

单词 大写

大写 ()

capital letters
uppercase letters
block letters
banker's anti-fraud numerals



caps lock


case sensitive
distinguishing capitals from lower case letters


capital letters
uppercase letters

See also:


write v

External sources (not reviewed)

登记车辆号牌或标志应由阿拉伯数字组成或由阿 拉伯数字加大写的拉 丁字符组成,如 [1968 年]《道路交通公约》中所定义 的那样。
The registration number plates or marks should be composed of either Arabic numerals or Arabic numerals and capital Latin characters, as defined in the Convention on Road Traffic [1968].
如在同一编号下有几项决议通过时,则每项决议以英 大写 字母 标明(例如,第 1926 B(LVIII)号决议和第 1954 A至D(LIX)号决议)。
When several resolutions were adopted under the same number, each of them was identified by a capital letter (for example: resolution 1926 B (LVIII), resolutions 1954 A to D (LIX)).
切记执行表格命令必须大写字母 输入,且 EXECUTE 命令和 NORMAL 命令之间必须间隔有一个行距(或一个包含覆载数据的行)。
Remember that the EXECUTE Form command must be entered in UPPERCASE, and that a single line spacing (or a line containing overlay data) must separate an EXECUTE command from a NORMAL command.
Prints lowercase characters received from the host computer as lowercase, and prints uppercase characters received from the computer as uppercase.
因此,如果需要小写字符,请勿指定打印 大写 字符
Consequently, do not specify uppercase-only characters if lowercase characters are required.
下面列出了它们的俗名(粮农组织,2000年),括弧中提供了它们的学名以及粮农组织采用 大写 缩 写。
Their common names (FAO, 2000) are listed below with their scientific names given in brackets followed
[...] by the FAO abbreviation in uppercase.
提到序言部分第十七段,她要求在西 班牙文版本和英文版本中“小岛屿发展中国家”几 个字大写。
With reference to the seventeenth preambular paragraph, she requested that the phrase “small island developing States” should be capitalized in the Spanish and English versions of the text.
几项决议或决定通过后同列在一个号数之下时,则按每项决议或决定,在第二个阿拉伯数 字后面加一个英大写字母 ,以资识别(例如:第 31/16 A 号决议,第 31/16 A和B号决议,第31/406 [...]
A 至 E 号决定)。
When several resolutions or decisions were adopted
under the same number,
[...] each of them has been identified by a capital letter placed after the two numerals (for [...]
example: resolution
31/16 A, resolutions 31/6 A and B, decisions 31/406 A to E).
而这里描述的实现与其他带前缀的实现可能会使 大写 的 字母 'S'。
The implementation described here and other prefixed implementations may use a capital 'S'.
三、在表格数据区域外的一个单元格中输入孟庆的成绩109,然后按住一个Shift键,再把鼠标指针指向109所在元格任意边框上,鼠标指针变成四向移动箭头时按住左键拖动到E3单元格,等E3单元格上边框上出现一个虚线 大写 字 母 H时放手。
Third, the data in the form of a cell outside the region to enter the results Meng 109, and then hold down a Shift key, then the mouse pointer to where the element 109, any frame on the grid, move the mouse pointer changes to a four arrow hold down the left click to E3 cells, such as E3 on the border of the cell of a dotted line appears on the capital letter H when to let go.
如果启用,大写字母 和小写字母会有区别,例如 canada 会被认为与 Canada(加拿大) 不同,因此 canada 就会被报告出现拼写错误。
For example, canada is considered different from Canada, so canada would be reported as a misspelling.
所有的元素名被映射为 JavaBean 属性,element 名遵循标准 JavaBean 属性命名约定,第一个字母小写,而 complexType 名遵循 Java 标准类名称约定,第一个字大写。
All element names are mapped as JavaBeans properties and element names follow the standard JavaBeans property name convention of lower case for the first character and the complexType name follows the Java standard class name conventions of upper case first letter.
如果国际注册被转让的各部分(均以原始注册号加字母登 记)全部或部分相互合并,但是各被转让部分商品和/或服务不同,所产生的 国际注册的注册号为原始国际注册的注册号加上未曾与有关国际注册的注册 号一同使用过的下一大写字母 (按字母顺序)。
(each recorded under the original number plus a letter) are merged amongst themselves, but the assigned parts do not cover the same goods and/or services, the resulting international registration will bear the number of the original international registration together with the next capital letter (in the alphabetical order) not previously used in conjunction with the number of the international registration concerned.
除 差 错 和 疏 忽 外 , 凡 专 利 产 品 名 称 均 冠大 写 字 母 , 以 示 区 别 。
Errors and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary products are distinguished by initial capital letters.
密码必须是八个字符或更多,且包含至少一 大写 字 符 、至少一个小写字符和至少一个数字。
The password must be eight characters or more and contain at least one uppercase character, at least one lowercase character and at least one number.
如果有帮助的话,可以使用不同的颜色 大写 字 母
Use colors and capitals where useful.
除了提到一 处细小的编辑上的修改之外,她还说,在英文本序 言部分第十三段中,“large marine ecosystems(大 型海洋生态系统)”短语各词的首字母应 大写 ;另 外,英文本序言部分第二十段中的“wider Caribbean Sea region(大加勒比海区域)”短语以及第 12 段中 的“wider Caribbean region(大加勒比区域)”短语 应替换为“Wider Caribbean Region(大加勒比区 域)”,以体现该区域的正式名称。
In addition to noting a minor drafting change, she said that in the thirteenth preambular paragraph, the first letter of each word in the phrase “large marine ecosystems” should be capitalized; furthermore, the phrase “wider Caribbean Sea region” in the twentieth preambular paragraph and the phrase “wider Caribbean region” in paragraph 12 should be replaced with “Wider Caribbean Region” to reflect the official name of the region.
如果启用,会忽略所有字母均大写 的 词 语。
When enabled, any words containing all capital letters are ignored.
