

单词 大卫・米利班德

See also:

大卫 n

david n


Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825), French neoclassical painter
David (name)

External sources (not reviewed)

时任外交大臣大卫· 米利班 德在谈 到解除制裁时告诉英国议会下院说:“首先,我 们要接受 MDC 的指导,了解在什么条件下解除制裁是有 效的”。
Then-Foreign Secretary David Miliband told the UK House of Commons that regarding lifting sanctions, “above all (we will) be guided by what the MDC says to us about conditions under which it is working”.
下列国家加入到该决议草案的提案国行列:阿 尔巴尼亚、安道尔、奥地利、孟加拉国、比利时、 巴西、保加利亚、中非共和国、乍得、科摩罗、塞 浦路斯、法国德国、 格林纳达、几内亚比绍、匈 牙利、爱尔兰、大利、牙买加、日本、约旦、黑 山、瑙鲁、挪威、巴布亚新几内亚、葡萄牙、摩尔 多瓦共和国、罗马尼亚、圣卢西亚、圣基茨和尼维 斯、萨摩亚、圣马力诺、斯洛文尼亚、所罗门群岛、 索马里、西班牙、 塔吉克斯坦、泰国、特立尼达和 多巴哥、土库曼斯坦和图瓦卢。
The following had joined the sponsors of the draft resolution: Albania, Andorra, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil,
Bulgaria, the Central
[...] African Republic, Chad, the Comoros, Cyprus, France, Germany, Grenada, Guinea-Bissau, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Montenegro, Nauru, Norway, Papua New Guinea, Portugal, the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Samoa, San Marino, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Spain, Tajikistan, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkmenistan [...]
and Tuvalu.
下列会员国的代表团团长:大利亚、 奥地利、巴巴多斯、波斯尼亚—黑塞哥维那、加拿大、哥伦比亚、科摩罗、克罗地亚、 古巴、捷克共和国、米尼加 共和国、埃及、法国、加蓬、加纳、格林纳达、约旦、科威特、立陶 宛、马达加斯加、马来西亚、尼泊尔、荷兰、巴基斯坦、非律宾、波兰、大韩民国、罗马尼亚、圣 卢西亚、塞内加尔、南非、西班牙、 阿拉伯 利 亚 共 和国、突尼斯、美利坚合众国、也门。
The heads of delegations of the following Member States: Australia, Austria, Barbados, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Colombia, Comoros, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Egypt, France, Gabon, Ghana, Grenada, Jordan, Kuwait, Lithuania, Madagascar, Malaysia, Nepal, Netherlands, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Republic of Korea, Romania, Saint Lucia, Senegal, South Africa, Spain, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, United States of America, Yemen.
米其林之星获得者PACO不仅是马德里赌场(Casino de Madrid),也是gastro-bar Estado Puro的执行主厨兼经理,被认为是德 里 前 卫 美 食 大 师。
Madrid’s maestro of avant-garde cuisine.
利·大卫·梭罗 说过,“在所有努 力中都需要有能力走完最后一英里路、制定最后的计 划,忍受最后几小时的劳累”,他还说,如果我们要 作为完成旅程的人面对未来,这就是我们必须具备的 一个德。
All endeavour calls for the ability to tramp the last mile, shape the last plan, endure the last hours’ toil”, Henry David Thoreau said, adding that this is the virtue we must possess if we are to face the future as finishers.
公开讨论小组成员包括南非贸易和工业部部长罗布·戴维斯(Rob Davies)先生、 国际劳工组织(劳工组织)的利普·埃 格(Philippe Egger)先生、印度尼西亚共 和国总统千年发展目标事务特使尼拉·穆卢克(Nila Moeloek)女士、贸发会议经 济合作和一体化股代理主管理德· 科 茹 尔-赖特(Richard Kozul-Wright)先生、 联合国全球信通技术与发展联盟主席塔拉勒·阿布-格扎拉(Talal Abu-Ghazaleh) 先生、联合国秘书长粮食保障和营养问题特别代 大卫 · 纳 巴罗(David Nabarro) 先生、以及南方中心执行主任马丁·霍尔(Martin Khor)先生。
Panellists included Mr. Rob Davies, Minister of Trade and Industry, South Africa; Mr. Philippe Egger of the
International Labour Organization (ILO);
[...] Ms. Nila Moeloek, Special Envoy on MDGs of the President of the Republic of Indonesia; Mr. Richard KozulWright, Officer-in-Charge of UNCTAD’s Economic Cooperation and Integration Unit; Mr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, Chair of the United Nations Global Alliance for ICT and Development (GAID); Mr. David Nabarro, United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Representative on Food Security and Nutrition; and Mr. Martin Khor, Executive Director of the South Centre.
