

单词 大公国



Dagong Global Credit Rating, credit rating agency based in China


United Arab Emirates (Tw)

See also:


a power (i.e. a dominant country)

External sources (not reviewed)

一个包含一个或多个tractates塔木德抄本是现存数量在罗马,牛津,巴黎​​,汉堡,纽约,而从Reuchlin论文公会的图书馆,在AT Carlsruhe大公国库。
A number of Talmudic codices containing one or more tractates are extant in Rome, Oxford, Paris,
Hamburg, and New York, while the treatise Sanhedrin, from Reuchlin's
[...] library, is in the grand-ducal library at [...]
关于移 民和国际保护问题,卢森大公国有 一 项关于执行强 行 递 解 出 境 决定的模 式的规 定。
Regarding immigration and international protection, Luxembourg had a Grand-Duchy regulation concerning the modalities for implementing decisions for removal from the territory under constraint.
卢森大公国人权协商委员会感到欣慰的是,工作组向卢森堡提出的一 些 建议正好与该委员会向 普遍定期审议简 要报告提供 的书面 材料内提出的建议以 及各区域机构的建议相吻 合。
The Consultative Committee for Human Rights of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg (CCDH) welcomed the fact that some of the recommendations made to Luxembourg in the WG coincided with recommendations put forward by the CCDH in its written contribution to the UPR summary report, as well recommendations by regional bodies.
2008 年 12 月 16 日关于接纳和融合进入卢森大公国 的 外 国人的法律 (2008 年 12 月 24 日第 A-209 号备忘录)规定设立卢森堡接纳和融合办公室,专门 [...]
负责接 待 初来乍到的外 国人,并通过实施和协调包括反歧视在内的接
纳 与 融 入政 策,与各州和其他民间社会组织一道协助 他 们融入卢森堡社会,并向无法享 受 现 有救济和生活补助的外国人以及符合 2006 年 5 月 5 日关于庇护和其他形式的保护 权的法律规定的寻求国际保护者提供社会救济。
The legislation of 16 December 2008 on the
acceptance and integration of
[...] foreigners in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (Official Gazette A [...]
No. 209 of 24 December 2008)
provides for the establishment of a Luxembourg Acceptance and Integration Office (OLAI) whose purpose is to organize the acceptance into the country of newly arrived foreigners; facilitate the integration of foreigners by applying and coordinating, together with municipalities and organizations of civil society, the acceptance and integration policy, of which combating discrimination is an essential element; and provide social aid to foreigners who are not entitled to existing benefits and to applicants for international protection as defined by the legislation of 5 May 2006 on the right of asylum and complementary forms of protection.
卢森大公国按照 《公约》第 42 条第 1 款(c)项, 受附件第三节所载优先权规则,即以转让合同时间为准的优先权规则约束。
The Grand Duchy of
[...] Luxembourg, pursuant to article 42, paragraph 1 (c), of the Convention, will be bound by [...]
the priority rules set
forth in section III of the annex, namely those based on the time of the contract of assignment.
大公国要响 应联合国的号召,对巴基斯坦政府表 示支持,以便满足目前 400 万无家可归者、800 万依 靠人道主义援助的人以及受到不同影响的 2 000 万人 的最紧迫的人道主义需求。
The Principality wishes to respond to the call of the United Nations and to express its support to the Government of Pakistan to meet the most pressing humanitarian needs of the now 4 million homeless individuals, 8 million individuals dependent on humanitarian assistance and 20 million individuals affected in one way or another.
摩纳哥最近在艾滋病规划署执行主任访 大公 国期间 ,把它同规划署的框架协定延长至 2011 年, 我们对规划署的努力表示赞许。
Monaco recently renewed its framework agreement with UNAIDS through 2011 during an official visit to the Principality by the Programme’s Executive Director, whose efforts we acknowledge.
代理主席(以英语发言):大会现在听取摩纳大 公国国家元 首阿尔贝二世亲王殿下的讲话。
: The General Assembly will now hear an address [...]
