

单词 大全

大全 ()

comprehensive collection


全国大会党 n



Standing Committee of the National People's Congress


Encyclopedia of China Publishing House

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 和经济发展越来越具有全球性,必须进行国际合作,为探求解决 大全 球 问题的办法培养所 需的人才和创造出所需的知识。
As science, technology, and economic progress become more global, international
collaboration is indispensable to generate the talent and knowledge needed to find solutions
[...] to fundamental global challenges.
[...] 于政策导向予以关注的各种新出现的议题;(b) 明确在执行经社会各 项法定任务方面所取得的进展和需要予以优先关注的差距;(c) 各次大全球会议的后续跟进行动;(d) 针对那些将在 2011 年期间的各次大全球论坛上予以讨论的议题阐明亚洲及太平洋区域的看法和观 点;(e) 核可自经社会第六十六届会议结束以来举行的各下属机构会 [...]
议的报告;(f) 明确拟由各下属机构在
2011 年期间举行的会议上加以 处理的各项主要议题。
The expected outcomes under this agenda item include: (a) the identification of emerging issues that merit policy-oriented attention; (b) the identification of progress achieved and gaps requiring priority attention with regard to the implementation of Commission
mandates; (c) follow-up
[...] actions to major global conferences; (d) the articulation of Asian and Pacific perspectives on issues that will be addressed in major global forums [...]
in 2011; (e) the
endorsement of the reports of the subsidiary bodies which have been held since the sixty-sixth session of the Commission; and (f) the identification of key issues to be taken up in meetings of subsidiary bodies in 2011.
我的工作重点将是就当今世界面临的 大全球 挑战建立共识,这些挑战包括武装冲突、人民自决权、 [...]
饥饿、贫困、恐怖主义、气候变化、全球经济和金融 危机,以及自然灾害的人道主义救援工作。
The focus of my efforts will be on building
[...] consensus on major global challenges [...]
facing the world today, including armed conflict,
the rights of peoples to self-determination, hunger, poverty, terrorism, climate change, the global economic and financial crisis and humanitarian response to natural disasters.
[...] 計劃阻止莫禮時教授續聘為校長及此為推動教院與 大全 面 合 併的部 份原因。
He denied the suggestion of a plan to prevent the
re-appointment of Professor Morris as President and that it was part of the
[...] effort to achieve a full merger of HKIEd [...]
with CUHK.
仅使用大全球核武库中微不足道的一部分,也就是 说仅爆炸 100 [...]
枚核弹头,便可在几小时之内导致核冬 天。
The use of only a negligible
[...] part of the huge global nuclear arsenal, [...]
that is, the explosion of 100 warheads, would bring
about nuclear winter in a few hours.
[...] 响,重申消除贫穷继续是当今世界面临的 大全 球 性 挑战,确认其影响超越社会、 经济范围
Profoundly concerned that the situation of children in many parts of the world has been negatively impacted by the world financial and economic crisis, and
reaffirming that eradicating poverty continues
[...] to be the greatest global challenge facing [...]
the world today, recognizing its impact
beyond the socio-economic context
这些新的、强化的和正 在出现的机构代表着RFB迈向大全球 覆盖率的重要步骤。
These new, strengthened and emerging bodies represent an important step forwards in
[...] extending the global coverage of RFBs.
数量丰富的研究和文献已经确立了小岛屿发展中国家物种多样性和特有性 所具有的大全球价 值,这些研究和文献还突出表明小岛屿发展中国家生态系统 [...]
There is a wealth of studies and literature
[...] establishing the significant global value of species [...]
diversity and endemism in small island
developing States, and also highlighting the fact that their small size and isolation and the fragility of their ecosystems increases the vulnerability of their biodiversity resources.
为此,主席团建议, 邀请计划在部长级审查中介绍本国情况的各会员国常驻代表在关于人口与发展 问题对 2011 年部长级审查主题所做贡献的一般性辩论期间加入委员会(第四十四 届会议临时议程项目 6),以便这些国家能够参与强调人口与发展议程与 大全球 教 育成就目标之间的协同增效作用的互动对话。
To that end, the Bureau suggested inviting the permanent representatives of the Member States planning to make national presentations at the ministerial review to join the Commission during the general debate on the contribution of population and development issues to the theme of the ministerial review in 2011 (item 6 of the provisional agenda of the forty-fourth session) so that they could engage in an interactive dialogue highlighting the synergies between the population and development agenda and the goal of improving educational attainment worldwide.
