单词 | 大吃 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 大吃 —gorge oneselfless common: pig out Examples:大吃大喝—make a pig of oneself • eat and drink as much as one likes 大吃特吃—gorge oneself with food 大吃苦头 v—suffer v See also:吃 v—eat v • consume v • absorb v • stammer v • eradicate v
缅甸改革的速度和幅度 一开始让大多数西方决策者大吃一惊。 crisisgroup.org | The speed and extent of the reforms initially caught most policymakers by surprise. crisisgroup.org |
澳大利亚人既喜欢在户外烧烤中大吃 刚 刚 捕捞的海鲜,也喜欢围绕餐桌举行传统的烘烤晚宴。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Australians are [...] just as likely to eat freshly caught seafood [...]outdoors at a barbeque, as to have a traditional roast dinner around a dining table. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
当对这种蛋 白质专利的所有权进行调查时,人们 大吃 一惊 iprcommission.org | The ownership of patents relating to this protein was investigated, uncovering some surprising findings iprcommission.org |
这些都让我大吃一惊,而且在我被带上 船后很快就变成了害怕。 daccess-ods.un.org | These filled me with astonishment, which was soon converted into terror, when I was carried on board. daccess-ods.un.org |
其利用Silverlight3的最新布局架构,这将使您和您的用户为其出色的动画效 果 大吃 一 惊。 evget.com | Taking advantage of Silverlight 3’s new layout architecture, you – and your users – will marvel at its amazing animation. evget.com |
例如使用它的自动增强功能,产生的结果会令 你 大吃 一 惊 哦。 olympus-master...n.uptodown.com | You have at your disposal a multitude of tools for retouching your photos, including the option of automatic improvement, the results of which will be truly surprising. olympus-master...n.uptodown.com |
这座城市的经济发展速度以及这座伟大城市居民们的生活标准的提高,总是让 我 大吃 一 惊。 embassyusa.cn | It’s a city that never fails [...] to amaze me for its pace of economic development and the rising standard of living for the [...] residents of this great city. eng.embassyusa.cn |
梁耀忠議員:主席,我們現實的社會是一個資本主義社會,經濟模式不單是 [...] 強調自由經濟,但在自由經濟的概念下,卻出現了一些現象,而且是一些很 殘酷的現象,包括弱肉強食和大吃小 這 些資本主義的模式和特質。 legco.gov.hk | The economic model of our society not only places emphasis on free economy. Under the concept of free economy there prevail some phenomena, and very cruel [...] ones they are, that include such characteristics of capitalism as the law of the [...] jungle and big fish eating small ones. legco.gov.hk |
遇见熟人可以来杯咖啡,看场电影,去看乐队演出,做一下体育活动,在餐 馆 大吃 一 顿 ,去俱乐部休闲放松。 englishuk.com | Meet with people for a coffee, watch a film, go and see a live [...] band, play sport, eat out at a restaurant, [...]go clubbing. englishuk.com |
其他系的教师看到我们的学生在自己老师和指导员不在的情况下,能自发举行回顾会议并对下周任务提出建议时,肯定 会 大吃 一 惊。 infoq.com | Faculty from other departments visiting the apprentice shop when both instructors were absent were astounded that the apprentices would hold their own retrospectives and make suggestions for the following week without being physically led through the exercise by their instructors or graduate assistants. infoq.com |
有些就去了海岛扬帆出海,有些则去了他们的度假小屋,游水啦,钓鱼啦,还 有 大吃 烧 烤 晚餐。 visitfinland.com | Others are sailing among the islands or they’re at their summer cottages, swimming, fishing and cooking dinner on the grill. visitfinland.com |
