单词 | 大吵大闹 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 大吵大闹 —shout and scream (idiom); to kick up a fussmake a sceneSee also:吵吵 v—quarrel v 吵吵—make a racket 大闹—cause havoc • run amok
3月18日17时35分,大约 15 [...] 至 20 人来到古巴代表团正门前开始 大吵大闹, 高 喊攻击性和侮辱性口号,做出威胁手势,并且挑逗古巴代表团工作人员,要其 [...]出去进行肢体对抗。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 18 March, at 17:35, a group of around 15 to 20 persons [...] arrived at the main entrance of the Mission [...] of Cuba and began to make a lot of noise, [...]shouting offensive and insulting slogans, [...]making threatening gestures, and urging the staff of the Cuban Mission to come outside for physical confrontation. daccess-ods.un.org |
这一次,他们除了大吵大闹,高喊攻击性和侮辱性口号,做出威胁手势,又 一次干扰代表团的正常运作和工作人员的工作之外,还架起了一台投影机,向代 表团公寓和办公室的墙壁和窗户投射强光大约半个小时。 daccess-ods.un.org | On this occasion, apart from interrupting once again the normal functioning of the Mission and the work of the staff by making a lot of noise, shouting offensive and insulting slogans and making threatening gestures, they placed, for around half an hour, a projector pointing a powerful light at the walls and the windows of the apartments and offices of the Mission. daccess-ods.un.org |
在卡拉OK厢房里办分享会,大家不 但可 以 吵闹 地 在 一起喧哗,还有麦克风、电视、投影机设备。 4tern.com | Sharing talk in a karaoke room is actually a great idea! 4tern.com |
该领域在公众越来越多的 监视下发展,改善了与吵闹的反 对团体的交流。 fao.org | The sector has developed at a time of growing scrutiny from the public, improved communications and vociferous opposition groups. fao.org |
Shava 先生向 [...] 警方作出的陈述显示,他以为犯罪人之所以有此行为是因为他家向地方当局抱怨 他们吵吵闹闹的行为。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mr. Shava’s statement to the police, for example, reveals that he presumed [...] that the reason for the offenders’ conduct was the family’s complaint to the local [...] authorities for their noisy behaviour. daccess-ods.un.org |
避免将诱捕到的猫咪带到吵闹的环 境(对猫来说噪声也是一种威胁),安静的环 [...] 境对猫咪来说也是最好的环境。 animalsasia.org | Avoid bringing the [...] trapped cat to noisy surroundings. animalsasia.org |
他們“鬼打鬼”是他們的事,但不要“攪亂”我們的規 則,不要使我們又跟主席吵大架。 legco.gov.hk | It is their own business if they fight among themselves, [...] but they must not cause disruptions to our order, and they must not cause another fierce row [...] between the President and us. legco.gov.hk |
自發、冷靜、平和但齊一的參與,可能 比 大吵大 鬧 的 群眾運動更有生命力。 hkupop.hku.hk | Self-motivated, calm, peaceful but united action will possibly have [...] more vitality than noisy mass movement. hkupop.hku.hk |
當時我曾經勸說大家不要吵鬧,要堅持符合香港㆟的利益和香港㆟意願的 原則,談判必定是要保密的,但談判不應是秘密的。 legco.gov.hk | On that occasion, I advised [...] everybody against bickering, and I said that, [...]if the principle of consistency with the interests [...]and wishes of the people of Hong Kong was adhered to, then the talks had to be kept confidential though they should not be secret talks. legco.gov.hk |
女孩一般会选择娃娃、家庭道具、梳妆打扮和 美术用品,而男孩则倾向于玩积木和小车,以及好勇斗狠 或 吵闹 的 游 戏。 cpsc.gov | Girls typically choose dolls, household props, dress-up activities, and art materials, while [...] boys tend to play more with blocks and small vehicle toys, and [...] will engage in more aggressive or rough-and-tumble play. cpsc.gov |
同僚服务”监控 API [...] 验证云用户工作负载没有与黑名单中的同僚共享资源,或受到超额订购同 僚服务的负面影响(如,“吵闹邻居 opendatacenteralliance.org | “Peer service” monitor APIs to verify that cloud subscriber workload is not on shared resources with [...] specific list of blacklisted peers or being negatively impacted by oversubscribing [...] peer service (e.g., “noisy neighbor”) opendatacenteralliance.org |
该项基金 也会提供经费来加强现存公园的保护、重新安 置 闹 事 的大 象、创建娱乐中心和大象生态旅游区。 teebweb.org | It would also finance increased protection of existing parks, the relocation of troublesome elephants and the creation of recreation centers and elephant-based eco-tourism. teebweb.org |
我也收到很多市民投訴樓上食肆很骯髒,還有水滴到下層,也有人 投訴樓下的大牌檔十分嘈吵,以 致無法入睡。 legco.gov.hk | I have also received many complaints from the public about a restaurant upstairs being very dirty and water seeping to the lower floor. legco.gov.hk |
一些证人说,由于有时守卫故意吵闹 , 他 们在 医院期间无法安然入睡。 daccess-ods.un.org | A number of witnesses said that they were unable to sleep properly throughout their stay in hospital due, in some cases, to deliberate disturbance by the guards. daccess-ods.un.org |
那么,所有这些匆忙评判和吵吵闹闹 背 后 究竟是 什么动机呢? daccess-ods.un.org | What, then, is behind all this hurry and commotion? daccess-ods.un.org |
