

单词 够的


不够的 adj

not sufficient adj

能够...的 adj

able adj


be quite an ordeal
be hard to bear

External sources (not reviewed)

代表强调,需要够的经费,以便粮农组织和世卫组织 能够应对越来越多的 科学建议的需求。
The Representative stressed the need for adequate funding in order to allow FAO and WHO to respond to the increasing number of requests for scientific advice.
仅仅用语言表达是够的; 是 为负责任地利用民用核能和动员裁军采取行动的 [...]
Words were not sufficient; the time had [...]
come for action on responsible civilian uses of nuclear energy and mobilization for disarmament.
所幸的是,各国不需要投资昂贵而复杂的燃料循环 技术,因为市场能够确保提供够的 民 用核燃料, 而国际核燃料库则可以为核燃料供应提供额外保 证。
Fortunately, States did not need to invest in costly and complex fuel cycle technologies, because the market was capable of ensuring adequate nuclear fuel for civilian uses, and international nuclear fuel banks could provide added assurance of supply.
此外必须留出够的 空间 ,确保在放上钟罩式油箱之后可以将有载分接开关抬到最终的安装位置。
In addition, there must be sufficient clearance so that the on-load tapchanger can be raised to its final mounting position after the bell-type tank is attached.
据指 出,第 A1 条草案第 2 款在这一点上是够的,因 为光是承认驱逐国有权将一定 的程序保证扩大适用于在其境内非法居留的某些外国人,只是论及表面现象。
It was pointed out that draft article A1, paragraph 2, was inadequate on that point, since by simply acknowledging that the expelling State had the right to extend certain procedural guarantees to certain aliens who were in its territory illegally, it was merely stating the obvious.
(g) 立即为所有酷刑和虐待的受害者采取保护性措施,包括迅速提供医疗 服务等;为所有酷刑和虐待的受害者提供补救,包括合理且 够的 赔 偿 及尽可能 全面的康复。
(g) Immediately adopt protective measures for all victims of torture and illtreatment, including expedite access to medical care; and provide all victims of torture and ill-treatment with redress, including fair and adequate compensation and as full rehabilitation as possible.
拉丁美洲及加勒比地区要求,在编制 34 C/5 时应提早寄调查表,使各国有够的 时间 进行本国范围的磋商,并应为多国办事处提供必要资金,用于在地区磋商之前举行各自的分 地区会议,以便在这些国别性磋商的基础上确定优先事项。
For the preparation of document 34 C/5, the Latin America and the Caribbean region requests that the questionnaire be sent well enough in advance to allow for national consultations and that cluster offices be provided with the necessary resources to hold their respective subregional meetings before the regional consultation, in order to establish priorities based on the results of these national consultations.
影响这 一时间表的各种考虑因素包括:索马里当局与设立法庭的东道国之间的谈判;设 立境外法庭需有索马里宪法和立法的依据;海盗案件诉讼需有索马里的刑事和程 序性立法;海军巡逻国、索马里当局和东道国之间有关移送嫌疑人的谈判;索马 里法官、检察官和其他法律专业人士的培训以及可能征聘国际专家;需找到合适 的房地、修建或翻修审判室和拘留设施,并将安保安排落实到位;需确保索马里 有符合国际标准、容量够的监狱
The considerations that would affect this timeline would include: negotiations between the Somali authorities and the host State for the establishment of the court; the need for a Somali constitutional and legislative basis for the extraterritorial court; the need for Somali criminal and procedural legislation for the conduct of piracy prosecutions; negotiations between naval States, the Somali authorities and the host State for the transfer of suspects; the training of Somali judges, prosecutors and other legal professionals, and possible recruitment of international experts; the need to find suitable premises, to construct or refurbish courtrooms and detention facilities, and to put security arrangements in place; and the need to ensure that sufficient prison capacity to international standards is available in Somalia.
大会按照《国际法院规约》为选举法院法官而举行的会议,应 持续进行,直至有够的候选 人经一次或一次以上的投票获得绝对 多数票以补足全部空缺时为止。
Any meeting of the General Assembly held in pursuance of the Statute of the International Court of Justice for the purpose of electing members of the Court shall continue until as many candidates as are required for all the seats to be filled have obtained in one or more ballots an absolute majority of votes.
为实现上述目标,应采取各种行动,如:对现行法律进 行修正,并加入《儿童权利公约》的各项基本原则;对西班牙儿童和未成年人因 未受到够的保护 而面临的风险进行调研,并提出相应的预防措施;推动和加强 未成年人保护和维权机构的管理机制和管理水平。
This objective comprises, for instance, a review of the legislation currently in force with a view to incorporating within it the general principles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, promotion of investigations to prevent risk situations and lack of protection among children and adolescents in Spain and the development and consolidation of management systems of a high standard in the specialist services for the protection of minors.