上赛季雷丁轻松赢得了比赛,而铁锤帮有一场比赛仅剩九个人完成比赛,但让 我 大吃 一 惊 的是本周末雷丁处于下风。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Reading won this tie with ease last season, in a match where the Hammers finished the match with nine men, and I am flabbergasted to find that Reading are underdogs this weekend! sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
1) 理清您(和您的孩子)每天的进食量和运动量——如果记录下来,结果可能会让 您 大吃 一 惊。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | 1) Figure out what you and your child really eat, and how much you both exercise during a normal day – if you write it down, it may surprise you. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
少吃多餐总比大吃一餐 更容易吸收及消化。 daydaycook.com | Eat small, frequent meals rather than one or two [...] heavy meals, to encourage appetite and promote digestion. daydaycook.com |
芝士蛋糕好多人都鍾意食,但好多人都不知其實芝士蛋糕是相當容易製作的甜點,因為它的樣子看起來很專業呢!如果想要在情人節讓 他 大吃 一 驚的話,何不試試這款自製烘焙藍莓芝士蛋糕呢? daydaycook.com | For people who want to surprise your lover at Valentine’s Day, you should try this Baked Blueberry Cheese Cake! daydaycook.com |
4月份,新增3G用户的减少让我大吃一 惊 ,因为根据三家公司4月份数据来看,中国移动(HKEx: 941; NYSE: CHL)、中国联通(HKEx: 762)和中国电信(HKEx: 728; NYSE: CHA)似乎都同时决定放慢争取新用户的努力。 youngchinabiz.com | The slowdown in addition of new 3G subscribers during April surprised me a bit, as China Mobile (HKEx: 941; NYSE: CHL), China Unicom (HKEx: 762) and China Telecom (HKEx: 728; NYSE: CHA) all seem to have decided at the same time to rein in their new sign-up efforts, according to the latest monthly data from the 3 companies. youngchinabiz.com |
对于欧洲 委员会官员来说,他们大吃一惊 地发现,委员会首份完全应计制财务报表报告了 [...] 累计支出总金额为 6,400 万欧元,而累计总收入为 250 万欧元和成员国应缴的 5,400 万欧元,而不是如以往报告的那样是 1,350 万欧元结余。 daccess-ods.un.org | For European Commission [...] officials it was a startling revelation to [...]discover that the Commission’s first FS on a full accrual [...]basis reported a total of accrued charges of €64 million against a total of accrued income of €2.5 million and €54 million due from Member States, instead of a positive €13.5 million, as reported previously. daccess-ods.un.org |
内外各种群体的各种不同需求,一定会让 C E O 大吃 一 惊。 12manage.com | Covert leadership means managing with a sense of nuances, constraints, and limitations. 12manage.com |
尤其是在观看完上周末利物浦对阵雷丁的比赛后,利物浦遇到的门将着实让人 们 大吃 一 惊。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Especially after watching Liverpool v Reading last weekend, where Liverpool met a keeper who played out of his skin. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
餐廳亦有提供各式各樣的飲料與豐富的西式美食, 在欣賞表演的同時亦能大吃大喝一 番... ilovelkf.hk | Perfectly positioned at the top of D'Aguilar Street, Stormies is a chilled out New England style restaurant specialising in... ilovelkf.hk |
据说,当费鲁基欧看到这个项目后,他立即拍板通过,这令两位设计 师 大吃 一 惊 ,他们原本甚至不敢想象他们的提案能够有这么好的结局。 lamborghini.com | As the story goes, when Lamborghini saw the project he approved it immediately, probably shocking the two very surprised designers, who certainly didn’t dare hope for such a happy ending to their proposal. lamborghini.com |