阿尔巴尼亚、安哥拉、阿根廷、澳大利亚、孟加拉国、比利时、贝宁、保加利 亚、布基纳法索、布隆迪、中国、刚果、刚果民主共和国、丹麦、吉布提、米 尼加 共和国、萨尔瓦多、爱沙尼亚、危地马拉、冰岛、印度、爱尔兰、以色列、大利、日 本、肯尼亚、吉尔吉斯斯坦、马里、摩洛哥、波兰、大韩民国、摩尔 多瓦共和国、罗马尼亚、卢旺达、塞内加尔、 西 班 牙 、 泰国、前南斯拉夫的马其 顿共和国、土耳其、乌克兰、美利坚合众国和津巴布韦随后加入为提案国。
Subsequently, Albania, Angola, Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Benin, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, China,
Congo, the Democratic
[...] Republic of the Congo, Denmark, Djibouti, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Estonia, Guatemala, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Mali, Morocco, Poland, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Rwanda, Senegal, Spain, Thailand, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, [...]
Turkey, Ukraine,
the United States of America and Zimbabwe joined the co-sponsors.
在能力建设活动方面, 资助了发展中国家的 40 名代表(包括 12 名妇女) 参加了以下活动: 地球科学暑期学校, 奥利弗拉尔贝格, 7 月 7-14 日; 关于地震学、地震数据分析、灾害评 估与减少风险的国际培班,德国波 茨坦,7-8 月;地热开发国际培训班, 希米洛斯 岛, 9 月 5-8 日;关于环境问题探测方法使用的国际培训班,捷克共和国的布拉格和 Dolní Rozinka,9 月 2-16 日;地热勘探地质化学方法国际培训班,也门萨那,12 月 10-22 日(教科 [...]
In the framework of capacity-building activities, 40 participants from developing countries (among those 12 women) were sponsored at the following courses:
Geoscientific Summer School,
[...] Vorarlberg, Austria, 7-14 July; International Training Course on Seismology, Seismic Data Analysis, Hazard Assessment and Risk Mitigation, Potsdam, Germany, July-August; International Workshop on Geothermal Development, Milos Island, Greece, [...]
5-8 September; International
Training Course on the Use of Exploration Methods in Environmental Problems, Prague and Dolní Rozinka, Czech Republic, 2-16 September; International Training Course on Geochemical Methods in Geothermal Exploration, Sana’a, Yemen, 10-22 December (UNESCO sponsored two instructors).
在会议筹备期间,我的特别 顾问于 2009 年 9 月 1 日至 8 日在斯德哥尔摩和伦敦与欧洲联盟轮值主席和感兴 趣的欧盟成员国的其他同行们,包括瑞典外交部长卡尔·比尔特、法国外交部长 贝尔纳·库什内、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国外 大 臣 戴维 · 米利班德 和 联 合 王国首相办公厅以及欧洲联盟特使皮耶罗·法西诺,进行了磋商。
In preparation for the meeting, my Special Adviser held consultations in Stockholm and London from 1 to 8 September 2009 with the European Union presidency and counterparts from interested European Union members, including the Foreign Minister of Sweden, Carl Bildt, and the Foreign Minister of France, Bernard Kouchner, the Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, David Miliband, and the office of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and the European Union Special Envoy, Piero Fassino.