by His Serene Highness Prince Albert II, Head of State of the Principality of Monaco.
代理主席(以西班牙语发言):大会现在将听取列 支敦士大公国政府首脑、一般政府事务部长、财政 [...]
部长和家庭及平等机会部长 Klaus Tschütscher 阁下 的讲话。
The Acting Chair( spoke in
[...] Spanish): The Assembly will now hear an address [...]
by His Excellency Klaus Tschütscher, head of
Government, Minister for General Government Affairs, Minister for Finance and Minister for Family and Equal Opportunity of the Principality of Liechtenstein.
因此大公国在其 紧急人道主义援助范围内,将 向世界卫生组织的危机中卫生行动部提供 10 万欧元, 以帮助在紧急卫生领域中已经开展的全面努力,并特 别防止水媒疾病的扩散。
Thus, within the framework of its emergency humanitarian assistance, the Principality will disburse €100,000 [...]
to the Department
of Health Action in Crises of the World Health Organization to contribute to the general effort already undertaken in the field of emergency health and to combat the spread of waterborne diseases in particular.
为此原因大公国政府集中努力在其合作方案中防治 艾滋病,特别是在非洲。
For that reason, the Government of the Principality has focused its [...]
efforts on preventing and combating AIDS in its cooperation
programmes, particularly in Africa.
而且,题为“尼加拉瓜团结一 致,协调控制疫情”的项目的技术建议,也获得了兄 弟的古巴政府、联合国艾滋病毒/艾滋病联合规划署 和卢森大公国人民和政府的技术支助,并且获得了 民间社会组织的积极参加。
Also, the technical proposal of the project entitled “Nicaragua united in a concerted response to containing the epidemic” has received technical supported from the brotherly Government of Cuba, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS and the people and the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and has enjoyed the active participation of civil society organizations.
IAAPI 2010吸引了众多来自印度、台湾、泰国、韩国、阿拉伯联 大公国 、 菲 律宾、加拿大、美国、阿根廷、芬兰、西班牙、比利时、荷兰、英国、瑞士等地的厂商及媒体参与。
IAAPI 2010 drew a lot of exhibitors, media, and professional purchasers from India, Taiwan, Thailand, Korea, United Arab Emirates, Philippines, Canada, USA, Argentina, Finland, Spain, Holland, UK, Switzerland, and so on.
卢森大公国是一些主要国际组织的 创始国,其中包括比荷卢联盟、欧洲理 事会、欧洲联盟、北大西洋公约组织、 经济合作与发展组织(OECD)以及联 合国;卢森堡的影响力远远超过其国 土大小,尤其在欧洲。
As a founding member of major international organisations like BENELUX, the Council of Europe, the European Union, NATO, OECD and the United Nations, the Grand Duchy has influence that belies its size, especially within Europe.
为了满足客户期望,卢森大 公国已经建立并不断创造性地调整一 系列传统和尖端金融产品。
In order to meet these clients’ expectations, the Grand Duchy has built and continuously adapted an innovative range of both traditional and sophisticated financial products.
我以我本人和另一位共同主席、卢森 大公国 副首相兼外交大臣让·阿瑟伯恩先生阁下的名义作这 一发言。
My presentation is made on behalf of myself and my co-Chair, His Excellency Mr. Jean Asselborn, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
ABL实验室位于卢森堡,充分利用卢森大公国现有的国际人才库,在知名 科学家和技术专家的共同努力下发展 [...]
Located in Luxembourg, ABL is leveraging the
international talent pool available in the Grand
[...] Duchy by combining high-profile scientist [...]
and technical experts to develop cutting-edge technologies.
1979年,中国银行成立了卢森 堡分行,成为中国在卢森大公国设 立的首家银行。
In 1979, Bank of China established its Luxembourg branch, which became the first Chinese bank set foot in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
最后,卢森大公国在发展成为金 融与基金服务中心的过程中,集聚了 大量高度专业的服务供应商,包括托 [...]
管、基金管理与注册登记、业务与税 务顾问、审计公司、国际与本地律师 事务所,以及向全球媒体提供基金数 据的供应商等。
Last but not least, the development of [...]
the Grand Duchy as a centre of financial and fund services has led to an exceptional