在另一个案子里,一个总部在德国、在皮肤护理行业非常活跃的大型跨国公司分支公司的首席执行官,对Dennemeyer备案团队从该项目启动后一个月内在115个国家迅即处理、提供所有必需文件、完成备 案 大吃 一 惊。 dennemeyer.com | In another case, the CEO of the subsidiary of a large multinational company headquartered in Germany, was surprised by the speed with which our team provided all documents needed for assignments in 115 countries within one month from the project start. dennemeyer.com |
位於君品酒店六樓的Le Bar 漢堡派對過去12個月推出了超過60款的美味漢堡,有令 人 大吃 一 驚 的火山爆發漢堡、土石流漢堡、相撲漢堡;有食材混搭、豐盛的牛排鴨肝漢堡、阿拉斯加蟹肉牛肉漢堡、火龍漢堡;有講究搭配醬汁、費工的黎巴嫩漢堡、印度雞肉漢堡、楓糖火雞漢堡、茄汁墨西哥辣椒漢堡等等漢堡種類 份份美味。 taiwanfun.com | Located in the sixth floor of PALAIS de CHINE HOTEL, Le Bar has offered over 60 hamburgers, including Volcano Burger, Landslides Burger, Sumo Burger, Foie Gras Steak Burger, Alaskan Crab Beef Burger, Fire Dragon Burger, Lebanese Burger, Indian Chicken Burger, Maple Syrup Turkey Burger, and Mexican Spicy Salsa Burger. taiwanfun.com |
吃大量水 果也會有助 你保持健康的體重,而保持健康的體重可減低罹患多種癌症的 [...] 風險。 cancer-asian.com | Eating lots of fruit will [...] also help you maintain a healthy body weight, which reduces the risk of a number of cancers. cancer-asian.com |
偷猎、家养驯鹿变野、天敌(狼)的数 目增加、大规模砍伐森林、驯鹿吃的 藓类植物数量减少、北方驯鹿牧地租金高(每 公顷林地租金 5.35 卢布)和其他许多原因,也导致萨哈林的驯鹿牧养出现灾难性 的局面。 daccess-ods.un.org | Poaching, the feralization of the domestic reindeer, the increasing number of predators (wolves), massive deforestation, a decrease in the number of reindeer moss, high rent for northern reindeer herding, at 5.35 rubles per hectare on forest area units and many other reasons have also led to the catastrophic situation of reindeer herding in Sakhalin. daccess-ods.un.org |
现在,赫尔辛基大学的教育和科研单位,继续在维基地区牧养牛群,超过一百头牛在那里享受日光浴 和 吃大 餐 ,并经常对游客友好的哞哞大叫。 visitfinland.com | Nowadays, Helsinki University’s education and research unit continues the farm work in Viikki, where over a hundred heads of cattle sunbathe and dine on the fields, shouting out friendly moos to visitors. visitfinland.com |
历史上的著名人物:列宁、丘吉尔、罗斯福、斯大林都是死于脑血管疾病,这种疾病的最易感人群就是患有高血压,高血脂,高血糖的三高人群,包括肥胖人群、有吸烟 、 吃大 肉 的 饮食习惯的人群等。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | People who are most susceptible to the disease tend to suffer from high blood [...] pressure, high [...] cholesterol, high blood sugar, and unhealthy lifestyle habits, including obesity, heavy smoking and over-eating. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
我覺得陳偉 業議員這次提出的修正案,以牽連性而論是不公平的,因為會令那些 沒份接受款待、吃大餐、乘坐私人飛機、度假的人士,在名義上、在 罪行上變為有份。 legco.gov.hk | In my view, the current amendment puts forth by Mr Albert CHAN is unfair, as it implies that people, who have not accepted any hospitality, expensive meal, private jet ride or vacation arrangement, are nominally guilty and have taken part in the offence. legco.gov.hk |
以减少患上的癌症,博士卡拉安格,建议科学基金会销售公约 》 女主人 * ab,建议",动摇的心"锻炼至少 [...] 30 分钟三次一周 ;手表重量 ;延长超过六个月的婴儿,生活的母乳喂养 和 吃大 量 水 果和蔬菜。 cn.500healthy.com | To reduce the risk of developing cancer, Dr. Karla Unger, advises the Foundation CISG hostess scientific * ab, recommended "that shake the heart" exercise at least 30 minutes three times a week; Watch [...] the weight; prolong breastfeeding beyond the first six months of [...] life of the baby, and eat lots of fruits and vegetables. 500healthy.com |