随后,奥地利、比利时、保加利亚、克罗地亚、塞浦路斯、捷克共和国、丹 麦、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国德国、希腊、匈牙利、冰岛、爱尔兰、 大利 、拉 脱维亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、马耳他、荷兰、波兰、葡萄牙、罗马尼亚、斯洛伐 克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、 瑞士和美利坚合众国加入为提案国。
Subsequently, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus,
the Czech Republic,
[...] Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland and the United States [...]
of America joined the sponsors.
目前咨询委 员会成员如下:澳大利亚、比利时、加拿大、丹麦、埃及、芬兰、法国 德 国、 爱尔兰、大利、日本、约旦、黎巴嫩、荷兰、挪威、沙特阿拉伯、 西 班 牙 、瑞 典、瑞士、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、土耳其、联合王国和美国;邀请巴勒斯坦作为 观察员出席并全面参与咨询委员会会议;邀请欧洲共同体出席咨询委员会的会 [...]
The membership of the Advisory Commission is currently as follows: Australia,
Belgium, Canada, Denmark,
[...] Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Lebanon, Netherlands, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, [...]
Syrian Arab Republic,
Turkey, United Kingdom and United States; to invite Palestine to attend and fully participate in its meetings as an observer; to invite the European Community to attend its meetings; and to invite the League of Arab States to attend its meetings as an observer.
与贝努埃州政府和水援助组织合作,由爱尔兰援助组织供资、由社区领导的总体 环卫生活动;米苏尔基金会和 Cordaid 的供资下,在促进贫民区居民参与社 区事务、促进能力建设,并在阿布亚建立一个制度化的城市贫民联合会;在联邦 农业和水资源部以及联合国儿童基金会-尼 利 亚 的资助下,对尼 利 亚 北 部的国 际环卫生年 活动进行评价;与总统千年发展目标高级特别助理办事处合作,监 督尼日利亚虚拟贫困基金项目;与诺布尔能源太阳能技术(Noble Energy Solar Technologies)有限公司合作并在加大 国 际 开发署的经济支持下,评估尼日利亚 北部的性别知识和对气候变化的认识;由尼日利亚联邦妇女事务部供资的东北妇 女的政治赋权项目。
Community-led total sanitation, funded by Irish Aid, with the government of Benue State and in partnership with WaterAid; promoting community participation of slum-dwellers, capacity-building and institutionalization of a federation for the urban poor in Abuja, funded by Misereor and Cordaid; evaluation of the International Year of Sanitation in northern Nigeria, financed by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources and the United Nations Children’s Fund Nigeria; monitoring the Virtual Poverty Fund projects in Nigeria, in partnership with the Office of the Senior Special Assistant to the President on the Millennium Development Goals; assessment of gender knowledge and awareness on climate change in northern Nigeria, in partnership with Noble Energy Solar Technologies Ltd. and financial support from CIDA; North-east women’s political empowerment project funded by the Federal Ministry of Women Affairs of Nigeria.
在这一层面不妨回顾西班牙颁布的《依附法》,尽管去年的相关预算较为 紧张,但仍依据该法坚持对无自理能力的公民提供援助,《依附法》作为福利国 家的一项新兴举措,现已成为对西班牙其他基本 利 支 柱 :医 卫 生 (已 西班 牙全 境普及医疗卫生服务)、教育和住房(政府通过住房部进行了不懈的努力,大程度 满足人民的住房需求)的重要补充。
In this regard, it should be recalled that the adoption of the Dependence Act which, in spite of the budgetary restrictions of the past year, continues to consolidate the support given to dependent persons as a new pillar of the welfare State, alongside health care (universal coverage in Spain), education and housing (unstinting efforts by the Government to make housing accessible to as many people as possible, through a dedicated Ministry of Housing).
