单词 | 大刀 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 大刀 —macheteless common: large knife • broadsword Examples:大刀阔斧—bold and decisive 大刀会—Great Sword Society, an offshoot of the White Lotus in the late Qing dynasty, involved in anti-Western activity at the time of the Boxer rebellion 大镰刀—scythe See also:刀 n—knives pl • knife n • blade n 刀—cutlass • (slang) dollar (loanword) • single-edged sword • surname Dao
一些委員認為即使是削減公共開支的 措施,亦不夠果斷和大刀闊斧 ,難以有效地減低龐大的公共開支。 legco.gov.hk | Some members considered that even the measures on cutting public expenditure were also not decisive and bold enough, thus making it difficult to effectively cutting the colossal public expenditure. legco.gov.hk |
目前的情況亟需大刀闊斧 的果斷政 策,而非「頭痛醫頭、腳痛醫腳」的行政措施。 legco.gov.hk | This situation calls for decisive surgery, not administrative acupuncture. legco.gov.hk |
该项目的宗旨是鼓励大刀阔釜 地改革教育政策与实 践,实现 2000 年《达喀尔行动纲领》确定的目标。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It aims to foster substantial changes in education policies and in practices in order to achieve the goals of the 2000 Dakar Framework for Action. unesdoc.unesco.org |
事实上,总商会已经在1993年进行了 大刀 阔 斧 的改革,废除了帮派选举制。 sccci.org.sg | In fact, in 1993, the SCCCI made major reforms to abolish the clan based election system of the Council. english.sccci.org.sg |
为了 避免过去的失误,海地必须大刀阔斧地改革其政府机 构和结构,并转变其政治文化。 daccess-ods.un.org | To avoid repeating mistakes of the past, [...] Haiti must profoundly transform its [...]governmental institutions and structures and its political culture. daccess-ods.un.org |
总干事深信本组织必须检讨自己,确 定如何才能更加切实有效,因此向执行局第一八五届会议提出了对教科文组织总部外办事机 构进行大刀阔斧改革的建议。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Convinced that the Organization must examine itself critically and determine how it can improve its relevance and effectiveness, the Director-General submitted to the 185th Executive Board proposals for a process of far-reaching reform of UNESCO presence in the field. unesdoc.unesco.org |
1854年,费歇尔一世从其父亲手中继承了位于沙夫豪森的工厂,并且对其进行 了 大刀 阔 斧 的重组。 georgfischer.com | In 1854 Georg Fischer I inherited the Schaffhausen works on the death of his father and completely reorganized them. georgfischer.com |
为了应对 肯尼亚的快速城市化,政府正进行 大刀 阔 斧 的改革, 完善城市规划战略。 daccess-ods.un.org | To respond to Kenya’s rapid urbanization, the Government was undertaking drastic reforms for improved urban planning strategies. daccess-ods.un.org |
多哥政府已对其司法系统进行了大刀 阔 斧 的改 革,以确保全体公民的权利得到尊重。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government of Togo has undertaken broad reform of its justice system to ensure respect for the rights of all citizens. daccess-ods.un.org |
鉴于联合国系统内部业务做法的统一,工发组织提出了一项改革管理举措, 目的是大刀阔斧 地改造该组织的管理程序和交付机制,使其进入更加注重成果、 效力和效率及风险管理的理想状态。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the light of the harmonization of business practices within the United Nations system, UNIDO proposed a change management initiative with an aim to significantly transform the Organization’s management processes and delivery mechanisms into a desired state of enhanced results orientation, effectiveness, efficiency and risk management. daccess-ods.un.org |
项目很有挑战,因为必须符合三个不同的标准:在中央系统中部署解决方案 、 大刀 阔 斧 地更换 现有解决方案、符合非常严格的截止日期。 swift.com | The project was very challenging because it had to match three different criteria: Deployment of the solution in the central system, replacement of the existing solution using a big bang approach and meeting very strict deadlines. swift.com |