家庭使用环境下可能会造成无线电干扰,用户 需要采取够的防护措施。
In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may need to perform practical actions.
审查工作将以五个原则为指导:(a) 所 有规划进程都应咨询当地妇女和国家两性平等专家且体现他们的观点;(b) 分析 需求和优先事项时必须认识到冲突对妇女和男子、男孩和女孩产生的影响不同,
还应认识到现存的性别关系可能会影响到重建有效和公平机构的工作;(c) 应根 据竞相争夺资金对两性平等的影响的预设情况,分配资源;(d) 应将与性别相关
[...] 的成果指标和计算成本的活动纳入规划框架;(e) 应该在整个规划过程中提供够的社会 分析和两性平等分析专业知识,以便在规定的时限内有效执行这些步 骤。
Five principles should inform the review: (a) local women and national gender experts should be consulted, and their views reflected, in all planning processes; (b) the analysis of needs and priorities should be based on an appreciation of the differential impact of conflict on women and men and boys and girls, and of the potential for prevailing gender relations to affect efforts to rebuild effective and equitable institutions; (c) resource allocations should be based on projections of the gender implications of competing funding scenarios; (d) gender-related outcome indicators and costed activities should
be included in planning frameworks; and
[...] (e) sufficient expertise in social and [...]
gender analysis should be provided throughout
the planning process to allow these steps to be implemented effectively and within the stipulated time frames.
在直接供应系统中,通过为泵和管路填料,并且供 应够的空气 压力和空气量,泵将随着喷枪 / 阀打 开和关闭而启动和关闭。
In a direct supply system, with the pump and lines primed, and with adequate air pressure and volume supplied, the pump will start and stop as the gun/valve is opened and closed.
秘书处澄清,目前法典程序具有 够的 灵 活 性,这些组织可以获得 观察员资格,然而迄今没有收到这些组织要求成为法典观察员的申请。
The Secretariat clarified that current Codex procedures were flexible enough and allowed these organizations to obtain observer status, however no requests for granting observer status in Codex had been received from any of these organizations so far.
另一方面,一些发展中国 家谨慎地表示,在缺乏国家森林政策、方案、 够的 立 法、机构和信息,甚至缺 乏所有这些要素的情况下,成功执行森林文书的希望十分渺茫。
On the other hand, some developing countries cautioned that, in the absence of national forest policies, programmes, adequate legislation, institutions and information, or the combination of these, there was little hope for successful implementation.
仅有投诉机制是够的;它 们必须是而且必须被看作是独立和公正 的,并应保证有效、及时和迅捷。
The mere existence of complaints mechanisms is not enough; they must be, and must be seen to be, independent and impartial, and should offer guarantees of effectiveness, promptness and expeditiousness.
2009 年 4 月生效的《侨民就业条例》规定了雇主如下职责:对雇员在马尔 代夫停留期间负责;在每个月 7 号之前支付过去一个月所作工作应得薪酬;在雇 员就业期间向他们提供够的食物 和住房;支付合同中商定的所有费用;支付工 作许可证和所有相关费用;以及在工作许可期限结束之前,如果政府提出这种要 求,支付遣返外籍雇员的所有费用。
The Expatriate Employment Regulation that came into force in April 2009 imposes the following duties on the employer: be responsible for the employee during their stay in the Maldives; to pay the salary before the 7th of each month, due for work done during the past month; to provide adequate food and accommodation to the employee for the duration of the employment; to pay all expenses as agreed in the contract; to pay the work permit and all related fees; and to pay for all the costs of repatriating the expatriate employee, in case the Government requests such, prior to the end of the duration of the work permit.
最不发达国家面对的最大挑战是缺乏 够的 有 形 基础设施,包括电、运输、 信息和通信技术(信通技术)和水以及体制能力。
One of the major challenges facing least developed countries is the lack of adequate physical infrastructure, including electricity, transport, information and communications technology (ICT) and water and institutional capacity.
经社会强调,必须 为贸易提供够的资金 ,以促进经济增长,并在此问题上呼吁世界贸易组织 和区域各开发银行提供更多的援助。
The Commission emphasized the need for adequate trade financing for economic growth and, in that regard, called for increased assistance from WTO and regional development banks.
经济状况资格测试估计 有关人士是否有够的能力 支付律师的费用,案情测试评估该案件是否能够得到 资助。
Legal aid is granted subject to a financial eligibility test, which assesses whether the person has sufficient means to pay for a lawyer, and a merits test, which assesses whether the case should be funded.
他希望,今后向委员会提供够的资 源 ,用以完成任择议定书所 规定的任务。
