

单词 大势所趋

See also:

趋势 pl

tendencies pl

External sources (not reviewed)

网络品牌广告将大势所趋。一 直以来,网络广告一直由直 效广告主导。
A shift toward online brand spending would be a new trend: online advertising has historically been dominated by direct response ads.
当今世界,对话交流、和睦相处已成为国际关系主流,各国进行平等交流和 合作大势所趋。
In today’s world, dialogue, communication and harmonious coexistence have become key elements of international
relations and there is an irreversible trend towards communication and cooperation on an equal
[...] footing between all countries.
随着人类社会的发展,知识正成为最关键的生产要素,科技与经济融合已 大势所 趋。
Secondly, we strengthened the elements
combination, promoted fruit transformation, and
[...] made “academic based company” become [...]
a new growth point of regional economy.
2011年LED照明市场迎来快速发展时期,LED照明 大势所趋 , 制 造厂商商机无限,消费市场大为可观。
LED lighting market in 2011 ushered in rapid development period, LED lighting is the trend, manufacturers, business opportunities, consumer market much considerable.
从产业链来看,TD-LTE/LTE FDD 共平台发展是 LTE 产业发展大势所趋,TD-LTE 和 LTE FDD 将能够在全球市场范围内共享规模 经济效应。
From the perspective of industrial chain, the shared platform of TD-LTE/LTE FDD represents a general trend for LTE industry, TD-LTE and LTE FDD will be able to share scale economies effect in the global market.
在默认阻止追踪cookie 的浏览器成大势所趋的情 况下,亿赞普数位行销公司的用户信息挖掘与处理模式或将成为精准广告行业的未来的理想出路。
The latest trend in browser development [...]
in the world is blocking tracking cookies, so the user data mining and processing
model developed by IZP is likely to become the best solution to targeted advertising.
鉴于国际组织中公私伙伴关系日益成 大势所趋 , 对“代理人”做 出的这种宽泛定义可能对这种新趋势的进一步发展产生深远的不利影响。
In the light of an increased trend of private-public partnership in international organizations, such a wide definition of “agent” may have far-reaching negative consequences for further development of such new trends.
亚洲及太 洋区域显现出来的持续发展活力已开始成为拉丁美洲和非洲等其他 发展中区域的增长极,而且随着南南贸易变 大势所趋 , 有 助于这些 域减少其对那些增长几乎停滞的发达经济体的依赖程度。
With its continued dynamism, the Asia-Pacific region has begun to act as a growth pole for other developing regions, namely Latin America and Africa, helping them to reduce their dependence on low-growth developed economies as South-South trade becomes an important trend.
[...] 解决方案为何不是BPM问题解决方案 大势所趋 , 即使它们都能消除这种差异(因为它们通常都提供了BPMN到BPEL的映射)。
Going further,
[...] even if most BPEL-based BPM solutions agree [...]
on the discrepancy (since they usually provide a BPMN to BPEL
mapping) this article will explain why it is not currently the solution to BPM problems.
咨询委员会指出,特别政治任所需 资 源的规模及 其波动性,扭曲了整个经常预算在各个两年期之间 趋势 , 并 使经常预 算其他部分的动态难以分析。
The Advisory Committee points out that the scale of the resource
requirements for special
[...] political missions, and their volatility, distort the picture of trends in the regular budget as a whole from biennium to biennium and [...]
render analysis of
developments in the rest of the regular budget difficult.
最没 有能力应对这趋势所造成 保健需求和后果的人正 在承受大的苦难,今后将继续如此。
Those least able to cope with the health demands and consequences of this pattern are suffering, and will suffer, the most.
周年庆展览旨在展示VINNAPAS®威耐实乳液在过去75年中所取得的巨大成就 所 历 经的 重 大趋势 以 及 对未来技术发展的重要性。
The anniversary exhibition showcases the
[...] achievements of VINNAPAS® dispersions over the past 75 years, the megatrends they serve, and [...]
their importance to future technological developments.