如果您经营的生意比较吵闹,那 么在规划您的厂区发展过程中,噪声通常会成为一个问题。 bksv.cn | If you operate a noisy business then noise [...] will usually have been an issue during the planning of your site development. bksv.com |
处理这些数据,可帮助机场管辖其噪声控制政策,涵盖离港路径监护、监测噪声限制和 给 吵闹 的 飞机处罚金、执行夜间宵禁令、确保采用了有效的环境程序如进港时的持续降落。 bksv.cn | This data is processed to help the airport police its noise abatement policies ranging from departure [...] track keeping, monitoring noise limits and [...] levying fines for noisy aircraft, enforcing [...]night curfews and ensuring environmentally [...]efficient procedures are used such as Continuous Descent on Approach. bksv.com |
位于第3区小巷内,Serenata以重建的古老别墅的深沉、谦虚神态,加以含有隐私而减少了路面前咖啡馆经常看到的 热 闹 喧 哗 而受 到 大 家 的 爱戴。 khucbanchieu.vnnavi.com.vn | Situated in a small street in District 3 and a shortcut, Serenata is loved for a reformed villa's modesty and confidentiality. khucbanchieu.vnnavi.com.vn |
在 60 年代早中期,披头士还在第二录音室获得了 巨 大 的 成 功,披头士与 Cliff 和 Shadows 几乎成为录音室的共有者,为录制时间发生善意的 争 吵。 bowers-wilkins.cn | The Beatles also found great success in Studio Two, and during the early-to-mid-'60s, The Beatles and Cliff and The Shadows became almost like joint owners of the studio, with friendly battles for recording time. bowers-wilkins.com |
41mm 型号在9点钟和6点钟位置分别配备了 响 闹 功 能 和 大 型 日 期视窗。 hautehorlogerie.org | The 41mm model is equipped with an alarm function at 9 and a Grande Date window at 6. hautehorlogerie.org |
副主席先生,本㆟未加入立法局前,是㆒位社會工作者,從事青少年工作及家庭 工作有 10 [...] 年,在本㆟工作的經驗㆗,發覺㆒個家庭,如果父母雙方時常爭吵或關係 不和,最痛苦及最受害的是那個家庭㆗的子女,而 非 大吵大 鬧 的 父母。 legco.gov.hk | From my work experience, I have learnt that, in a family where the parents quarrel frequently and [...] are on bad terms, those who suffer the most and are the most victimized are the [...] children and not the quarreling parents. legco.gov.hk |
每一天晚上,厨房是最热闹的地方, 大 家 都 会聚集在一次吃饭聊天。 4tern.com | Every night, kitchen is the merriest place. Everybody would gather here to chat. 4tern.com |
這對兄弟檔演員談到了「哈利波特的魔幻世界特展」、在演出史上最大規模電影系列之後的生活和經營主題標籤 #pleasegodnoscreamingchildrennexttomeontheplane (拜託老天,在飛機上別讓我旁邊坐 著 大吵大 鬧 的 小孩)為何出奇地成功。 hk.marinabaysands.com | The actors discuss Harry Potter: The Exhibition, life after the biggest movie franchise in history and why the hashtag #pleasegodnoscreamingchildrennexttomeontheplane works like magic. marinabaysands.com |
林健鋒議員:代理主席,早兩天我看到1宗新聞,報道印尼有一名只有 兩歲的小朋友,因為歲半時吸過父親給他的第一口煙後,自此上了癮, 結果每天要抽兩包煙(我相信數量還多過黃定光議員),否則便 會 大吵大 鬧,結果當地政府要以一輛車作為利誘,要求該小朋友的父親幫助小朋 友戒煙。 legco.gov.hk | MR JEFFREY LAM (in Cantonese): Deputy President, a couple of days ago, I read a news report about an Indonesian child aged only two had grown addicted to smoking because he was given a puff by his father at the age of just one and half and he had to smoke two packets of cigarettes a day (more than the quantity smoked by Mr WONG Ting-kwong, I suppose), or he would scream and shout. legco.gov.hk |
我記 得 我有一次 出席家長會,我幾 乎 與 我女兒 的 老師吵 大 架 , 因為他 說 我的女兒 最 喜歡提 問 。 legco.gov.hk | I remember that I had once attended the parents day and almost engaged in a war of words with the teacher of my daughter, because he said that my daughter liked asking questions most. legco.gov.hk |
猛击”此漏洞的进程在基础在生火之前偏移瓷一个微小的插件对空心小雕像的于; 微小的瓷位硬化带有生火,导致特别 吵闹 声。 zh.aretiredcollection.com | The process of "punching" this hole in the base before firing displaces a tiny plug of porcelain to the inside of the hollow figurine; that tiny porcelain bit hardens with firing, causing the distinctive rattle. aretiredcollection.com |
這個問題出現時,我已在交通事務委員會㆖說過不要再吵;今年㆒月辯論時我亦 說了㆒次,叫大家不要再吵,不 要浪費時間。 legco.gov.hk | When the question first arose, I already asked Members not to argue during the Transport Panel meeting. In the January debate this year, once again I asked Members not to waste time arguing over that issue. legco.gov.hk |
對於交津,很多市民覺得又要“查家宅”,又要披露家庭的所有資 料,父母可能覺得沒有所謂,因為為了子女着想,告訴政府有多少“身 家 ”也沒有所謂,但在兄弟姊妹之中,如果有人不願說便麻煩了,全 家大吵起來也不過是為了每人數千元。 legco.gov.hk | Regarding the WITS Scheme, many people think that their "family financial status" is subject to examination again; they have to disclose all the information of the family members. legco.gov.hk |
過往,我們在社區裏工作時,曾試勸諭一些隨地吐痰的人不 要這樣做,他們往往說話說得比我們更大聲,並會使用粗言穢語 、 大吵大 罵, 甚至試過有數人為此包圍我們的居民代表。 legco.gov.hk | In the past, during our participation in community work, we have tried to stop people from spitting, but most often, we are met with wrangles, with people speaking louder than us and abusing us with offensive language. legco.gov.hk |