联合国系统的其他几个组织也使用德文:在劳工组织,德文是七种工作语文之 一(甚至在联合国问世之前就存在);在 卫 组 织 , 德 文 是 欧洲区域办事处的正式语 文,是欧洲区域委员会的工作语文,在区域委员会会议上有德文口译服务;在知识 产权组织德文已成为《利合作 条约》工作范围内多语种服务的一部分;在联合 国维也纳办事处,对工作人员选修德文课程给予部分补贴;在粮农组织,如果德国 政府提出请求,将按费用分摊安排, 大 会 和 欧洲区域会议上提供德文口译服务。
German is also used in several other organizations of the
system: at ILO, as one of
[...] the seven working languages (even before the existence of the United Nations); at WHO, where it is an official language in the regional office for Europe, and a working language of the Regional Committee for Europe, with interpretation provided at Regional Committee meetings; at WIPO, as part of its multilingual services in the context of the work developed to serve the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT); at UNOV, where language courses in German are partially subsidized [...]
for staff members;
at FAO, with interpretation provided in that language for the Conference and its Regional Conference for Europe, if so requested by the German government, with a cost-sharing arrangement.
2011 年,教科文组织通过了第 36 C/59 决议,该决议的提案国是波兰,共同提案国是 阿尔及利亚、大利亚、 奥地利、阿塞拜疆、巴巴多斯、白俄罗斯、比利时、巴西、布基纳 法索、中国、哥伦比亚、刚果、克罗地亚、捷克共和国、吉布提、埃及、萨尔瓦多、爱沙尼 亚、埃塞俄比亚、法国德国、 危地马拉、匈 利 、 印 度、以色列、科威特、拉脱维亚、黎 巴嫩、立陶宛、马达加斯加、马来西亚、墨西哥、摩洛哥、尼泊尔、尼 利 亚 、 巴基斯坦、 葡萄牙大韩民国、罗马尼亚、沙特阿拉伯、塞内加尔、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、 西 班 牙、 苏丹、瑞典、泰国、突尼斯、土耳其、阿拉伯联合酋长国、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、 坦桑尼亚联合共和国、乌拉圭、越南和津巴布韦。
In 2011, UNESCO's General Conference adopted 36 C/Resolution 59 which had been
submitted by Poland and co-sponsored by
[...] Algeria, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Burkina Faso, China, Colombia, Congo, Croatia, Czech Republic, Djibouti, Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Guatemala, Hungary, India, Israel, Kuwait, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sudan, Sweden, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United Republic of Tanzania, Uruguay, Viet Nam and Zimbabwe.
2009 年 11 月,本基金会在德里举办了一场主题为“欧洲-地中海地区最不 发达国家发展必须遵循的原则:教育、性别平等和法治”的研讨会,51 名来自中 东、欧洲和北非(西班牙、意大利、 联合王国、摩洛哥、突尼斯、黎巴嫩、被占 领的巴勒斯坦领土、以色列、拉脱维亚、克罗地亚、斯洛文尼亚、罗马尼亚、捷 克共和国、匈牙利和俄罗斯)的代表以及 37 名政府组织、地区政府机构代表、 智囊团和发展合作组织的专家出席了本次研讨会。
In November 2009, the Foundation organized
[...] a seminar in Madrid on the theme “Guidelines for development in the most disadvantaged countries of the Euro-Mediterranean sphere: education, gender equality and rule of law”, with 51 participants from the Middle East, Europe and North Africa (Spain, Italy, the United Kingdom, [...]
Morocco, Tunisia,
Lebanon, the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Israel, Latvia, Croatia, Slovenia, Romania, Czech Republic, Hungary and the Russian Federation), 37 representatives of non-governmental organizations, regional Governments, think tanks, and experts in cooperation for development.
(d) 同一天的第四次会议:也门人权部长胡达·阿 班 ; 博 茨瓦纳国防、 司法与安全部长恩德鲁·塞雷茨;苏丹司法部长阿卜杜勒·巴希特·塞比迪拉 特;巴西人权部长保罗·万努希;巴林外交国务大臣尼扎尔·巴哈尔纳;摩洛哥 司大臣穆罕默德·纳希 里;斯洛文尼亚国务秘书兼外交部副部 德 拉 戈 柳 巴·本契纳;塞浦路斯外交部副部长尼古拉斯 · 埃 米利 欧 ; 挪威外交国务秘书格 里·拉森;保加利亚外交部副部长马林·劳科夫;波兰副国务秘书格拉日娜·贝 尔纳托维兹;阿尔巴尼亚外交部副部长萨利姆·别洛塔亚;赞比亚外交部副部长 法盛·菲里;黑山外交部副部长米洛拉德·什切潘诺维奇
(d) At the 4th meeting, on
[...] the same day: Huda Alban, Minister for Human Rights of Yemen; Ndelu Seretse, Minister for Defence, Justice and Security of Botswana; Abdel Basit Saleh Sabdarat, Minister for Justice of the Sudan; Paulo de Tarso Vannucchi, Minister for Human Rights of Brazil; Nezar Al-Baharna, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Bahrain; Mohamed Naciri, Minister for Justice of Morocco; Dragoljuba Benčina, State Secretary, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Slovenia; Nicholas Emiliou, ViceMinister [...]