报告《IDC 预测 2013 年:第 3 平台上的竞争》(来源:IDC)指出“2013 年最重要趋势和事件将围绕在 IDC 所称的IT 业增长和创新的‘第 3 平台’- 它由以下因素构建而成:移动设备、云服务、社交技术和海量数据,及建于它们之上的新兴高价值行业解决方案和将在下一个八年 大 部 分 增长中扮演非常重要角色的不断浮现的供应商(例如服务提供商和行业 PaaS 提供商)与客户(例如消费者、中小企业、企业高管及新兴市场客户)。
The report "IDC Predictions 2013: Competing on the
3rd Platform" (source: IDC) identifies “the most important trends and events in 2013 will cluster around what IDC calls the "3rd Platform" for IT industry growth and innovation — built on mobile devices, cloud services, social technologies, and Big Data, as well as the emerging high-value industry solutions built on top of them, and the rising vendors (e.g., service providers and industry PaaS providers) and customers (e.g., consumers, SMBs, line-of-business executives, and emerging market customers) that will play leading roles in much of the next eight years' growth.
此外,由于全球人口数量呈下趋势 、 经 济下滑、就业活动 大 幅 下 降, 农村地区人口在总人口所占的 比重有所上升,农业产值在国内生产总值中所占 的比重也在不断增加,农业人口在总人口中所占的比重也在增加。
Part of the global picture of decrease of the population, the economic decline and decrease of occupational and activity rate, the share of the population in the rural area from the total population has increased, the share of the agricultural production in the GDP has also grown, the share of the population involved in agriculture has also risen.
国内最近的判例法显示,目前存在以其他措施代替驱逐 趋势 , 例 如移 交劳所。
Recent domestic case law shows the current trend of substituting expulsion with other measures, such as the transfer to a labour house.
虽然科学界对其中一趋势 应当如何测量,存在歧见,但大力 支 持其主要信息,就是全球消费目前使用各 种(越来越是不可再生)资源的速度快过地球能够产生这些资源的速度,而且使用 的方式造成更多和更快的损害,非许多自然系 所 能 忍 受。
Though there are
[...] scientific differences on how some of these trends should be measured, there is considerable support for the central message, that global consumption is using resources (increasingly non-renewable) faster than the planet can regenerate them, and using them in ways that produce more and faster damage than many natural [...]
systems can absorb.
随着这一进程继续回应市场主导 的“廉价”开采需求,目前一个越来越明显 趋势 是 , 采矿项目的规模越来 大, 所涉及 的区域也越来越广,从而给这些地区造成更大的影响,并使环境和那些依 赖环境的行业受到更深层的长期破坏。
As this process continues to respond to market-dominated demands for “cheap” extraction, there is now a growing trend for mining projects to increase in scale and to extend over wider areas, thus inflicting a greater impact over these areas and deepening long-term disruption to the environment and to those who depend upon it.
高级专员在分析中提大量各 种不利的流离所趋势和起因,如争夺稀缺资源、贫困、冲突及气候 变化。
In his analysis, the High
[...] Commissioner referred to an accumulation of adverse trends and causes of displacement, [...]
such as
competition for scarce resources, poverty, conflict and climate change.
当今的全大趋势―― 包括人口增长、城市化、粮食和能源不安全、水资源短 缺,尤其是气候变化――与诸如冲突和暴力等传统驱动因素相互作用,产生了新形式 的流离所。
Today’s global megatrends — including population growth, urbanization, food and energy insecurity, water scarcity and, particularly, climate change — are interacting with traditional drivers, such as conflict and violence, to create new forms of displacement.
在这些外部的动荡面前,当局保持了宏观经济的稳定 所 需 改 革的大势头,值得赞赏。
The authorities are to be commended for maintaining
[...] macroeconomic stability and strong momentum for needed reforms in [...]
the face of these external shocks.
将在氟氯烃淘汰管理计划执行、监测和控制项目范围内开展监测活动,包括氟氯烃 淘汰管理计划所有项 目的执行;定期监测项目的执行和成果;编制有关项目成果的定期 报告,以便采取矫正行动;及时向执行委员会提供项目进度报告;以及定期监测国家和国 际一级的市场发展趋势。
The monitoring activities will be carried out within the HPMP implementation, monitoring and control project, and
will include the