综合方 案正在推进非洲农业企业经营方式的 大刀 阔斧的改革。 regionalcommissions.org | CAADP is pushing for substantial changes in how agricultural business is conducted in Africa. regionalcommissions.org |
这就意味着要大刀阔斧 改革衍生工具市 场,对金融机构提出更高和更严格的资本要求,消除监督方面的重大缺口,并建 [...] 立新的结算和清算框架来管理任何金融公司缩小业务的工作,而不论其性质、规 模和相互联系,而且由该行业自己、而不是纳税人承担费用。 daccess-ods.un.org | This has meant drastic reforms of [...] derivatives markets, higher and more rigorous capital requirements for financial institutions, [...]eliminating major gaps in oversight and a new resolution and liquidation framework able to manage the winddown of any financial firm, regardless of nature, size or interconnectedness, and paid for by the industry itself, not the taxpayer. daccess-ods.un.org |
大刀阔斧 地改革我们的全球金融架构以及发展 中国家在全球治理中的发言权,也可以更有助于适当 强调官方发展援助理念的成型。 daccess-ods.un.org | The proper emphasis on the conceptualization of ODA would also be better served by significant reforms in our global financial architecture and the voice of developing States in global governance. daccess-ods.un.org |
原第23条第1 款经大刀阔斧精简后改编成的第20条 ]第5 款确定的反对保 留程序规则与按第1 款规定提出和通知保留的程序规则在用字潜辞上毫无差 异。 daccess-ods.un.org | Paragraph 5 [of draft article 20, which, considerably shortened and simplified, was the source for article 23, paragraph 1] laid down word for word precisely the same procedural rules for objections to a reservation as those applicable under paragraph 1 to the proposal and notification of reservations. daccess-ods.un.org |
大屠夫和马经销商的声音儿子,带来了在动物中,学习的照顾带来的EM,肉店的气氛中沐浴 I C T 大刀 巧 妙 地增强使用的钢材,引发尽快切割和客户接触的艺术,哔叽Belime承诺在肉类行业在拉罗什河畔Foron研究生课程,然后Taninges东部凡专门英寸腌肉。 vipservices.ch | Grand son of butcher and horse dealer's son, brought up among animals, learning the care brought to them, [...] bathed in the atmosphere of the [...] butcher shop with its big knives deftly sharpen using [...]the steel, initiated soon to the art [...]of cutting and customer contact, Serge Belime undertook graduate studies in the meat industry in La Roche sur-Foron, then Taninges where he specializes in cured meats. vipservices.ch |
为改善公共治理,布隆迪当局应该“言行一致” , 大刀 阔 斧 地遏制腐败。 crisisgroup.org | In order to improve public governance, the Burundian authorities should “walk the talk” and take bold steps to curtail corruption. crisisgroup.org |
1987年,梁前进先生毕业于中国陈家沟武术学校,师从陈式太极拳第十九代传人:陈春雷、陈小旺、陈世通,陈克勤等著名的武术大师,他精通陈式太极正宗传统各式套路:陈式太极拳老架一路74式、二路炮拳,陈式太极剑49式、太极绝命刀,太极春 秋 大刀 、 陈 式太极绝门枪、陈式太极五种推手及108式擒拿走化等,并以精湛的功夫赢得多项荣誉。 21bowu.com | Graduated from China Chenjiagou Wushu School in 1987,he learned Chen-Style Taichi Boxing from famous Wushu masters like Zhenglei CHEN,the 19th direct line successor of Chen-Style Taichi Boxing Chunlei CHEN and Xiaowang CHEN etc. He mastered various kingds of traditional Chen-Style [...] Taichi,such as:The Old Frame of [...] Taichi Boxing One and Two ,Chen-Style Taichi Sword ,Taichi Saber ,Taichi Spear,and [...]Five kinds of [...]Chen-Style Push-Hands etc. His excellent Gongfu won him various laures. 21bowu.com |
日本公司相互区别之处就在于: 是完完全全的创新,还是大刀阔斧 的变革,还是通过Kaizen实现持续提高的变革。 12manage.com | Japanese companies distinguish between: Innovation, a radical form of change, and Kaizen, a continuous form of change. 12manage.com |
关于获得教育的机会,政府在过去10 年里实施了一项大刀阔斧 的基础设 施建设方案,在美洲印第安社区建设托儿所和小学,并在内陆地区建设有宿舍的 中学。 daccess-ods.un.org | With respect to access to education, the government has implemented over the last ten years an aggressive infrastructural programme building nursery and primary schools in the Amerindian communities as well as secondary schools with dormitories in the hinterland. daccess-ods.un.org |