手稿的书页被装饰了无数的装饰性 大写 首 字 母,用图案装饰的字母(有人物、花、动物或鸟的图案)以及装饰花边。
The leaves of the manuscript are decorated with numerous ornamental initials, historiated letters (with figures of people, flowers, animals, or birds), and decorated borders.
使用预定义的字符集来识别文本,包 大写 字 母、 小 写 字 符 、 大 小 写 混 合字符串、数字、货币符号、数字以及货币符号的组合、算术符号以及标点符号。
Recognize text using pre-defined character sets, including uppercase, lowercase, mixed case alphabetic, digits, currency symbols, combined currency and digits, arithmetic symbols and punctuation characters
带验证的文本输入:在VB中,每个事件都有一个Cancel参数,可以处理程序执行时设置该参数来阻止事件按常规处理,例如这样就可以实现仅仅允许键入字母或数字,即对输入的域进行验证,或者强制输入 大写 或 小 写字符。
Validating text entry: In VB, certain events have a Cancel parameter you can set to prevent the event from being handled normally after your handler is done, so that for instance
you can allow only letters or numbers to be typed, perform field validation, or force
[...] entry to be all upper or lower case.
i和I在中文输入法智能ABC中有着特殊的意义,它们可以作为输入 写 和 大写 中 文 数字的前导字符,还可以用来将数字运算符号变为相应的汉字,在i或I后面输入+、—、*、/,按回车键或空格键,即可得到与之对应的汉字加、减、乘、除。
i and I in the Intelligent ABC Chinese input
method has a special meaning, they can
[...] enter the lowercase and uppercase as the leading [...]
figure in Chinese characters, also
can be used to sign into the corresponding number operator character, back in the i or I Enter +,-,*,/, press the Enter key or space bar, you can get the corresponding Chinese characters add, subtract, multiply, divide.
本报告根据大会第 64/236 号决议写,大会在 决议中呼吁有效执行可持续 发展问题世界首脑会议通过的承诺、方案和有时限的具体指标,并呼吁遵守《约 [...]
翰内斯堡执行计划》所载关于执行手段的规定;重申可持续发展委员会是联合国 系统内负责处理可持续发展问题,特别是整合可持续发展三方面行动的高级别机
构;决定在 2012 年召开联合国可持续发展会议。
The present report has been prepared pursuant to [...]
General Assembly resolution 64/236, in which the Assembly called for the
effective implementation of the commitments, programmes and time-bound targets adopted at the World Summit on Sustainable Development and the fulfilment of the provisions relating to the means of implementation in the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation; reiterated that the Commission on Sustainable Development is the high-level body within the United Nations system for addressing sustainable development, especially the integration of actions across its three dimensions; and decided to organize in 2012 the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development.
本报告同时根据大会第 49/128 号和第 50/124 号决议写,大会在 这两项决议中要求编写定期报告,说明协助执行《行动纲领》的资 金流动情况。
The report also complies with General Assembly resolutions 49/128 and 50/124, in which the Assembly called for the preparation of periodic reports on the flow of financial resources for assisting in the implementation of the Programme of Action.
6 月 20 日星期三上午举行的开幕式全体会议将审议所有程序和组织事项,包 括通过议事规则和议程、选举大会主席、选举主席团成员、设立主要委员会、任 命全权证书委员会成员、写大会报 告的安排及其他事项。
The formal opening plenary meeting, to be held during the morning of Wednesday, 20 June, will consider all procedural and organizational matters, including the adoption of the rules of procedure and of the agenda, the election of the President of the Conference, the election of officers, the establishment of a Main Committee, the appointment of the members of the Credentials Committee and arrangements for the preparation of the report of the Conference, and other matters.
[...] 作为“总报告员之友”,及两人以类似身份同各委员会报告员合作以 写大会 报告草稿。
It is also recommended that, in accordance with past practice, each regional group be requested to designate, before the opening of the Twelfth Congress, two persons to serve as “friends of the Rapporteur-General”, as well as two persons to work in a
similar capacity with the rapporteur of each of the committees,
[...] with a view to preparing the draft report [...]
of the Congress.
任职者的职责包括监督工作人员,以确保获得优质产出,以及就转型期 阿拉伯国家进行一项完整的研究并 写 两 份 技术文件;任职者还将针 大大 小小 的会议组织、设计和协调必要的研究以及同有关实体的合作。
The incumbent’s role will include the oversight of staff to ensure
quality outputs, as
[...] well as the production of a full study and two technical papers on Arab countries [...]
in transition; the
incumbent will also organize, design and coordinate the necessary research and cooperation with relevant entities in relation to various meetings and conferences.
在科学教育努力方面,急需写大量 微观科学资料包,以便分发给特定的会员国 的所有学校,这对经常方案资源提出了挑战。
In science education efforts, the heavy demand for the production of sufficient Microscience kits for distribution to all schools in a given Member State presents a challenge to regular programme resources.
前面我曾说过,有时 候您可能不得不考虑 LPU(仅包含国际审稿期刊认可的最低数量 之研究内容的论文),甚至“香肠”式论文(将一项适合撰写少 量优秀论文的研究“肢解”为很多碎块,然后据此 写大 量的 零碎论文,此类零碎论文称为“香肠”论文 [39] )。
As suggested above, you may be forced to consider an lPU (a publication that contains the minimal amount of research to just be accepted by an internationally refereed journal), or worse, a “salami”-like publication (“salami” publications are those where a piece of research is “sliced up” to give a larger number of publications whereas a smaller number of higher quality publications would be possible[39] ).




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