for Foreign Affairs
of Cyprus; Gry Larsen, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Norway; Marin Raykov, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria; Grazyna Bernatowicz, Under-Secretary of State of Poland; Selim Belortaja, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Albania; Fashion Phiri, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Zambia; Milorad Šćepanović, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Montenegro
我请大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国外交和联邦 事大臣戴维·米利班德先生发言。
I give the floor to His Excellency
[...] Mr. David Miliband, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
在 10 月 16 日第 10 次会议上,印度代表以阿富汗、阿尔巴尼亚、亚美尼亚、 孟加拉国、比利时、不丹、保加利亚、柬埔寨、智利、克罗地亚、捷克共和国、 萨尔瓦多、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国 德 国 、 希腊、危地马拉、海地、洪都拉斯、 匈牙利、印度、爱尔兰、大利、科 威特、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、毛里求 斯、摩纳哥、缅甸、尼泊尔、荷兰、挪威、菲律宾、波兰、葡萄牙、罗马尼亚、 俄罗斯联邦、萨摩亚、塞尔维亚、新加坡、斯洛伐克、 西 班 牙 、斯里兰卡、泰国、 前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、多哥、土耳其和大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国的名 义提出了一项题为“防止恐怖分子获取大规模毁灭性武器的措施”的决议草案 (A/C.1/63/L.34)。
At the 10th meeting, on 16 October, the representative of India, on behalf of Afghanistan, Albania, Armenia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Bhutan, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Chile,
Croatia, the Czech
[...] Republic, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Kuwait, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mauritius, Monaco, Myanmar, Nepal, the Netherlands, Norway, the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, the Russian Federation, Samoa, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Thailand, the former Yugoslav Republic [...]
of Macedonia,
Togo, Turkey and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, introduced a draft resolution entitled “Measures to prevent terrorists from acquiring weapons of mass destruction” (A/C.1/63/L.34).
在大学和教科文组织论坛--大学与遗产网络的框架内,在 2003 年 10 月举行的“世界遗 产--面向未来:世界遗产保护和大学教育国际研讨会”上,提出了为日本 Tsukuba 大学开设 世界遗产课程编写教学大纲的计划;2003 年 11 月在西班牙的 La Laguna 大学举行了第八届 教科文组织--大学和遗产的自然遗产国际研讨会,其题目为:发展,可持续性及伦理,会议 提出为大利米兰大 学农业工程研究所编写具有民族风格的农村世界遗产教学大纲的计划。
Within the framework of Universities and Forum UNESCO – University and Heritage network, the preparation of a curriculum on World Heritage Studies at Tsukuba University, Japan, was initiated in October 2003 at the International Symposium “World Heritage: Stepping towards the future: Protection of the World Heritage and University Education”; the eighth International Seminar of Forum UNESCO – University and Heritage was held in November 2003 at the University
of La Laguna, Spain on “World Natural
[...] Heritage: Development, Sustainability and Ethics” and the preparation of a curriculum on vernacular and rural World Heritage at the University of Milan, Italy, at the Institute of Engineering Agronomy was initiated.