[...] implementation of all the projects within the HPMP, the regular monitoring of the project implementation and results, the production of periodic reports on project results in order to facilitate corrective actions, the production of timely project progress reports to the Executive Committee, and regular monitoring of market developments and trends at the national [...]
and international levels.
提交报告的国家往往难 以从水产养殖产量中区分的自然种群贻贝和牡蛎捕捞产量,在过去年份没 大的 变化,但出现总体的向趋势。
Capture production of mussels and oysters, for which reporting countries often have difficulty in separating harvest of natural populations from aquaculture production, has not varied much over the years, but an overall downward trend can be noted.
虽然这种做法的初衷是保护少数群体学生免受种族暴力, 但事实上它大有加 深不同族裔间隔阂,强化陈旧观念以及使和解努力化为乌有趋势。
While this was originally done to protect minority students from ethnically based violence, it tended to deepen the dividing lines between the different ethnicities, reinforce stereotypes and nullify reconciliation efforts.
常设论坛重申关于论坛第三届会议的报告(E/2004/43-E/C.19/2004/23) 第 12
[...] 国难民事务高级专员办事处、联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室和劳工组织定期向常 设论坛提交报告,说明本单位在处理土著移民妇女和女孩所面临的各种问题,包 括国内和跨国贩卖这一令人震惊 趋势 方 面 所 取 得 的进展。
The Permanent Forum reiterates the recommendation contained in paragraph 12 of the report on its third session (E/2004/43-E/C.19/2004/23) and requests that the International Organization for Migration, OHCHR, UN-Women, UNICEF, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and ILO report periodically to the Permanent Forum on their progress in addressing the problems faced by indigenous
migrant women and girls, including
[...] the alarming trend of trafficking within and across national and international [...]
毒品贩运的资料主要源自各国政府 对 2009 年及以往年份的年度报告调查表第三部分(非法药物供应)和 2010 年
[...] 年度报告调查表第四部分(毒品作物种植及毒品制造和贩运的规模、模式趋 势)所作的答复。
The primary sources of information on drug trafficking were the replies submitted by Governments to part III (Illicit supply of drugs) of the annual reports questionnaire for 2009 and
previous years, and part IV (Extent
[...] and patterns of and trends in drug crop cultivation [...]
and drug manufacture and trafficking)
of the annual report questionnaire for 2010.
由于维持和平、建设和平以及旨在实现持久和平的 人道主义活动之间存在根本的关联,克罗地亚关切地了
[...] 解到,自 2006 年高级专员的上一次通报(见 S/PV.5353) 以来,全世界难民和境内流离所者 的人数和复杂性出 现了上趋势。
Given the fundamental interlinkages among peacekeeping, peacebuilding and humanitarian activities to achieve durable peace, Croatia is concerned to learn that there has been an upward trend in
terms of the number and the
[...] complexity of refugee and IDP situations worldwide since the High Commissioner’s [...]
previous briefing, in 2006 (see S/PV.5353).
显然,这可能是由于建筑物密度大 、 建 筑物样式 趋 同 和 单调、公共 所和 福 利设施缺乏、基础设施不足、严重的贫困现象、社会隔绝以及与气候有关的灾害风险加大等因 素造成的。
Notably, this may be due to excessive building density, standardized and monotonous buildings, loss of public space and amenities, inadequate infrastructure, debilitating poverty, social isolation, and an increasing risk of climate-related disasters.
(c) 转向数据化频道趋势所带来 的利益有可能主要为现有的广播机构, 及诸如电讯等其他用途造福、从而损害进一步的多样性和接触媒体的机会,并损 害符合公共利益的媒体的这种风险。
(c) The risk that the benefits from the switchover to digital frequencies will go largely to existing broadcasters, and other uses such as telecommunications, to the detriment of greater diversity and access, and public interest media.




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