

单词 大兴



Daxing district of Beijing, formerly Daxing county


carry out large scale construction


Daxing'anling mountain range in northwest Heilongjiang province

See also:


start v
rise v
get up v

External sources (not reviewed)

这些出版物引起会 员国和有关非政府组织的大兴趣。
These publications were welcomed with great interest by the Member States and NGOs concerned.
有人进一步指出,两个组织都有 大兴 趣 保护 海洋环境不受各自活动的不利影响。
It was further noted that both organizations also had a strong interest in the protection of the marine environment from adverse impacts arising from their respective activities.
霍乱爆发后,海地国家供水机构 DINEPA(全国饮用水和卫生安全部门)对 Gadyen Dlo 的国内应用潜力产生了大兴趣。
After the start of the outbreak, the government’s water agency DINEPA (Direction Nationale de L’Eau Potable et de l’Assainissment) expressed interest in Gadyen Dlo’s national potential.
[...] 媒体对海地地震和联合国处理这一灾难后果情况的报道引起了公众和媒体的大兴趣。
The coverage by Department of Public Information outlets of the earthquake in Haiti and the efforts of the
United Nations to deal with the consequences of the tragedy drew
[...] particularly strong interest from [...]
the public and the media.
同样,联合国在转移定价实用指南方面的工作引来了 大兴 趣 , 该指南并不 是《经合组织转移定价准则》之外的一个选择,而是一个基于需求的新办法,用 [...]
来解释这些准则对发展中国家来说意味着什么,以及如何以符合发展中国家优先 事项和现实的方式适用这些准则。
Likewise, the United Nations work in the area
of practical guidance in transfer pricing
[...] has garnered great interest, not as [...]
an alternative to the OECD Transfer Pricing
Guidelines, but as a novel and needs-based approach to explaining what those guidelines mean for developing countries, and how they can be applied in a way that responds to their priorities and realities.
[...] 在一些京客隆的网点里出售从北 大兴 留 民 营农场引进的经过认证的有机蔬菜,例如 [...]
In some outlets of the state-owned supermarket chain
Jingekelong certified organic vegetables from
[...] Liumingying Farm in Daxing County are now [...]
available (at Xinyuanli Store, for example).
该代表指出,该地区存在的差距和不 平等仍然是实现儿童有关目标的重大障碍,而儿基会注重公平的方法补充了各国政 府采取的措施,该国政府正怀着 大兴 趣 跟 踪了解这一方法,期待看到初步成果。
Noting that disparities and inequalities in the region remained a major impediment to meeting child-related goals, the representative said that the UNICEF equity focus complemented measures taken by national Governments and said that her Government was following the approach with great interest and looked forward to seeing its initial results.
世界知识产权组织关于国际专利制度的会议上,相互认可制度显然引起 了与会者的大兴趣。
If they seek to adopt more strict patenting standards, the institutional and administrative problems are likely to prove even more burdensome.
代表团成员们对于挪威如何在欧洲债务危机中保持经济健康增长表现出了 大兴 趣。
The participants showed great interest in how Norway can maintain a healthy economic growth despite of the European debt crises.
奥布莱恩女士(以英语发言):我想简要地肯定会 员国在本次辩论中表现出的大兴趣 和 他们对秘书 长的报告(S/2011/360)的密切关注和分析。
: I would like very briefly to acknowledge the great interest demonstrated by Member States in the debate and the close attention with which the Secretary-General’s report (S/2011/360) has been analysed.
幸运的是,由于这些汽车极具魅力,其炫耀的名称在当时已经成为一个传奇,再加上 Countach 绝对无与伦比的光环,这都引起了外界对该公司的 大兴 趣。
Fortunately, the allure of these cars, flaunting a name that had now become a legend, coupled above all with the absolutely unrivalled aura of the Countach, aroused enormous interest in the company.
这一总括计划有助于激发人们 对文化遗产保护的大兴趣, 吸引更多支持,也有助于增强当地以综合办法管理文化旅游的 能力。
The umbrella programme serves to trigger strengthened interest in and support for cultural heritage preservation and to strengthen local capacities for cultural tourism management based on a holistic approach.
( 包括经济、社会、文化权利) 的总的情况以及这对被剥夺自由者 的影响表示了大兴趣, 因为酷刑和虐待的普遍程度受到广泛因素的影响,包括 享有人权和法治的总的水平、贫穷程度、社会排斥、腐败和歧视。