在成为甲骨文白金级合作伙伴后,Thunderhead和甲骨文的共同用户将因市场上 大全 球 领 先解决方案供应商的强强联合而获益。
By becoming an Oracle Platinum level partner, joint customers of
Thunderhead and Oracle will benefit from combining the
[...] expertise of two leading global solution providers [...]
in this market segment.
在 当前的改革工作中,该报告称,“与全国委员会在实地的合作关系将是多国办事处主任工作 的优先事项,并将构成大全国委 员会对实施活动参与的基础”(160 EX/6 第 III 部分,第 10 段)。
Within the current reform process, the report stated, “the partnership with National Commissions at the field level will be a priority for cluster office directors, and will form the basis for expanding the involvement of National Commissions in implementing activities” (160 EX/6, Part III, para. 10).
对联合国的影响是,与来自全 世界其他许多非政府组织的代表共享信息,在起草成果文件时加 大全 国 妇 女理 事会对加拿大代表团和常驻代表团施加影响,以及加 大全 国 妇女理事会实施关 于联合国工作的教育。
The impact for the United Nations is one of sharing information with the many
other NGO delegates from
[...] around the world, influencing the Canadian delegation and Permanent Mission by NCWC in the drafting of outcome documents, and the education of NCWC about the [...]
work of the United Nations.
也正在通过传统和非传统的来源大全 球应 急网名册,为危机中国家和有旷日持久紧急情况的国家吸引优秀人才。
The Global Emergency Web Roster is [...]
also being expanded through traditional and non-traditional sourcing to attract the best
talent for countries in crisis and protracted emergencies.
(a) 组织前往联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)世界遗产地的教育 性游轮旅行:为筹备这一活动,该中心邀请联合国环境规划署(环境署)前执行主 任作演讲;(b) 研究公众科学素养:2006 年,该中心开始进行合作,对印度科学 家关于教育、社会和价值观的看法进行一项 大全 国 调查(http://www.world viewsofscientists.org);(c) 在人权理事会会议期间出席非政府组织关于不同 文明联盟的简报会并发言,并分发题为“不同文明之间是否存在冲突?
(a) Educational cruise to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Site: in preparation for the event, the Center invited the former Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to deliver lectures; (b) research on public science literacy: in 2006 the Center began collaboration on a major national survey of Indian scientists’ beliefs about education, society and values (http://www.worldviewsofscientists.org); (c) attended and spoke at NGO briefings on the Alliance of Civilizations and released, at the Human Rights Council, a related research paper entitled “Is there a clash of civilizations?
除生物安保和生物安全外,加大全球 伙 伴关系方案向旨在加强多边生物不扩散举措、机制以及论坛的一系列项目和举 措提供支持。
In addition to biosecurity and biosafety, Canada’s GPP supports a broad range of projects and initiatives that aim to strengthen multilateral biological non-proliferation initiatives, mechanisms and forums.
20 周年会议应将《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》全面纳入其结果文件,并强调应当 重申和大全球承 诺,以实现最不发达国家的可持续发展。
The LDCs Group feels that the Rio+20
Conference early next
[...] year should fully integrate the IPoA into its outcome document and underline renewed and scaled-up global commitment [...]
to achieve sustainable development in the LDCs.
利用加大 全球伙伴关系方案捐助资金,原子能机构在前苏联各国完成了关键性的核安保和 放射安保项目,例如高活度放射源的安保。
With Canada’s GPP contribution, the IAEA implements vital nuclear and radiological security projects in [...]
countries of the former
Soviet Union, including, for example, the securing of highly radioactive sources.
委员会还建议缔约国推行和大全面 防 治艾滋病毒传染的教育运动以及便利于青 少年的检验和询诊。
It further recommends that the State party promote and widen the comprehensive HIV informationeducation [...]
campaign, as well
as youth-friendly HIV-testing and counselling.
他 首 先 做 的 调 整 之 一 , 就 是大 全 球 几 大 主 要 市 场 如 斯 堪 的 纳 维 亚 、 西 班 牙 和 亚 洲 的 分 公 司 , 减 少 集 团 总 公 司 对 其 在 项 目 和 销 售 方 面 的 影 响 。
One of the first changes he made was to reduce the influence of the head office on projects and sales by strengthening the organisation out in the main markets: Scandinavia, Spain and Asia.
大全国选举委员会主管性别平等的单位,从一 人增到五人,这也是一个积极的事态发展。