concentration of highly specialised service providers, in custody, fund administration and transfer agency, business and tax consultants, audit firms, international and local law firms, providers of fund data to the global media, etc.
尽管 卢森大公国面积小、人口少,但卢森 堡是地处欧洲中心的公认关键市场。
Despite its diminutive proportions in terms of geographical size and population, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is recognised as a key marketplace at the very heart of Europe.
在纽约的审查进程共同协调人列支敦 士大公国常驻 代表克里斯蒂安·韦纳韦瑟先生阁下和摩洛哥王国常驻代表穆罕 默德·卢利什基先生阁下于
The Co-Facilitators of the review process in New York, H.E. Mr. Christian Wenaweser, Permanent Representative of the Principality of Liechtenstein and H.E. Mr. Mohammed Loulichki, Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Morocco, addressed the session at its first meeting on 7 February 2011.
14. 消除对妇女歧视委员会在其2001 年报告中,对存在惩治性流产法,可能导 致秘密流产,危害妇女健康表示了关注,对此,安道 大公国 希 望 强调,鉴于本 国地域很小,这类做法并不存在。
In response to the concern CEDAW expressed in its 2001 report regarding the existence of punitive abortion laws that could lead to the practice of clandestine abortions endangering the health of women, the Principality wishes to stress the fact that, given the size of the country, this kind of practice does not occur.
我们还同样感谢挪威政府提 供安全部门改革培训,并感谢卢森 大公国 为 召 开会 员国关于安全部门改革问题的会议提供支助。
Our gratitude is equally extended to the Government of Norway for SSR training and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in support of Member States meetings on SSR.
欧洲理事会反对种族主义和不容忍委员会呼吁摩纳哥当局确 保在摩纳大公国所实 行的招募和解聘 制 度 在 实践中不会造 [...]
成 基 于种族、肤色、 语言、 宗 教、国籍 和族裔 或民族血统的歧视行为,并呼吁他们为此制订法律保障 , 例 如 列
入 确 保 晋 级和培训聚 会 平等的条款。
COE/ECRI called on the Monegasque
authorities to ensure that the
[...] recruitment and dismissal system established in [...]
the Principality does not in practice result
in discrimination on grounds such as race, colour, language, religion, nationality and ethnic or national origin and that they establish legal safeguards to that effect, for example by introducing provisions ensuring equality in promotion and access to training.
中央管理 在出台UCITS IV指令以及在UCITS基 金有可能受卢森堡境外管理公司运行 之前,卢森堡法规规定,基金的“中央 管理”必须位于卢森大公国。
Before UCITS IV and the possibility for a UCITS fund to be run by a management company located outside of Luxembourg, the Luxembourg regulation provided that a fund’s “central administration” had to be located in the Grand-Duchy.
CNPV光伏集团,根据卢森大公国法律 组建的公开股份有限公司,业界领先的太阳能光伏产品综合制造商,公司向Enel Green Power(EGP)世界首个且唯一一个太阳能地热混合项目提供太阳能光伏组件,并于近期在美国内华达州丘吉尔参加了开幕仪式。
CNPV Solar Power SA, a public
[...] limited liability company organized under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and a leading [...]
integrated manufacturer
of solar photovoltaic products, having provided the solar photovoltaic module element to the Enel Green Power (EGP) of the World’s first and only solar-geothermal hybrid project, recently participated in the inauguration ceremony in Churchill County, Nevada, United States.
卢森堡是可持续发展和绿色金融工具 领域的领导者;仅仅数年间,就建立了 高瞻远瞩的立法架构和众多技术工具, 使得卢森大公国迅速发展了可持续 金融领域的重要专业技能。
In just a few years a forward thinking legislative framework and numerous technical tools have been put in place, enabling the Grand Duchy to quickly develop crucial expertise in sustainable finance.




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