日和3日举行的美国国际医学设计及制造展示会(MD&M [...] Minneapolis)上推出了一个充满活力、注重选择的尖端产品和服务阵容。 tipschina.gov.cn | Vante, a leader in [...] medical device equipment manufacturing and recently honored as [...]2011 Small Business Administration (SBA) Arizona [...]Exporter of the Year, is rolling out a dynamic, choice-focused line up of cutting edge products and services at MD&M Minneapolis on November 2nd and 3rd. tipschina.gov.cn |
他用巨大的聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料块磨制 出 新 的 造型 , 创 作中生成的边角料则留到打造新雕塑时再用。 shanghaibiennale.org | From huge blocks of Styrofoam he milled out new forms. shanghaibiennale.org |
在这方面,可以编制 一些武器检查表,包括日期和观察地点、武器 类 型 、 完整序号、标记 、 制造商、 年份、备注以及武器图片及包括包装细节在内的标识。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this connection, weapons inspection sheets could be prepared, including [...] date and place of [...] observation, weapon type, complete serial number, markings, manufacturer, year, comments [...]and pictures of weapons [...]and markings, as well as details of packaging. daccess-ods.un.org |
上述各项的执行需要有一个持续的经济增长框架;增加税负的财政契约、对 发展和生产力进行集中投资、对社会保护进行投资及确保与就业积极挂钩;建立 有利于就业正规化和扩大缴费型制度 的 劳工机构;提供看护服务,鼓励更多女性 加入低收入部门;以及建立的教育制度能够为寻求就业 创 造 公 平竞争环境以及能 够提高对生产能力的要求。 daccess-ods.un.org | The above should be implemented within a framework of sustained economic growth; fiscal pacts to raise the tax burden and invest in development and productive convergence, invest in social protection and ensure positive links [...] with employment; labour [...] institutions that favoured formalizing employment and expanding the contributory scheme; care services to encourage greater female participation in low-income sectors; and an educational system that could level the playing field when seeking employment and raise the bar in terms of productive [...]capacities. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果光伏组件制造商在其 产品中使用的关键 零部件已经由 UL 进行过测试和认证,将会大大降低延误产品上市的风险,同时也降低最 终产品的认证成本。 ul.com | PV module manufacturers are able to reduce the risk of delay to market and the costs associated with end product certification if [...] the critical components [...]used in their products are already tested and certified by UL. ul.com |
(g) 向制冷维修次级行业提供技术援助,包括提高小型和中型(包括汽车空调) 维修工场的技术能力;向大型使用氟氯化碳的冷风机以 及 大型商 用 制 冷 系 统 的所有者提供技术支助,以推动报废较老的系统,并提高对现有替代技术的 认识(特别是无氟氯烃且最好是全球升温潜能值低的制冷剂);以及合理管 理和分发设备,及将分配至主要有关利益方的供应品(向工发组织提供 [...] 1,280,000 美元)。 multilateralfund.org | (g) Providing technical assistance to the refrigeration servicing sub-sector, including [...] upgrading the technical [...] capacities of small and medium-size servicing workshops including MAC; technical support to owners of large CFC-based chillers and large commercial refrigeration [...]systems to promote the [...]retirement of older systems and raise awareness on available alternative technologies (particularly non-HCFC and preferably low-GWP refrigerants); and proper management and distribution of equipment and supplies to be distributed to major stakeholders (US $1,280,000 for UNIDO). multilateralfund.org |
其他出口产品目前已扩展至农业商品 、 汽车零部件等技术密 集 型制造 业 及 广泛的服务领域,从农业和设计与法律服务等利基产业,蔓延至更 庞 大 的 教育和旅游产业。 australiachina.com.au | Other exports now span traditional agricultural commodities, technology intensive manufactures such as automotive parts and a wide range of services, from niche sectors such as [...] architecture and design and legal [...]services to the much larger education and tourism sectors. australiachina.com.au |