执行局在其辩论和决定中优先考虑了总部大楼的管理,特别是贝尔蒙计划的执行、总 部安全卫的加强、米奥利斯/邦万大 楼 应 进行的紧急维修、以及用教科文组织楼房开展的 主要创收活动比额的提高,以期确保能够完全回收改善楼房的维修与养护的成本。
For its part, the Executive Board gave prominence in its debates and decisions to the management of the Headquarters buildings, in particular the implementation of the
Belmont Plan, the
[...] strengthening of security/safety at Headquarters, the priority conservation work on the Miollis/Bonvin [...]
buildings and the efforts
made by the Director-General to increase the share of the main revenue-generating activities related to the use of UNESCO premises with a view to ensuring full recovery of the costs of improving building maintenance and conservation.
2005 年,俄罗斯联邦发射了 26 枚运载火箭和 35 件物体进入空间,其中 19 件是俄罗斯的: 两个联盟 TMA 系列载人宇宙飞船(6 和 7 号)、四个进步-M 系列 载货飞行器(52、53、54 和 55 号)、两 颗 Ekspress-AM 系列通讯卫星(2 和 3
号)、 一颗新的 Gonets-M
[...] 系列卫星、六颗宇宙系列卫星(包括三颗全球轨道导航卫星 系统卫星)、Foton M 生物技术卫星、Monitor-E 土地遥感卫星、国立莫斯大学 的 Tatyana 教卫星和技术性的米卫星 TNS-O。
In 2005, the Russian Federation launched 26 carrier rockets and 35 objects into space, of which 19 were Russian: two manned spaceships of the Soyuz TMA series (Nos. 6 and 7), four cargo vehicles of the Progress-M series (Nos. 52, 53, 54 and 55), two communications satellites of the Ekspress-AM series (Nos. 2 and 3), one satellite of the new Gonets-M series, six satellites of the Cosmos series (including three GLONASS satellites), the Foton M biotechnology satellite, the Monitor-E Land Remote
Sensing Satellite, the
[...] Tatyana educational satellites of Moscow State University and the technological nanosatellite TNS-O.
格雷戈里的Illiberis西班牙人在西班牙 南 部,是现在才开始受到应有的,因为答Wi lm a r t 大 教 堂 在1908年恢复的重要,所谓他“逻辑哲学论Ori ge n i s 德 L i b ri s的 卫 军。
The Spaniards Gregory of Illiberis, in Southern Spain, is only now beginning to receive his due, since Dom A. Wilmart restored to him in 1908 the important so-called "Tractatus Origenis de libris SS.
秘书长与委员会协商后,于 2011 年 2 月 22
[...] 日任命大韩民国的 Duk Ho Moon(大规模毁灭性武器扩散),取代 2010 年 12 月 20 日起辞职的大不列颠及北 爱尔兰联合王国大卫·伯奇;于 2011 年 3 月 21 日任命联合王国的约翰·埃维德(地区问题);以及于 2011 年 8 月 22 日任命利坚合 众国的威廉·纽科姆先 生(金融)和日本的古川克久先生(核问题)。
The Secretary-General, in consultation with the Committee, appointed Duk Ho Moon, Republic of Korea (proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, to replace David J. Birch, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, who had
resigned effective 20 December 2010) on 22 February 2011; John Everard, United Kingdom (regional issues), on 21 March 2011; and William Newcomb, United States of America (finance) and Katsuhisa Furukawa, Japan (nuclear issues), on 22 August 2011.
[...] 使不得加以限制,除去按照法律以及在民主社会中为维护国家安全或公共安全、 公共秩序,保护公卫生或道德或他 人的 利 和 自 由的需要而加的限制。
No restrictions may be placed on the exercise of this right other than those imposed in conformity with the law and which are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security or public
safety, public order, the
[...] protection of public health or morals or the protection of the rights and [...]
freedoms of others.