与 其如现在这样尝试渐进办法,看来不 如 大刀 阔 斧 地改变做法,要求全面遵守这些 原则,以解决有损援助实效的持续零散化问题和国家自主权问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | Rather than the gradual improvements that are currently being attempted, a more radical shift towards full adherence would seem to be needed in order to overcome continued fragmentation and problems of country ownership which undermine aid effectiveness. daccess-ods.un.org |
在此前一年,刚果(金)人民还通过全民公决批准了国家历史上最具民主精神的宪法,从而巩固了进 行 大刀 阔 斧的政治和经济改革的决心,并且肯定了自独立以来一直未能得以实现的民主愿望。 crisisgroup.org | A year before, the most democratic constitution yet had been adopted by referendum, entrenching the apparent determination to radically change political and economic governance and recognise democratic aspirations that had been unfulfilled since independence. crisisgroup.org |
舞蹈包括到达神社之前表演的“道中”、从神社鸟居(神社入口的牌坊)到拜殿的过程中表演的“行列”、在拜殿前表演的“睨”以及按道具分类的“小 薙 刀 ( 长 柄 大刀 ) 之 舞”、“唐笠之舞”等12支舞蹈。 bunkashisan.ne.jp | There are dances of Dochu (tours) up to the shrine, Gyoretsu (parades) from the shrine gate to the hall of worship, and Nirami (sharp looks) in front of the hall of worship, as well as a [...] total of 12 dances in accord with the [...] tools used, such as "Naginata no mai (halberd dance) [...]and Karakasa no mai (bamboo-and-paper umbrella dance). bunkashisan.ne.jp |
面对普通采矿机械无法顺畅运作的严苛环境,中铝广西分公司选择使用了Cat® 采矿机械:Cat® 的推土机、铲运机、液压挖掘机和铰接式卡车和矿场运输车不负众望 , 大刀 阔 斧 地投入到矿山开拓、采准和复垦作业中。 china.cat.com | Considering the harsh challenges on the site, CHALCO Guangxi chose the Cat® equipment on site includes bulldozers, scrapers, hydraulic excavators and articulated trucks, mainly used in mine development, stope preparation and reclamation operations. china.cat.com |
我 們 在 強 化 內 部 專 業 性 和 責 任 心 的 同 時 大刀 闊 斧 簡 化 內 部 流 程,顯 著 提 高 了 部 門 內 的 運 轉 效 率,在 新 一 輪 的 擴 股 融 資 中 成 功 募 得 了 一 億 美 元 用 作 北 京 先 進 製 程 的 產 能 擴 張。 cre8ir.com | Internally, we are strengthening our professionalism and accountability, and at the same time, we are simplifying internal processes, improving departmental operating efficiency. cre8ir.com |
月時,教育統籌司梁文建先生表示低於 3%的失業率,可算是全民就業,呼籲 大家 勿大驚小怪。 legco.gov.hk | In March, Mr LEUNG Man-kin, the Secretary for Education and Manpower, warned the people not to make a fuss because the unemployment rate was less than 3%, which could be regarded as virtually full employment. legco.gov.hk |
另一方面,市民在沖泡即食杯麪時應遵從有關指 示,切勿把沸水注入破損或變形的容器沖泡麪條。 cfs.gov.hk | On the other hand, the public should follow the instruction when preparing the noodle for consumption and should not fill up damaged or distorted container with boiling water to prepare the noodle. cfs.gov.hk |
为防止设备的接液零配件发生交 叉污染,切勿调换 A 组份 (异氰酸酯)和 B 组份 (树脂)的零配件。 graco.com | To prevent cross-contamination of the equipment’s wetted parts, never interchange component A (isocyanate) and component B (resin) parts. graco.com |
同时,有必要基于不能“一刀切”的认识,确保灵活性和包容性,因为各国和国 家内的情况多种多样,而对于比如小岛屿发展中国家、森林覆盖率较低的国家和 森林覆盖率较高且毁林率较低的国家,则需要采取有针对性的做法。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the same time, there is a need to ensure flexibility and inclusiveness based on recognition of the fact that “one size does not fit all”; owing to diversity of national and subnational situations, a tailored approach may be necessary in the case, for example, of small island developing States, low forest cover countries and countries with high forest cover with low rates of deforestation. daccess-ods.un.org |