An expansion of the gender unit of the National Elections Commission, from one to five persons, has also been a positive development.
个别案件宣判延误不会妨碍前南问题国际法庭在下列方面前所未有的成功: 编写国际刑事法先大全以及 将被前南问题国际法庭起诉的个人逮捕归案,从而 [...]
明确和毫不含糊地确认种族灭绝罪、反人类罪和违反战争法规和习惯罪是国际社 会不会容忍的罪行。
Delays in the delivery of certain judgements should not distract from
the Tribunal’s unprecedented success in
[...] developing a comprehensive corpus of precedents [...]
in international criminal law and
in arresting all living individuals indicted by the Tribunal, thus establishing clearly and unequivocally that genocide, crimes against humanity, and violations of the laws or customs of war are crimes that the international community will not tolerate.
全球机制的多方捐助者平台将推动进一步 大全 球 机 制的业务资 金。
The Multi-Donor Platform of the GM will facilitate the upscaling of the GM‟s operational finance.
关于开发署对地方治理所作贡献的评价指出,“虽然 有些举措产生了大全国影 响,另一些举措则往往缺乏持续性而且是孤立的,没 有系统并缺乏战略观念”[11]。
The evaluation of UNDP contributions to local governance notes, “whereas some initiatives have had a significant national impact, others have tended to be ad hoc and isolated, not systematic and strategic” [11].
正因为 ARM 的 IP 多种多样以及支持基于 ARM 的解决方案的芯片和软件体系十分 大 , 全 球 领 先的原始设备制造商 (OEM) 都在广泛使用 ARM 技术,应用领域涉及手机、数字机顶盒以及汽车制动系统和网络路由器。
With the diversity of ARM IP  and the broad  ecosystem of supporting silicon and software for ARM-based solutions, the world's leading Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) use ARM technology in a wide variety of applications ranging from mobile handsets and digital set top boxes to car braking systems and network routers.
至於前途信心方面,巿民對香港及中國前途,及一國兩制信心指標的正面比率變化 大 , 全 部 指數的正面比率都保持高企,三者的信心淨值分別是正42、77和38個百分比。
All positive figures have remained high, and people's net confidence in the future of Hong Kong, China and "one country, two systems" now stand at positive 42, 77 and 38 percentage points respectively.
贸易政策中的首要优先事项是在考虑到发展中 国家的需求和利益的基础上,使《多哈发展议程》 谈判取得大、全面而均衡的成果。
The foremost priority in trade policy was an ambitious, comprehensive and balanced outcome to the Doha Development Agenda negotiations that took into account the needs and interests of developing countries.
(a) 在拟订全球地理空间信息管理议程方面发挥领导作用,并促进其发展, 以解决大全球性 挑战,例如减少贫穷、可持续发展、气候变化、早期预警、灾 [...]
(a) To play a leadership role in setting the agenda for the management of global geospatial
information and promote its development so as
[...] to address key global challenges [...]
(poverty reduction, sustainable development,
climate change, early warning, disaster management, peace and security, environmental quality, energy and infrastructure, economic crises, etc.)
雖然目前的物業市場似乎了無生氣,但發展商、 置業㆟士和市民大眾都會歡迎炒賣風氣的消失,而物業市場漸趨 全 , 大 致 ㆖ 以用 家為服務對象。
While the property market may appear to be slightly lacklustre at the moment, developers,
home buyers and the
[...] community as a whole should welcome the disappearance of the speculative bubble and the emergence of a more healthy market, serving largely end-users.
。地方/ 家庭一级影响粮食安全的因素包括:前三个季节连续雨水
[...] 不足;粮食产量大幅下降;生计多样性不足;牧民和农牧民的贸易条件恶化;粮 食价格持续高位;特别是牧区的不 全 ; 大 规 模 土地恶化;牲畜疾病及其导致的 隔离;常年缺水和选举后暴乱,这些导致肯尼亚的旅游收入大幅下降,经济衰退 [...]
Factors that have affected food insecurity at district/household level include, successive poor performance of the rains in the previous three seasons; significant decline in crop production; inadequate livelihood diversification; deterioration of terms of trade for the
pastoralists and agro-pastoralists;
[...] sustained high food commodity prices; insecurity particularly [...]
in pastoral areas; widespread
land degradation; livestock diseases and ensuing quarantines; perennial water scarcity and the post –election violence where the country recorded a massive drop in tourism earnings and a rise in economic recession .




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