例如, 根据 1923 年 7 月 23 日以大英帝国、法国、大利、日 本、希腊、罗马尼亚、塞 尔维亚-克罗地亚-斯洛文尼亚国为一方和以土耳其为另一方签订的《洛桑和约》 所载《关于地位安排和司法管辖的公约》第 7 条,土耳其“保留通过个别措施, 在依法判决之后,或者根据关于德 执 法 、 卫 生 执 法或行乞执法的法律或条例, 或者以国家内部或外部安全为由,驱逐其他协约国国民的权利,其他协约国承诺 随时接收这些人和他们的家属。
For example, the Convention Respecting Conditions of Residence and Business and Jurisdiction contained in the Lausanne Treaty of Peace 24 July 1923 between the British Empire, France, Italy, Japan, Greece, Romania and the SerbCroat-Slovene State, of the one part, and Turkey, of the other part, provided in article 7 that Turkey “reserves the right [...]
to expel, in individual cases, nationals
of the other Contracting Powers, either under the order of Court or in accordance with the laws and regulations relating to public morality, public health or pauperism, or for reasons affecting the internal or external safety of the State.
[...] 任何情况下行使这些权利,只受到法律规定的以及在民主社会中为维护国家安全 或公共安全、公共秩序,保护公卫 生 或 道 德 或 他 人的 利 和 自由的需要作出的 限制。
He states that these rights can be exercised by a citizen of Belarus under any circumstances, subject to the restrictions that are provided in law and are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security or public
safety, public order, the
[...] protection of public health or morals or the protection of the rights and [...]
freedoms of others.
这是一份Tatuaggi商品系列经常参展的国际知名博览会名单,由此可看出公司在国际上的知名度:意大利米兰国际鞋展( 大利米 兰 )、 意 大 利 加达国际鞋展( 大利 加 达 )、 西 班 牙 马 德 里 国 际鞋业及皮革制品展(西班牙马德里)、德国杜塞尔多夫春秋国际鞋展(德国杜塞尔多夫)、莫斯科国际鞋业与皮革制品博览会(俄罗斯莫斯科)、阿联酋迪拜国际鞋业及皮革制品展(迪拜)、日本(东京)鞋类及皮革制品展览会(日本东京)、香港时尚汇集展览会(中国香港) [...] [...]
The international presence of Tatuaggi becomes rather evident when one goes through the list of international
prestigious fairs
[...] where the company exposes its collections on a regular basis: MICAM (Milan, Italy), EXPO RIVA SCHUH (Garda, Italy), MODACALZADO [...]
Spain), GDS (Düsseldorf, Germany), OBUV MIR KOZHI (Moscow, Russia), MOTEXHA (Dubai), ROOMS (Tokyo, Japan), FASHION ACCESS (Hong Kong, China), CHINA SHOETEC (Dongguan, China), COURO MODA (São Paulo, Brazil), AYMOD (Istanbul, Turkey) among others.
米利班德先生 (联合王国)(以英语发言):主席先 生,首先请允许我赞扬你过去三天来作为主席努力使 我们共聚一堂,并感谢法国总统为推动我们共同寻求 [...]
(United Kingdom): Let me, first of all, Sir, start by praising your presidential [...]
efforts over the past three days to bring
us together, as well as those of the President of France for all that he has been attempting to do to bring forward the goals that we seek together.
在 10 月 16 日第 10
[...] 次会议上,美利坚合众国代表以阿富汗、阿尔巴尼亚、澳 大利亚、奥地利、比利时、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、保加利亚、加拿大、智利、哥 伦比亚、克罗地亚、塞浦路斯、捷克共和国、丹麦、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、格 鲁吉亚德国、 希腊、海地、匈牙利、爱尔兰、以色列、 大利 、 日 本、拉脱维 亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、马达加斯加、摩纳哥、荷兰、挪威、帕劳、波兰、葡萄牙、 罗马尼亚、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、 西 班 牙 、瑞典、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、 土耳其、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和美利坚合众国的名义提出了一项题为 “遵守不扩散、军备限制和裁军协定和承诺”的决议草案(A/C.1/63/L.32)。
At the 10th meeting, on 16 October, the representative of the United States of America, on behalf of Afghanistan, Albania, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus,
the Czech Republic,
[...] Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Haiti, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Monaco, the Netherlands, Norway, Palau, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, [...]
Turkey, the
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America, introduced a draft resolution entitled “Compliance with non-proliferation, arms limitation and disarmament agreements and commitments” (A/C.1/63/L.32).




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