In that context, it expressed great interest in the general situation within a country concerning the enjoyment of human rights (including economic, social and cultural rights) and how this affects the situation of persons deprived of their liberty, since the prevalence of torture and ill-treatment is influenced by a broad range of factors, including the general level of enjoyment of human rights and the rule of law, levels of poverty, social exclusion, corruption and discrimination.
此外还有很多客户参观我们的研发机构,模拟卡车驾驶舱总是能引起 大兴 趣。
There are also a lot of customer tours around our R&D facility, and the simulator truck cab always creates
[...] a great deal of interest.
当时,我是个16岁的华校生,抱着对中国的强烈好奇心,以及对航海的 大兴 趣 , 马上接受了父亲的挑战。
As I was then a 16-year-old Chinese school student, having a natural curiosity about China and an interest in shipping, I took up the challenge.
她注 意到对她的任务所涵盖的 领域的大兴趣, 希望今后能够在 时 间和资源允许的 情况下,与所 有在其任务主 题有关领域工作的利益攸关方加强协商,发展真正的合作关系。
She notes a momentous and important interest in the areas covered by her mandate and hopes that in the years to come she will be able - as time and resources permit - to enhance consultations and develop a true cooperation with all stakeholders working on subjects related to her mandate.
值得一提的是,一批为航天航空领域提供材料、制品及装备的企业和院所参展商继续参展,碳纤维、芳纶纤维增强的夹芯结构、蜂窝结构等高品质、高性能的航空级复合材料产品及相关的装备不断增加,国外著名的先进热压罐生产商意大利特鲁兹公司、美国ASC公司、日本羽生田公司及国内的美洲豹特种设备公司、泰安的富尔金豪公司在会上同时亮相,引起专业观众的 大兴 趣。
Is well worth mentioning BE, a provide material, product and material for the aerospace aviation realm of the company that business enterprise and hospital joins the exhibition continue to join the exhibition, carbon fiber and Fang Lun the fiber strengthen of clip high quality, high performance, such as Xin structure and beehive structure...etc. of aviation class compound the material product and related material continuously increase, the foreign famous forerunner heat presses a bottle of production company Italy especially Lu company, the United States ASC company and Japanese feather living farmland company and local American the leopard special kind equipments company, Tai-an of the
rich Er Jin Hao company is willing ascend to be unveiled at the same time, arouse
[...] professional audience biggest interest.
沙的多小山的地区,沙质草地,河岸; 低于1500米黑龙江北部(大兴安岭 ),E吉林,内蒙古 [朝鲜北部,东北蒙古,俄罗斯(西伯利亚) ].
Sandy hilly areas, sandy grasslands, river banks; below 1500 m. N Heilongjiang (Da Hinggan Ling), E Jilin, Nei Mongol [N Korea, NE Mongolia, Russia (Siberia)].
因为在教学计划中强调敏捷原则,并在教学实践中成功运用了这些原则,我们引起了敏捷联盟(Agile Alliance)的大兴趣,并得到了支持。
We have garnered significant interest, and support, from the Agile Alliance, both because we emphasized agile principles in the program and because we successfully applied agile principles to redefine the educational process.
现场演示过程中,各大运营商对基于LTE的流媒体视频会议和基于WiFi的FTP下载(P2P业务)同时进行表现出 大兴 趣。
During the live demo, operators showed great interest whilst observing a streamed video session established over LTE and FTP Download (P2P traffic case) over WiFi, carried out at the same time.
Ballard & Tighe首席执行官Mark Espinola表示:“Ballard & Tighe对亚洲的英语学习机会抱有 大兴 趣 , 也有信心提供大量严谨的产品系列,以满足中小学的需求。
Ballard & Tighe views the English language learning opportunity in Asia with great interest and is confident that it can offer a substantive, rigorous, product range to address the needs of both elementary and secondary school learners.
50多名来自金融经济,工业自动化,银行及政治领域的与会者对ixmation在马多年的投资经验表示 大兴 趣。
More than 50 members from the fields of industry, banking, economics and politics showed a great interest in the good and long experience of ixmation in Malaysia.
此外,在适当的时候,生物多 样性公约将举行北太平洋区域研讨会,人们对那里富钴结壳的开采拥有 大兴 趣。
In addition, in due course, the Convention on Biological Diversity will also be holding a regional workshop for the Northern Pacific, an area highlighted as being of the greatest interest for the mining of cobalt-rich crusts.