He hoped that, in the future, the Committee would be provided with sufficient resources to comply with its mandate under the optional protocol.
与会者认为,多国办事处一级应拥有 够的 能 力 和人才,给予多国 办事处主任在计划制订和实施及随机应变方面充足的自主权。
It was felt that a critical mass of capacity and competence should exist at the cluster level to give cluster office directors sufficient autonomy in programme planning and implementation and for adapting to changing conditions.
而且,国际组织方面的 默认涉及的时间段可能比通常对国家而言已经 够的 期 间 还要长。
Moreover, acquiescence on the part of an international organization may involve a longer period than the one normally sufficient for States.
塞维鲁为了实践自己的国家,但他首先参观了特里波利斯圣地圣Leontius,圣约翰浸信会在EMEA的头,然后在耶路撒冷的神圣的地方,结果,他已经加入Evagrius谁1 Maïuma和尚在,伟大的苦行有没有 够的 塞 维 鲁,他倾向于Eleutheropolis生活的孤独的沙漠中。
Severus intended to practise in his own country, but he first visited the shrine of St. Leontius of Tripolis, the head of St. John Baptist at Emea, and then the holy places of Jerusalem, with the result that he joined Evagrius who was already a monk at Maïuma, the great austerities there did not suffice for Severus, and he preferred the life of a solitary in the desert of Eleutheropolis.
女人还抱怨说,监狱当局没有向她们提 供够的清洁 用品来保持监舍清洁,尤其是木材燃烧产生大量黑烟和灰尘。
Women also complained that the prison authorities did not provide them with sufficient cleaning products to keep their quarters clean, especially as the wood burners produced large amounts of black smoke and dust.
实现这些 目标的主要方法包括(a) 制定和实施国家城市规划战略,重视改善贫民窟居民获 得够的住房以及基本城市服务和基础设施,包括水、卫生设施、交通、能源、 医疗和教育;(b) 促进获取负担得起的土地以及安居;(c) 创造可持续城市生计 所必需的条件;(d) 促进可持续城市发展和所有利益攸关方的参与,尤其是贫民 窟居民。
The principal means for achieving these targets would be: (a) the formulation and implementation of national urban development strategies that prioritize improved access to adequate housing and basic services and infrastructure for slum-dwellers, including improved water and sanitation, transport, energy, health and education; (b) promotion of access to affordable land with secure tenure; (c) creation of the conditions necessary for sustainable urban livelihoods; and (d) promotion of sustainable urban development and the participation of all stakeholders, in particular slum-dwellers.
我们 还认为,仅将国内生产总值作为国家进步和整体福利状况的指标是 够的 , 并 敦 促国际社会,特别是政治领导人在其国民核算中纳入真正可持续发展指标,包括 生态足迹、可持续经济福利指数、真实进步指标和快乐星球指数等作为实际可持 续发展的重要指标。
We also suggest that GDP is insufficient as a national indicator of progress and general welfare and urge the world community and political leaders, in particular to include indicators of real sustainable development in their national accounting, including the Ecological Footprint, the Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare, the Genuine Progress Indicator and the Happy Planet Index.
意识到各种教学机构所面临的困难,已经制定了一项 学校优惠方案,其目的是向全国所有的学校提供 够的 财 政 资源。
Aware of the difficulties faced by the different teaching establishments, a programme of school concessions was drawn up, with the aim of providing adequate financial resources to all the country’s schools.
行政部门也进行 了业务分析审查,发现目前与私人实体或半官方实体之间签订的所有协 定(租约、每周两次在基加利和阿鲁沙之间运行的Beechcraft飞机、物
[...] 品和文具采购、与安保公司之间的协定,等等)都是根据我们当前的需 要定制而成,有够的灵活性,不再需要时可以终止,需要的话也可延 长。
The Administration has also undertaken a business analysis review, which reveals that all agreements currently entered into with private or parastatal entities (rent agreement, the Beechcraft operating between Kigali and Arusha twice a week, procurement of goods and stationery, agreements with security companies, etc.) have been tailored to suit
our current needs and present sufficient
[...] flexibility to enable termination when [...]
the need no longer arises, or prolongation if necessary.
以不违反经社会议事规则第 31 条为限,大力鼓励打算向经社 会提交决议草案的经社会成员至少在经社会会议召开之前提前 一个月向执行秘书提交,以便经社会成员和准成员有 够的时 间对之进行审议。
Without prejudice to rule 31 of the rules of procedure of the Commission, members of the Commission intending to submit draft resolutions to the Commission are strongly encouraged to submit them to the Executive Secretary at least one month prior to the commencement of the session of the Commission in order to allow sufficient time for review by members and associate members of the Commission.




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