去年CES展的同轴电缆和电力线展示环节,Marvell成功进行了全球首次G.hn全现场演示,并于2012年参加了亚洲互通性测试活动(Asia Plugfest),这些展示令观众对Marvell的G.hn产品产生了 大兴 趣。
Marvell generated great interest for G.hn during successful coax and powerline demonstrations at CES last year, the world's first G.hn full live demo, and the Asia Plugfest in 2012.
在矿业领域,若干合作伙伴对该领域产生了 大兴 趣 , 技术教育部在法国开 发署、力拓矿业集团和一家法国研究所的合作下,完成了对青年在专业行业培训 需要的研究报告。
In the mining sector, in which several partners are showing renewed interest, the Ministry of Technical Education, in cooperation with the French Development Agency, Rio Tinto and a French research consultancy, has made a survey of young people’s job training needs.
澳大利亚的职业教育培训(VET)体系同样引起了许多国家的 大兴 趣 , 这些国家希望发展高技能劳动力,支持本国在全球经济中的强劲表现。
Australia’s vocational education and training (VET) system also attracts considerable international interest from countries interested in developing highly skilled workforces to support strong performance in a global economy.
但是,必须指出,在这个重要关头,尽管建设和 平在过去 10 年中激发了大兴趣, 但是,为建设和 平和预防努力筹措的资源与承诺为维和提供的资源 [...]
However, it is important to note that, at this juncture,
[...] despite the overwhelming interest peacebuilding has generated [...]
in the past decade, mobilization
of resources for peacebuilding and preventive efforts still remain grossly inadequate when compared to the corresponding commitments to peacekeeping.
[...] 交的报告(A/63/959)更新附件的基础上,继续对大会关于振兴的决议详细目录进 行审查,并请秘书长提交关于兴大 会 工作的各项大会决议要求秘书处执行但尚 未执行的那些规定的最新清单,并说明未得到执行的限制因素和原因,供特设工 [...] [...]
In the same resolution, the General Assembly also decided that the Ad Hoc Working Group should continue its review of the inventory of General Assembly resolutions on revitalization, based on the updated annex to the report of the Ad Hoc Working Group submitted at the sixty-third session (A/63/959), and requested the Secretary-General to submit an
update on the provisions of the Assembly
[...] resolutions on revitalization addressed to the [...]
Secretariat for implementation that had
not yet been implemented, with an indication of the constraints and reasons behind any lack of implementation, for further consideration by the Ad Hoc Working Group at the sixty-sixth session.
这包括兴建中 的若开邦首府实兑附近 的印度洋海域深海港口以及平行公路、高速铁路、 石油管道和天然气管道,这将建起一个缅甸通往中 国西南部内陆省份的能源和贸易走廊;加叻丹多式 运输项目(Kaladan multi-modal project)将在印度 洋和印度东部沿海地区之间、印度洋和印度东北部 内陆地区之间建起一条交通走廊;以及达维发展项 目(Dawei Development Project),按照计划,该项 目将在缅甸南部修建一大型工业区和一个现代化 深海港,以及连通泰国并进一步通至越南的公路和 铁路,这样可以从陆路将货物运送至泰国和越南, 比起经马六甲海峡的海路运输要少花好几天时间。
These include: a deep-sea port being constructed on the Indian Ocean near the Rakhine State capital of Sittwe, and parallel road, high-speed rail, and oil and natural gas pipelines that will create an energy and trade corridor to China’s landlocked south west; the Kaladan multi-modal project that will create a transportation corridor between the Indian Ocean and India’s eastern seaboard and its landlocked north east; and the Dawei Development Project which, if completed according to plan, would include a large industrial estate and modern deep-sea [...]
port in the south, with
road and rail links for transhipment of goods to Thailand and on to Vietnam, cutting several days off the sea route through the Straits of Malacca.
许多代表团支持制定一项全球标准,指出石榴的生产和贸易已经扩展到近东以外 地区,由于许多国家对此商品越来越 兴 趣 , 因而将有 大 的 市 场潜力。
A number of delegations supported the elaboration of a worldwide standard, noting that the production and trade of pomegranate extended beyond the Near East Region and that there would be significant market potential in view of growing interest in this commodity in many countries.




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